Chapter 78: The Beautiful Country Testing Machine Arrives! Daxia Kingdom instigated?! The drill begins! 【Ask for automatic subscription】!!

“Captain, are we going to Sakura Country for an exhibition match this time?”

“Exhibition match? Wilson, are you deaf? The order from above is that we should go to the sea and air exercises with Sakura Country! ”

“Ahem, Captain, Wilson probably meant that participating in this sea and air exercise is an exhibition game!”

“Hehe, I think so too, what qualifications do they Sakura Country have to practice with us? And our fighter is our latest design, although it is still a little distance from the finished product, but it can still fight all other fighters in the world! ”

“Well, don’t say it, our mission is not just to participate in the exercise! More importantly, we must monitor the every move of the Great Xia Kingdom, especially to see if they have developed a stealth bomber! ”

“Captain, isn’t it, do you also think that the Great Xia Kingdom can make a stealth bomber before our beautiful country?! This must be an excuse made by the group of navies who have little ability, but still need a lot of money every year! If it weren’t for our too little military budget, our 09 fighter would have been completed a few years earlier!! ”

“Well, how many times have I said it, don’t say anything that is not conducive to unity.”

In the sky of the Pacific Ocean, there was a violent noise!

A squad of fighters with the flag of a beautiful country flew low over the sea!

A group of pilots above were chatting and disappeared into this airspace at a very fast speed!

Two hours later, the formation of Meiguo fighters flew into Sakura Country in an extremely striking gesture, and then stopped at the Mirango military base in Sakura.

Yamamoto first complained with a grim face that the soldiers of the beautiful country were not qualified, and they came in directly without saying hello!

Then he took a deep breath, piled up a smile, and called John, saying that he wanted to extend condolences to several pilots of the beautiful country on behalf of the entire Sakura Country!

Subsequently, after obtaining John’s consent, Yamamoto took his subordinates and rushed towards the famous Flower Country Military Base in the beautiful country!

“Remember to see the fighter of the beautiful country when the time comes, and you must carefully write down all the details!”

On the way there, Yamamoto said to a few stenographers he had specially brought with him.

After all, who wants to comfort those beautiful soldiers with a strong smell?!

It’s just to see the latest fighter declared by the beautiful country!!

“Teammate, you said that the head of Sakura Country will come to ask soon?”

Wilson was stunned for a moment when he heard his captain Tony’s words.

“That’s right, when the time comes, be honest, and then it is Tony, the head of the cherry blossoms, nodded and advised.”

“What does the smelly old man see! Not a tender cherry blossom girl! ”

Wilson shook his head.

The other teammates couldn’t help but start laughing out loud!

Tony couldn’t help but be handsome too.

“Lieutenant Colonel Tony, Yamamoto, the head of Sakura Country, has arrived.”

At this moment, John came over with Yamamoto and several people.

Tony several pilots immediately stood straight!

After all, they are just talking hi, and they still dare not say hi when they really face Yamamoto!

“Good, good, really a good fighter!”

Yamamoto looked at Tony and the others, who were one shoulder taller than him, and couldn’t help but marvel.

Then, he said to John,

“Mr. John, I don’t know if this is possible, let’s take a look at a few Gossy’s stickers?”

When John heard Yamamoto’s words, a contemptuous expression suddenly flashed on his face.

This request has been guessed above, but the information given above is for Sakura Country to visit casually!

Because no one in this world can make such a fighter except for beautiful foreign countries!

Even if you tell each other all the details!!

“Of course, no problem, Mr. Yamamoto, please over here.”

John smiled, and walked towards the place where the fighter was parked with Yamamoto and his party!

And Yamamoto almost fell on the fighter when he saw it!

After reacting, he quickly gave a few of his stenographers a look!

However, when several top Sakura National stenographers saw this fighter, they were sweating, and there was no way to write down all these details!!

John who watched this scene couldn’t help but laugh!

Yamamoto was also a little ugly for a while, and his face turned red and said to John: “Colonel John, we saw here today.” Looking forward to the performance of your pilots in three days. Goodbye. ”

After saying that, he left with his own group of people.

And that Junqun stenographer was scolded for being bloody!!

The next day, the Sakura Country once again hyped up the sea and air exercises, and even wantonly invited reporters from many forces to go to the Sakura Country to watch the Wen Liu Cihai-air exercise!!

And once again revealed that the beautiful country will use the latest generation of fighters for the participation in the exercises!

But among so many forces, there is naturally no place for the Great Xia Kingdom!

And there are smart people who think more through this detail!

Could it be that the Beautiful Country and the Sakura Country plan to join forces to suppress the Great Xia Country?

So the eyes of many media returned to the body of the Great Xia Kingdom.

However, the Great Xia Kingdom seemed to know these news at all, and no sound came out!!

So, everyone was a little surprised!!

The last time Hua Luguo, who did not flinch in the face of the two aircraft carrier formations of the beautiful country, this time he actually recognized it?!

Is it afraid of the newly developed Zhan 947 fighter in the beautiful country?!


On the third day, the Sakura Country was still fully publicizing this sea and air exercise, and there was still no movement on the side of the Great Xia Country!!

Even Yamamoto himself thinks that the Great Xia Kingdom may be afraid of the new fighter of the Beautiful Country!!

After all, even if the Great Xia Kingdom has stealth bombers, their fighters are outdated!

A lot of them are retired fighters from the purchased Damao side!

And the protection of stealth bombers without fighters is simply a live bastard for a fighter with good performance!!

If you dare to fly out, you will definitely be shot down if you fly out!!

He didn’t believe that the Great Xia Country, which was so poor now, had the financial resources to squander these things!!

Maybe this time the stupid Congress really gave in on the island!

In that case, their Sakura Country is definitely the party that benefits the most!!

The resources brought by the island itself are a small problem, but if they let the Great Xia Kingdom give in, then their Sakura Country will undoubtedly increase its voice in the world!!!

Maybe you can really take the opportunity to revive the glory of the Great Sakura Country!!

Thinking of this, Yamamoto’s eyes flashed with excitement!

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