Chapter 93 Let you build an aircraft carrier, you want to engage in a nuclear fusion aircraft carrier?! 【Ask for automatic subscription】!!

“System, extraction of controlled nuclear fusion technology!!”

Yu Bei’s bloodshot eyes were full of excitement and said in a deep voice.

“Ding! Host Directed Sweepstakes! Spend 4,000 energy worth it! ”

“Ding! Congratulations to the host for obtaining controlled nuclear fusion technology!! ”

The cold sound of the system is fragrant!!

Then, Yu Bei only felt that his brain was suddenly muddled!!

Countless knowledge poured into the brain at once!!

And in front of me, there is also a thick stack of detailed information about controllable nuclear fusion technology!!

Including various complex high-energy physics formulas, as well as the construction details of the tokamak device!!

“Hahahaha! That’s great!! ”

Yu Bei laughed out loud like a treasure!!

When the soldiers guarding the door outside heard Yu Bei’s laughter, they also panicked in their hearts!!

I thought it was Yu Bei reading books these days, and he was insane in reading!

After all, for so many days, except for eating and drinking, Lazar and North have never walked out of this room, and they even slept with those documents!!

When he was locked up in the team, he was not so exaggerated!!

So he immediately ran over and found Hong Tao!!

Hong Tao hurriedly rushed over, and then looked at 907 with bloodshot eyes Yu Bei holding a stack of papers and laughing, Hong Tao was afraid that something would go wrong with Yu Bei!!

Hurriedly asked,

“What’s wrong!? Yu Gong, are you alright!? ”

Because Yu Bei has promised to help the Navy develop aircraft carriers, Gongtao’s name for Lebi has long been changed to Yu Gong!!

“It’s okay, General Hong Tao, our aircraft carrier has a drama!!”

Yu Bei said with a smile.

“What!? There is a drama!? ”

Hearing Yu Bei’s words, Hong Tao was also surprised!!

How confident is this to say such a thing!?

“Yes, and the aircraft carrier we want to develop is not a conventional aircraft carrier.”

Yu Bei said with a smile.

“Not a conventional aircraft carrier!?”

Hong Tao’s face suddenly changed when he heard this, and then an extremely absurd idea surfaced in his heart!!

Thinking of this possibility, Hong Tao’s whole person couldn’t help but start shaking!

Not a conventional aircraft carrier, is it a nuclear-powered aircraft carrier!?

This is the emperor of aircraft carriers!!

Now there are only a few forces with nuclear-powered aircraft carriers in this world!!

“Yu… Yu Gong, what do you mean by not a conventional aircraft carrier?? Isn’t it possible that we can develop a nuclear-powered aircraft carrier!? ”

Hong Tao couldn’t help but swallow a mouthful of spit, and then stammered.

Yu Bei was stunned for a moment, and then only smiled and shook his head.

“Yes, no. The aircraft carrier we want to develop is indeed a nuclear-powered aircraft carrier, but it is not an ordinary nuclear-powered aircraft carrier. ”

Not an ordinary nuclear-powered aircraft carrier!?

Yu Bei’s words made Hong Tao, who had worked in the Naval Equipment Research Institute for more than twenty years, stunned!!

What is it called not an ordinary nuclear-powered aircraft carrier!?

Isn’t a nuclear-powered aircraft carrier a nuclear-powered aircraft carrier!?

Hong Tao actually doubted his knowledge reserve for a while!!

Why can’t you keep up with Yu Bei’s thinking!?

“Hehe, the reason why we want to develop a nuclear-powered aircraft carrier is not an ordinary nuclear-powered aircraft carrier is because the first nuclear-powered aircraft carriers I know at present are aircraft carriers powered by nuclear fission reactions.”

Yu Bei saw that Hong Tao did not understand what he said, and then smiled, his eyes flashed, and explained,

“And the nuclear-powered aircraft carrier we want to develop is an aircraft carrier powered by nuclear fusion reaction!!”

“What!? Nuclear fusion reaction as power!? ”

If Hong Tao heard what Yu Bei said before, he was only shocked and confused, hearing the three words of nuclear fusion, his whole person couldn’t help but have goosebumps!!!

You must know that the energy produced by nuclear fusion is hundreds or thousands of times greater than nuclear fission!!

This is also why hydrogen bombs are more powerful than atomic bombs!!

But there is a very serious question involved!

That is, nuclear fusion is uncontrollable!

This kind of huge energy, human beings simply have no way to master it with ease!

If you are not careful, you will bring happiness to the whole world!!

Therefore, hearing Yu Bei say nuclear fusion here really scared Hong Tao!!

“Yu Gong, but this nuclear fusion can’t be controlled!!”

Hong Tao took a deep breath and said with wide eyes.

“That’s right, if it was before, this nuclear fusion is indeed uncontrollable, but I just figured out a little, can dog more controllable nuclear fusion!”

Yu Bei said with a smile, and then took out a thick stack of things in his hand.

“This is something I brought with me, and it’s now conceived.”

Yu Bei panicked and handed the document to Hong Tao to see.

Hong Tao glanced at it, and then he felt dizzy, and he couldn’t understand the various formulas and principles in it!!

“The stakes are important, Yu Gong, I need to report it!!”

After Hong Tao took a deep breath, he gave up the idea of continuing to read the document and said to Yu Bei.

“Okay, there you go.”

For Hong Tao’s reaction, Shibei can also be more awake.

Then, Hong Tao left in a hurry!

He wants to tell Xu Guo about this immediately!

If Yubei can really achieve controlled nuclear fusion!

It’s not just about nuclear-powered aircraft carriers!

It is also the energy energy of the entire summer!!

On the other side, the headquarters of the Navy.

Xu Guo walked around his office with his brows furrowed, this has passed since the days Hong Tao said, and he has not received news from Yubei for so long, he is indeed a little worried!

“Could it be that Lao Chen knows about it, and we will contact Yu Bei again!?”

Xu Guo subconsciously thought of this, and then shook his head,

“No, even if Lao Cheng knew, it would be impossible to stop us! After all, it is doing things for the entire Great Xia Kingdom!! ”

Then, after thinking about it, I didn’t understand that Xu Guo could only sigh heavily and sit in his place.

“Bell bell!!”

At this time, the red phone on Xu Guo’s desk rang!!

Xu Guo quickly stood up and directly crouched on the table to answer the phone.

“Hey!? Hong Tao?! How did you kid!? Is there something wrong over there? I’m telling you, if things go wrong…”

However, before Xu Guo finished speaking, he was interrupted by Hong Tao, and then, Xu Guo’s eyes were about to kick out!!!

After a long delay, he exclaimed,

“You… What do you say!?! Yubei wants to engage in nuclear fusion aircraft carriers!? ”

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