Chapter 99 Shrinking the Tokamak Device!? This is crazy, right?! 【Ask for automatic subscription】!!

Hearing Gao’s words, everyone was a little tearful.

Subsequently, the academician of the School of Medicine of the Dragon Academy arrived, checked the physical condition of the height, and told everyone that they were overworked and that it was good to rest for a while.

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

After that, they sent the height back to the Dragon Academy for cultivation.

The next day, Yu Bei and Hu Weinan took the fruit basket to the highly recuperative room.

He was surrounded by people from their Institute of High Energy Physics taking care of him.

“Yu Gong! Dean Hu! ”

When the man saw Yu Bei coming, Ying Ma saluted Yu Bei!

Yu Bei and Hu Weinan both nodded.

And after seeing Yu Bei, he was a little embarrassed, but fortunately his face was already red, otherwise he could really see it at a glance!!

“Ahem, Yu Bei, you’re here.” Alas, yesterday was so exciting for you to see the joke. ”

Gao said with some embarrassment, when he thought that he actually fainted with excitement yesterday, he felt that his old face did not know where to go!!

Yu Bei smiled and said, “Elder Gao, it’s okay, you feel much better now, right?” ”

“Much better, just let me go to the high research page now!”

Gao patted his chest and said.

“Dean, the doctor said that you have to rest for at least a week.”

On the other side, the person in charge of taking care of the height said.

But he was glared at unhappily by Gao.

Looking at the height like this, Hu Weinan and Yu Bei both looked at each other funny.

Hu Weinan persuaded: “Okay, Elder Gao, you can rest well, I will temporarily let others be responsible for the affairs in your courtyard.” You are the mainstay of our Institute of High Energy Physics, and this body must be held up! ”

Gao Gao was stunned for a moment when he heard Hu Weinan’s words, and then shook his head and said: “With Yu Bei here, how dare I be called the mainstay of high-energy physics?” Dean Hu, don’t bother me. ”

Hu Weinan laughed dumbly.

Yu Bei hurriedly humbled up.

Claim that you are just lucky, and everything can only succeed with the help of these older generations!

Gao shook his head, and then asked: “Yu Bei, what do you think our superconducting tokamak device is used in?” ”

Hu Weinan also looked to the north.

Since the tokamak device has been made, how to make good use of the energy of this nuclear fusion is also a very important problem!!

Yu Bei pondered for a while and said, “I think now we have the experience of successfully building tokamak devices. Then we can build a little more, and strive to allow all major areas of our Great Xia Country to use the energy brought by nuclear fusion. ”

“The field involved in this is not only industry, agriculture, but also all kinds of household electricity consumption in our ordinary households.”

“Our development should be the development of the country and the people, and the original intention of our gate is to let everyone enjoy more benefits of our development!”

Yu Bei’s words were sonorous.

Whether it was Gao Gao and Hu Weinan hearing this, they were all shocked!!

“Well, well said! It’s just a big plan! I’m afraid it will take a long time! ”

He nodded approvingly, and then said.

“Maybe it won’t take too long, it will be possible in about half a year…”

Yu Bei smiled, and then told his arrangement.

And Hu Weinan and Gao Gao were originally a little shocked when they heard Yu Bei’s words, but after listening carefully to Yu Bei’s arrangement, both of them couldn’t help but gasp!!

This plan is absolutely feasible!!

As long as they do what Yu Bei said, then they can really let the people of the entire Great Xia Country use the energy generated by nuclear fusion within half a year!!!

This is Pratt & Whitney engineering!!

“Good! Yu Bei, just do as you say! I’ll write a proposal later, it should be passed soon!! ”

Hu Weinan said.

Yu Bei smiled and nodded.

Later, the three of them discussed the operation of the tokamak device for a while, and Gao also asked if there was anything else to do behind Yu Bei.

Yu Bei hesitated for a moment, but still said no.

“Humph! Yu Bei, this kid must not have told me the truth! ”

After Yu Bei and the two left, Gao Gao couldn’t help but complain.

With his age and qualifications, he can naturally see at a glance that Yu Bei is lying!!

Yu Bei must have follow-up thoughts for this tokamak device!

“Xiao Lin, you let the doctor get me some supplements! I want to come out early, don’t have a new project in the north by then, but I’m lying in bed, that really wants to make me unbearable to death!! ”

Gao instructed the person in charge of taking care of himself and said.

On the other side, not far from the height, Hu Weinan looked at Yu Bei with a strange face.

The height can be seen that the north is lying, and Wei Nan can naturally see more with that month.

“Yu Bei, are you hiding something from me??”

Hu Weinan asked.

Yu Bei was stunned for a moment, then smiled and said: “Dean Hu, this is not hiding from you, the main thing is that I don’t want Elder Gao to know, otherwise he is not in good health now, and he will be too tired to insist on working!” ”

“Hehe, do you think Gao Lao, see it back?”

Hu Weinan shook his head helplessly and said,

“Is there anyone else now? What the hell is going on? Tell me about it. ”

“Is there some follow-up work that needs to be done for our tokamak device??”

Yu Bei denied: “President Hu, in fact, the relationship between the two is not very large, what I want to do above is to narrow the tokamak device to… About the size of a room. ”

In the end, Yu Bei hesitated for a moment, but finally said it.

After all, this is an indispensable step to finally make a nuclear fusion aircraft carrier!

“What?! Shrink the tokamak device to the size of a room!? How big is the room?! ”

“It’s about twenty square meters.”

Yu Bei said.


Hearing Yu Bei’s words, Hu Weinan suddenly stopped, and looked at Yu Bei in an incredible way!!

Shrink the tokamak device, which is several stories high and the size of half a football field, to the size of a 20-square-meter room!!

Is this possible?!

Hu Weinan only felt a layer of goosebumps all over his body!!

If Yu Bei really wanted to start this project, the difficulty of using that project would not be small at all!!

One is R&D, the other is the ultimate development!!

If it can really be realized as Yu Bei said, then this tokamak device can be carried!!

The changes brought about by this are not limited to size!!

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