Chapter 171: Investigation of the Beautiful Country! Xu Qin has been arrested! 【Booked! 】!!

After Tom gave the order, the intelligence system of the beautiful country quickly became operational!!

However, no matter how they searched, the information about the north was still only half a star!

That is, it is a graduate of a military academy in the Great Xia Country!!

But how can a graduate of a military academy be able to participate in the World Tactical Competition so easily?!

Or as an assistant to the manager!!?

The more you investigate, the more mysteries the beautiful country discovers on Yu Bei!!

Although I don’t know if Yubei will have something to do with the rise of Daxia, the beautiful country believes that they have found at least one direction!

Follow Yu Beicha, maybe you will gain something!!

Subsequently, the intelligence system that the beautiful country put into development in Daxia gave an extremely interesting news!!

That is, Yu Bei once studied in a high school.

And his former girlfriend is in the territory of the beautiful country at this time!!

This news suddenly made Tom’s eyes light up!!

Then he quickly ordered, and immediately began to investigate Xu Qin!

So, a team of FB.I, dressed in plain clothes, set off towards Xu Qin’s location.

“Well, I know mom, I understand that you also have to pay attention to your body, by the way, if there is any situation in the coffee shop, you must tell me in time, and I will use money for you if I do this.”

At this moment, Xu Qin did not know that the intelligence department of the beautiful country was looking at her side, and she was talking to her mother while biting an apple.

After learning about the current situation of the coffee shop, Xu Qin hung up the phone with two intentions.

Then get ready for bed.

“Knock knock!!”

However, at this moment, Xu Qin’s door was suddenly knocked!

As soon as Xu Qin heard this knock, his whole person suddenly became nervous!!

She has not made any friends in the beautiful country for so long, and she only paid the rent a few days ago, so no one will knock on her door at this time!!

Although I am not an authentic beautiful countryman, I have been studying in the beautiful country for so long, and I also understand that the security here is simply incomparable!!

She has even seen black gangs shooting in the streets!!

So Xu Qin picked up the phone, ready to call the police at any time, walked to the door, took a deep breath and asked, “Who?” ”

“Miss Xu, we have received some news to check your visa,” the FBI captain said calmly.”

Xu Qin was stunned for a moment, and then asked the FBI outside the door to show his ID.

And when he saw the other party’s documents, Xu Qin breathed a sigh of relief.

Then, he said, “Hello, may I ask you… Yes!! ”

However, before Xu Qin could finish speaking! A few FBIs directly held her up!!

“We now suspect that you are involved in espionage, Miss Xu, please go back and cooperate with our investigation!”

The leader said.

Then, he brought Xu Qin, who looked terrified, to the FBI’s interrogation room!

Only when he was handcuffed and sat down did Xu Qin react and hurriedly said, “What are you doing?!” I didn’t do anything illegal or criminal, what did I arrest!? ”

The interrogator ignored Xu Qin’s accusation, and then after briefly reading the information, he stared at Xu Qin and asked,

“You know Yu Bei? Is he your former boyfriend? ”

After Xu Qin learned that the other party was FBI, his whole face became extremely ugly, but after hearing that the other party was actually asking this question, he was immediately blindsided!

When do you fall in love, how much can you alarm the beautiful country?!

No, they definitely didn’t come for me!!

However, the previous thought had just flashed through Xu Qin’s mind, but Xu Qin immediately denied the idea!!

She also understands that she is worthless! I can make the FBI of the beautiful country directly dispatched!!

So, with the current situation, and the FBI problem just now!!

Xu Qin reacted, and his pupils immediately shrank!!

Could it be that the problem lies with the north?!

As soon as he thought of this possibility, Xu Qin’s eyes lit up all of a sudden!!

No matter what Yu Bei is doing, it is also very remarkable to be able to let the beautiful country send people to investigate!!

It seems that his family’s judgment and trust in Yu Bei were not accurate enough!!

“Ask you! Do you know Yu Bei!? ”

And the interrogator on the side saw that Xu Qin was actually distracted, and suddenly he was a little annoyed, slamming the table and shouting!!!

Only then did Xu Qing react, and then nodded: “Are you returning to this king?” ”

After seeing Xu Qin admit it, the interrogator was also relieved, and then nodded and explained,

“This is mainly for our convenience and faster understanding of Yu Bei, and we now suspect that he is engaged in activities for the entire human society!!”


When Xu Qin heard the interrogator’s words, he couldn’t help but be stunned!

She didn’t expect that the beautiful country would care so much about Yu Bei!!

And she also knows something about the people of the beautiful country, I’m afraid this problem is not small!!

Yu Bei, what exactly are you doing?!

Xu Qin couldn’t help but think in his heart!

I also understood that before, both she and her mother had a huge misjudgment about Bei!!!

“We used to be in a relationship. But that was a long time ago, and now I don’t have any contact!! ”

Coming to his senses, Xu Qin hurriedly said.

“We know this, but we want to know if we found anything during your relationship with Yu Bei? What kind of person is this one called Yu Bei? ”

The interrogator said.

Xu Qin was stunned for a moment and frowned, indicating that he couldn’t remember clearly.

However, in the face of Xu Qin’s statement, the interrogator obviously did not believe it!!

After asking again, Xu Qin still said that he didn’t know.

Seeing this, the interrogator got up directly and left here.

And Xu Qin was still handcuffed and sitting in his seat!

Obviously, in the face of Xu Qin’s refusal to answer, the interrogator also used other force methods!!

I plan to cool Xuqin directly for a day!!

A day later, the previous interrogator called Xu Qin to the front again.

And at this time, Xu Qin’s eyes were already bloodshot! Rule!

She was almost sleepless last night!!

Every moment, I think about Yu Bei!!

“Miss Xu, do you remember anything now??”

The interrogator asked again.

Xu Qin gritted his teeth and shouted with his eyes shut, “No!” Why are you doing this?! You guys are breaking the law, you know!? You guys are wrongfully imprisoned!! ”

As he spoke, tears also flowed from the corners of his eyes!!

This is the first time she feels that there are places in the beautiful country that cannot be illuminated!!

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