
***HR. United Nations***

The United Nations building contained with in New York had been hit several times by Zeta teams, but also by several up and coming villains looking to take the place as a sort of palace. Thankfully such people had been driven out, while a few were killed and/or arrested. The assorted embassies in New York had been brutalized by attacks. While a few survived the onslaught. Now sitting in a council chamber were the few remaining delegates.

Atlantis, Themyscira, America, United Kingdom, France, Japan, Amsterdam, Korea. (Currently unified, given North Korea's leaders were killed by Zeta teams) Along with a few more smaller nations that had not been directly attacked by any Zeta teams. But also survived the crucible between nations. However, a majority of the councilors were not in the room personally but were attending via borrowed satellite comes from the JLI.

While the rest of the leaders across the globe had been killed, and/or had failed to send a representative. They were still picking up the pieces. They had been talking for several hours trying to work together to help one another. No, that was a lie. They were arguing about who should be helped first and why. Many people were upset that Wraith hadn't given their country a Solar Plant while other countries received one.

But when the report came in that a Rift had opened right in the middle of New York, and with in a few short hours Wraith showed up to seal the Rift from the inside the negative attention he had was sputtered out by a lot. But the issues were still there. The world was in shambles! The infrastructure was in ruins. The powers that use to be in charge took a huge hit. Now they were receiving aid from Atlantis, Themyscira, and the JLI which in many cases had become its own power.

“Atlantis will of course continue to provide material aid to all of the coastal cities. But as you can imagine we don't have any means of flying inland.” The Atlantis councilor replied to the nations.

The man had been selected carefully for his looks. He was 5'10” with light blue skin, webbing between his hands, and feet. With gills along his neck, and knife tipped ears. He wore a combination of ceremonial ocean silks, and green fish scale armor. He was a primal ocean-kin selected specifically by Arthur. He was named, Kitlivox Tojort. Despite his animal like appearance he was very good at his job and knew how to navigate the political land mines. He also knew when to throw that out the window and tear someone a new hole!

“Themyscira doesn't mind helping with security. However, we've noticed your nations have a hard time taking orders from women. Until your soldiers take the sticks out of their asses our Amazons will not stop teaching them a lesson in warrior honor.” A familiar woman said to the room, this was Althea. The Amazon woman that Lash had met so many months ago in Gotham.

Althea was a warrior and/or a diplomat. Some would say they were one in the same. She was 5'11” with a rectangular figure, golden tanned skin, brown hair to her shoulders but currently tied back, along with brown eyes. She also had several tiny facial scars around her eyes, mouth, and along her neck. It didn't distract from her beauty, but added more of a mystique to her. Just like Kitlivox she wore a combination of ceremonial silks, with leather, and metal armor. Especially the magical enchanted bracers, along with a short sword at her side. Several of the delegates coughed and mumbled a few apologies. While a few other nations snickered.

“Do we have any word on this new Certified Supers Association?” The delegate from the United Kingdom asked.

“Is that really relevant right now?” Another delegate asked, they were on a video screen looking through several monitors on their end.

“Yes, we do. Ghost Industries is footing the bill. They are also opening what we can only describe as a Supers Insurance subsidiary. The issue we have right now is facilities.” The Japanese delegate informed the room. The information caught a few of the delegates off guard.

“So, the UN is supporting the creation, and formation of the CSA then?” The Korean delegate asked, a look of conflict on their faces.

“Registration, and training. After that if you want to gobble them up for government security that is perfectly fine. We just want to ensure they know enough to control their abilities with out hurting themselves, and others. While also educating them all on the opportunities they have. Instead of force labor, and conscripted military service where their families are being held hostage.” The United Kingdom said with a glare towards several delegates who grumbled.

“We have to hammer in the fact that Supers are just like everyone else when it comes to rights, and laws. We all follow the same laws, so should they. But that is a slippery slope since so many people were hurt by the Supers. But, on the other hand plenty of people were helped by them as well.” The Delegate from Amsterdam said to the room. Many of them nodded in agreement while others disagreed.

“Remember, they didn't ask to be this way. It would be completely different if they went through a process voluntarily.” Kitlivox said to the room. “We also need to discuss what do with super power animals we have discovered. Some of them have sapient intelligence. I believe we should decide on them on a case by case basis.” He continued while a few of the delegates balked at that idea.

“Your telling us we should allow a Meta-Bear who can understand us the same basic rights as any citizen!?” The American delegate asked in shock.

“Not a fan of smokey the bear?” The United Kingdom delegate asked with a laugh.

“I think that is a good idea. There is a very large, and very animated fox in our country that helped during the invasion. We have already granted it citizen rights.” The Japan delegate replied to the room.

“As I said, case by case basis. Now, about Fort Rozz.” Kitlivox began and was swallowed by angry shouts and dismissals.

“We can't ignore it! The JLI are doing their best to collect the criminals and sending them back to their respective homes. However, several of them have paid their dues and have asked to stay on Earth.” Althea shouted over everyone, and such a remark was met by more shouting.

“Send them back where they came from! They have no right to stay on our planet!” The American delegate shouted.

“That is not up to you!” The Amsterdam delegate shouted at them.

The shouting continued for nearly an hour until a uniformed chime went off to notify everyone they had reached the end of their allowed time to use the JLI satellite. It was a good a time as any to end their meeting. Several people complained about the time limit, but a few saw the wisdom in ending here and now before they screamed at everyone for another eight hours. One by one the delegates from across the globe via video screen logged off. While only a few remained in person at the chambers.

“Is it always this bad?” Althea asked Kitlivox who looked at her with pity.

“Yes, I wish I could say Atlantis has evolved past such petty issues. But its just as bad there as it is here. We can't please everyone, so we don't try. However, we often forget people and they fall through the cracks.” Kitlivox said as he came over to her and took a seat.

“How do you think they will take it when they introduce the supernatural world in a few years?” Althea asked, turning to look at him.

“Honestly, I don't think the supernatural world should ever come out into the public. As weird as it may sound, it is safer if they don't.” Kitlivox replied, and Althea frowned at him. “When I said supernatural world I mean the people that don't look like them. Yes, Themyscira is technically part of the world. But you know how weird humans can get about things that look slightly different from them.” He finished, and gestured to his blue skin, and gills. He had received a lot of flak from the surface public based purely on his looks.

“The world of men is despicable!” Althea said with frustration, and threw her hands up. Then glared at Kitlivox when he snorted at her comment.

“Please! Women are just as capable of being despicable, blood thirsty, and violent as men.” Kitlivox said with a roll of his eyes. Althea glowered at him, and he started to list off the many, blood thirsty things the Amazons had done in their history.

“Besides! Isn't Wraith a man?” Kitlivox asked, and Althea became deflated. Pointing out that Lash had become an honored brother to the Amazons.

“There are always exception to the rules.” Althea said, and Kitlivox sneered at her.

They continued to bicker back and forth about histories little, exceptions. But in the end neither of them gained any real ground over each other. In an odd way they actually seem to just enjoy arguing. They continued their discussion all the way to their bodyguards location and then tried and failed to, 'last word each other.' Finally their bodyguards dragged them off in separate directions.


***Rift, Story/Crossover. New York***

Saurian wrapped himself in shadow, and darkness and swapped out with Lash. Lash changed into his default Asgardian form, and armor. Then joined the Avenger team inside of Stark Tower. They had found Loki crawling his way out of Stark's common room area from the beating that Hulk had given him. Always the one ready to through a few words at someone Loki smiled at them all including his brother Thor.

“If it all the same to you, I'll have that drink now.” Loki said with a smirk.

“Alright! Get him up, we can pose up a storm later!” Tony said with a reasonable about of sarcasm dripping from his voice.

Thor walked over and lifted Loki to his feet and put him into Asgardian manacles. Everyone dispersed around the room. Black Widow picked up the scepter and looked around the room. She smiled a bit and walked over to Lash and held out the scepter to him. Lash took it carefully looking it over. He ran his Transmuter title through it and learned its chemical composition. A collection of metals he had no idea what they could be used for.

“Any ideas?” Widow asked Lash who nodded several times.

“As long as one has a strong enough will they can dominate another by gently pressing the blade into another individuals chest. However, if they do not have the right mind sent the scepter will consume them instead. Handle with care.” Lash said, as he ran his fingers along the scepter. More specifically he tried to touch the stone but he felt his fingers collide with what could only be described as an invisible barrier. Odd.

Lash handed the scepter back to Widow who took it back carefully. Lash walked over to Loki, who stepped back a bit and looked at him with an unreadable expression. Then with out much warning Lash leaned in and hugged Loki. The god of mischief stiffened. Lash didn't say anything and just squeezed him gently for a few seconds then let go. He cradled Loki's face in his hands and mouthed the words, 'I'm sorry.' Loki's eyes twitched but did little else.

There was some awkward tension in the air that was cleared as the elevator door opened. A SHIELD strike team walked in being escorted by Agent Jasper Sitwell. A human male that stood at about 5'9” with a bald head. (Baldies Unite!) With calculating brown eyes, and sturdy if not slim build. He wore a gray buttoned up suit with a pin stripped neck tie. He walked over to Widow and was given the scepter. Lash tried to contain his growl, but a bit of leaked out. Only Loki noticed him and he looked at Sitwell in curiosity. Sherogoth's Blessing was telling Lash that Sitwell was dripping with sin. He was a soul bound for hell. The entire SHIELD strike team was Hydra.

Lash tried to take a physical step towards Sitwell but something compelled him to stop moving. He had felt this before. This was the 4th wall engine preventing him from doing something. However it was the first time to see it stop him from moving. The 4th wall engine always stopped him from talking about certain things. Like telling the Dreamers that they lived in a video game, or their universe was based on a comic book. The 4th wall engine prevented him, and others from talking about it. But it never stopped him from moving. He realized that he had felt the same effect when he tried to touch the mind stone housed inside the scepter.

Agent Sitwell, and the strike team left the room with out issue. It was only when the elevator door closed that Lash could move again. It was also when the room seem to realize he was glaring at the elevator. Loki was looking at him with an look of shock! He had seen Lash frozen in place but before he could speak Thor had slapped a mouth piece over Loki's mouth to prevent from speaking.

“Where is the Tesseract?” Lash asked, and Tony came down stairs followed by Rhodey still in his War Machine armor.

“Here! Want to wave your hands over it and chant a spell?” Tony asked, looking over at Lash with a bit of a smirk. But also a look of genuine interest. The Tesseract was contained in a briefcase that could run its energy through a loop.

Lash walked over to the stone and ran his hands along the cube. Unlike the scepter Lash could feel the stone hum with power. The entire cube glowed brilliantly under the attention of Lash. He was also pleasantly surprised when he received a notification about his spell ability.

Attention User! Basic Portal Creation has evolved into Intermediate Portal Creation.

Effect: Increased range of spell effect.

Effect: Spell/Power has a 12 hour cool down.

Effect: Spell/Power consumes 30% of the total power reserve.

Side-Effect: The penalty of Portal Creation has been removed by the power of the Tesseract.

“Most fascinating.” Lash said as he finished running his fingers along the cube.

“Do you want a moment alone with the cube?” Stark asked, with a smirk. Lash turned to look at him.

“No, though we'll need time to create the proper housing unit for its power. I'll have one made in less than an hour. Then Thor, and Loki can return to Asgard.” Lash replied to him, and walked over to a table and started to craft the device in question.

“Well talk about Sailor Moon power up! You're just pulling from the air!?” Tony looked on in shock as he watched Lash create the device.

“Will you not be coming with us, Lash?” Thor asked as he yanked Loki forward.

“The device only has place for two. You'll have to return to Asgard with out me. Once the Bifrost is rebuilt I'll come back and help stabilize the nine realms.” Lash replied to Thor, and went back to concentrating on the device.

Though Lash could supposedly ask the Sorcerer Supreme to empower his ritual circle again and send him home. But Lash had work to do here. For one he was currently sending his Virtual Intelligence tech-spirits through SHIELD's mainframe. His tech-spirits could use Insight at an increased energy consumption through him. They were currently making an advanced list of Hydra. Along with SHIELD base locations, secrets, supplies, etc.

Captain America excused himself shortly after their discussion had come to assist SHIELD and the local first response teams to help with search and rescue. Lash said he would come help once he finished with the housing unit. However, before everyone left Lash cast Sooth, Nature's Supplement, Nature's Kiss, and Immaculate on everyone. Renewed, with a clean fresh feeling. Everyone was grateful, especially Widow. Apparently the spell clean, and conditioned her hair.

Lash was pretty sure Widow was just being the natural flirt that Erik said she would be. Always testing, always checking for information. It was a natural skill she had learned, and couldn't turn off. Hulk changed into Banner after a bit and put on some clothes that Lash made for him. Stark asked about his ability to pull material from thin air and Lash tried his best to inform him of how. The Quality Enhancement had eventually dissolved from every ones gear at the specific time made by Lash. Including but not limited to Haweye's bow, the man had tears in his eyes as he saw his bow go back to normal.

Lash finished the container and engraved with Asgardian spell inscriptions. It would break the dimensional walls and send its occupants to Asgard. Lash went outside the reinforced concrete circle balcony that Stark had made, and regretted now. Lash held up the device and turned it around. It made him look a little silly but Heimdall was looking it over. Lash made a few corrections to the container and Heimdall gave him stamp of approval.

Thor had been using the time to speak to Jane Foster over their communication talismans. She was upset that he had to leave so soon. But was more amiable with the ability to speak to him across vast distances. He promised he would do his best to return once all the 9 realms were secure once more. Then Thor, and Loki came out to the landing. Under the watchful gaze of everyone present Thor, and Loki teleported across universes, and dimensions to Asgard the realm eternal. Leaving behind Lash Jormungandson....


Lash blinked and turned around to help with the rescue efforts however he found himself standing in a familiar black room. With Dawn in her starlight form standing in the room with him. The transition was a little disorienting but Lash found his footing quickly. He looked around and saw Earth below. More specifically MCU Earth below. Lash looked back at Dawn then before he could ask.

“Yes, the 4th wall engine prevented you from doing certain things. That is because there are some events, and points in the story that have to happen regardless of the User involvement. Now, that is not to say that the User can't completely blow the story off its hinges. Believe me User, the Dream Engine Developers have seem weird events take place.” Dawn said with a bit of contrite look on her face.

“So, whats next then?” Lash asked as he walked over to stand next to Dawn who smiled up at him. She brought up a world point tool.

“When you first arrived you were given the chance of a background with WP purchases. Now, you are jumping through the story. You will be given 100 WP, however instead of setting up a back ground you can use these points to depict what 'you' did between events.” Dawn said as she spun on her heel and danced a bit around the room. Letting her white celestial robe spin about with her. Lash watched her with a smile on his face. Then he looked at the tool tip.

“Are these choices open to every User who does the events? Or are they catered to the User themselves?” Lash asked, as he noticed a few had been designed for son of Jormungand.

“Bit of both, User. However I must remind you that depending on what you spend your WP on will depend on the next event you take part in.” Dawn said, as she spun around the room. Watching Lash, watch her put a smile on her face. Lash enjoyed the distraction for a short while before he looked back at the options available.

Public Relations, 20 WP: Asgardian Lash, Jormungandson spent several weeks helping to rebuild, and renew the city of New York. He visited hospitals and helped the injured, as well as the sick. What should have taken months of work was done in a few short weeks.

You have purchased Public Relations for 20 WP.

SHIELD Relations, 20 WP: Asgardian Lash, Jormungandson spent time with SHIELD working specifically on humanitarian missions. As well as visiting the different academies. Though he never gave technology away, he did teach, and guide many students towards the answers they were looking for.

You have purchased SHIELD Relations for 20 WP.

Return to Asgard, 20 WP: Asgardian Lash, Jormungandson spent far longer on Midgard then intended he did return to Asgard to help with securing Vanaheim. With his Asgardian Domain unlocked he played a greater role in the reclamation of the planet.

You have purchased Return to Asgard for 20 WP.

Helped Thor, 20 WP: Asgardian Lash, Jomungandson helped convince Odin to allow Thor to visit the 9 realms periodically. Including but not limited to Midguard. This allowed the people to get to know the future king. While also allowing Thor to see Jane Foster, and help the Avengers on odd missions.

You have purchased Helped Thor for 20 WP.

Improve Asgard, 20 WP: The User has convinced Odin All Father for the need for an update to Asgard's infrastructure. Asgardian ships capable of FTL and/or jump points were being built, along with orbital defensive around the 9 realms under their protection.

You have purchased Improve Asgard for 20 WP.


Asgardian Lash Jormungandson spent several weeks attending to the needs of the city known as New York. He rebuilt, repaired, and renewed the city, and its people. While restoring New York he visited the Sorcerer Supreme and spoke on many subjects. As well as the communication between the Masters of Kamar-Taj, and Asgard.

Lash offered to spend some time with SHIELD keeping a promise to Lady Hill, and Lord Fury. He visited the different SHIELD academies and taught them a few things. Though he never went over board he only ever nudged them in the right direction. Playing the role of guide, or a teacher. However this small measure of guidance helped them understand far more concepts that the Midgardians never thought about.

Soon the Bifrost was restored, and he was called on to return to Asgard and help secure Vanaheim. Several long months of combat helped him build a positive reputation with the people, and the Einherjar. Though a few still looked at him with mistrust. Overall his reputation turned into a positive light. Especially when he was seen healing the injured, and even pulling the recently dead back from Hel. While those who died in glory were sent to Valhalla.

In an effort to help his forlorn friend Lash presented a two part plan to Odin, and Frigga. Allow Thor to periodically visit each of the 9 realms. Let him hear their thoughts, concerns, as well as get to know them. This will help the future king know his people. But it will also allow him time to visit Midgard. (Part one) While they also reinforce the defenses of the 9 realms. If the realms are in less danger it is better overall for everyone. (Part two) He proved this point by sneaking into Asgard with out Heimdall noticing. The gap in the defenses was quickly fixed.

Thor ended up with more work to do. But ultimately thanked Lash for the ability to visit Jane every few months for about a week. But it also did its intended job. Thor got to know the 9 realms, and its people. A weight was settled on the man's shoulder. The kind of weight every king experiences, where Thor's actions had repercussions that he hadn't thought about. The change was welcome in Odin's eyes, and so he allowed Thor to continue seeing Jane.

Recently Lash has been helping the different people of the 9 realms set up orbital defensive platforms. Along with defenses on the planets themselves. Because of his unique abilities he is suited for the task, and often travels with Thor. They have grown to become good friends, and allies in battle. But every time Lash returns to Asgard he makes sure to visit Loki in prison to see his old friend. Though Loki never speaks to Lash when he visits. Lash believes the god of mischief does appreciate his visits.


“Hnnnnnnnggggggggggg!” Lash grunted, and growled in annoyance as Thor laughed at him! A huge grin on the thunder god's face. Why was he laughing? Because Lash was currently trying to pick up Thor's hammer.

Lash, and Thor were currently at Asgard inside a tavern celebrating their recent return to the realm eternal. With them were the warriors three, and Lady Sif! Along with a host of Einherjar, and the taverns regular patrons. A majority of the people were drunk, and cheering loudly as they watched Lash try to lift the hammer off the table. But no matter how hard he tried Lash couldn't move the damn hammer! At last he let go and sighed in regret, the whole tavern cheered and the large, and overly friendly Volstagg came to his side and clapped him on the back. At least Lash learned how to transmute uru metal.

“Not to worry Lash! Aside from the All Father, and Thor himself no one has ever been able to lift the hammer! It doesn't make you any less of a warrior, I assure you! But come have a drink with me!” Volstagg said, grinning from ear to ear.

“But you already have two drinks with you.” Lash pointed at the issue, and Volstagg scoffed! He guzzled both cups down and tossed them aside with a loud.

“ANOTHER!” Volstagg shouted loudly and the whole room cheered!

Volstagg was part of the group known as the warriors three. They were well known allies, and friends of Thor since he was young. They had dozens of stories written, and preformed by the Skalds of Asgard. Even Odin himself had called on them from time to time for important tasks of Asgard. Volstagg was a giant man with a big bushy red beard, and red hair that went down to the middle of his back. His beard, and hair were groomed, and braided with care. He wore a hard leather garment, and used a battle axe as his primary weapon. He had sparkling blue eyes, and was always seen with either a drink in hand, or food!

Sitting silently in the back corner of the tavern was Hogun the grim. He had cold gray metal eyes, long black hair tied back, and wore an assortment of animal hide, and leather. He used a spiked mace capable of turning into a morning star at the flip of a switch. He preferred quiet parties to such rough housing but would always come at his friends insistence. If only to ensure they didn't get into to much trouble. He always had his eyes moving, always looking over the crowd like a hawk.

Then in the middle of several beautiful ladies was the legendary scoundrel Fandral the Dashing! Blond hair that reached his eyes, brushed to the side. Dazzling blue eyes, a groomed mustache, and goatee. He wore tight leather, and cloth material over his body. While he had a rapier in a sheath at his side. He was a charmer, and a lover of women in all shapes, and sizes. Many would argue he could seduce even the most wild of women. But this of course also got him into a lot of trouble. Especially since one of the lovey ladies he was speaking to threw her mug of ale into his face and stormed off. But Fandral dried his face off and automatically shifted to the next lady like nothing happened.

Lash obliged his friend and had a drink with Volstagg as he watched Lady Sif speak to Thor about this and that. Anyone with a pair of eyes could see that Sif had romantic feelings for Thor. But, Thor was the future king of Asgard. So, Sif had to be careful around him. But, it was also known that Thor at this current time had a thing for a mortal on Midgard. Many looked down at such a thing, but a few didn't care. Give it a few decades and she would grow old and die. Then Thor would be available again.

Thor stood up abruptly and raced towards the door of the tavern leaving Sif standing there with an awkward expression on her face. She clearly didn't understand what just happened. The tavern looked at her, then at the door. Lash stood up and went to the door and looked around only to see Thor flying towards the Bifrost, towards Heimdall. Was it time? Sure enough the Bifrost activated, and the direction it was pointing was towards Midgard.

“Shit...” Lash said just loud enough for Sif to hear him as she came up behind him to ask what was going on.

“Something is happening on Midgard.” Lash replied to her.

“You mean something is happening to her.” Sif said, and the bitter tone in her voice made Lash wince. Lash turned to her with an apology written on his face but she held up a hand.

“I do not blame you, Lash. I know what you did was meant to help the 9 realms as a whole. I just...” Sif said, and turned away clenching her jaw.

“Lady...” Lash began, then doubled back when Sif glared at him. “Sir, have you told Thor how you feel?” Lash asked, and Sif went wide eyed and blushed just a little.

“I...Well no.. I mean, isn't it obvious?” Sif asked, and Lash smiled at her. For all of Sif's abilities talking about her feelings was not one of her talents.

“Have you met Thor?” Lash asked, as if pointing out the obvious. Sif could literally hold up a sign telling Thor the truth of her feelings and he would look at her in confusion. Sir let out an insufferable sigh.

“I can't just tell him!” Sif said in anger and frustration. She walked off down the path towards destination unknown. Though Lash followed after her to continue the conversation.

“What does Queen Frigga say about it?” Lash asked her, and Sif stiffened and looked anywhere but at Lash. Lash gave her a deadpanned expression. “Well at least we know Odin approves of it.” Lash offered Sif a bone and she bit down on it.

“Yes! The All Father has made it clear that he would prefer Thor chose me.” Sif said, but it did not sound like it made her feel better.

They walked in silence for a few minutes. Though they did seem to wonder towards the rainbow bridge. Many times Sif opened her mouth to say something. Then decided it was better not to speak and closed her mouth. She brushed her long black hair from her face. Glanced at Lash who looked at her. Then she would look away when she realized he was looking at her. It was a frustrating moment. Sif was in love with Thor. Thor was either to dense to realize it. Or took it for granted. Lash had no doubt that Thor loved Jane. But neither of them fully understood what they really meant.

The Bifrost reactivated once more in the direction of Midgard. Sif looked longingly towards where Thor would be. Then turned on her heel and left in the other direction. Lash called out to her but she ignored him. Lash rolled his eyes and walked down the bridge towards Thor, and more than likely Jane. It took nearly thirty minutes. It was a long bridge! Sure enough Jane was with Thor asking him questions about Asgard, the bridge, and...

“Lash!?” Jane shouted in joy and came running. Lash, and Jane had spent some time together while he was on Midgard. The gift of communication talismans, and the fact that Thor told her it was he who convinced his father to visit Midgard. So in Jane's book, Lash was golden.

“Lady Foster it is good to see you.” Lash said with a bow from his waist. Jane glared at him, and put her hands on her hips.

“How many times do I have to tell you! It is Jane, only Jane.” Jane said to Lash.

“At least one more time, Lady Foster. What brings you to Asgard?” Lash asked, her and Thor came to her side with a look of concern.

“We need to get her to the healers. There is something inside of her. It does her ill.” Thor supplied the answer and Lash understood. He could feel the energy current coming off of Jane even from here.


A few hours later Lash stood in the healers observatory watching as the attendants worked the soul forge over Jane. Thor was in the room with her but far enough away not to be in the way. The doors opened up in the observatory and Lash turned to see Odin step in. But before he could kneel Odin raised his hand up, and placed a finger to his lips to silence Lash. Lash obeyed and looked back at Jane, then at Odin. The All Father sighed loudly at the sight of Jane sitting on the examination table.

“What is wrong with her?” Odin asked Lash directly. Not the healers in the room, but Lash specifically. His abilities in the healing arts exploded when Odin unlocked his Asgardian Domain.

“My King, have you heard of the Aether?” Lash asked, and Odin snapped his head to look at Lash. His one eye narrowing, with an intense spark of pure magic laying with in.

“What of it?” Odin asked, power filling up the small observatory room.

“Apparently it was not destroyed as we were led to believe. The convergence is upon us, and the Aether called to Jane. She is now a host to its energy.” Lash replied carefully, trying to gauge Odin's reaction. Odin released his energy and let his shoulders drop several inches. Lash was really regretting not purchasing the advanced World Lore background.

Odin walked into the soul forge room and spoke to Thor, and Jane Foster. Odin glanced back at Lash then examined Jane for himself. He nodded in acceptance, Lash was right. He instructed them to follow him to the grand archives of Asgard contained within the palace. Lash had recently been granted permission to enter the archive and had been reading as much as he could. The trouble was, it was a big library!

Odin went over the history of the Aether, and the Dark Elves of Svartalfheim. Along with the Dark Elves leader Malekith. How it had been believed that Odin's father Bor had destroyed the Dark Elves, and destroyed the Aether. But here the Aether was. Odin who was well known for knowing just about anything was not able to commit to the idea that the Dark Elves were still around. However, he did take a moment to consider something. He looked at Lash with a question on his face for a brief moment then quickly hid it away before Thor, and Jane could look at him.

“Is there way to remove it from Jane?” Thor asked, lines of worry increasing across his face.

“Not with out killing her, no.” Odin replied, and Jane grew pale at the implications. If they left it in it would kill her. If they tried to take it out it would kill her.

“Wait....Can't Lash...You know, bring people back?” Jane asked, Odin looked at her. Then looked at Lash who leaned back in thought.

“It is a possibility we could remove the Aether and still save Jane. But there is also a possibility the Aether could rip her soul out in the process and I can't revive her with out it.” Lash said honestly, he wasn't even aware of the issues when it comes to the infinity stones.

“Keepers!” Odin called for the keepers of the archive. “Search through the library and find any source books on the Aether. Then present them to Lash. He has some work to do.” Odin instructed them, they jumped into action. Odin turned to his son, and to Jane. “We'll leave that possibility as a last option.” Odin declared, and Thor looked at him with a smile. Jane tried to smile but it didn't reach her eyes. Odin turned and went back to the duties, and responsibilities of a king. He spared one last glance at Lash. Lash had done something that Odin was just now realizing.

“Thor, why don't you show Jane around Asgard. Specifically the spatial observatory. In the words of Lady Lewis, 'It would be like a wet dream with no clean up!” Lash said to him, and Jane burst up laughing at Lash. Thor looked confused, and Lash played his part as well.

“That...Is....Oh my god! That is too much! Yes, where is this observatory?” Jane asked Thor a smile plastered on her face. Such a sight made Thor grin broadly, he took Jane by the hand and led her off. He sent a smile towards Lash in thanks.


Over the next several hours Lash spent in the archive looking through different texts, and histories of the Aether and the Dark Elves. One of the things Lash hated the most about these books is it didn't give an actual idea or reference to their technological level. It was just stories, lots, and lots of stories. So Lash had to spend a lot of time picking out what was real, and what was embellished. His Other Worldly Lore received a lot of experience, and even a few levels.

“Buuuuurrrrraaaaaaaaaaaaaa!” A battle horn went off, and repeated several times in quick succession. Lash recognized the alarm for the prison levels. He carefully put his current book down and left the archive. But instead of going down several levels he made his way towards the outside.

One of the few things Odin conceded needed upgrades to Asgards defenses was its passive security systems. For to long the Asgardians had believed they were the top of the metaphorical food chain. But that was quickly becoming not true. One of the things they upgraded was the very simple, but useful tool. Faerie Fire, which was a type of ambient energy as well as a living organism that adhered to anything that passed the disks edge of the realm eternal.

There along the eternal waterfalls was not one. But three dozen capital Dark Elven ships. Towering monolithic structures in the shape of a inverted sword. In the middle of the 'hilt' was the black hole engine core. An orb of darkness that pulled all light towards it and created an eerie crimson light around its edges. While hundreds of Harrows were sent from the capital ships. The Harrows were attack craft that had a main flight module with a red core engine propelling it forward, with a curved bladed edge that went up, and over the front part of the ship. Creating a nasty edge, the entire ship was pure black and was just as capable of active camouflage.

All the while every ship was lazily moving towards the golden city. Not even aware that they had been seen. Lash sent out a Telepathic area of effect warning. Asgardians! We are under attack, man the defenses! -Lash yelled out across his short 25 mile range. But it was enough to get the Einherjar moving. A new alarm rang out across the land, this time for invasion. It had been so long since Asgard had been directly attacked that many of its civilians had no idea what that sound was.

A hum of power resounded across the city as a golden shield began to grow all around the central palace. The Dark Elves understanding they've been caught threw caution to the wind and de-cloaked. Now all of Asgard saw them! Lash sprinted across the castle towards main shield battery. Erik was whispering in his ear to check it as soon as possible.

“Lash, Jormungandson! Who is attacking us!” A Einherjar officer called out, Lash slid to a stop to look at him.

“The Dark Elves! They are here for the Aether! Find and secure Lady Jane Foster!” Lash called back, the officer saluted and ran off to inform Odin.

Dozens of Asgardian skiffs took to the air, while the anti air turrets were manned. Golden beams of energy danced across the skies towards their enemies. Hundreds of Harrows raced across the blue sky like flying daggers. The Harrows themselves moved almost enigmatically. Swerving, shifting their blade edge in different directions. Slicing through obstacles well out of their flight path. It almost seemed like they didn't have forward mounted weapons.

Lash entered the main keep and activated his Transformation as darkness wrapped around and out from the wisps of shadows did a eight foot tall lizard warrior burst out. He dropped to all fours and sprinted through the golden halls. Several Einherjar noticed him but didn't say anything to stop him. He jumped down several flights of stairs and came towards the main shield core. Only to discover dozens of Einherjar on the ground. They had been sucked dry, their bodies nothing more than husks. Almost as if they were burned from the inside out.

“Rooooaaaaar!” Lash screamed in rage, his roar echoed through the entire hall. Then he sprinted down the hallway over his fallen brothers to find not one. But fifty Dark Elved Kursed, while in the lead was the largest of them all.

The Dark Elves possessed their own form of enhanced "super soldiers" known as the Kursed. They were tall and extremely muscular soldiers that gained their abilities through the breaking of Kurse Stones, gaining immense strength and durability at the cost of being eventually consumed by the darkness as the "curse" killed them. Their skin/scales were pitch black. With elongated fingers turned into claws. What ever armor they wore when crushing the stones infused into their bodies. Their leader wore intricate, and reinforced armor that had all but made him into a monster. With horns jutting from his back, and sides.

“Stop him!” The leader said in Svartálfheim. Oddly enough Lash understood him. Because Lash laughed at him.

“Fuck you!” Lash called back in perfect Svartálfheim.

Then he used Manifestation and called 100 Saurus Veterans! A twisting portal of darkness formed behind Lash and flew backwards. The 100 veterans appeared wearing intricate golden, and silver armor of Asgard. But they were still the reptilian warriors from before. Red Psionic Blades burst from their claws and they roared in challenge. That was clearly not what the leader expected as he turned on his heels and sprinted towards the shield battery. While his companions raced to meet the Veterans.

Lash used Blink and teleported past the Kursed and went straight after the leader. He used Acceleration and sprinted towards him. Right before the giant Kursed could smash his hands against the battery shield Lash tackled him from behind. The flew off to the side and impacted the wall. The Kursed leader bashed Lash right in the face and he felt his skull cave in slightly. Owe!

Lash whipped around like a spinning top and his spiked tail swept the Kursed legs out from underneath him. Then his tentacles burst with Red Psionic Blades and struck across the ground where the Kursed had just been before he rolled away. He roared in challenge, that was returned by Lash. Lash tried to use Telekinesis but a dark energy coursed through the contact and seared his scales.

“You will not stop us! This failed universe will end!” The giant Kursed screamed at Lash in his language.

“Your peoples time came and went! Accept it and move on!” Lash called back, and exhaled a roaring flame from his maw with the use of Elemental Manipulation (Fire). Lash's fire was blue white hot flames. Hot enough to cremate remains.

“Gaaaaah!” The giant Kursed scream in pain and raced through the flames to tackle Lash.

The Giant slammed into Lash and pushed him back. He clamped his hands around his snout and forced him to stop spewing the flames. The giant's flesh, and armor had melted. He was a giant walking burn mark. The Kursed head butted Lash several times and only received a head ache in return. Then the tentacles whipped around and stabbed into the giant from behind. They always forget about the extra limbs! Red Psionic Blades sliced into the giant, and sliced him in half.

“Forgive me.... Malekith....” The giant kursed said in his native tongue.

“Don't worry, he'll be joining you soon in Hel.” Lash said from above him, then Lash leaned down to devour the Kursed. Activating Soul Eater, Dream Eater, and Devour, Consume, Evolve.

“So your name was Algrim the Strong. Join your ancestors and be reborn into a better life, Algrim.” Lash said to the giant kursed. He turned to see that his veterans had finished with their battle and were in the process of...Disposing of the Kursed.

Congratulations User! You've obtained Superhuman Reflexes.

Superhuman Reflexes: The User's can catch a fired arrow in midair, respond to extremely fast-paced combat, and perform amazing physically defensive feats; They could even evade strikes from beings with super speed, and dodge multiple gunfire with ease.

Congratulations User, you've obtained partial Älfeneel (Dark Elves) science.

Lash called a stop to his veterans before they disposed of all of the Kursed. Lash left a lot of Algrim behind. He thanked his veterans and dismissed them back to their magical realm from which they were created. He began to drag the corpses to outside the door and called for an Einherjar to come and guard the main battery core. With in a few minutes a squad was dispatched, and Lash was free to return to the surface to continue the fight.

The battle upstairs was not going well. Yes, the shield continued to protect the golden palace. But the city outside was suffering tremendous damage. While warriors, and skiffs came from the country side to help push the invaders back. However, when it appeared clear that their act of sabotage failed the Dark Elves pulled their ships back and faded into the darkness of space. Outside the range of the farie fire.

Only 1 of the 36 capital ships fell. While hundreds of Harrows were destroyed but that meant very little in the grand scheme of things. The shield remained in place, but several security check points allowed the shield to be open in those small, well guarded spots. Civilians were allowed to enter the golden shield for protection. While many more were escorted out of the city.

Lash kept himself busy by working with the Asgardian healers, and tending to the wounded. Lash was filled with rage when he discovered that the Kursed not only burned the bodies, but also the souls of those they killed. He couldn't bring anyone back. Then before they could find any real rest, or reprieve from the battle. Black core bombs rained from above Asgard. Just beyond the faire fire the capital ships dropped their ordnance onto Asgard, and its many cities.

“Lash, Jormungandson! You are called to the war council by Odin All Father!” An officer called out to him. Lash waved at him and finished reattaching a limb to a fallen warrior who thanked him.

“Go, we'll be fine!” The head healer informed him and he excused himself to the council.

Lash had pulled his Transformation off while he worked with the wounded. They tended to be fearful when a giant reptile worked on them. He chuckled at that, made him wonder if people were unsettled back in his home reality. Probably! But back home he had a secret identity to keep. Here not so much. While on the way to the council Lash cast Immaculate on himself to clean up. He arrived at the door and was ushered in quickly.

Contained with in the chambers was Odin, Frigga, Thor, with Jane by his side. Warriors three, Sif, and Heimdall. Along with several Einherjar officers, and logistical staff. The entire palace shook once more as several dozen bombs were dropped on the shield. While hundreds more were dropped across the realm eternal. Lash bit back a snarl but moved to the table and bowed to all.

“I understand we have you to thank for keeping the shield battery in tact. Thank you!” Odin said to Lash. Lash bowed from the waist again but said nothing else.

“It seems your advice on improving the infrastructure was wise, and couldn't have come sooner. I fear what would have happened had we not seen the ships arrive as soon as we did.” Hogun said to Lash, and the council agreed.

“Unfortunately we don't have the ability to see the ships flying above us even as they lay waste to our home. It has been centuries since Asgard was last attacked. That was done by the trolls, and it had been purely a battle on the field.” Sir said to everyone, a logistical officer pulled up a magical map interface to show all of Asgard and the affected areas.

“Take it out of me!” Jane said suddenly to the room. Everyone looked at her, and Thor paled.

“Jane, we talked about this. It could kill you!” Thor started, but Jane held firm and stepped forward.

“They want the Aether. How many innocent people will die while we wait?” Jane asked the question that was on every ones mind.

“Lady Jane even if we pull it out. We would still be in the same dilemma. We cant get to the Bifrost from the palace. The moment we step outside they will attack us, and gain what they seek.” Volstagg said to her, and everyone agreed.

“But... There has to be something we can do!?” Jane said with out care for her own safety. It was a side of Jane that none of them had seen except for Thor and Lash. In that brief moment everyone including Odin, and Sif started to understand why Thor was so taken with her.

It was one of those moments that Erik the gamer hated to see in movies. There was no clear explanation on how they removed the Aether in future movies. Something about time travel that made Lash's head hurt. It was a plot device, but they couldn't just wave a script around right now. They had to figure out a way to remove the Aether with out killing Jane. Then leave Asgard with it.

“Lash, could we do what you did on Midgard? Open a portal and travel to another realm. Bring Jane with you?” Sif suggested, and before Thor could bite out a snarl Odin raised a hand to silence his son. Sif looked pained to see the expression on Thor pointed at her.

“Yes, I could. But where ever we go that world will face the same destruction we now face. We can't destroy the Aether!” Lash said to Thor who had lifted his hammer, but paused at Lash's words.

“The Aether is a cosmic force of epic proportions. It was why Bor couldn't do it. He had said he did destroy it in hopes of preventing others to look for it. Which is exactly what happened, until the convergence happened and the Aether woke up to call the Dark Elves from their sleep.” Lash said to them all. His Other Worldly Lore activated and granted him some experience.

“But, we can pull the Aether from Jane with out killing her. But if we do not have a container for it. It will find a suitable host. More than likely it will seek out Malekith. At which point Malekith will finish what he started 5,000 years ago. Use the convergence to remake all of reality into one of darkness.” Lash finished his little speech and looked around the room. Almost as if to emphasize his point the palace shook again from another bombing run.

“So, who is going to volunteer?” Fandral asked a expression of remorse on his face.

“I will!” Lash said, and everyone looked up at him in surprise.

“Stop!” Odin screamed but it was to late. Lash reached out with his magic and cast Sooth on Jane. Jane let out a blood curdling scream as the Aether was yanked out of her. An unholy wail from beyond the edges of madness poured into the council room.

The Aether was power made into a dark crimson liquid! It wailed, and ululated a song of joy to be free from Jane. Then it flew towards Lash following the pathway of Sooth. The Aether collided straight into Lash and he was propelled through the war council chamber doors. Then nailed to the wall as the stone rushed straight into his body.

Congratulations User! You've obtained a spell/power for your Chaos/Order Domain.

Reality Warping: The User can create, shape, and manipulate reality, the sum or aggregate of all that is real or existent within a system, just by thinking about it; while weaker users are limited to what is already considered "real", stronger ones can make changes from nothing. Depending on the power of a reality warper, they may alter something as tangible as physics and the universe to something inconceivable like logic.

Side-Effect: Reality Warping can empower your other abilities if the User chooses. It will multiply the energy consumption in exchange for empowerment.

After all of the Aether had flown into Lash he dropped to the ground and gasped for air. He shuddered in absolute pain as the Aether moved through his body in pure enjoyment. Lash could practically hear his Cosmic Patron cackling with laughter. Lash default Asgardian form had changed. He had black as deep space skin. With dark crimson red eyes, with no cornea. Just pure crimson red energy that crackled with energy. Lash slowly sat back on his knees and found himself surrounded by dozens of Einherjar.

“Thor! Is Jane alright?” Lash asked, and his voice vibrated with dozens of voices.

“Yes Lash, she is well. Though I think she plans to murder you in a moment!” Thor called out, and his voice was filled with joy and worry. Sure enough Jane came storming through the Einherjar and slapped Lash. Then she reached out and hugged him.

“That was so fucking stupid!” Jane yelled at him, and Lash laughed returning the hug.

“For my friends soon to be wife, it was a simple decision.” Lash said to her, and Jane hugged him tighter. Thor came to their side and pulled Lash to his feet and clapped him on his back.

Odin, and the rest of the war council came out and Odin looked lost between the emotions of rage, and apprehension. How was he suppose to punish an act of bravery, and self sacrifice such as this. But knowing Odin he would figure out a way to punish Lash as well as reward him. If he lived through this event. Sif had no issues being angry and full on punched Lash in the face. Which oddly did more pain to her then him as she winced and massaged her knuckles.

Red glyphs began to grow, and glow across Lash's body. He saw that he was quickly obtaining temporary experience in Reality Warping. Then it began to level just as quickly. Soon the ability would evolve. But Lash assumed it was a temporary boon. However, it seemed that Reality Warping was here to stay. A wonderful boon to obtained from the story/cross over Rift. He looked down at the glyphs and looked back at Odin.

“We don't have much time. Its burning through me much faster then it did Lady Foster.” Lash told Odin, and he looked grave.

“We need to pick a field of battle. A place to fight the Dark Elves free of innocent life.” Hogun said to them all, and they agreed.

“Svartálfheim, let's take them home and kill them. Once and for all. Finish what All Father Bor started!” Volstagg said with a smile, and Odin took a moment to reflect.

“Sound the horn of War! Asgard prepares for a great battle! Lash Jormungandson, you are to travel to Svartálfheim and hold the Aether from the Dark Elves until the armies of Asgard arrives and lays them to waste!” Odin declared, and slammed his spear Gungnir. The magic of the All Father hummed through the golden palace.

“As you command All Father!” Lash said, and saluted him. The War Council saluted, as did the Einherjar! Everyone jumped into action, as the orders were relayed throughout the golden palace, and the realm eternal.

Before Lash left for the battle field he made a quick trip to the dungeons to see an old friend. Loki was exactly where he was last seen. Sitting in the dungeon reading one of the books Frigga had given him. When Lash arrived Loki looked up at him and his eyes went wide. Then a smile spread across his face. It was the most emotion Lash had seen on him during any of his visits. Loki put his book down and came to the edge of the prison cell.

The Asgardian cells were magical in nature. Large white rooms almost 100 square foot of space. Golden shields wrapped around the cell. While spell scrip was engraved around the edges. The prison cell had an Asgardian version of Sooth, Nature's Supplement, and Immaculate on it. So the prisoners never had to go to the bathroom, didn't need to eat, and once a day would be cleaned. Loki's cell was furnished with chairs, a bed, and several books. He was alone, while others shared their prison cells.

“So, what is all that racket above us?” Loki asked Lash. Lash took a few minutes to inform Loki of all that had happened. Ending with the infusion of the Aether into Lash. Loki went through an series of emotions from pride, to hopeful, to angry, to now sadness.

“Why did you do that, Lash?” Loki asked, he was clenching his fists.

“Because it was the right thing to do.” Lash replied, and Loki scoffed in disgust!

“And you are always about doing the right thing aren't you!” Loki yelled at him. “Why can't you ever do things for yourself!”

“I did that once. I never regretted it even so many told me I was a fool for trying.” Lash said, and Loki looked back at him.

“Oh? What did the great Jormungandson do for only himself and no other?” Loki asked, a sneer on his face.

“I tried to be your friend.” Lash said to Loki, and the sneer fell off of Loki's face.

“You tried to befriend a lie! I am a frost giant! A kinslayer! I killed my own father, Laufey! I am no ones friend! I need no one!” Loki screamed at him.

“My father is destined to devour the ten realms Loki. I killed my mother in child birth! I have been a pariah my entire life! You were the only one who didn't care!” Lash screamed at him in return and Loki looked like he wanted to tear Lash apart with his bare hands.

“I never cared about you! You were a means to an end! Nothing more!” Lokie screamed, and turned away flipping one of his tables.

“I will miss you, my friend.” Lash said with painful emotion raw in his voice, then turned on his heel and walked away. Loki kept his back turned to Lash and was soon left behind by Lash's Sensory Awareness.


“Jane you have to stay here! We are heading into battle, it is not a place for a mortal.” Thor tried to convince Jane of the dangers they would be facing. But she was having none of it.

“Thor I can help! I know more about the convergence than any one! The laws of physics are going to be completely out of sync! Up, will be down! The layers between realities will be the thinnest they will ever be! At least let me return to Earth and help from my end.” Jane pleaded with Thor, and pegged him with a glare. Thor would never admit it out loud but he always loved that glare. It was the look of a warrior daring him to admit defeat.

“I think she is right.” Frigga said from the doorway. Making both Thor, and Jane jump in surprise. They had been talking in his room. Having a Jane in Thor's bed room suddenly seemed so embarrassing to them both. Frigga smiled at her son.

“Jane should return to Midgard. If she believes she can help, then she can.” Frigga continued, and Jane smiled at her. “Lash also agrees, he believes she can work with a man named Selvig to stabilize the convergence in Midgard.”

“Yes! Yes! See that could work. If we stabilize our end that would be one less world for the battle to cross over in... In theory!” Jane said with a half/half hand gesture which made Frigga laugh in delight.

“Very well, mother could you excuse us?” Thor agreed, but wanted to spend more time with Jane. Frigga winked at Jane, and making her turn red as a tomato.

“Don't take to long!” Frigga said, mischief clear in her voice. Thor chocked on his own saliva and tried to clear his throat with a coughing fit.


“Why is he going alone!?” Sif yelled in question at the Warriors Three as they followed behind Heimdall.

“He can't open the portal for that long. He also says his magic is barely contained. The Aether is empowering everything he does. He fears he might send anyone with him across the universe to a place of unknown reaches.” Volstagg said, as he tried to calm her down.

“Sif please we will be right on his tail as soon as the Dark Elves leave we'll jump into the Bifrost-” Hogun began but was interrupted when a resounding crack of thunderous explosion raced across the sky line. Heimdall's gate house, and the instrument that controlled the Bifrost was destroyed by a black core bomb.

“Stop Lash before he jumps! Now!” Heimdall yelled at all of them and they sprinted off towards Lash's last known location.

Heimdall stood in shock as his home was destroyed for a second time in five years more than it had in centuries. At the very least they had the Tesseract with them. Along with several jump ships. But it would take days for the ships to arrive on Svartálfheim. Heimdall reached across Asgard with his power to speak to Lash but found only a swirling vortex beginning to fade from existence. Lash had left, and they had no way of helping him.


A swirling vortex of darkness and starlight poured out across the blasted, and barren landscape of Svartálfheim. Out stepped the Asgardian Lash, Jormungandson. The portal closed swiftly behind him swallowing the words of Heimdall, and Sif who screamed his name. Lash looked back, thinking he had heard something but dismissed for the howling winds of the realm. He looked around and shuddered in dismay.

He flipped through his Magical Perceptions until he saw millions of fragmented souls of Dark Elves littered across the landscape. Holy crap! Did no one come to collect them!? What kind of bullshit was that! Lash raised his hands out and used his new Reality Warping empowerment and used Judgment. An ancient being of incredible power rushed into Lash and momentarily possessed his body. The Aether moaned in absolute delight! Lash's energy reserves went from 100% to 1% with a snap of a finger.

Millions of Spiritual Guardians raced from the stars above towards the surface of Svartálfheim. All of Svartálfheim was quickly cleansed, and purified! Lash was brought to his knees, and he fell to ground his vision narrowed but he stayed conscious. To watch as the forgotten Dark Elves were sent to their next life. Either to be punished, rewarded, or reborn. A ripple of energy cascaded through the realm of the Dark Elves. For a brief, brief moment the planet itself was peaceful.

The ancient being left Lash behind and returned to the afterlife. The Aether writhed with in its hosts body. Lash felt his energy reserves trickle back into him but only at half its normal pace. The Aether was suckling on Lash like a babe hungry for milk. He slowly crawled, and pushed himself onto his back to stare up at the black hole above the planet. How the thing gave off light he wasn't sure. But then again the Aether had changed Svartálfheim first before all others. Not everything had to make sense here.

Reality Warping had temporarily reached Intermediate and it was still growing. Lash also noticed his total health was falling. Even with his Healing Aura active he only ever went to 92% of his total health. After an hour of resting his total health dropped again to 91%. The Aether was eating him alive! Lash pulled himself up and shaped the earth beneath him into a simple chair and began to use Meditate. His energy reserves jumped back to full quickly enough. Something the Aether was more than happy about.

Lash reached out and activated his long lost spell. Druid Grove and empowered it with Advanced Reality Warping. He disliked the barren rock, and dirt of Svartálfheim. So he would change it! Druid Grove at its most standard level only changed up to one square mile. But thanks to the Aether a beautiful all be it dark forest erupted from the ground. Towering trees as tall, and wide as skyscrapers back on Earth shot into the sky. Plants of and animals of variety of life suited for the darkness burst into being. The spell rippled across the entire planet. Feeding on Lash, and the Aether as Svartálfheim looked more like its comic book counterpart. Instead of the barren rock of the MCU.


In space above the world Svartálfheim one by one pin pricks of minuscule black holes burst open like a bubble! Out from the cascading energy of dark matter came the first capital ships of the Dark Elves. In the lead was the largest ship of them all which contained the Dark Elf leader, and sorcerer Malekith. Malekith stood on the bridge of the lead ship and took a moment to soak in the energy of his home realm. They had all been gone for so long. Spent countless centuries in the poison that the others called light. Now, they were home.

Malekith stood at approximately 6'5” with long white hair intricately braided down his back. He had gray to white skin with organic ridges along his cheek bones. His black eyes went well with his ornate, and ceremonial armor. That was a combination of leather from some ancient creature. Along with a metal that had not been seen in over a millennia in the realms of light. He had long pointed ears, and a very lithe, athletic figure.

The Dark Elf soldiers aboard the bridge wore a power suit that mimicked their body types. They were form fitting, and were vacuum sealed. Along with their masks, which was a faceless mask with large dark eyes. The suit kept them protected from the harmful radiation of light. The Dark Elves would experience pain, blisters, and burns if exposed to light of nearly any kind. The suits protected them. The Elves that remained were the elite, of the elite of their people. Tall, strong, and athletic. They would put most super models on earth to shame if they ever showed their faces.

One of the consoles on the bridge came to life and created a holographic image of their home planet. Malekith's eyes went wide in utter horror! He pulled the image towards him, and brought up additional information. Their beautiful home planet was covered in...covered in, PLANTS!? The towering trees gave off ambient light that would help feed the rest of the forest below.

“WHAT HAS HAPPENED TO OUR HOME!?” Malekith screamed in fury! The computer zeroed in on the Aether energy source. There on the northern hemisphere was the location of their fury, and their hope. A red tornado swirled around in massive storm as the forest it self grew from its power.


Half way through the conversion of the planet the Aether stopped draining Lash of his health, and energy. The Aether wanted to be used, begged for it! It yearned for direction by its host! The towering energy storm was growing larger by the minute. Floating above the storm was the windows into other realms. The convergence was taking place! Jotunheim, home of the Jötunn (Frost Giants). Was first, the Aether spreads its Reality Warping into the frozen realm. A new forest grew from the gate between dimensions. This forest changed, and adapted to the environment. Living crystals one would normally find on the planet of Krypton began to grow across the Frost Giants home.

Muspelheim (Muspel), home of the fire demons, Surtur the fire demons king, a realm of eternal fire. Volcanic rock, ash, and lava gave way to silicon plant life. Trees with organic metal bark, leaves, and plants took root. New creatures never before seen on the realm were warped into being. This was not destruction per say but creation on a massive scale. No, it did not twist anything it came across. Simply moved past it like a stone in a river.

Niffleheim ("Mist-Home") realm of the dishonored dead, a land of ice, mist, and cold. Saw a dramatic change as their entire realm was changed as the Aether planted forests, jungles, and rolling hills of grass. The dishonored realm suddenly wasn't so bad? Especially to a special occupant who was imprisoned there by Odin himself. An Asgardian Goddess of Death, Hela who looked up from her jail cell in confusion as she saw the forest take root.

Malekith's primary ship landed on the planet's surface only a half a mile from the storm. Malekith raised his arms to the skies and called to the Aether and was struck dumb when the Aether ignored him. Trees, and plant life reached up and swallowed Malekith's ship and pulled it down into its depths. Several of the capital ships tried to take back off but many of them were swallowed by the jungle. Despite the loss an army of Dark Elves, and Kursed had made it planet side. Malekith roared in rage and pushed towards the Aethers wielder.

Lash was lost in his own Meditation, and in the current of the Aether itself. He was aware of what was happening. But he was no longer in control. He was simply a passenger as the Aether steered for him. Saurian was screaming at him to take back control before the Aether converted Midgard! Lash pushed against the energy, and slowly started to clamp down on the Aether as it just started to convert Vanaheim. Thankfully most of Vanaheim was already a forest. So it only added to it.

The twisting energy of the Aether abated and was reabsorbed into Lash. The Aether came willingly and coiled up in Lash for a feeding of his own energy. However, the Aether no longer fought against Lash. Nor did it want to leave. The Aether wanted to be used. It had enjoyed changing the worlds into a forest filled with life. Creating things that had not been seen in thousands of years. Lash wasn't even sure how much he had just fucked up the MCU timeline by terraforming existing planets.

“WHAT HAVE YOU DONE MONSTER!” A scream of pure rage called out to him. Lash stood from his spot and looked at the Dark Elf Sorcerer, Malekith. Lash smiled at him and raised his arms up.

“Do you like it? I thought your home world could use a change! The Aether was so helpful as well, almost as if it enjoyed it! Seems it is not as dutiful as you thought it would be.” Lash said, really digging it in. If looks could kill, Malekith would have skinned Lash alive a hundred times by now.

“You can't possibly hope to control the Aether! It answers only to one master! I will remak-” Malekith began his supervillian monologue but was stopped simply by Lash turning his back on him and walking away. “STOP! Where are you going?” Malekith shouted.

“All I have to do is wait until the convergence is over. Once its done you'll have to wait another 5,000 years to bring back your dead reality. Of course you are also stuck here! Because your ships can't land!” Lash said loudly, and cast Nature's Passage, and Chameleon on himself and blended into the forest around him. Time to play!

Malekith screamed in rage and raced after him. Followed by a legion of Dark Elf soldiers. Lash cast Transformation on himself and called on his own army. Manifestation activated, empowered by Master Reality Warping. 1,000 Saurus Elites were pulled into being across the vast forest of darkness. Each one blending into the forest and began to pick off the Elves one by one.


A battle across the 9 realms took place as Dark Elves fought against Saurus Elites. They pushed between the layers between dimensions. Fighting on the streets of Greenwich, London, UK. A Dark Elf Capital ship was pulled through a layer and crashed into the Old Royal Naval College. Dozens of Saurus Elites climbed on top of the ship and started to dismantle it while others of their brothers attacked the Dark Elves. They did their best to keep the fight contained.

While several other capital ships fell through the layers and crashed into the countryside of Asgard! The warriors at last had something to focus their energies on as the raced to fight the Elves and join the battle with the reptilian warriors in Asgardian armor. While the best, and quickest workers did their best to rebuild the Bifrost gate. Frigga, and Odin channeled the Tesseract and sent a few spared volunteers to Svartálfheim.

A single Dark Elf ship arrived in front of Nidavellir and the dwarves laughed in delight as one of their many machines blew the ship into smithereens. Then they went back to work! Orbital defensive platforms above Vanaheim began to shoot at the ships appearing in their realms. As Dark Elves poured out of their ships. A hundred Elites rushed out to meet them, side by side with the Vanir! The natives of the realm.

As Tesseract portals opened on Svartálfheim. Thor, Sif, and the Warriors three stepped out looking around in utter confusion. When did the dark world get a forest? A Saurus Elite appeared by their side and they nearly attacked it. But it directed them to its creators location where he was currently fighting against Malekith.


It seemed that the Aether was a dutiful child of Malekith, because it refused to fight him. That was just fine! Lash was more than happy to fight Malekith. Of course the horde of Kursed at his side was another matter! Malekith would channel a spell and call the Aether towards him. The Aether was torn between going to him, and staying with Lash. While Lash was fighting for his life against the Kursed.

WHAM! A Kursed bashed its fists into Lash from the side. In reprisal Lash cut the bastard in half with a Red Psionic Sword that Lash crafted thanks to Reality Warping. He had two red energy short swords in hand, while his tentacles used the typical blades. He jumped through the crowd and began to slice, dice, and make pasta out of the Kursed! Then was forced to stop as he felt a little more of the Aether being pulled out of him.

Lash bisected another Kursed, then Blinked towards Malekith. He was shielded by his Kursed and Lash collided with them in a contest of flesh, and bone. The Kursed attacked with fierce determination and were impaled for their efforts with Darkness Manipulation. But of course that didn't keep them down. Lash jumped away, and ran back into the forest. While his Elites picked off the different Kursed that got lost in the forest.

“Lash!” A familiar, and incredible welcome shout came from his friend Thor.

“Here Odinson!” Lash called out for his friend. A lighting strike decimated a unit of Dark Elves and from the skies came the thunder god!

Thor landed nearby with a fierce look of determination on his face. He looked for Lash, and a smile grew on him. He ran over and gave Lash a warriors handshake. Gripping his forearm, and clapping him on the back. Lash returned the gesture, though he was taller than Thor currently it did little to stop the affection, and respect between them.

“Where is Malekith!” Thor asked, and Lash pointed as a dozen or so Kursed came from the forest edge they were by. Followed by the Dark Elf leader, wisps of Aether energy trailing around him.

“The Aether refuses to fight him. He's been slowly sucking it out of me, piece by piece.” Lash said, as Thor spun his hammer and smiled at the Dark Elf.

“Friends, and allies are here Lash. We'll fight him together!” Thor loudly cheered and rushed towards Malekith, a Kursed tackled Thor mid flight and began to pummel him. Lash rolled his eyes as Thor was slowly swarmed by the Kursed.

“For Asgard!” Volstagg came barreling out of the forest and dove straight into a company of Elves. Followed closely by Fandral, and Hogun. While Sif went straight for Lash.

“Thank the ancestors you still live!” Sif said with a grin, and hugged Lash. The attention was a bit surprising, but not at all unwelcome.

“Good to see you too, Sif! Care to join me in rescuing Thor? He's bitten off a little more than he can chew!” Lash said, as he pointed at the dog pile of Kursed. Sif rolled her eyes and pulled out her double pointed sword.

She rushed into the pile and started to attack the Kursed. While a few more Elites appeared and tried to assassinate Malekith. He shaped the whispering trails of Aether into arrow points and shot them straight through the Elites. They stopped for about two seconds then continued to race towards him. This surprised the elf greatly!

“What sorcery is this!” Malekith shouted in horror as he repeatedly shot at the Elites. Even blowing off limbs! Which would regrow quickly.

“Yes, please allow me to take a moment to describe why my people are resistant to damage. You fucking moron!” Lash shouted at the elf, Malekith gave him an acidic glare and rushed him.

Lash sprinted towards him and thanks to his new Superhuman Reflexes twisted just at the right time to slice through Malekith's armor, and cut several lacerations into his body. The wounds woundn't heal for a long, long time. Malekith was slowly bleeding to death. Though he did end up pulling about half of the Aether out of Lash. By doing so, several Elites across the different dimensions turned into Veterans instead. A shame, but the fight continued on.

A lighting strike hit the dog pile of Kursed and blew them into the sky. Dozens of trees came to life and started to thrash, and tear at the elves nearby. Thor came barreling out with a grin on his face, and several cuts, and a busted lip. He joined Sif, and they rescued Volstagg who was in the process of bear hugging a Kursed.

“Your universe was never meant to be!” Malekith shouted at Lash, who rolled his eyes. What is with the cliché monologue crap!?

“You had your time, Malekith! Instead of adapting, and evolving with the change your people became stagnant. You only have yourselves to blame! You could have used the Aether to change your entire race! You could have empowered them beyond measure! Instead, you decided to take the cowards way out and ignore the problem!” Lash said with a smile as he rushed back at Malekith who was fuming at the dismissal of his plans.

“My people are already superior! We were the first to be born, and we will be the last!” Malekith shouted at him and pulled that last bit of the Aether out of Lash. A look of triumph came over him just in time to see Lash slice off one of his arms. Turning it into dust.

“It ends now, creature! The Aether can not be destroyed!” Malekith shouted at Lash, and started to pour his energy into the convergence. The Aether formed a new arm for Malekith.

“You are mistaken, Malekith! The convergence ended while you and I bantered back and forth!” Lash said with a smile as he looked up, the convergence was ending. The doors between worlds was fading out of sight.

“NO! I WILL DESTROY YOU!” Malekith shouted and conjured the Aether and prepared to shoot Reality Warping shots at Lash. But an unexpected pleasure happened. The Aether wouldn't attack Lash!

With the convergence over the 9 realms were safe once again. It would be time to finish with the Dark Elves, and head back home. But he had enough time to enjoy Malekith's look of complete and utter fury! Lash bolted straight towards the Dark Elf who tried to stop Lash by shooting at the ground, or changing the area around him. The Aether refused, even until Lash swiped his energy blades straight down the elf's middle. Malekith separated into two portions, and the Aether flowed out of him and back into Lash.

“Hello my friend, you know you can't stay in me forever.” Lash said softly to the Aether who ignored him and purred in contentment within him.

The battle continued! But it was clear to the Dark Elves they were finished. Many hundreds of them fled into the new dark forest of their home planet. While thousands more across the 9 realms tried to hide. Several capital ships remained active, and they escaped into the dark reaches of space. The Dark Elves were no longer extinct as the different realms thought them to be. Despite the return of the elves. Four of the nine realms had been forever changed by the Aether, and its wielder. What that would be meant in the long run remained to be seen...


Thanks to the Aether, and Master Reality Warping Lash used Portal Creation and brought the Asgardians back to Asgard. Then swiftly rebuilt Heimdall's home, and the gate of the Bifrost. Despite his nearly unstoppable power Lash made it very clear he could not wait to get the Aether out of him. With out a universe wide action in place, the Aether was back to siphoning off Lash's energy and slowly killing him.

As much as it pained Erik. (Plot Device) Lash used Master Reality Warping to create a containment stone for the Aether. With the help of the All Father Odin, and the All Mother Frigga. They pulled the Aether out, and forced it into the stone. The Aether let out an unholy screech of despair being pulled from Lash. One of its best hosts it had ever had. But was drawn into the stone, and secured. The deep space black faded from Lash's skin, as did his crimson eyes, and the glowing glyphs.

Thankfully everything he had done while the Aether possessed him remained. So the forest on Svartálfheim would stay, as it would on the other realms. Along with Reality Warping, he kept that as well. A celebration of giant proportions happened on Asgard. As did many new infrastructure ideas. So something like this would never happen again. Along with an outstanding bounty for any, and all dark elves that could be found among the nine realms.

Despite all that he had done. Odin still had to 'punish' Lash for going against his wishes, and for changing so many of the realms. He was sent to Midgard for the next foreseeable future to help the Midgardians in the coming days. As well as dismantle the dark elf ship that remained there before the Midgardians hurt themselves. Lash had done something incredibly brave, but had let the power consume him. If only for a moment. He understood, and accepted the punishment. He visited Loki one last time, and then said goodbye.


In the vastness of space was a giant skull of what was known as a long dead celestial being. This place was a black market refuge, and often called 'Knowhere.' Contained with in this giant skull of a long since dead creature. Was a towering structure of glass, steel, and reinforced stone. This was the home of the collector. Striding through its halls was an alien woman with red skin, a maid uniform, and a exhausted outlook on life. She led two cloaked figures to her master.

“I present to you, Taneleer Tivan. The Collector.” The maid said to the two figures. She bowed in a practice grace and stepped aside. Taneleer stepped forward and bowed from his waist and did a serious of complex gestures. Recognizing who they were simply by looking at them.

The figures pulled their hoods back to reveal themselves as Volstagg, and Sif. They looked at the Collector, and his collection with a complicated expressions. Many of Taneleer's collections were here against their will. Asgardian's abhorred slavery in all its a forms. A brief moment of awkward tension arose before Taneleer spoke.

“Asgardians, how may I be of help?” Taneleer said.

“You know why we are here.” Sif said, as she pulled a container from her sleeve. Taneleer's eyes opened wide and he was practically dripping with pleasure at something so rare. For he was driven by an insatiable urge to collect, and record the most rare of things.

“Of course! But if I may ask, why not keep it secure in your own vault.” Taneleer asked, honestly curious about their answer. Volstagg opened his mouth to speak, even as he narrowed his eyes at Taneleer.

“The Tesseract is already on Asgard. It is not wise to keep two infinity stones so close together.” Volstagg said simply, and Taneleer agreed. Sif carefully handed the container to Taneleer, and the Aether with in whispered sweet promises of power to anyone who could hear it.

“I assure you it will be safe here...With in my collection. But a question, who made such an intricate design?” Taneleer asked, looking over the ornate stone that contained the Aether. Volstagg, and Sif looked at each other then back at Taneleer.

“Asgardian Lash, Jormungandson.” Volgstagg replied, and Taneleer seem to memorize the name as he looked at the stone. Taneleer, and the maid both bowed from their waist and waited there. Sif, and Volstagg nodded and left in a hurry.

“One down, five to go... Make a note of the creator's name. If at all possible I would like to meet him.” Taneleer said to his maid who quickly did as he asked.


Greenwich University. London, England. Was in a horrible mess of things. Sitting just outside the main building laying across the courtyard was a fallen dark elf ship. Half of it was sitting in the river. The entire area for one square mile was quarantined off by SHIELD. One of the current agents in charge of the operation was Agent Phil Coulson. He had his field team with him.

Agents Fitz, and Simmons. Along with specialist Agent Grant Ward. Agent/pilot Melinda May, and the currently in training recruit Agent Sky. They were currently assisting the SHIELD team to organize what was alien, and what was not. Scanning for bio-hazards, and potential technology. Despite the excellent condition of the ship. Nothing worked! It seemed that with out the dark elves to operate it the machine went into a dormant state.

“You know it would be nice! If Thor and his people would send down the god of, 'Cleaning up after yourself!” Phil said to his recruit Sky who smiled at him. Then as if answering his prayers from on high a Bifrost rainbow bridge crashed into the courtyard outside and left behind Lash.

“Respectful greetings to you warriors of SHIELD. I am here to help clean up our mess!” Lash called out.

“Wow, good timing!” Sky said...


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