“So...Am I in trouble then?...” Lash spoke out loud, still holding his face. Wishing he could find a hole to crawl into.

The room began to fill with murmur's discussing what this could mean. Hushed voices began to grow into full volume, soon the entire hall was filled with voices ranging from soft spoken, to pure out rage! How could this newly appointed Warden be so disrespectful to one of The Endless! But other voices spoke in his defense, saying that if he was truly disrespectful The Endless would have erased him from existence with nothing but a thought! A few people raised the opinion that maybe he knew one of The Endless, they didn't know what kind of were-breed he was. Maybe he wasn't a Were to begin with but something different. The Endless had never taken a side before. They've always been neutral, or rather neutrality did not suit them. They were not good, or evil, or shades of Grey, all aspects were beneath them. Another outspoken voice talked about that last recorded instance of a society member touching one of The Endless, the society member had their entire arm turn to dust before they could even get with in a few inches of them. The mere fact that Lash had not only touched one, but was touched in turn proved that they favored him! But what could this mean? They've seen favored chosen before. Every one of them always commanded great power, influence, and here now was a Warden. A member of a neutral faction that is designed to protect, and serve the Societies as a whole!

“Enough!” Spoke the Under Fae council elder. “We will discuss the future ramifications of this night in a different place, at a different time. We the Court of the Under Fae council recognize Erik Lash as a New Warden! So say's I! What say the other Members!” Lash looked up then, at the council women, he gave her a smile of thanks. She nodded her head at him in understanding.

“We the Seelie Summer Court recognize Erik Lash as a New Warden! So say's I!” Said the other council women.

“We the Unseelie Winter Court recognize Erik Lash as a New Warden! So say's I!” Said the last council women.

“””So, then by the powers invested into our united governed body! Erik Lash is now ordained as a Warden! For the next ten years, where at which time he may choose to retire or re apply for further service! So say's we all!””” The Council Elder women all spoke out loud!

“So say we all!” Spoke the hall, the roar of the voices echoed and reverberated through out the hall! Then, Jessabell leading the charge! She whistled then began to clap enthusiastically, Soluna followed, with Li'Ana not far behind! Then the rest of the hall joined in, cheering, clapping, even roars and howls! Lash looked up at the ocean night sky that was the ceiling, with a small tired smile. Protagonist luck glow indeed!

Skaleg came up to his side, and clapped him on the back a huge grin on his face. The rest of the attending Wardens came over. All of them giving an enthusiastic gesture of hello from, hand shakes, hugs, to even one of them kissing his cheek. She had a smirk on her face, making a point of kissing the other cheek that Dawn kissed. She shrugged her shoulders, saying out loud that she didn't know what the big deal was. All the Warden's laughed at that. But Lash could see that several of them were both excited and worried for him.

Soon he saw the The Elder Council women coming his way. Now that he was closer to them he realized that they almost looked identical. Then with a flash of insight from his Other Worldly Lore skill he remembered that the identities of the council were kept secret, even from each other. This allowed them to not be bought, they could concentrate on their factions interest. The Council elder was a position one gained out of necessity, it didn't grant the individual great power, but great responsibility. All of the Warden's gave their ceremonial greeting as a Warden should, Lash emulated his fellow Warden's. The Under Fae Council Women was first.

“Sorry about that Warden Lash, it looked like you could have used some help! As I said we will discuss this at length at a different time and place. If you are not busy I hope you will attend the discussion. But personally, I don't think you have any more answers then we do ourselves. The Endless are enigmatic, they have never explained themselves before, I can't imagine they'll start now.” The Under Fae Council women smiled at him. He smiled back and nodded his head.

“On a side note, I've decided to assign Soluna as your personal liaison between you and the Under Fae.” Lash knew this was normal. Every Warden had liaison between the Fae Courts. Though he was surprised that they chose the Under Fae Envoy. They normally had better things to do. Not wanting to be out done the....

“Yes! We've also decided that Li'Ana will be your Summer Court Liaison. My council sister is correct about a time and place for discussing The Endless. We hope you will attend the meeting Warden Lash.” The Summer Court Councilor stepped forward with her words. Emphasizing her point. A few people looked at the Winter Court Councilor. She laughed!

“Oh please! Jessabell was already the assigned Liaison to Warden Lash. We made it official over a week ago... We just didn't tell anyone about it!” A satisfied, and smug look appeared on the Councilor's face.

She crossed her arms staring at her fellow council sisters. The Under Fae Councilor raised a brow at the remark but said nothing. The Summer Court councilor glared at the Winter court official. It appeared that the Winter Court already placed there bets long before the game even started. This could be calculated as excellent foresight, or rushed optimism. But with the Fae it was more then likely the former.

“Well if you will excuse us Warden's, we sisters have to attend public relations, as well as damage control. Never you mind, Warden Lash it's not your fault.” The Under Fae Councilor made note of Lash's apologetic expression and grimace.

He bowed once more as did the other Wardens. Each Councilor paid them goodbye. They especially eyed Lash as they left. As they moved, Lash saw The Winter Court Councilor take out some letter of recognition and began to parade it in front her sisters. It must have been the official notice that Jessabell was re assigned a week ago. It made the Under Fae Court Councilor laugh out loud, and the Summer Court Councilor fuming with anger. Lash began to massage the bridge of his nose, as he audibly groaned. His fellow Warden's laughed out loud! Skaleg passed him his flask again, this time Lash nearly finished it all before Skaleg forcibly took it away, glaring at him. Muttering the Dwarf whiskey should have knocked him on his ass.

“Congratulations! Warden Lash! We already knew you were special, but this was beyond belief!” Said a familiar male's voice.

Lash turned around, its then he realized that the attending Warden's had created what he could call a Party phalanx around him. It looked like they were congratulating their newest edition. But looking down at it, you could tell they were guarding him, front, behind, and side to side. There beyond the first line of defenders was John Woods, the Alpha male Were-Lion. His Pride following closely behind, but point in fact the front line 'attackers' were mostly female were-lions, and a few male were-lions. Equal opportunity Mr. Woods seem to be, not knowing Lash's preference. Each one was exceptionally beautiful, athletic as Lash had never known an out of shape Were-Breed, all impeccably dressed. The men in a collection of Tux-Robes. The women in Cocktail dresses that allowed freedom of movement, which showed a lot of skin. He did see a few mixed breeds among the pride. A wolf, bear, even a snake well in the back. Lash moved to the front of the 'party' Phalanx but not leaving it.

“Thank you Mr. Woods. But I'll even take an oath if you want. I promise it's not intentional I really just wanted to be a normal Warden.” Lash shrugged his shoulders, raising his arms up in defeat.

His words, and actions made Woods pause, his expression shock...Then amusement showed as he laughed! His Pride joined in, but it was clear some of them only laughed with their Alpha not finding humor in the situation. Many of the front line 'attacking' females laughed as well, turning their bodies to give Lash their full profiles. He had to admit the view was spectacular, his eyes wondered up and down each one did not go unnoticed. Woods took note of it as well, Lash thought he might have been angry, but instead Woods was pleased. -This Hunter-Woods is pleased you are eyeing his property. Fills him with pride. But many of the female huntresses are filled with fear, not healthy this pack is. Saurian commented, Lash's eyes took on a hard light when Saurian spoke. An almost invisible pressure flowed over the immediate area. All of the members of Woods Pride that felt a sense of fear felt....Safe. They all looked at Lash in recognition, NOW Woods looked angry, as he gritted his teeth. Glaring at Lash.

“May I ask what you are doing?” Woods asked, with an angry tone clear in his voice. All of the Wardens that were pretending to not listen turned to face Woods. -Spartans! What is your profession! Erik said loudly over the link. This, made Lash laugh. Which only made Woods even angrier!

“I apologize Alpha Woods” Lash made a point to bow from his waist, and 'broke' eye contact with Woods. A subtle way of surrendering among Were-Breeds, this action seem to lighten the mood. As Woods stood straighter. “My Partner sensed that many of your members of your Pride were, agitated. I completely understand, being in a room full of different people especially with a Dragon watching all of us. My partner tried to help sooth their emotions, neither us meant offense.” Said Lash.

The action, as well as the words spoke in explanation made Woods no longer angry. As he seem to re consider what had happened. He took a brief moment to look up and true enough, Torloth was watching this area with intensity. He turned to look over his pride, he saw a glimmer of reassurance in many of their eyes. He looked to a women that was next to him, unlike the rest of the female Were-Lionesses she wore a choke collar. She leaned in and spoke a few words. Woods took a step back in astonishment! As did several of the Were-Lions that over heard what she said. Woods laughed out loud again! This time catching the attention of the attending Society members waiting to speak to Lash.

“Of course! You are a Beast Talker! But not only does it effect you while you are in human form it effects your partner as well. You're partner used its presence to speak to my peoples beasts! Helping them to calm down! Re assuring them! Not a Warden longer then an hour and you are already protecting and serving! Ah!” This time Woods had a large smile on his face, this one was genuine as far as Lash could tell. Saurian agreed, he could read the emotion form Wood's partner.

“Then I must say next time we have new Were-Breeds going through their changes I'll have to ask for your help, Warden Lash. Being an Alpha of the pack I can help, but having a Beast Talker to communicate with their beast directly will increase the chance of them living through their first change!” Woods looked ecstatic! As did many of the men and women of the Pride! Hope. Was the word in their eyes. The women with the choker nudged Woods. He turned to her then had the look of 'oh where is my head?'

“This is my first! Tonya.” Woods spoke.

But Lash noticed she did not speak openly. In fact none of the pride members spoke. They spoke to them selves, but it would appear they only spoke to the people in the hall with the permission of Woods. Saurian gritted his metaphorical teeth at this. He did not like it at all. Lash's skill Other Worldly Lore activated again. Among the Were-Breeds many of them had come from different cultures, lands, and traditions. 'First' Was designated as the Were-Breed Lion Prides as second in command after the Alpha. Alpha's can be male or female, as can the 'First' can be. Some Alpha's and First's are a bonded couple but it is not required. The choker on Tonya's neck suggested she belonged together with Woods.

“We'll have Tonya contact the Warden's next time we have new children going through the change. If Tonya is correct, then it would mean that you can increase the survival chance of our new members by as high as 50% Not just us but all the Were-Breeds! I know you'll be busy, but I hope you'll help us first!” Woods made a show of his gesturing to the women that had been eyeing Lash, and Lash in turn had been looking at. But what Woods did not know what that yes. Lash enjoyed the view, he was mostly concerned for them, Saurian as well. So much so....

User! Your Cosmic Patron as a task for you!

Optional; Kill John Woods!

Optional; Kill John Woods and take over his Pride!

Optional; Help John Woods make his Pride healthy again!

Optional; Kill John Woods, and help someone else with in the Pride take over.

Rewards; Will be given on the how, why, and when. Good luck!

Lash gritted his teeth, and clenched his hands into fists white knuckling them. Woods noticed the action and turned to his Pride looking for who made the new Warden angry only to hear a voice call from above, thinking that is why Lash looked the way he did.

“Careful with that one, Mr. Woods! The new Warden may find that your Pride is not as...Strong as your pig-headed, egotistical, narcissistic self thinks it is.” Torloth spoke from above.

Woods froze, his shoulders shaking in anger, he turned around. Glancing at Lash who had a 'that's why' Woods took it in stride, he glared up at Torloth. His entire body was trembling with rage. Every single one of his Lion Pride took a step back including Tonya. The latter looked at Lash with a pleading look in her eyes. Then just like before an invisible pressure flowed out from Lash, the wave crashed into Wood's along with his Pride and the anger, fear, hatred, humiliation just...Washed away like the tide. Wood's visibly deflated, but didn't look upset about it. He...Looked calm!

Congratulations User! You've obtained the skill, Calm Emotions; Some would call this a spell, some a skill, others an ability. For you and your partner its all three! You don't take emotions away, that would be mind control. No, you simply even it all out, starting from the beginning. Please note; This can work on you as well, its a two way street.

There was a brief moment when the whole hall looked over at Woods, seemingly expecting a show? Only to be even more surprised, when the Alpha Were-Lion didn't lose his cool. Lash heard several whispers saying that he had a short fuse and would often embarrass himself and his Pride. Then take it out on his people claiming it was their fault.

Tonya, took a careful step forward. Placing her hand on his arm. He looked at her, she flinched at the movement but didn't pull away. Woods took notice of the flinch and realized she was afraid of him! He looked at Torloth one last time, then but back at Lash. A glint of approval was seen in his eyes. He then turned to his Pride said they were leaving. He told Tonya to give her contact information to Lash, and asked that he do the same. But instead of leaving the party in a huff! He left casually, as if it was his idea all along. This change was CLEARLY a surprise to everyone present at the party. Especially his Lion Pride. The latter all sent looks of appreciation towards Lash. Tonya and Lash exchanged numbers, she whispered a thank you and went to follow behind ensuring all the Lion Pride was moving together.

“Well fucking done, Lash!” Skaleg clapped him on his back! Nearly sending him to his knees. He grimaced, and sent a look of 'what the fuck'. Skaleg laughed and moved to explain.

“Woods is well known for having a short fuse! On top of that, when ever he is embarrassed, which is often! He will take his anger out on his Pride thinking that the embarrassment is clearly not his fault but theirs! So, then the Pride is beaten black and blue! The stronger among the pride step up and take most of the hits especially, Tonya. So the younger ones don't have to. Both thankfully and unfortunately he's never killed any of his people. Because if he had The Warden's would have beaten his ass and thrown him out!” Skaleg raised a hand at the obvious question that Lash was about to ask. “Were-Breeds are stronger then humans, and also heal faster. To human society beating people may be a crime but to Were-Breeds its a common practice. So as much as we've wanted to break the man in half ourselves he is technically not breaking Society law!” Skaleg said.

Lash grimaced at that, and as much as he wished he could refute it he knew that Skaleg was speaking the truth. He may not have memorized the entire rule book. But he knew the Super-Natural Societies had their own laws. Some of them could compare to human laws, but many of them did not. Lash hung his head in defeat, many of his fellow Wardens agreed with the sentiment.

“I hope that display has not destroyed what image Were-Breeds in Gotham have established. Warden Lash.” Spoke a women's voice.

Lash turned once more to a rather charming looking women wearing a traditional Tux. Not a tux-Robe but a tux. It fit her rather snug. She was about 5' 3” with short hair, shaved on one side. Half her head was bald, the other half with hair that reached her shoulder. Though it was done up in hair pins to keep it out of her eyes. The hair was grey-ish black. She had deep blue eyes, several piercing's in her ears, nose, and lip. The tux was tailor to fit her athletic shape, she had an hour glass figure, as a modest breast, and hip size. Enough to notice, but not so much to get in the way if she needed to move. The ghostly image was that of a giant...Rat?

“Hello sir! I am Rocksie! Alpha of the Skree, Pack. And no before you ask we did not pick the name our ancestors did. We've had it since we came Europe to the America's” The women said, she had a hint of femininity in her voice, but she also took a deep base tone as well.

Lash smiled at her as Saurian growled his approval of this one. She was small, but feisty! Lash looked behind her, to understand that the long line of people he assumed were all Were-Breeds were in fact all members of the Skree Pack! This look of surprise on his face made Rocksie laugh!

“Oh, Warden! If you are as outspoken as your facial expressions than I will take great joy in teasing you in the future!” Rocksie's comment made Lash grimace, as she laughed louder, as many of her pack did as well.

This pack, unlike Wood's was made up of an eclectic collection of Were-Breeds. Rats of course, lions, tiger, bears, wolves, list continued. Rocksie also did not parade her female pack members for him. He saw several were eyeing him. But it was true interest, not political gain he felt. Rocksie noticed his gaze and laughed again! Earning another grimace from Lash, which made her laugh louder!

“You should know that that Were-Breeds don't practice monogamist relationships. In-fact a majority of the Societies don't, as well as the Fae. So if you seen anyone you like go ahead, I wont stop you! But just make sure they also say yes!” Rocksie's comment made Lash's mouth drop open, as a blush crawled up his face. Rocksie lost her mind at that, doubling over and laughing. The Wardens and a lot of the Grand hall joined in. Lash's ears burned red, as he wanted to hide in a hole.

“O...ehhh....S..Stop! Your killing me Warden Lash!” Rocksie said in a barely audible whisper, she had nearly fallen over.

One of the more stoic members of her pack helped her stay afloat. But he even had a smile on his face. For several long embarrassing minutes Lash just stood there trying to kee... Then his skill Calm Emotions activated, but only for him. Soon he was placid as a small pond. But it was to little to late. But, eventually Rocksie regained her composure patting her pack member to let her go. The rest of the hall returned to talking, but it was clear the majority of the hall was in a far better mood then before. Even Torloth seem to have a smile on his face.

“Ehhh....oooo Oxygen is good! I swear Warden Lash. Can we keep you! I know you wont stay this way for long. No one ever does! But you are to much fun, and I want to enjoy you while we can!” Rocksie said which earned an eye roll from Lash.

“Anyways! To business! Woods did get one thing right! If you can attend our new Were-Breed first night of change you can increase their ability to survive the change by 50% or more! So please let us exchange contact info! Don't worry we'll run the appointments through Warden HQ.” She said, still with a smirk on her face. Lash agreed and they exchanged numbers.

Rocksie left after a few more words of congratulations. Lash met a few more Were-Breeds, most of them were small packs, and a few powerful but solo Were-Breeds. They were not looking for a pack, but merely wanted to meet another solo operator. Then a group approached, each one pale skinned, red eyed and wearing a color theme of black and crimson blood red color. Skaleg growled from behind him, as did many of the Wardens. Blood-Kindred!

“Hello Warden Lash, I am Viktor! This is, Lady Kali” The man spoke.

Much like what you would think he would look? He was pale as the moon, with red eyes, long black hair that was tied back with two braids that linked together then fell down his back. He had a Germanic look to him, he was big easily 6' 3” Making Lash having to slightly look up when speaking to him. He filled the Blood-Kindred's version of the Tux-Robe out very well. Keeping the golden-ratio statics that most Society members kept. Lash wasn't sure if it was just because he was in a comic book universe, or if this was just how it was. But he rarely met or saw an ugly person in this world. Viktor's, Lady was... Of India decent oddly enough, he was not expecting that. The surprise must have been noticeable because Kali smiled, showing her kindred fangs off. What was wrong with Lash. He knew that he didn't have the best poker face, but his reactions had become overboard this change concerned him. Maybe the Calm Emotions had a side effect?

Kali had long black hair, so long it went past her waist. She had gold beads braided into her hair that would click together when she moved her head. Her red eyes looked at Lash with interest, as she softly bit her lips. She only had a little make up, once more Lash found a natural beauty. Rocksie had make up on! But he thinks she did it as a statement, not because she needed it. Kali wore a long crimson red prom dress with mermaid train. But there was a single slit in the dress hidden in the folds of the skirt that was high enough to let you see her dark skinned leg come out if she stepped to wide. The mermaid train of cloth had an attachment to her left hand so if she needed to she could pull it up to keep it from being stepped on. Her matching 3 inch red heels revealed her toes, that were oddly painted with neon bright pink. Kali seem to notice Lash's attention to this detail because she hid her feet in the folds of her dress and looked genuinely embarrassed that he noticed this little detail. There was a long silver and gold necklace it was a silver snake, its tail wrapped around her neck. Its head was biting into an apple. The head of the snake was just past her sternum inviting the eyes to look into her V-neck top. She had a golden-ratio hour glass figure. But there was a bit of...Thickness to her, other women looked like they would break if you were not careful. Kali looked like she was made of sterner stuff.

The rest of the Blood-Kindred were a mix match of males and females all dressed to impress. Many in the grand hall made way for them, some had an equal amount of disgust for them as Skaleg and the Wardens did. There was also a formless pressure that flowed from them. This pressure cast its energy like waves against the Warden's who met it in kind. Like the raging tides throwing themselves time after time against the rocks. In a brief moment of instinct, Lash... Or rather Saurian, revealed by Lash's eyes becoming reptilian stepped from the parties phalanx. Then as if the raging storm was nothing the Storm of energy touched the rock that was Saurian and....Disappeared. As if what happened before was not enough the entire hall went quiet again. You could hear a pin drop to the ground, as not only Viktor, and Kali froze with eyes full of disbelief so did all of the Kindred, the Society attendee's as well as the Wardens.

“Ah! Even if this boy did not have Dragon Ancestory in him my sisters would be interested in him alone just for what he just did! He took an opposing energy and canceled your energy out! Viktor! And he did it on instinct alone!” Torloth shouted from his balcony! “Oh, I like you! Warden Lash! I will personally recommend you! Rocksie was right, you are fun!” Torloth laughed out loud! Breaking the tension in the hall. But before it was all clear there was a gravely tone that came from Lash, but it was not his voice.

“Stop making Trouble...” Saurians very clear, and odd sounding voice rang from Lash's mouth. Everyone who looked over could see that Lash had taken on something astonishing...

Congratulations User! You've obtained the skill, Partial Transformation; Like any good shape shifter. You can shape shift between your human form and your Saurian partner's form. But what if you could change only a portion of your body? What if you could find middle ground between both? As if you weren't already Mary Sue to begin with! Now you can change your body at will!

Congratulations User! You've obtained the skill, Commanding Presence; Whether its your voice, your body posture, your experience personified. You presence now brings an authority of command that you didn't have before. People are conditioned to listen to you, sometimes even when they don't want to. Be careful you are not the only one with this skill in the world. Go find a Full Metal Jacket, its time!

Viktor, and Kali both took a visible step back. Then realized what they both did. Viktor was visibly angry! Kali was.....Surprised and interested. The Warden's all taking the que stepped forward into a protective phalanx with Lash, out of his eye Lash saw Skaleg preparing his axe.

“Viktor! Did you forget where you are? Did you forget who you are talking to? Erik Lash is a Warden! An Endless favored at that! Why don't you re think your approach and take his advice! Stop making trouble!” Torloth called down from his balcony.

His voice had the edge of power that Lash now recognized as Commanding Presence. Viktor clenched his fists and let out a deep bellowing snarl at Lash and the Warden's. He let his energy pressure burst from his control and slam straight into....Saurian. Who once again canceled it out! Lash didn't understand how he was doing it. Maybe it was a skill he would learn later. The wave crashed into Saurian, and just like that the rising tsunami the energy just....stopped existing. The sudden stop! Of the exchange made the already Pale Viktor paler! He nearly doubled over in pain the sudden lack of energy made him over extend himself. But no matter how much pressure he put out. Saurian expelled it!

“ENOUGH! KINDRED! I will not have you defile these sacred halls with your wounded ego! As much as you hate to admit it Warden Lash is in the right! You came here posturing hoping to put the new Warden in place. Only to see yourself put in yours! You're aura should have been retracted the moment you stepped into the halls. But no one dare say anything! But I will! Now take your Blood-Rats! And leave!” Torloth was no longer amused he had stood up, and bellowed!

Traces of fire sparked in front of his mouth! The Commanding Presence was absurd at this point. Lash was surprised the entire hall didn't evacuate at his words. But then he realized that though everyone in the room could feel the power. It was not directed at them, though the Kindred where near the point of impact. Even Kali could tell the entire effect was slamming into Viktor! Who fell to his knee's, the sound of his bones creaking in protest. Then in a Flash just like before. Saurian canceled Torloth's energy...

Congratulations User! You've obtained the skill, Nullification; This enigmatic power can not be manually activated at this time. But with practice maybe it one day will. This skill allows you to, as the name implies Nullify skills, abilities, spells, what have you. If mastered it could bring great hope, or great despair!

Once again the entire hall was quiet, not one breathed as they were all wide eyed. Viktor looked astonished at Lash. Now Lash was half-man, half Saurian. He stepped from the Warden's Protective Phalanx and took a knee in respect to Torloth. Then spoke in a reverent tone. Both Lash's voice, as well as Saurian's sounded at the same time. In sync but odd to the ear, as Lash's voice still sounded rough to the ears due to his injury, and that Saurian's vocal cords were not designed for human speech.

“This insignificant one apologizes to the great one. But, as you said, this one is a Warden. Though we are thankful for your intervening on our behalf. We swore an oath to be neutral, to keep the peace between the members of the society. You have taught your lesson to Kindred Viktor. But further displays of power will only bring the great one into conflict with the law. Please show mercy on this humble Warden for stepping between you and Kindred Viktor.” Lash/Saurian spoke.

“Ah! Ahaha! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHA!” Torloth, was only surprised for a moment before he laughed. He laughed for nearly a minute, fire did spark and ignite! Bringing a burst of light and heat! Orange! Red! Blue! Many society members nearby took cover in fear that things would get messy!

“You are right! Warden Lash! I stepped in to help, but I went to far! What does that say about a Dragon who runs a Law firm! You have done your job Warden and did it well! I will forgive you Warden for stopping my power, and I will forgive The Kindred along with Viktor! I am also neutral in the grand scheme! Just as you Warden's are! Aha!” Then he looked at Kali.. “But let me be clear! I am stepping back out of new found respect for Warden Lash, and I will take it personally if the kindred act against Warden Lash if he is met with reprisal!” Torloth spoke, the threat clear in his voice. Lash/Saurian stayed on their knee's in front of Torloth.

“The Blood-Kindred admit defeat as well as admit they were wrong.” Kali spoke.

“Kali! What did you say!” Viktor screamed from his kneeling position.

Then this time, a huge wave of pressure came not from Viktor but from Kali. One three times as great as Viktor's it crashed into his body, but before it could do any real damage. A pulse of Nullification came for Saurian again. He was standing now, looking at Kali. A trace of both surprise and amusement flashed in her eyes. Before she smiled at him and bowed her head. This move made all of the Blood-Kindred bow their heads. All save for Viktor. This is when Lash realized that Kali was in command not Viktor.

“Thank you for your kind consideration, Warden Lash. The Blood-Kindred will remember this kindness and promises to all that hear these words. Warden Lash is a friend to Kali of the Blood-Kindred.” Kali smiled at Lash who at this point and returned to being 100% human.

His expression of surprise brought an even larger smile to her face. She turned, telling the Kindred they were leaving and pointed at Viktor with a dismissive wave of her hand telling her minions to pick 'that' up. They did, all of them leaving the grand hall. Torloth settled back down on his balcony a clear amused grin on his face. No one spoke a word until the Blood-Kindred had completely left the hall then their was a collected sigh of relief! Then a hoop shout, and cheer from The Warden's as they surrounded Lash and practically dog piled on top of him.

“That was amazing!”

“Can you teach us that ability? Is it a tool? Spell? Please tell me you can teach that!”

“Let the boy breath you idiots! If he teaches any one first it will be me!” Skaleg shouted at them all!

The collected Wardens showered Lash with questions about what he just did! The Blood-Kindred were not well liked. Though not all of the Blood-Kindred were bad people. The Kindred were well known for skirting the law, breaking it often. But, no confirmed proof could be found. If there was a Mundane example, the Blood-Kindred were like organized crime families. But, with the Societies they were as much as a necessary evil. They unlike a lot of the Societies could pass for human. It was only the truly old Kindred that had behavior that would tip the mundanes off.

Rocksie came back! And practically jumped in to his arms! Making a very clear joke about wanting to take his first time with a were-breed. This joke made Lash's entire face go red! As he tried his best to say no, which made Rocksie throw a clearly sarcastic remark about how if she was not good enough, then he could have a few dozen of her packs females. Which made Lash even more shy! The whole hall laughed at the joke, and antics of Rocksie. It seemed unlike Woods, she was well liked among her peers. A few hours passed, it was now 9:00 pm. Music began to play. Lash couldn't see a band any where, maybe it was recorded? Maybe they enchanted some instruments. Before he could look around for an escape. Li'Ana appeared, she was breathing a little hard as it seemed she had sprinted here ahead of Soluna, and Jessabell. Taking the obvious clue. Lash and Li'Ana came to the dance floor. Though he was the guest of honor he was not required to dance on the floor alone. Many people came to the floor.

“So...” Li'Ana said in a soft tone, Lash had his right hand on her small waist, and left hand in hers. They took a traditional waltz position and kept it simple. Lash knew Li'Ana was using the dance as an excuse to talk to him. She leaned in close so that she and him were inches from each other.

“When we first met you gave me a business card, that had your work number. As well as what you claimed to be your personal phone on the back. Was the latter part true?” Lash said, as they spin around the room.

A smile tugged on his lips as he saw Rocksie dancing with Jessabell, Rocksie plainly taking the lead. Skaleg was dancing with Soluna. The old man was flushed red at being asked to dance and it showed. Soluna was clearly enjoying it, as the viking ghost followed behind. The ghosts expression showed that he loved watching Skaleg squirm.

“....No, it's not.” Li'Ana said softly. She bit her lip in frustration.

“That showed me that I could not trust you, when I first met you, Li'Ana. However, if you are willing! We can discuss more on that. I don't want to discuss the particulars here and now in the hall. I don't even want to know how many people here can hear this conversation. So, why don't you give me your actual personal number this time? I'll call you, we'll set up a time to meet. Alright?” Lash raised his left hand into the air, and pushed against Li'Ana's waist with his right. This gave her the que to do an under hand spin. When she returned, she came back and whispered into his ear her phone number.

“You may have to write that down for me, a beautiful women whispering in my ear tends to make one's mind go blank.” Lash said softly. This made Li'Ana laugh, Saurian confirmed that it was a genuine laugh. Once the dance ended, Li'Ana produced a small card with her number on it tucking it in to Lash pocket before she excused herself.

The rest of the night was enjoyable. Soluna stole Lash next for a dance, using it just like Li'Ana to ask him questions. He purposed the same option to Soluna. She gave him her card, since she was his official Liaison it made sense. He made sure each one was the real office number, and her real home phone. She raised a brow at him, then turned to look at Li'Ana realizing that Li'Ana hadn't done that. That's why the Summer Court was behind in the game. Li'Ana had screwed up. She walked away and whispered to Jessabell. Jess laughed and covered her mouth with her hand, as she glanced at Li'Ana. At this point Li'Ana seem to understand what she was laughing about. Giving her and him an acid glare before she excused herself from the public forum of the party.

Jessabell finally joined Lash for a dance. She practically glued herself to him. Wiggling with excitement at having him all to herself. Even if it was for a dance. Lash couldn't help it but have a smile on his face. Which made Jessabell all the more happy.

“So, you invited both Li'Ana and Soluna to your home? I'd suggest you don't bed them at the same time. Soluna might be up for it, but Li'Ana wont be.” Once again, Lash blushed...Hard.

What was wrong with him! He's blushed with Jessabell before but this was different. There must be a side effect of Calm Emotions. Jessabell saw his expression and laughed out loud! They did a few dance moves to let Lash recover his mental faculties. Then Jessabell slipped in to his embrace. She wrapped her hands around his neck, and changed the tempo of the dance even if the music didn't match. She didn't care, as her color reflective eyes changed from red, to blue, to purple.

“Soluna would be more then happy to share you while I'm around! But, I suppose you should attend to Li'Ana first. I'm sure you have to give her the statue you made for her.” Jessabell said softly, her head placed on his chest. Her words hot against his neck.

“I didn't make a statue for Li'Ana. I only did that for you.” -Yes! Yes! Huntress-Jessabell! Partner-Lash made stone shape of only you! Saurian's voice spoke across the link. This made Jessabell's body go rigid for a moment before she seemed to melt into Lash's embrace. As one dance came to an end, another song soon played after. Lash and Jessabell stayed together, this time the music fit their close proximity to each other.

“What Rocksie said was right, Lash. Fae don't practice monogamy. Most of the Societies don't. As you are, can you accept that? We are friends Lash, but as we both have said, we can be more. Are you as a three month old Super-Natural ok with that? I'm ok with you having more then one lover. Even if it's Li'Ana. But are you ok with me being with more then just you?” Lash had to really think about it, he didn't stop moving but some one else made the decision for him. -Yes! Yes! Huntress-Jessabell. Partner-Lash will understand. A strong pack is a flexible pack, as long as you understand that we understand. That we are family, that we are home! Lash didn't know why, but the words made sense.

“What my Partner said.” Lash spoke softly.

Jessabell laughed, and kissed Lash's cheek. “That was for Saurian, not you!” Lash could feel Saurian preening, showing off. Lash grumbled. Which made Jessabell laugh again, she paid Lash a favor and reached between his legs and adjusted him so he wouldn't embarrass himself with another rock hard cock pitching a tent. She also took her time to doing it, which of course didn't help the erection. Then another music change happened this time, Jessabell wanted to dance. It was a southern Jazz song that had no place in a Fae Court Grand hall but it was still being played. Many society members took to the floor. Lash tried his best to accommodate Jessabell. But in the end she ended up leading him. They both still had fun, throwing flirty looks.

As they danced the night away. Eventually, the party came to an end at 10:00 pm. Why so early? Well, most of the attendee's would be heading home for some....After party action, and they wanted to get an early start. Much to Lash's Surprise, Skaleg headed home with the female Warden that kissed Lash's cheek. Jessabell kissed Lash's nose with a teasing smile. Saying she was putting Soluna up for the night and they wanted some quality time together. So, Lash and Jessabell would not be together. Lash made his way out of the hall. He bowed from his waist and a 90 degree angle towards Torloth. The dragon gave him a business card of shield and sword law firm. Telling him that the Wardens and the Law firm work together. Make sure he calls to get appointed a lawyer. They'd be waiting for him. He got back to his car, same troll bodyguard awaited his arrival. Polite and to the point as he was before. He was soon dropped off at his building. He thanked the troll, and moved to door. It opened for him, behind the desk was Thompson the Cheshire cat person. Lash made it to his home, walked through the front door. When he made it to the kitchen, he saw a familiar sight. There on the balcony was Li'Ana wearing winter coat over her dress. She waved at him. Apparently, Lash's night wasn't over yet...

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