
***The Real(?)***

Erik woke up in his near pitch black room with tears that fell from his eyes. He slowly pushed back the shield from the Cube that covered his face and sat up in his bed. He felt the raw emotional pain that came with the event he had with in the Dream. Erik had had horrible dreams before. His parents said he suffered from night terrors when he was child. He had also seen movies, and read books where an emotional moment made him cry. But this...This was different.

Erik pulled himself off his bed and fell to his knees as he shouted in indescribable pain. He felt like there was a hollow portion in his chest that had been recently carved out. But he had no spells, no powers, no way to deal with it here. In his mind he knew what he experienced was just a dream. A dream only seems fake when you wake up. But this feeling, this feeling felt real! Erik curled up into a fetal position and rocked back and forth. He tried to tell himself it wasn't real, it was just a game.

Erik didn't know how long he stayed like that. Good have been minutes, it could have been hours. He felt the emotion, the attachment slowly grow numb. It felt like he was progressing through weeks, and months of progress in the span of a few hours. The hole was still there, but it slowly closing. But it would forever leave a scar behind. Erik climbed to his feet and looked around his room. He needed fresh air. He pushed open all his windows and decided to go down to the corner market for some food.

He pulled on some more respectable clothes that didn't fit him anymore. He had lost a lot of weight. When he left his apartment, and stepped outside of the complex he saw the light of the sun was slowly climbing. It was early morning, and he didn't really care. He had lost track of what day it was. Like a zombie he shuffled his feet towards the corner store and walked into the brightly lit room. Filled wall to wall with snacks, food, simple convenience items, and he saw two familiar faces. Elder Scrolls, and James Bond. He still didn't know their real names.

James Bond was talking to a young woman that sat behind the counter of the corner store. She was in her late twenties with a mousy appearance. Small, but still cute. Pair of glasses on her face, hair down. She was also really enjoyed talking to Bond. Bond had leaned across the counter slightly and was very animated in his discussion with her. Erik walked through the store and collected the items for a meal and came up behind Elder Scrolls who jumped a little in surprise when he saw him.

“Hey DC! You ok? Look a little worn around the edges.” Elder Scrolls said to him.

“One of my favorite denizens of the dream died. It surprisingly hurt a lot.” Erik replied, and the Elder Scrolls actually gave him a look of sympathy and understanding.

“Ya! I was actually surprised how attached I got to my people.” Elder Scrolls said, and their conversation grew stagnant. Erik looked past him and looked at James.

“As he always been a lady killer?” Erik asked, and Elder Scrolls looked at his roommate then looked back at Erik and shook his head.

“Not, at all! He use to be terrified to speak to any girl. Now? He's a modern day casanova. We think it has to do with the Dream Engine.” Scrolls said, as he shuffled his feet a bit.

“Did you report the bleed effect?” Erik asked, worried for them. Though he blatantly chose to ignore his own bleed effects.

“That's just it! He contacted the admins and they came to look into his system. They said no bleed through was happening. It's just confidence. The art of seduction is part of the James Bond play through. Even if its an implanted skill, you still tend to build up confidence.” Scrolls said with a smirk, and cleared his throat to interrupt his friend who had claimed the young woman's number.

“Oh! I'm sorry! Are you ready to check out?” The young woman said, a blush crawled up her neck into her cheeks.

Scrolls, and Erik paid for their food and Erik walked back with them towards the apartment complex. James, and Scrolls had both told Erik that they had joined the MMO version of their separate Dreams. So they weren't playing with VI Avatars anymore, but actual Users. Thankfully most of the stupid people had been weeded out at that point they said. The Developers wanted professional, mature Users for their MMO version. What's a stupid User? Someone who decides to mouth off to the Emperor of Cyrodiil expecting zero repercussions.

“They did that!?” Erik asked in shock towards James Bond who was telling a story about a VI Avatar that tried to seduce M.

In many of the James Bond films, and books. M was the spy master of MI:6. She was an older woman that had her turn in the spy business and survived. But her overall story was something only teased about by the Authors, and the Directors of movies. So when the VI Avatar who had a thing for older woman tried to seduce her. She had him killed for over stepping boundaries.

“Yes, then apparently the User complained to the Developers that all men, and women should be capable of being seduced.” Bond said in reply with a grin.

“So, the Developers messaged back.” Scrolls continued.

“Everyone can be seduced, the User was just bad at it.” James said, and Erik laughed a bit. “Then they posted User's horrible attempts at seduction on the video thread itself. They guy apparently walked right up to M and just asked her if she wanted to fuck him. That was it.”

“Why did he expect that to work?” Erik asked.

“Because he had Advanced Seduction/Charm in his skill set. Most average denizens practically jumped into his arms. So he expected the same thing from M. I do have to admit M in my Dream is pretty attractive. She's an older woman, who has taken care of herself. I see why the guy went for her.” Bond said, a faraway look was in his eyes.

“So, that User is not in the MMO hopefully?” Erik asked, and Bond shook his head.

“The only issue with an MMO is that we've had to slow down our play time. In a single player game we can do that one hour in the real is one week in the dream. But in the MMO its the original time frame of five minutes in the real is an hour in the dream.” Scrolls said next, as they almost reached the apartment complex.

“That, and when you log out. Your VI copy controls your avatar while you are away.” Bond said next and that made Erik stop in thought.

“Ummm, what happens if someone kills your Avatar while you are logged off?” Erik asked.

“Your dead.” Bond said with a grimace.

“That's why its a Beta test. The Developers were so adamant about only giving Users one life. But that may not work in the MMO. We'll see, hey this is us! See you around DC!” Scrolls said, and Bond waved at Erik who said goodbye back.

Erik went back up to his home. He pulled out a frozen pizza, and bread sticks for the oven. While they cooked, he cleaned up his home a bit. His food didn't take long. He set it aside for a moment and took a shower so when he stepped out it had cooled down. He ended up eating the whole pizza, and bread sticks. It was odd though, he wasn't actually hungry. Yes, he did eat a lot. But... After he ate the entire medium pizza, and bread sticks. He didn't feel full either. It was like he could eat more, or he didn't need eat at all.

One thing he did do was pull open a window and did a bit of sun bathing. He couldn't remember the last time he spent more then a few minutes in the sunlight. He must have stayed there for a few hours because when he opened his eyes the sun had risen past his window. He stood up with a stretch and felt his bodies joints pop in soft release. He felt...Good. He cleaned up his kitchen, and did some chores. Then he went back to his bed room and cleaned the Dream Engine Cube. Then he signed onto the DC Comics Dream forums.

Erik filled out another Beta Test questionnaire. He had an email from his bank telling him about the deposit of money from the Dream Engine company. He knew he agreed to get paid for doing the Nightmare Mode. But seeing it actually in his bank account made it more real. He still didn't like the forced difficulty increase. But it was a Beta Test. He technically didn't The Cube, or the game. But when he received a notification from the developers asking him about Nightmare mode he made sure they knew his frustrations.

They sent a simple reply back stating that they were sorry for the inconvenience and even increased his pay by another hundred dollars! OK... However, they also said that if it got to bad he could just reset his dream. So he would lose all of his progress? Erik was frustrated with the idea. Even if he didn't use any of his World Points he had accumulated over his play time. Even if he told Dawn to give him the exact place, time, and Origin start. Same abilities, powers, and spell craft. Erik knew it would not be the same. Because he is not the same.

Erik had done it before. How many people had played a single player game. Won it, or stopped half way through and wanted to try something new. Start over, and you spend half the time you did before in the starting village because you already know it. Head straight north instead of wondering around? The problem with that is. In the Dream Engine, that would dramatically change the story. Maybe he would never meet Li'Ana, or Jessabell? Maybe he would never get called on to help track Ares? No matter what he did, his new game would be different.

Erik leaned back and thought about it. If he ever did a new game+ in the dream maybe he could still play Lash/Saurian but be a villain instead? Could be fun. Following that train of thought Erik went to the forums and looked up how many had done that? Been a hero and swapped to villain. Or vice versa? A lot of people had done it mid dream. But a lot of people had also had his same train of thought.

As Erik was reading through some threads he noticed his inbox had about 13,564 letters in it. He activated the little program the developers had given him to skip through the death threats, and spam stuff. That narrowed it down to about 5,678 letters. Crap! So Erik stretched a bit and started to look through the letters. Many of them were thank you notes, some of them were from people that Lash had killed but they simply wanted to ask questions about mechanics. Lash/Saurian were part of the last remaining first life Avatars. Erik couldn't remember but there were suppose to be like a hundred or so left. Maybe less?

What had also happened was that Lash/Saurian were now part of the MMO as a VI Avatar. He was a skill/power/spell trainer for new Wardens, and JLI members. On an additional note, a hero turned villain had figured out Lash's secret identity and posted it on the forums. Now a lot of the new born Villains that had been killed by him in the past tracked Lash down in their new dreams and killed him before he got to big of a threat. Aha!

Then inspiration struck him. Erik looked up the MCU Rift story/event chain. Turned out it was a fan favorite a majority of the Users in the DC Comics had done it at least once. There was a door in a Users black room that allowed them to revisit old Rifts they had completed. There would be zero reward, but also zero chance of permanent death. But you could make different choices. Erik looked up the long list of rewards and was disappointed. An admin had come in and redacted all the pages with the rewards posted on them. They didn't want to spoil it for everyone.

He did find A LOT of people angry about the 4th wall engine preventing them from doing things. So Erik wasn't the only one. The events had to happen in some resemblance of order. However, the Developers claimed that they were looking into changing that in the future. There were also several people who had posted stories about how they changed the timeline. How a Kryptonian had beaten Thanos to death before the event chain was not even half way complete. The User had been A+ grade. All their stats were through the roof and were on par with Captain Marvel. So it was possible to defeat Thanos before the snap happened. You just had to be incredibly overpowered.

Eventually Erik turned his computer off and turned around to look at the Cube. He felt that hole in his chest appear again. He took a deep breath and reminded himself it was just a game. He double checked his sheets, put on some sleeping wear, cleaned the cube again. Decided to clean his room....again? No! No! This as stupid! It was a game. Despite all the stress that came with being on Nightmare mode there was also a sense of relief, and thrill that came with overcoming a challenge. He laid down and activated the Cube. He felt the hum energy pass over him and he fell asleep quickly.


“Welcome back User!” Dawn said with good cheer as he appeared in the black room.

She decided to wear a high school cheer leader outfit this time. Short blond hair tied back in a pony tail. Short pleated skirt, halter top that exposed her midriff, and barely contained her bouncing chest. Her pink lips had sparkling lip gloss across them, and she had raised her hands into the air when she said hello. She had red, and pink tennis shoes on and she did a high kick into the air.

“Thank you, Dawn. Those colors look familiar.” Lash said as he walked up and looked her over. She did a pirouette to show off her figure, her skirt flared up a bit.

“It's from your high school! You attached your social media page to the Dream Engine when you filled out the questionnaire. It let use give a better understanding of who you were. I've been saving it for a special occasion!” Dawn said, as she gave him a wink and ran her tongue along her lips in a sensual motion.

“Right! The colors match my school. You also look familiar!” Lash replied.

“I do! Though its not exact copy that would be impolite of me. We try not to directly copy existing people it can cause...Issues outside the dream.” Dawn said, and stopped to take on an authority tone that really didn't match her outfit.

Lash nodded as he understood why she looked that way. Dawn followed him with her eyes, her eyes that continued to dance up and down his body. Erik Lash wore a pair of gym shorts, and a medium black shirt. Showed off his figure, but kept a bit of modesty. Dawn walked up casually and ran her hands over his chest, and abdomen as her eyes danced to his lips more than once. Why not? Lash leaned down and kissed Dawn who smiled and...Slapped him across the face!

“Ouch!” Lash said with a grin, it didn't really hurt.

“Excuse me! I have my promise ring on.” Dawn extended her hand, waving her fingers with a silver promise ring on. Lash rolled his eyes at her and she stuck her tongue out at him.

“OK? So, what does a guy have to do to get the ring off?” Lash asked as he opened his arms up. Dawn walked right up to him pressing the long line of her body against his own. Her eye lashes fluttered.

“....We should do your epilogue.” Dawn whispered to him then bounced away before he could close his arms around her. He took a deep breath and let out a gentle sigh. Dawn really liked to tease him.

Dawn did a cartwheel that moved into a front flip, then bounced off the ground into a half twist then landed on wooden stage that materialized when she wanted it to. She bounced again into a full twist and landed so she faced him again and raised up her hands as the timeline app appeared. Wow! OK, she was in a mood. But Lash felt his lips pull up into a smile. It made the hole in his chest feel lighter.


(Epilogue of the MCU Rift Story/Event)

Thanos the Mad Titan had been slain. His Black Order laid to waste, as was his armies. The Universe as whole rejoiced as their people returned from the ruin that Thanos had caused. Though it was not perfect. It was far better than what it had been before. True to their word, the team used the quantum tunnel and returned the stones to their original time line. The SSR did have a portfolio on a giant reptile swimming in the polar ice caps in the 1940's, but never ever found any trace of the creature afterwards. The rest of the stone were placed back in their respective places. Much to the dislike of Captain America they did replace the scepter in the Hydra base.

Lash Jormungandson returned the soul stone to Vormir. Red Skull awaited his arrival and took the stone freely from him. They had a long discussion about details of the stone, and the sacrifice. Lash left Vormir with a smile on his face, and hope for the future. When the stones were returned a party on a universal scale was celebrated. Unfortunately the celebration would not last.

Earth among so many planets across the universe had grown use to not having their population this large. They were happy to have their people back of course. But trillions of people across the universe had been displaced. What were you meant to do when you had been living in a home for five years only for the original owners to reappear and demand that you get out?

The Inhumans eventually got their island chain. It had taken him 5 years but Lash helped Attilan create a place for them in the North Atlantic ocean. Though the cast system was eventually put aside, the royal family didn't step down and were never asked to. Attilan, and Wakanda worked together to bring Earth into the new century. Especially since Lash terraformed the moon into a verdant jungle. Why he did Lash do this when asked? He said he needed the practice.

SHIELD continued to be a world wide organization designed to help protect the planet Earth. While SWORD began to expand into the Sol System with the help several alien friends, and the Nova Corp. With the return of so many people back on Earth old conflicts rose up once more. One would think people would put aside their differences but it was more of the same.

Odin returned and took up an advisory position to King Thor. Thor married Lady Sif and they had a child soon after. Hela was never seen. While Loki was lost to the Universe. They never learned if he was alive or dead. Asgard took the opportunity to go out and use their forces to help rebuild, and protect the nine galaxies as a whole as a police force. They worked along side the Nova Corp, and other interested parties.

Wanda, and Vision did end up having two children. Twins! With the help of Lash's magic science. Lash spent the next fifteen or so years on Midgard helping them cope with the situation while he would still visit the other nine realms. Eventually he finished his affairs and asked Thor for time off. When asked what he planned to do, his only reply was a smile. The last anyone saw of Lash Jormungandson was when he reached the edge of the Sol System in a custom crafted ship.


“Dawn, where are the personal clips for specific characters like I had in the Time Fragment? As a matter of fact that entire epilogue is different.” Lash asked, as he read through the time line.

“The Developers didn't think it was necessary for the MCU event chain. Also they were trying a different format for the after word. Do you prefer the older style?” Dawn asked.

“Yes, yes I do.” Lash replied and Dawn made a note.

“Next we have your rewards! I must say, it is a lot!” Dawn said with a grin, and brought up the next reward app in the black room.

Rewards calculated for entire event chain.

25,000 Dream Points.

500 Ability Evolution Points.

Lesser version of one Infinity Stone. (Speak to VI Rep.)

Lash's eyes went wide at the amount of DP he had access to. Then he checked his actual DP total with the reward included because he couldn't before. He had 30,000 DP in total! He could afford the C, B, and A grade versions of the Watch Tower Station. Along with modules, and maybe even have enough left over for a new planetary shield upgrade, and the lunar academy they wanted! A fierce grin came across Lash's face, and he cheered in delight!

“Wait, what is a lesser version of an Infinity Stone?” Lash asked, not understanding the last reward.

“User, you can choose one of the Infinity Stones as a reward. Only one! But it is not the whole stone, just a small tear drop of it. But that alone is amazing! Here I have each stone's description. Please be aware its vague on purpose.” Dawn replied.

Power Stone: The User is granted empowerment from the stone as it gradually boosts all available abilities over time. (Additional effects will be based off of User.)

Space Stone: The User is granted the ability to travel freely through space, and dimensions. (Additional effects will be based off of User.)

Reality Stone: The User is granted the ability to distort the fabric of reality. (Additional effects will be based off of User.) Recommended!

Soul Stone: The User is granted the ability to command souls, and the concept of life and death. (Additional effects will be based off the User.)

Time Stone: The User is granted the ability to partially control, and wield time. (Additional effects will be based off the User.)

Mind Stone: The User is granted the ability to amplify, and empower their own mind, and others. (Additional effects will be based off the User.)

“Wow, that is vague! Why is the reality stone the recommended one?” Lash asked, as he paused over the option.

“You have the most experience with that stone. This lesser version will not suck you dry, if you worried about it.” Dawn replied, as she saw on the stage's edge, kicking her legs back and forth. “Though I can think of a few people you know that would like to suck you dry.” Dawn continued, and Lash looked at her with a smirk.

“I take it that the choice is permanent? Can't swap it out for another once I have it?” He asked, as he began to pace in his black room.

“Yes! However, once you choose you can log off and check the forums for the reward page. Since the forums are tied to your Dream Engine their let you see them.” She replied.

“Check list then! The Mind Stone seems impractical for this. With my abilities I can already empower other people. I have several mind abilities already. So the stone would simply empower them. Sounds exciting, but I can do that with the new 500 AEP.” Lash said, as he did some mental calculations.

I never enjoyed doing the most effective tactics available. (META) I just went with what would be fun, and what would keep me alive. -Erik said across the link.

We may have to. The world around us is growing more, and more dangerous. -Saurian continued across the link.

“So, Mind Stone is out. Time Stone look interesting. But we can already do that with our Time Domain. But of course the stone would only empower our abilities. Time Domain is one of the more dangerous Domains. Having an item that is pure time could be greatly beneficial.” Lash continued, as he thought about it. He eventually came over to Dawn who perked up. He ended up leaning against the stage, with his back between her legs. She grinned at him, and wrapped her arms around him from behind.

“Soul Stone is also a moot. We have the Grave/Necromancy Domains. Though I can assume it would empower Kiss of the Grave. Maybe even Animancy. But why Reality? I understand we've used it before. But we do have Reality Warping already. But having a high level version was incredibly useful. It empowered all of our spells naturally.” Lash said as he leaned back, Dawn placed her cheek next to his own.

“Keep going...” Dawn said softly into his ear and it made him shiver.

“Space Stone would empower the Space Domain. Along with Portal Creation. But in the end I have everything the stones do. Everything but....The Power Stone. Gradually boosts all available abilities overtime? I don't suppose you could explain that?” Lash asked as he turned to look at her. She grinned at him, and began to nibble on his ear. That was distracting!

“Dawn.....Nnnnnn...Dawn!” Lash said, as he regretfully pulled away. She looked up at him with a look of innocence as if she hadn't been doing anything.

“Yes, Lash?” Dawn asked.

“Are the rewards normal for everyone? I know the origins grant different things but....” Lash asked, he understood it was an open ended question but Dawn smiled at him.

“Essentially yes. The additional effects are the only things that are different. But the standard reward is normal for everyone.” Dawn replied.

“OH! So someone who has absolutely no resurrection abilities would find a lot of use out of the Soul Stone?” Lash asked, but Dawn simply shrugged. She was unable to give him a direct answer this time.

Though Lash didn't know the exact nature of the Soul Stone with out picking it up. He could assume having an extra life would be amazing! Even Lash's own resurrection abilities had huge drawbacks. Kiss of the Grave and Death Ward have a six month cool down period on the individual target. That was something Lash had to learn, it was not in the spell description.

“Even though the Reality Stone is recommended. I'll go with the Power Stone.” Lash said, and Dawn looked at him with an enigmatic smile.

“Are you sure? Once you choose there is no going back.” Dawn said, and Lash chewed on his lip. It was between the Power Stone, and the Reality Stone.

“It's not the actual stone right?” Lash asked again.

“Correct, you are obtaining a tear drop amount of the stone that will work in your specific location. Because Infinity Stones are tied to the realities they exist in and lose power when they leave it. This reward will not do that. The stone fuses into you.” Dawn said, that was new information!

“So....The Reality Stone wont suck me dry. The Power Stone wont kill anything organic, right?” Lash asked, suddenly horrified.

“Oh no! Yes, sorry that is also removed.” Dawn continued with a smile.

“Power Stone!” Lash said. Dawn looked at him for about a minute. He grew visibly pale thinking he had done something wrong. Then the reward application appeared in front of him.

Do you accept the Power Stone as your reward? Yes/No....Yes.

Effects: All of the User's abilities passively gain experience. 10% of the total experience needed to level is granted per day. (Example, 10% of 1,000 = 100 EXP)

Side-Note: The higher the evolution the less experience obtained per day. (See Tool Tip)

Effects: The User will passively regain all forms of energy at an accelerated rate. (See Tool Tip)

Tailored Effects: Grant a temporary 24 hr, 2 X EXP boost to a target. (Can not self target.)

Side-Effect: EXP boost has a one week cool down per target.

“Wait!? I passively gain experience now? Even with the abilities I don't use?” Lash asked, astonished.

“That is correct, User!” Dawn said with a grin.

In order to level up an ability one had to use them. If you didn't use them, they didn't gain experience. With the Power Stone reward, now Lash just gained experience regardless. Yes it would take days, weeks, or even months to evolve some of them. But to just passive gain experience now? The tailored effects also was nice. Lash liked helping his fellow JLI with training so with the new boost it would really help a lot of them push past their limits.

“Alright... Let's go back.” Lash said to Dawn who winked at him and he felt himself fall from the black room. Time to go home.


***HR. Earth, New York. WWN Studio***

“Hello everyone, I'm Sara Bradley!” Sara said cheerfully into the camera.

“And I am Luke Brendon!” Luke said next.

“”And this is World Wide News!”” They said together!

Sara was wearing a very nice blue silk cashmere suit that was tailored made for her slim, but athletic figure. Her brown hair had grown long enough for her to tied back into a tail. It gave her a young, but professional look. Her blue eyes were highlighted but impeccably applied make up, and her tanned skin gave her a healthy look to anyone that watched her.

Luke had shaved his black hair so he was bald, he wore a pink cancer ribbon on his black suit jacket. His warm amber eyes were crescent shape as his smiled reached high up his face. His chocolate skin was smooth, and with out any noticeable blemish. He had filled out his suit, especially in the shoulders. On his left hand was an engagement ring.

“Our top story today is that STAR labs has reported that they now know the differences between the different Rifts, and portals we have discovered across the globe.” Sara began.

“That is right, Sara! And it couldn't have come sooner! Thanks to the United Nations pooling their resources. With a large help from the Justice League International we can now determine which each one will do if it should fail.” Luke continued, and glanced at Sara who took the lead.

“With this we can now establish safe zones, and supply troops where they are needed. If a Rift is an, 'Egg Break' as they are being called now. Then the military, and the JLI can set up and act accordingly. If they are an explosion, or implosion we can evacuate the area.” Sara said.

“This has dramatically cut back on costs, resources, and personnel in the area. Allowing the governments across the world to help provide the correct amount of aid in the right places. Unfortunately not everything is good news.” Luke said.

“Yes, several videos have been posted on social media. These videos show people entering Rifts that they are not properly prepared for and exiting the Rifts with abilities matching a Meta. Or coming out with money, gold, and jewels. But we have to stress this. For every success there are dozens if not hundreds of failures.” Sara continued.

“So we the people at the World Wide News have been asked to tell you. If you see a Rift please notify the local emergency response teams. Ghost Industries the new financial backer for the CSA programs has offered a reward to anyone who spots a Rift.” Luke said next.

“Please understand multiple people can spot the same Rift, and Ghost Industries has declared that everyone will get a reward. There is no reason to fight one another for the reward.” Sara said, and with a grimace she said off script towards the camera. “Yes, its happened before.” Luke winced a bit but continued on.

“Speaking the CSA with for anyone who didn't know stands for the Certified Supers Association. Ghost Industries has opened up a new training facility right here in our own city. New York. This facility will be used to help train people who find themselves with new powers. Allowing them to gain a handle on their abilities, as well as seek employment with their powers if they so choose.” Luke said next, and they glanced at the holographic display behind them.

The camera angle moved and the studio played a clip of one of their one the scene reporters going through a mini tour of the facility. They showed Victoria Ghost the CEO of Ghost Industries doing a ribbon cutting. The camera crew also spotted over a dozen JLI members either flying in the air, or perched on roof tops near by providing security. The facilities are huge, with more than half of it underground for security. The CSA facility would also double as an emergency shelter in times of crisis.

As the camera crew toured the facility they came across several children, teenagers, and adults being trained in an expansive gymnasium. It had been explained that physical health is one of the key aspects of controlling new Meta powers. The more control one had over their own body, the more they control abilities. What was slightly horrifying was there was some sort of alien creature in the middle of the gym that looked like a giant slug that was telling the kids the proper way to lift weights. It wasn't until later that they news team was informed that some Meta's go through a physical changes as well.

Victoria Ghost answered as many questions as possible that had been cleared by the Ghost Industries public relations. But there always had to be a few reporters who pushed the envelope about what they could, or could not ask. One reported asked how could the CSA justify using tax payers money to build this. That was when they were politely informed that they didn't. This all came out of Ghost Industries own pocket. Ghost Industries had established CSA facilities across the world. Each one paid for, and run by Ghost Industries. Which oddly enough actually made people more nervous then not.

“Excuse me!” Sara called, and the camera angle switched from the tour back to the studio.

“We've just been informed that the giant Rift in New York where Agent Wraith stepped into is reacting to the environment. The STAR techs on the ground believe the Rift is collapsing. We have a crew on station.” Sara continued, and the video switched over to the giant blue to green Rift.

The Rift had all but swallowed the building that it had appeared in and maintained that volume the entire month that Agent Wraith had stepped inside of it. Now, the Rift was collapsing, expanding! Then slowly folding in on it self. This didn't look like an imploding Rift. They had seen this before when JLI, and other governments agents had succeeded in preventing a Rifts failure. Then with an audible POP! The Rift winked out of existence.

Several JLI ported in, while several others flew, climbed, or ran over across the city. They waited just on the edge of the building until a familiar, all be it slightly different towering figure walked out of the building. Wraith looked different? He was still stood at eight, was wrapped in a billowing shroud of smoke and shadow. But he now had four appendages curling, and writhing on his back. Four clawed hands moved out from his shroud. His presence, even felt through the camera was palpable.

Several soldiers, and police officers walked over to speak to Wraith. The news crew couldn't get close enough to listen. The area was still quarantined. Eventually Wraith stepped from the officers in charge of the scene and a familiar ribbon of energy wrapped around him and he teleported back to the Watch Tower Station. An officer in charge came to speak to the news that Wraith would make a statement once he had been debriefed. That was all. The studio switched from the scene back to the studio.

“Well, I for one am happy that Wraith is back safe and sound!” Luke said with a smile.

“Me too!” Sara replied.


***HR. Watch Tower Station***

( Warden Erik Lash and Hunter Saurian / Agent Wraith)

Thunderous applause was the first sound Lash came back to when the portal hub door opened up. The entire promenade was full of people from the JLI, Wardens, and the supernatural community. Lash keeping to his Warden training bowed deeply from his waist towards the crowd. Then silently made his way towards operations for his debrief that he did not look forward to at all.

“Welcome back, father. We missed you!” Vici said to him across their telecommunications link.

“Thank you, daughter mine. It is good to be home.” Lash said, but he knew his voice was...off.

“Take your time, father. The world is broken but we can wait for you to get settled.” Vici said politely but Lash knew that wouldn't work. As much as Lash desperately wanted to take a few days he knew they would throw him back into the grinder.

He stepped into operations and was shown to a debriefing room. A senior Warden, fae court officials, Vigil, and Wonder Woman were waiting for him. Lash kept to his etiquette and attempted to bow before Wonder Woman pulled him into a hug. He towered over her six foot height but he still returned the embrace with all four of his arms. Wonder Woman jumped a little but settled back down.

Next came Vigil who normally would wait till they were alone to show any kind of affection being the soldier type didn't care either way and hugged him next. Though it was quick! Then Lash pulled off his grim reaper outfit and the room went pin drop silent. He wore his dark forest green vibranium polymer suit. With Einherjar Nth, and Uru metal vantablack armored plates. Next was the fact that his tribal marks that across his scales glowed with a slight purple hue. Then on his forehead on his skull crest was a small tear drop sized purple gem.

As Lash took a seat, the chair altered itself to adjust to his new body form. Martian tech was so nice! The four tentacles wiggled for a bit then settled, then Lash crossed his lower arms over his chest, and steepled his upper hands in front of him. Lash was practically oozing energy just by sitting there. With Magical Perception on they could see will-o-wisps of natural energy dancing with joy around Lash.

“Warden Lash, how long were you in the Rift. From you perspective?” The Seelie Court Fae asked. Lash leaned back in his chair and had to think about it. If he went off his background it would be over a thousand years. If he took that away, but counted time during, and between events it would be approximately five years.

“That is hard to say, I have two answers for you.” Lash replied, as Wonder Woman, and Vigil took their seats. Wonder Woman looked at him with concern.

“You are aware that with in the Rift what ever, or who ever controls them gives each individual who enters a sort of background?” Lash asked, and they nodded.

The teams that had been sent into the Rifts would on a subconscious level know what they needed to do to accomplish the Rift. Then the system (Dawn) would write up a recommended background for each individual that stepped in. They would have a flash of memories imprinted in their minds. That would fade away kinda like a dream when they left the Rift. But many people had reported having an entire life of memories and it caused a bit of disorientation.

“The imprint granted to me gave me over a thousand years of memory.” Lash began.

“Holy Hera!” Wonder Woman said with wide eyes.

“While the actual time spent was approximately five years.” Lash continued, the rest of the room leaned back a bit at that.

“I'm taking you off of active duty until you've had a full work over.” Vigil said quickly. Lash looked over at her.

“I agree, I am not... I need time to center myself. Vici, could you schedule the next available appointment for me for a therapist?” Lash asked.

“Of course creator. There will be one waiting for you when you are ready.” Vici replied in a quick, and efficient tone. But hidden in her voice that only Vigil, and Lash heard was a hint of nervous tension.

“Alright, shall we start from the beginning?” Wonder Woman asked next.

So he did. One of the few times he was thankful for the 4th wall engine. It kept him from spilling anything that would pertain to the Dream Engine or the fact that he was a gamer from another reality and/or Dream? Semantics! He told them his selected background, the reality he was sent to, and the event chain fought through. He also showed them the ring he had made for Natasha. Wonder W...Diana wanted to hug him but he said if she did he may start to cry and never stop. So she waited till the end. As far as any of them could tell. Lash had lived an entire lifetime. But unlike the other Rift Walkers, Lash remembered it almost in perfect detail. Yes, he understood it wasn't real? Or maybe it was? The Denizens of the Dream still didn't fully understand the science behind the Rifts.

“As much as we want to put you to work, Warden Lash. We agree with Vigil's assessment. You need to be physically, psychologically, and spiritually cleared for duty. You are here by temporarily placed on standby pending a review, or if something horrible happens.” The senior Warden said, and the Fae council agreed.

“Thank you for your service, Warden Lash and Hunter Saurian. Please ensure you write up a written report at your earliest convenience.” The senior Warden continued and Lash handed him a data chip with his written record. The senior Warden let out a small chuckle and took it from him.

“Would you allow me to help with training, supervised of course? I have a new ability that will help.” Lash asked the room.

“As long as you are supervised by someone of equal or greater strength. We can't have you attacking anyone by accident.” Vigil said, it was a bit brutal but also necessary precaution.

After that the senior Warden, and fae council left the room. Diana walked around the table and pulled Lash into a hug. She was soon joined by Vigil and he was held by each of them. Tears started to fall from his six reptilian eyes and he quietly sobbed. He was home at last. But he was broken, and it would take time to fix. Eventually Diana volunteered to escort him to the Doctors to get a once over.

Diana was essentially in full uniform. She had swapped out her Amazon gear for the full magitech JLI uniforms. She had medium to heavy gear on that resembled an ancient greek hoplite, with a polymer under armor suit. Spell script written into the armor. The color was blue, red, and white. With a hawk style emblazoned across it. Her helmet would collapse and compress into her neck line when it was not being worn. Her shield, and sword were strapped to her back, and belt.

Diana walked by Lash's side holding his arm as he had offered it to her. They made an odd pair as they walked through the station to the medical wing. Lash noticed it was a tight fit as the station was crowded once more. Recruitment was up, so they needed more space soon. He'd have to clear it with everyone first but he did have enough points and there for he had the next upgrade design for C grade. A familiar faces waved to Lash has he moved along with Diana. But no one approached him oddly enough. Unless Vigil, or Vici informed them not too?

They reached the medical wing and stepped in. The medical module had expanded extensively. Allowing access to dozens of medical beds, with the attachment of the gene therapy clinic, and sanatorium. This made it far larger than it use to be. Thanks to the advanced magical, and medical science used in the module most people were in and out with in a few hours. Except for the most critical of injuries. Like...Death!

Lash, and Diana were shown to a private room. Once inside Lash pulled off Transformation, he still had his suit on but he was in his default human form for his home reality. 6'6” with caramel skin, bald head, yellow green reptilian eyes, tribal marks for each domain on his exposed skin. Which wasn't much! Lash turned to look at Diana who was looking him up and down with a small smile growing across her face.

“See anything you like, Princess?” Lash asked, as he opened his arms and did a little spin.

Diana smiled at him and gave him a shrug that could mean nearly anything. Even with his Deductive Reasoning Lash wasn't sure. Diana was very good at hiding her body language. Came with being a trained, and disciplined warrior. Once could almost see the telegraphed move of someone when they attacked. So she was trained not to show it. So, Lash walked across the room and stood before her. She stood up from the wall and waited.

Lash reached out and cradled her face in his hands and Diana leaned into it. There was a moment when Lash wanted to kiss her. But something told him not to. No, it was not something. He new what it was. He felt like if he did he would betray Natasha. A glimmer passed through Diana's eyes, she leaned in and kissed both of his cheeks. Then wrapped her arms around him, he was tall enough that she could set her head just under his chin and they would fit.

Lash did a quick Insight check on her and was informed that she was 72....no 75/25 for romance and friendship. Romance being the former. But Lash knew Diana well enough to know that she wouldn't share him. Maybe they could have sex. But Diana was the type of woman who would have a harem of men. (Polyandry.) He wasn't sure why but it made him smile. They stayed in each others arms for a while before someone knocked on the door. They let each other go and called the visitor in.

Ethan was one of the first androids that Lash had made and the time had been well to him. With out all of Lash's special abilities he would say Ethan was 100% human. Or at least an alien of some kind. His poly metallic alloy skin was perfect. He stood at approximately six foot even with tanned skin, black hair that was just long enough to tie back, bright blue eyes, and an athletic build. He wore a pair of blue scrubs, and a doctors coat. He was also very good looking!

“Diana! Father! Good to see you!” Ethan said, as he walked up and hugged them both.

“You are looking good, Ethan. Any problems?” Lash asked as he hugged his creation/son.

“We could use more room in the hospital.” Ethan said as he walked over a wall and pulled a sheet of glass out of it. A touch pad screen.

“That's good, I have the next upgrade schematic ready.” Lash said, Diana and Ethan both perked up at that.

“Shall I inform Malleus to start preparing the upgrade process?” Vici asked through the intercom system. Lash paused for a moment, he had thought the rooms were confidential. But then he realized he didn't care if Vici knew his secrets.

“Yes, please.” Lash replied.

“Alright, so we need to do an assortment of tests here. I'll need you to strip.” Ethan said, and Lash began to take off his armor.

It was relatively easy with his spell craft it simply faded into a pocket space after it was compressed. He did notice that Diana didn't offer to leave, and she also noticed he didn't ask her to either. She simply sat down in an offered chair by Ethan and watched with a smile that continued to grow across her face. Lash was covered in tribal marks, each one now highlighted in a purple glow. He was ripped! He was a demigod after all. Rectangular build, wide as a door. Perfected chiseled muscles, and an proportionately sized penis that Diana may have looked at and licked her lips a few times. In the middle of Lash's sternum was the tear drop power stone.

“Hmmm, what's this?” Ethan asked as he took a pen and went to tap on the stone. Lash tried to stop him but it was to late. When Ethan tapped it an energy burst shot him across the room. Thankfully Ethan bounced off the wall like he was made out of rubber.

“Fascinating!” Ethan shouted in joy as he looked at his pen which had turned into slag.

“Sorry, still getting use to it.” Lash said, and with a little bit of effort a sort of clear coated scale covered the stone.

“You alright, Ethan?” Diana asked, she hadn't risen from her chair but her muscles were tense.

“Oh I'm fine! In fact I feel invigorated. Super charged even!” Ethan said as he went over to the touch screen and scanned himself instead of Lash.

“My body is working at 200% capacity!” Ethan declared and took a few more notes. Then had a mobile medical drone drop down from the ceiling and it continued to scan Ethan. The drone was no bigger than a tennis ball. “Do you know how long this will last?” Ethan asked.

“Twenty four hours, with a week long cool down.” Lash replied, and Ethan made a few more notes.

“Right...Right.... Alright, lets get started!” Ethan said with energy similar to a child on christmas day.

They took blood samples, and Ethan quickly learned that Lash's blood turned to ash after a few seconds of being away from him. So they had to place a temporary probe into his body to record the information. That was until his body attacked the probe. It was his Adaptation at work. They had him use Transformation a few times, and then only alter certain segments of his body. Ethan noticed that Lash's overall energy levels were at a near constant level. Then he stepped onto a central scanning platform and they did a physical, mental, and spiritual scan of him. Magical medical science is very nice to have.

“Clean bill of health on my end, you do have some residual metal scarring on the scans. But that is quickly healing. So, I would say no PTSD from your experience from the Rift. Well, I'd give it a few days just to be sure. What ever you have in your chest is pushing your body at 200% capacity. But normally this would wear you out. Your body seems oddly suited for the change.” Ethan concluded.

“So physically he is fine?” Diana asked, she hadn't said much during the process.

“Yes! I will prescribe at least a week of rest. But he is cleared for duty on my end.” Ethan said with a smile. Lash, and Diana asked a few more questions then Ethan left the room. He had more patients to see and he was practically jumping off the walls with energy.

“One down, two to go. But if I am being honest I hope I get some time off.” Lash said, still standing naked in front of Diana.

“You could always come back to Themyscira. Train some of the new sisters. I'd enjoy the company.” Diana said with a smile as she stood up and walked towards Lash. She stopped about a foot away from him.

“Do you have the week off?” Lash asked, still standing boldly in front of her.

“I've been assigned to you until you are ready for duty. Remember what Vigil said? Someone equal or greater strength then you?” Diana said with a smirk. Oooo, that was tempting. Lash almost challenged her to a duel then and there.

Diana glanced down and noticed that Lash was standing erect and was almost long enough to poke her. She looked back up at him and raised a single brow at him. She bit her bottom lip and waited for a moment. Then she started to laugh, almost a giggle. A blush crawled up her neck, into her cheeks, and turned her ears red. She turned around and walked to the other side of the room.

“Get dressed, we still have two more stops to make.” She said, Lash complied and put his armor back on. Then activated Transformation again.

They went to speak to Lash's assigned therapist. This time Diana was not allowed to be in the room. Sanatorium was an interesting place. Dozens of rooms all of them a lot like the private quarters in the station. They would change, grow, and adapt to the users needs. Lash was shown into a room by a medical droid while Diana would sit in the very nice waiting room to do paper work. Lash promised he would try to hurry and she laughed at him. No one liked paper work, except for weirdos!

The room was pure celestial white. A couch grew up from the floor for Lash to sit, or lay down on. One of the walls turned into a holographic screen of a cascading waterfall. That filled the room with pleasant white noise that Lash found soothing. A single person chair grew up from the floor, and a side door opened up. A woman walked in.

The woman had an hour glass figure, with a lot of leg to be seen in her short pencil black skirt, and red naked toe stiletto heels. She wore a crimson silk blouse with a low revealing cut that emphasized her chest which was mid to large. She had a golden tanned skin tone. With rich brown hair done up in a bun. She wore slime black rimmed glasses that partially hid her lilac eyes, and had ruby red lips. She was exceptionally attractive! To the point he assumed she was a fae of some kind. She held out her hand towards him.

“Hello Lash, I'm Multifarious.” She said, her voice was like smooth rich honey on Lash's ears. For a moment Lash thought he had fallen under a glamour but Saurian assured him nothing was happening.

“Hello.” Lash replied, still confused but he took her hand in his clawed one. After a single shake she let go and gestured for him to sit down.

“If you prefer to stay in your Transformation that is fine. Or you can change back?” Multifarious said. Lash decided to change back to his default shape since she knew his name. He settled on the couch in full armor. Thankfully the Vibranium weave was light weight.

Multifarious sat down and crossed her legs. She leaned to one side so Lash could admire her long legs. She pulled a pen out, along with a note book and wrote down a few simple observation notes. She pushed her glasses up her nose, and tapped her pen on her lips lightly. Then she glanced up at him and gave him a seductive smile. She eyed him up and down and laughed lightly.

“No, I'm not one of your androids. I'm privately contracted by the Wardens to assist you, and your people, Warden Lash.” Multifarious answered the question that had been sitting on the tip of his tongue.

“So....” Lash began.

“I'm an Archfey.” She said simply and Lash went perfectly still.

“No, you don't have to kneel, or bow. I am contracted, I know you know that means.” Multifarious continued. “I have the unique ability to created multiple copies of myself. So I am currently visiting with six other people right now, not including you.”

What does a contract mean? Well its the same idea with a contract with a devil, or a demon. As long as you properly word the contract you can essentially get said individual to do nearly anything as long as its agreed upon. So, if the Wardens contracted an Archfey. Who are incredibly dangerous by the way. Then everyone who is seeing Multifarious should be fine. Though Lash plan...oh! Multifarious produced a copy of her contract for him to read.

What's an Archfey? Archfey are fey beings who gained nearly god-like powers and established a position of preeminence among fey-kind. Each Archfey had a unique appearance and set of abilities, most controlled a portion of the Feywild and had self-proclaimed titles. Like so many other god like beings they could Reality Warp the world as they saw fit. Though outside the feywilds they would not be as powerful. It was still terrifying to be in the room with her...him? Oh! Their gender was fluid.

Lash looked through the contract and it was very detailed, but straightforward. She would provide medical aid, and comfort to her patients in so many words. No soul stealing, killing, etc, etc. She would take on the form that her patients would feel most at home with, or would respond the most to. Essentially she was a shape shifting doctor to full fill the needs of her patients. The reward for this wasn't written.

“So, why do you look like that then?” Lash asked, as his eyes went a little wide as Multifarious undid the top two buttons of her already low cut blouse. Revealing her red lace bra.

“Because it is the one you will most pay attention to.” She said with a smile. Crap, they figured him out real quick.

“Wait! I can see through glamour. Why can't see through yours?” He asked.

“Because it's not a glamour. As far as this reality is concerned this is what I look like.” Multifarious said with a smile, as she pulled a hair clip from her hair. The rich brown curls fell to frame her face.

“You don't look like this for the other patients though?” Lash asked, she turned her eyes towards him and an almost sensual, and predatory gleam glowed out from them. Lash audibly swallowed and leaned back into the couch.

“Who, or what I look like for my other patients is not your concern. Patient and Doctor confidentiality. All you need to know is, that I am your Doctor. I want to provide care, and well being for you. Whether that is someone to talk to, reason with, bounce ideas off of, or if you need a therapeutic fuck we can do that too. Do we understand one another?” Multifarious said to Lash.

“Yes.” Lash replied.

“Good, now I have read your debrief. But I want you to start from the top and say it again. I'll listen to it all then ask questions at the end. Go!” Multifarious said, and began to take notes as soon as Lash started to speak.

So Lash said it once more from top to bottom. The whole time Multifarious wrote down on her note book in quick short hand and glanced at him periodically. When he reached hard to hand areas of emotions she gave him more eye contact than normal. She smiled, and laughed at the funny parts. But for the most part she did an excellent job at just being an active listener.

“So the Rift reality you were in. You were essentially a god. Little 'g' specifically?” She asked.

“The Asgardians were not true gods per say. Just genetically, and spiritually superior to most. While only a few of their numbers had access to a divine domain. Like Thor, and Sif.” Lash corrected her, and she made a note. “But yes, little g specifically.”

“From your background memories how many relationships did you have?” She asked.

“Not many, Jormungandson was a pariah, an outcast. The few relationships he did have were not with Asgardians. He made a few friends with the people there. Usually through trials, and tribulation. Battle often makes friends, and enemies out of neighbors.” Lash replied.

“Yet you and this Natasha had a relationship together. Not only that you hit it off pretty easily. Why?” Multifarious asked, as she looked up from her writing. There was no magic in her words, no spell craft. But all the same, Lash felt almost compelled to answer her.

“I think it was because we were both broken in some way...” Lash said after a few moments.

“Broken? Broken how?” She asked.

“May I give you some context?” Lash replied, and she nodded.

“I... Don't normally indulge in physical pleasure. There are plenty of men, and women that would love to spend time with me romantically, or simply just to have sex. Though it is appealing, I don't take them up on the offer.” Lash began to say.

“I normally require that they give 100% consent. No sex out of obligation, or when in vulnerability, or under the influence.” He said.

“So, upstanding individual?” Multifarious said with a smile. Lash winced at the idea and Multifarious looked at him like he was suddenly a puzzle to solve.

“Natasha, had been hurt in the past. She had been....Forced to do things against her will.” Lash began to say. Then Multifarious made an O face.

“You've been hurt in the past?” She asked.

“Yes, or....A part of me has.” Lash said, and he felt Erik curl up across the link.

“One of your former lives?” She asked, Lash looked at her. “I've read your Warden profile. You experience past lives, you remember them in great detail.”

“So, you or one of your past lives have been hurt. You've been used before. Forced to do things you didn't want to do?” She began.

Stop, I don't want to talk about this anymore. -Erik said across the link.

“I think I need to stop... We're not ready to talk about this.” Lash said, and Multifarious seem to understand what he meant.

“Ok. We can stop there for today.” Multifarious said softly....

I'm sorry Erik. -Lash said across the link.


Sensitive topic I know. But it should explain a lot why Erik and in part Lash acts.

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