Lash jumped across the street, what landed on the roof was a hybrid version of Lash and Saurian. The Spacial Item Shifting only took effect when he shifted completely between his two forms. Didn't work with Partial Transformation. So Lash's tux-robe was shredded when he landed. Claws extended from his hands, and tore through his shoes. A stub of a tail tore through his pants, as his shirt expanded to accommodate his added bulk. The rooftop concrete broke as Lash landed with a resounding BOOM! He saw them.

A team of six, Saurian inhaled and smelled Blood-Kindred. One of them was set up on the edge of the roof holding what looked like Savage MSR 10 long range rifle. The other five were wielding Vector SBR sub-machine guns. All of them wearing black tactical gear, including night goggles. That was a mistake! Lash raised a clawed hand into the air, the tribal mark along his scaled human form glowed green.

The Blood-Kindred Tact team screamed as they covered their eyes. Ripping the night vision goggles off. Unlike the books Lash had read as a child, Blood-Kindred were not allergic to sunlight. Pity. He bolted across the rooftop bull rushing straight into a Kindred. His half skull, and crest connected straight into the mans nose. He heard it shatter! As the kindred was sent reeling back, a scream rang out as he collapsed on the ground. Clutching his face. Lash moved on, extending his claws on his hands he swiped them across another kindred's chest, cutting through the Kevlar reinforced gear like it was made of paper. Blood bloomed like a crimson rose, splashing Lash. Saurian roared in delight! But the surprise was partially over at this point as the last four took out their vector sub-machine guns and opened fire.

Lash sprinted left, skirting around the group. Then dug his claws into the rooftop and abruptly lurched forward towards one of the gunmen. He gripped the kindred's wrist and crushed it. Earning a delightful wail in pain. As Lash pulled the arm, and the body around using it as a shield. The other, three kindred unloaded their weapons into the kindred meat. Lash picked the blood shield up off the ground and sprinted towards another target. Then throwing it at another side gunmen. Lash extended his elbow straight into the mans throat. His Partial Transformation having a bone-scale extended there making into a natural weapon. The gunmen began to choke on his own blood as he flopped to the floor. Two left. The second gunmen stumbled from having one of his companions thrown at him. Only to gasp in surprise as Lash was before his eyes. In an act of brutal efficiency, Lash made a stabbing weapon with his hand, and stuck it straight through the kindred's chest. Missing both his heart, and spinal cord. As much damage as he's done, the kindred could heal from this. Even the bullet sponge would live to fight another day. Lash pulled his hand out in a wet slippery motion. -KAAAALLLIIMMAAAA! Erik screamed with glee across the link. Lash laughed out loud which sounded horrifying in his hybrid form. A guttural growl of a crocodile, mixed with a human trying to talk with a mouth full of crushed glass.

A brief moment, a flash! Lash was standing on a field with hundreds of dead humans. He was alone on this hill. Bathed in blood, holding a spear, as he hears his Cosmic Patron call from above. -One thousand kills! Un-Fucking-Believable! New high score! Then Lash is back on the rooftop! He sprints towards the gunmen with the long range rifle. The Kindred screams in panic, as he sets his rifle to full auto. Lash tries to get there in time but he wont make it.


The Kindred unloads the clip into Lash's chest, he buckles backwards. Blood, bone, viscera scatter across the roof. Lash drops to his knee's struggling to take a breath. He looks up and ROARS! A monster sound that resonates across the roof...

Congratulations User! You've obtained the skill, Intimidating Shout; Some people scream before they attack, ruining the surprise. You? You scream to not only get their attention, but to intimidate them. This skill works in tandem with Commanding Presence. Hay! Not only will you look at me! You will be intimidated, damn it!

The gunmen froze in place, stiff as a board. But it was only for a moment. Then with the precision and skill of a professional he ejected the magazine and loaded a new one. Clearing the chamber he took aim. Then....BAM! A Gargoyle landed right on top of him, the sickening sound of crushed bone meant that the kindred's legs, along with several of upper body snapped under the pressure. Another in-human scream rang out. The Gargoyle said nothing, its intimidating presence alone brought an aura of fear and control to the rooftop. Another Gargoyle landed, and began to cuff the kindred with what looked like magically generated stone cuffs. Several Griak's appeared in front of Lash.

“NO! NO! Don't die Warden!”

“Go tell the Summer Fae, call for help!”

“Go call Jessabell! She'll come and help.”

“Stop....” Lash said, as he coughed up a mouthful of his own lungs. Then Griak all stopped in motion. The Gargoyle's secured the kindred. Listening to him but still doing their duty.

“Little one...Co....” Lash vomited more blood, he was still kneeling on the roof. He was leaning back against his legs, and stub of a tail for balance. “Inside, jacket pocket. Shield and Sword business card. Phone in same pocket. Get it for me.” Lash said to the Griak's.

The Griak's hurried to comply to his orders. One pulled the phone, the other the card. They quickly typed the number into the cell. They held it up in front of Lash for him to speak. After a brief moment there was a female's voice on the line.

“Hello, Shield and Sword Law Firm, night watch speaking how may I be of assistance?” The voice sounded tired, bored, but professional.

“Yes....Cog.....a.... Yes, Hello. My name is Erik Lash, I was given this number so I could speak to a representative of your Firm. Could I be directed please.” Lash's vision was getting cloudy, he heard Li'Ana screaming his name across the way, he spell charm shatter in the hands of one of the Kindred not knowing what it was.

“One moment please sir, checking your information....Ah yes I do have an Erik Lash. Erik spelled with a K. May I ask how you are affiliated with our Firm.” The voice resumed a professional tone, losing all sense of boredom.

“I'm a newly appointed Warden of Gotham City. I've been involved in a street shooting. I need to speak to a Firm rep as soon as possible.” It was getting easier to talk. Lash took a moment to use a spell. Natures Supplement. The blood loss he felt that lead to his light headed feeling was gone.

“I...I See sir! Please hold on, do we need to contact emergency response? We can use the GPS on your phone!” The women responded quickly, he could hear the clicking of the keyboard.

“No....Ehhhhh....” Blood frothed out of Lash's mouth as he vomited again.

“Sir! Sir please hold on! I've found your contact information. I'll have a three way call so we can continue to speak!” She was urgent now, but she never lost her professionalism.

“Y...Your doing pretty well....W..Whats your name?” Lash said, as he heard another ring tone across the line. The Griak holding the phone looked terrified for Lash. He kept hearing Li'Ana ask the gargoyle to bring her over there. They refused. Area was not secured.

“Samantha, sir... Just hold on sir we can get an EMT there in twent....” She said, trying to keep her voice even. But you could tell she didn't walk to talk to a dying man. But before she finished her sentence.

“Belay that! No Emergency response needs to be sent! We have our own medical team on the way. Warden Lash, we'll have a recovery team at your location in two minutes! Please sir, just hold on!” The other line finally connected.

“S....Samantha....Y...Your talents are...Was...wasted on the night...W...Watch. Y..You should get to a position more suited for you. T...Thank you for the help.” Lash spoke, his vision was turning black. He started hear sirens rushing towards his building.

“I'm on the....Opposite...B..Building of my home. I have s...six gunman. All disabled, in need of medical attention as well as guards. T.... T....t.....” Lash started to fall sideways, the Griak screamed in surprise dropping the phone. It and the other Griak's fluttered over, holding him up. They were surprisingly strong for being so small.

“Sir! Warden Lash! Please hold on! We've re routed the team to the building! Sir!” The other voice was a male... Samantha was calling for him as well. But he could tell that she was trying to hold back tears, they were choking her voice.

Lash was laying across the rooftop now. His Partial Transformation had worn off. He was back to being human again. The gargoyle's had secured the rooftop and the surrounding area. He saw, the one back at his balcony was carrying Li'Ana over. He heard her voice call for him, she sounded so far away. -Sleep Partner-Lash, I'll keep watch... T..That's the best thing.... I've heard all night....Partner-Saurian...

Erik opened his eyes, and found himself back in the ole black room. There standing in the room was Dawn, wearing 'The Endless' black and white robe, her starlight face looking at him. Before he could ask.

“No, you did not die User” She said softly. Erik breathed a HUUGE sigh of relief.

“It has been several hours of play time from the outside worlds perspective. This seemed like a good place to pause the game, let you out and move around. We'll pause the worlds progression to the moment that your VI model regains awareness.” Dawn spoke softly. Erik nodded his head then logged out.

Erik came to in his room, it was pitch black save for the light coming from his computer tower. He slowly stood up, flexing his hands trying to get a feel for being 'himself' again. It came, of course naturally to him. Standing up he moved to wiggle his mouse, his monitor hummed awake giving an eerie blue glow to his dark room. He turned on his bedroom light, blinking his eyes rapidly. Looking at the clock it was 11:48 pm of that same Friday he started playing. It...Felt like a life time ago.

His body felt...Sore? He realized that he had been sweating. His cloths stank, he took out a bottle cleaner that came with the Cube and carefully cleaned it following the instruction manual. He did not want to take any risks. He went and took a shower. His body was oddly refreshed as if he just got done working out. But his mind was exhausted, as if it had just run a marathon. Drying off and putting on a T-shirt, boxers, shorts, and pair of socks he walked to his tiny kitchen. He made a simple meal, ate it with out complaint. Though he wished that he had some tea to drink. He came back to his room where is computer was. Going to The Dream Engine Cube, DC Comics forum page. He decided to not procrastinate, and did the reports the Beta testers were filling out. When he logged onto his account User #00012 there were several forms, prompts to help him. He filled them out one by one. He especially wrote a detailed report on Dawn, on how he loved that she had a personality, and that now that she had a body it felt more real. The reports took about an hour, he then went to the forum threads looking for new information.


Erik clicked on this post and began to read a long post about how he was a Meta-Gene anti-hero. Batman and him had an unsteady truce. As long as he didn't go around blatantly killing people they wouldn't come to blows. But that didn't stop the User from putting people into body casts. He found the Joker robbing banks, mostly owned by the crime families. The User recognizing that the leader was Joker. He tracked them down, and snapped the Joker's neck! He thought. 'The Dream Engine' Would have stopped him? Like the Joker was a main character. He disposed of the body using his Meta-Gene something involving fire. So at the end of the thread he asked. Can we kill main characters?

Erik was interested, he hadn't met any main leads yet. At least the main comic book leads. Place Holder Endless didn't count. Several people posted that The Dream Engine used a far more realistic engine for the game. This wasn't the old comic book series where the heroes and villains would trade blows back and forth and only come out of it with a bloody nose, and few bruises. Being a hero or a villain was dangerous work! The Dream Engine made that very clear! One of the Users said he gained an Achievement 'Never say Die' For dying One hundred times. Now he did go on to talk about his adventures everyone who read quickly found out that the user was accident prone jumping into situations with no clear goal, objective, plan or even awareness of who they were fighting. But before he could post more stories, another User said they were off subject and got back to the main topic. Can main Characters die? The answer?

Yes. One User posted that they had lived through Darkseid's invasion. Over half of the Justice League was killed. Including, but not limited to Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, Hal Jordan Green lantern, The Flash, Cyborg, Raven, Beast Boy, Robin, Red Hood, Night Wing, Star Fire! Then it wasn't even over! Darkseid was forced back through his boom tube. But left behind all the Para-Demons. Unlike the animated shows they had watched. They didn't get sucked back to Apokolips. The User and what remains of the Justice League to this day are fighting them.

Another comment said something interesting. Can you get involved with main characters? Yes. Now of course you'll interact with them. But can you have friendships? Can you have romantic relationships? Yes! The User said that she saved up enough points, and restarted her game. Then became an Amazon. When Diana went to the world of Men, She went with her. They treated each other like sisters. So much so that Diana encouraged her to date Clark, AKA Superman. She was currently having a romantic relationship with Superman in her Generated world. It was AMAZING!

What happened to Louis Lane a User asked? Apparently her and Batman are together.

The possibilities of The Dream Engine continue to surprise and impress the Beta Testers. Especially those with full time jobs. Because of the Cube's REM sleep programs people who work all day can come home, and when its time to sleep they simply slip into the Cube. Their body sleeps, while they dream of being a super hero! Erik said to himself that he would check one more post before he would log back in.


This post caught his eye, made him stop and think. Wait, did he ever experience pain while playing? He opened up the thread and read through the information. Apparently, The Dream Engine Cube did have nerve connections built in. But because of the Dream program. You are allowed to feel pain, pleasure, taste, smell, sight, etc. But it never forces you awake like you normally would do in a normal dream. Not only that! The brain sends impulses through your body while you sleep to help prevent muscle after feed. 'Your mind makes it real' Several people had reported logging out of their cube covered in sweat, their bodies sore as if they just went to the gym and did a full body work out. Could this mean that you could use the Cube and lose weight while you play? Erik was stunned... who wouldn't be! To find out that the Full Dive VR game that you play while you sleep, could not only help you lose weight, but help with muscle tone? He continued to read how several paralyzed, and paraplegic people had been selected for the Beta Test. Each of them reported that they could play the game completely! It brought tears to their eyes they were so thankful for the chance.

Erik logged off the forum's, he went to his kitchen and drank a tall glass of water. Twice, then went back to his room. He dimmed the lights to a soft glow so he wouldn't be in total darkness when he came back out. Got comfortable and logged back in...

“Welcome back User! We've seen that you decided to fill out the reports. Thank you for being determined in your job as a Beta Tester! Thank you also for being so polite and complimentary about me in the report about VI Representative's.” Dawn spoke to Erik, she was practically bouncing up and down in front of lash. He enjoyed watching her, it was entertaining....No! He was not watching how other things bounced as well!....Shut up!

“You are very welcome, Dawn. May I see my Rank Status please.” Dawn nodded her head, and a window appeared before the incorporeal Erik.

Name; Erik Lash, commonly referred to as 'Lash' Or 'Saurian'

Titles; Shaper, Druid. Active title; Shaper.

Origin; Magical

Rank; F+

Skills; Material Shaping, Shape Shift (Saurian), Acting, Martial Arts, Magical Perception, Beast Speak, Sensory Awareness,(10 meters) Other Worldly Lore, Spacial Item Shift, Soul Bite, Glamour, Pack Bond, (2 miles, to members) Basic Telepathy, (2 miles) Material Compression, Material Tempering, Material Merging, Mental Resistance, Minor Regeneration, Damage Resistance, Calm Emotions, Partial Transformation, Commanding Presence, Nullification, Intimidating Shout.

Domain, Nature. Spells; Sooth, Natures supplement, Daylight.

Now! This is a true side kick! You've stepped into the light of heroes and the darkness of villains. But are still very far from the big leagues. People have taken notice of you! Though it remains to be seen if that's a good thing or not.

Erik reviewed the information, then checked to see all the different skills his VI model had that he still needed to obtain. He was all caught up. Surprising! But he had made a point of actually living through Lash's life lately. He pulled up a report of whats happened since he logged out....Nothing! Then he remembered that Dawn paused the world just before he regained consciousnesses. Nothing to report if nothing had happened. There was a single note, Lash had been asleep for 16 hours. Saurian had been semi-awake for the whole process. But that's when he realized that Saurian was considered a different report. He asked for that one. After a few lines of information he closed it, he felt a migraine. Saurians report was...Alien to Erik. Like reading a dead language from someone who spoke it fluently. Images, sights, sounds. Feelings! Danger! Safe.... It looked like that with out Lash to temper the bond between him and Saurian, he returned to a more primitive version. With that he saluted the very beautiful Dawn...


The delightful sensation, as well as invigorating experience of sky diving from the Earth's atmosphere was just as fun as it was the first time. DC Comics of America rushed towards him, then the East Coast, then Gotham City, then towards Gotham General South Hospital, towards the private ward for wealthy and important individuals. He caught a glimpse of dozens of heavily armed body guards. Some of them human, some of them not. Even saw the Troll body guard that drove him to the ceremony. Then he was in the room he was being kept in. Skaleg was there, sitting in a chair next to the bed. His foot tapping the ground constantly, several other Wardens were in the room with him. Then darkness...-Welcome back, Partner-Erik. Time to wake up, Partner-Lash! Saurian spoke in a delightful voice.

Lash stirred in the darkness that was his mind. He was dreaming, he was playing a wooden flute for a small blue fairy creature. It fluttered about, then as he stopped playing the night turned into the day like magic! -Hay! Listen! The fairy spoke to him. Listen...Listen to what.

“L...Lash, you awake there buddy?” A gruff voice spoke....Skaleg.

“M...Mentor...Your to loud...” Lash mumbled. Lash heard several audible sighs of relief. As well as Skaleg groans.

“Fucking hell! Kid! I told you to cut that shit! If you weren't so fucked up I'd beat your ass!” Skaleg roared at him, but he could hear the relief in the old mans voice.

“Is he awake?!” Lash heard the door open followed by the voice of a friend. -Huntress-Jessabell! I told you he would be ok! We are stronger then that! Yep! Yep! Saurian said. Lash and Saurian both could feel a rush of relief coming from Jessabell's Pack Bond. Before he felt the sensation of a warm body pressed against him in a hug. He groaned, his wounds still fresh. Jessabell simply ignored the protests. Having half laid on the bed, wrapping her arms around him burying her face into his neck.

“Please don't do that again. At least not for a while. I've just made a new friend I don't want to lose them so quickly.” Jessabell said very softly into Lash's ears. Its not like he did it on purpose!

“Oy! Jess let him go! You'll make his wounds bleed more!” A Strong feminine voice came from behind Jessabell. Lash's eyes were adjusting quickly, he turned to look over Jessabell's head to see Soluna smiling down at him. He winked at her, which made her laugh. “I see your still as much as a flirt as you were before even while hurt! That's good, I like that.” Soluna said as she practically had to pry Jess off of him.

Lash looked around the room, Aside from Skaleg the other three Wardens were the one assigned to look after Skaleg's and Lash's district when he retires. Timothy, Mahalia, Simon. All ruffly in their late twenties or early thirties. Timothy was a 6' Irish man with red hair, freckles, green eyes, and a powerful build. Mahalia was Philippians women 5' 2”. Black eyes with short black hair, kept tied back, and out of her eyes and face. She had a thin cut across her left cheek. She was lithe, and built to move fast, and hit fast. Pale skin, and very modest proportions. Saurian liked her. Simon had the boy next door look. Despite being thirty he still looked early twenties maybe even teens. 5' 9” with dirty blond hair, blue eyes, tanned skin, athletic build. He had two semi-automatic pistols holstered on either side of him. He was originally a cop before he became a Warden.

All of them smiled at Lash. Mahalia giving him a thumbs up. She hated the Blood-Kindred just as much as Skaleg did. The wound on her cheek was from a kindred thug. The whole story about it, Lash hadn't heard it yet. Skaleg took out his flask and drank a mouthful before he standing up to speak.

“So you want to hear now? Or later?” Skaleg said. His meaning clear. Lash nodded his head in a yes now.

“So, the Kindred were a wet work team. Primarily if they get caught the kindred would disavow having knowing any information about them. They are bred, trained to be expendable. But.... Thanks to your new 'friend' Kali” Skaleg growled the name out. The other Wardens gritted their teeth. Jessabell was watching the exchange with a curious expression, Soluna looked bored.

“She openly declared the the team did work for the Kindred's and even pointed out their owner. Your new enemy, Viktor sent them! Or, was your enemy. In front of Torloth's envoy, and several Fae Court officials and us as well. Kali ripped the old bastards heart out! And gave it to Torloth as a gift. As much as that would cause for celebration. This effectively deflected the blame from the blood-kindred, as well as Kali. Viktor was an old one. His loss will hit them hard. The Courts decided it was enough.” Skaleg finished speaking, taking another mouthful of his flask. Shook in surprise when Soluna asked for some. She took a mouthful and gagged in disgust before handing it back. Skaleg grinned at her.

“The Under Fae Councilor was not happy with what happened, and was not satisfied even with Viktor's death. We all saw how Torloth clearly stated that any reprisals would be met with destruction. But some how Torloth was placated, and Kali just killed Viktor like that? She believes, and I agree with her that it was a set up. Kali wanted to get rid of Viktor but had to find a public reason for it. Like attacking the new Warden. So, you were used as bait. Its even possible that the Wet team belonged to her, but she used Viktor as the fall guy.” Soluna said to everyone in the room. Jessabell looked at her in shock, as did the Wardens. Soluna shrugged as if it wasn't a big deal.

“But that went astray! If it was Viktor, or Kali who sent the team. The Councilor and I both agree that they either anticipated that you would die, or that you would die and the gargoyle guards would have killed the wet team. Once their charge is dead, Gargoyle's go into a frenzy, because the reason for their existence is gone on top of failing to protect them. But, you surprised them all! Not only did you not die! You even captured them all alive! Despite the very clear carnage you put them through, you specifically avoided killing them. Doing your fellow Warden's proud.” Soluna said with a smile.

“If it had been me, I would have taken their hearts and their heads!” Said Mahalia with a cold glare. Simon, Timothy, and Skaleg all nodded. No doubt in their eye's. “But you kept to the Warden's task and kept them alive. Even though they tried to kill you.

“So, because of that. The Kindred wet team are currently being interrogated by the Winter Court. Though it seems unlikely we'll get any incriminating evidence. Kindred Wet teams are well trained, and always have drop points for missions. More then likely they wont even know who sent them on the mission. They are practically brain-washed soldiers.” This time Jessabell chimed in, happy to be contributing to the conversation. She looked proud of her Winter Court. Lash could tell she was playing to the facade of being a Winter Court Envoy.

Lash raised both his hands up, the group stopped talking. Wondering if he was going to speak. Only to see several green colored runes appear around him. The Spells; Sooth, and, Natures Supplement. Activated. Lash felt a lot better. He used a simple controller on his bed to make the bed fold up so he could keep up with the conversation. They all looked at him with confusion evident on their faces.

“Oh! The Endless granted me the Nature Spell Domain.” Lash said.

“OK....We are definitely going to talk about that later!” Jessabell said with a mockingly serious face as she pointed at him. Soluna, and the Wardens all nodded their heads in agreement. Though Skaleg just had a proud expression. That's right I found this one! His expression to seem to say.

“Oye! None of that then! Lets get back to it!” Timothy said, and rolled his eyes at Skaleg.

“Li'Ana is safe by the way. She was found above you helping the Griak's tend to your wounds when the recovery teamed showed up. Gave a few of us a surprise since she is a none professional combatant, or NPC in this case.” Simon said. -A what now?! Erik asked across the link.

“Though we understood it better when she gave her report. We used a few CCTV's to corroborate the story. It shows the Li'Ana showing up at the balcony, the window shutters closing. Then about an hour later the Kindred wet team shows up on the rooftop opposite of your home. With in a few minutes of showing up, the balcony door bursts open and you Lash leap across from your building to their building. Which was over three hundred feet by the way. When landing you had turned into a hybrid were-form that we commonly only see with powerful Alpha Were-Breeds. Then you systematically took them all out! Even using one as a shield. That was really cool by the way. But then got caught in the open as the Sniper unloaded his rifle into you. But! They were using enchanted silver bullets! Which if you were a Were-Breed! Should have pierced through you like a hot knife through butter. Instead the bullets malformed and got lost in your body. By the time the recovery time arrived your body had naturally pushed half the bullets out. The team just did on the spot surgery and pulled the rest.” Simon said, a grin on his face as if he could retell that story a few more times. Clearly enjoying replaying the scene in his head.

“The Gargoyle's said you had cast some sort of spell on yourself before you passed out. We didn't know you could do that so we assumed you had some sort of life saving item on you that broke apart when you used it. What ever you had used, the recovery team said that if you hadn't of used it you probably would have died. Even with your accelerated healing.” Timothy said that part. Lash vaguely remembered that Timothy had Medical Technician training.

Lash took a moment to explain what Nature spells he had used. Sooth, Natures Supplement, and Daylight. As well as what each one did. Mahalia laughed out loud! Timothy asked if Lash could teach him Natures Supplement for an EMT that spell could save lives! Lash promised him that once he was better he would write the spell out and try and see if he could teach it. Skaleg clapped him on the shoulder causing him to groan in pain. Soluna smacked Skaleg's shoulder in response.

“So you used the Daylight spell as an optic flare! That's fucking awesome! Lash!” Simon had taken a note pad out. Old habits from his cop days and was writing in it.

“So, I take the sexy tribal tat on your skull is some sort of spell focus? Do I get good luck if I rub your 'Head'?” Jessabell asked, clearly emphasizing the last word. Timothy looked away, his ears burning. Mahalia laughed with Simon, and Skaleg. Soluna reached over and gripped Jessabell by the back of her neck. Like a mother panther picking up a cub. Jessabell very cutely went quiet and still.

“Later, Jess! He still has over a dozen holes in him. By Enchanted Silver, Which by the way doesn't seem to effect him! What kind of Were-Breed are you!?” Soluna said, curiosity clear in her voice.

Lash simply shrugged his shoulders, then winced in pain as the movement pulled on his wounds. Given he had been shot over a dozen times, even if the bullets malformed he should be dead. But his.....

Congratulations User! Your Damage Resistance, and Minor Regeneration have both gone up in rank. Your overall ability to heal your wounds have increased in speed by 10%, as well as your overall damage threshold has improved to 10%. You are now better equipped to be a punching bag!

Your Cosmic Patron has a new quest for you!

Discover the truth behind the conspiracy of your attempted murder.

Optional: Teach members of the Wardens spells from your Nature Domain.

Optional: Use one of your Nature spells to interrogate the Blood-Kindred Wet team. Trust the system, you have a spell for it.

Introduce yourself to Batman!

Congratulations User! You've obtained the skill, Skill-Trainer; Got a skill you want to teach some one? Then this is the skill for you! Now, for the low, low price of stress filled hours, long aggravating moments of... 'Just do what I tell you, even if it doesn't make sense!' Followed by moments of you wondering if its all truly worth it... Good luck! Please take note, The User can only teach skills that are applicable to the trainee. Example; Glamour can not be taught unless the trainee has the required racial trait, or permission from the System. Mary Sue's do happen in the Comic book Universe.

Lash face palmed, the sudden action caused everyone in the room to pause in concern. Lash looked up and asked a simple question with a complicated answer.

“When can I go home? Also is Elizabeth Shaw aware that I'm here or is there a cover story?” Lash asked, feeling a head ache coming.

“Thankfully the Doctor who is in charge of you is part of Super-Natural world. He's a...Ghoul? I think. He said as soon as you wake up they can start the discharge papers. He openly admitted that you didn't even need to come in. Though they would not have been able to determine that until the tests were done. Which they did a lot of tests on you! Technological, as well as magical. Want to guess the results?” Skaleg said, smiling at Lash.

“The tests say I'm 100% human with zero Super-Natural qualities of any kind?” Lash said.

“That's correct! Jessabell! Tell him what he's won!” Skaleg said as he gestured to the dark skinned sylvan. Who flashed a smile at him, and began to tell a story.

“Every single test, hell they even did a brain scan on you. Absolutely fucking nothing! Court mages from Summer, Winter, and Under showed up to appraise you.... Human! 100% human! Then Rocksie showed up, you just missed her by the way she does have a day job. Li'Ana claimed that you could shift in under 10 minutes. Even showed an illusion image of you transforming in front of her. Even took an oath to verify the information. The original creator of the Skree Were-Breed Pack was able to transform inside of 15 minutes. But it was incredibly painful and they would be out of the fight for hours both while in were-form, as well as when they returned to human form. Not only! Did you transform in under 10 minutes! You shifted back to human, and some how kept your cloths on! Then when you jumped across buildings in a single bound! You took on a Hybrid form! A full Hybrid form! Not just legs, or arms, but all of you! From your expression I'll just assume you don't know how fucking rare that is! Looks like I owe Rosksie ten bucks.” Jessabell raised her hands up in defeat. Huffing in irritation. Soluna patted her head softly. Jessabell pouted, but didn't stop the pats.

“Your friend is not aware that you are in the hospital. The Kindred Wet team placed a sound barrier around the rooftop. No one even knew there was a shooting nor a pissed off giant lizard cutting through kindred with his bare hands!” Soluna smiled at Lash. Clearly pleased with him. Simon brought over a change of cloths, he saw a tiny note. Dottie sent it over to him from his home, and wished him a speedy recovery.

“Great, can you please check with who ever? I want to go home and sleep in my own bed. Also, Jessabell. If its possible I want to visit the wet team that attacked me. I may have a way to get information from them using my new Domain. Also, may I speak to my representative from Shield and Sword. I wanted to thank them for helping. Skaleg, can you please tell Li'Ana that I'm ok and on the mend? Simon can you tell the Wardens if any of them are worried that I am fine. Timothy, Mahalia, can you tell any one interested with in the Wardens that I am willing to teach them, if they are applicable to the Nature spells I know. I may not be able to teach everyone, I was told by Li'Ana that the Nature Domain is tricky, and the world is picky about who learns it. Soluna, please send my thanks to the Under Fae Councilor and tell her I agree that its a set up and I plan to look into it personally. Would be more then happy to share my notes with you... Soluna, as my Liaison.” Lash instinctively activated Commanding Presence. Everyone in the room looked at Lash with wide eyes. Skaleg blinked, then a smile grew into a grin before he gave a huge laugh! Clapping Lash on the shoulder again!

“Hot! Fucking! Damn! Kid! You sound like a born leader! Right! Lets get to it people!” Skaleg walked towards the door, Simon smiled and followed. Timothy had an excited look in his eyes. Mahalia gave a firm nod and left too. The door slowly closed leaving Soluna, and Jessabell. Before Lash could ask.

Jessabell hand leaped onto the bed, straddling his lap. She reached down wrapping her arms around him and devoured his lips. Her nails dug into his back through his hospital gown he hissed in pain, but also let out a moan. He could feel how 'hungry' she was but before she could lift his gown for some fun times. Soluna dragged her off kicking and screaming in protest! Once Jessabell was properly removed. Soluna leaned over Lash then bent down and kissed him as well. The gorgon's scaled nature connected with Saurian. She let out a moan as she kissed Lash, pressing her body tight against him. She dug her nails into his neck and yanked away. This left clear scratch marks on his neck and face. Both Lash and Soluna were breathing deeply. Lash was wide eyed and confused as hell. Soluna nearly fell to the floor before Jessabell caught her.

“Jessabell told me that you two are linked....A family! I don't expect it now! But I want the same with you and your partner! Jessabell is one of my few true friends! I want to be bound in the same way as she is! Understand?” Soluna's voice was clear, and rebuked no argument. She then took Jessabell's hand and went to leave the room. Jessabell clearly wanted to stay but she allowed her self to be dragged off. She waved at him.

“Bye Bye! Saurian!” -Goodbye Huntress-Jessabell! Goodbye Huntress-Soluna. We'll all be pack soon enough! Saurian said to them, though only Lash and Jessabell heard him... Yep, there it was. The head ache...

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