
***Rift, Star Wars.***

(Kamino, Tipoca City; Cloning training facility.)

Jedi Knight, and Consular Qui-Gon Jinn was beside himself as he spoke to each of the clones assigned to him for the training exercise. There was one hundred of them. They all looked the same, sounded the same, but didn't entirely act the same. Little quirks, and twitches that were specific to the individual. Despite being copies of the original they all had small differences. A 99.9 facsimile, that 0.1 variance would overtime create a unique individual.

Each clone wore form fitting plastoid-alloy composite armor. Since the clones all had the same basic body type. The armor was cut, and made from a mold. Each suit of armor was approximately 20 pieces. Unless they were a specific soldier type. Like scouts versus attack force recon. The clones stood at approximately 5'9” (1.8m) with military cut short black hair, brown eyes, and light leather tanned skin. Even though they looked the same on the surface. Qui-Gon could see they looked different in the Force.

“General?” AZ-546 called to him. Qui-Gon snapped his attention towards the unit leader of the group. AZ-546 had green stripes across his armor to promote his rank as a Sergeant.

“Apologies Sergeant. I am still learning the properties of the unit.” Qui-Gon said with a apprehensive expression. The clone soldier nodded in easy acceptance.

“Instructor Wraith will only give us another 15 minutes before the exercise continues. What are your orders?” AZ-546 asked.

“In this regard I will defer to your judgment. But give you input if I believe in a better tactic.” Qui-Gon offered a look of pleasant surprise came over AZ-546's face.

“Yes General! Right this way.” AZ-546 said as he did an about face maneuver and walked over to several Corporals in white armor, with stylized insignia's for their groups specialties.

It was a lesson Qui-Gon had learned from the holo simulation Lash and given him. Confidence has its time and place. But when in combat against an unknown enemy. Defer to the judgment of the more experienced party. The clones had trained, and fought with Instructor Wraith for several years. So Qui-Gon kept his mouth shut, and his ears open as the Sergeant went through an attack plan. The training simulation would happen at night, during a snow storm. Their one hundred man clone troop was to take a outpost.

“Intel shows they've been stationed here for approximately 4 standard months.” AZ-546 said and several corporals chuckled. Qui-Gon raised his hand and they all went to attention. He gave them an easy smile.

“Why is that important?” Qui-Gon asked, AZ-546 snapped to attention and answered off in a clear and precise voice.

“Sir! When a group has taken a position there is a circumstantial time period that tells us if they will be attentive or disengaged. If the outpost is new the guards will be attentive. If the outpost is older than a few months then the guards will be disengaged.” AZ-546 replied as if he had it straight from a manual.

“Apologies Sergeant what does that mean to someone who hasn't read your manual.” Qui-Gon asked with a smile. He noticed the light in the simulation hall started to drastically dim.

“Sir! Essentially it means that after reporting the all clear every day, every hour for three standard months of more. Organic humanoids tend to grow lax in their duties. Especially if they have never been attacked before.” AZ-546 replied with a stiff smile.

“Are we fighting organics, or droids?” Qui-Gon asked, he had seen robotic soldiers when watched from afar the first time.

“Sir! Intel says we are fighting organics.” AZ-546 replied.

“What is our mission precisely?” Qui-Gon asked.

“Sir! We are to take the outpost and capture the control station. The station is critical as it sends the all clear signal to the enemy base. As long as the signal does not stop our main force can attack the enemy base in surprise.” AZ-546 said once more in clear, and concise voice.

“Will instructor Wraith be fighting us?” Qui-Gon asked, and the whole command troop stiffened while AZ-546 discipline expression wilted just a bit.

“Sir! More than likely Instructor Wraith will be commanding the outpost.” AZ-546 replied...

Qui-Gon had a bad feeling about that. Either way they only had a few minutes until the simulation started. He instructed AZ-546 to continued with the briefing. The one hundred man unit had several speeder bikes, and all terrain scout walkers. Little mechanical walkers with open air seats, and twin laser cannons. A unit of ten that would act as scouts, pathfinders, and snipers. While the rest of the unit was the attack force. Qui-Gon volunteered his services with the scout team. AZ-546 agreed easily enough. Then an alarm went off and the blizzard started.

The outpost didn't know they were here. But they did know that the planet they were on was under attack. There were 10 outposts around the metaphorical base. So that meant the guards were on alert but not jumpy. This one was placed at the entrance to a canyon. The canyon wasn't large enough to accommodate heavy walkers. But ally command wanted the outpost for another attack position on the enemy main camp.

As the teams were about to leave, Qui-Gon was given gear that had been prepared for him. Qui-Gon slipped into an all purpose camo coat. The simulated temperature dropped to negative thirteen. The snow in the air was from the fierce wind that picked it up off the ground. Qui-Gon called on the force and created a temporary shield from the elements allowing the scout team to move with him with out being pushed off their feet. The simulation room was several square miles. They had a long trek ahead of them.

Qui-Gon took a moment marvel at the ingenuity of the simulation hall. The entire floor was made up of polygon segments that would rise, fall, and create the landmass. They had to climb up a rock face with generated rock formations. It didn't look 100% real, but it did its job as a training tool. On the climb up one of the clones lost their footing and fell. Qui-Gon caught him mid fall with the Force and gently placed him down.

They eventually reached the top of the cliff and could see light in the distance. The clones all dropped to their bellies and crawled over. Qui-Gon did the same and followed in their wake. The corporal of the group took out a camera on a line and peaked it over the cliffs edge. The line ran back to a data pad that the soldier shared with Qui-Gon. While the rest of the group crawled around to scatter their unit so they wouldn't be taken out with a single bomb.

The outpost was a simple configuration. Thirty feet high walls, castle rampart design. Two primary gates, one leading into the outpost, and another leading into the canyon. Qui-Gon counted six floating lights? No, probe droids! While along the walls several droids in gear walked along the walls. When he asked about the droids walking the walls. He was informed that yes they were technically droids. But were programmed as organics for training. They did on several occasions fight against droids programmed to be...well droids.

Behind the walls were several fabricated buildings. All placed in a circle around the main control tower. Every thirty minutes the all clear sign went out. So they had to attack, and claim the outpost within that time frame. Qui-Gon reached out with the Force and sensed a patrol moving past the area. Droids are not living things and can not be sensed by the Force generally. But a talented master can feel the absence of life.

“Corporal, there is a patrol beneath us. Please angle your camera.” Qui-Gon said through an earpiece that was tied into their helmets.

“Right away, sir!” The Corporal said, and angled the camera. Sure enough a group of soldiers was walking past their area. But alarmingly there were two animal looking droids. The entire unit went stiff.

“They have dogs.” The Corporal said, and just as he said it. The two 'animals' stopped and looked around. Their robotic ears perked up. Despite the howling winds, and negative temperature. The creatures started to sniff the air.

Qui-Gon created a field around the troop. The air died down within the field. The world itself was still. The 'dogs' whined a bit then plodded along with their trainers. It wasn't until they had stepped out of sight that the whole unit let out a collected sigh of relief. Qui-Gon released the field and the wind picked up again. By creating the field there was no wind. No wind, meant that it couldn't carry their scent. If the droids programmed to be organic hounds worked correctly they wouldn't be able to smell them.

The scout team set up a miniature communication array and reported to the main unit about the outpost. They counted at least two patrols outside the walls. Each gate had four guards, and two dogs. With a compliment of 6 probe droids that seemed to move at random. The walls had guards stationed every thirty feet. While a team would rotate them out. All in all it was a very organized defense. But most disconcerting, Qui-Gon couldn't see Instructor Wraith anywhere.

“Sir, if Instructor Wraith is playing to his role. He should be in the main command building in the officers room. He'll get into character and really play with it.” The Corporal said to him. That made sense, but Qui-Gon was still uneasy.

Qui-Gon's team stayed the eye on the sky and maneuvered the offensive team past the patrols. The unit lead dispensed a smell canceler. While the rear most unit used a tool to disguise their troop movement through the snow. Qui-Gon was very impressed. Then the Force sent him a warning he automatically dropped to his stomach and stayed still. The scout unit noticed him and went perfectly still. On the camera they saw the reptilian monster known as Instructor Wraith walk the ramparts.

Instructor Wraith was definition a of a model commander. He checked in with every single soldier on the wall. Went down to the gates. Checked in with the patrol teams. Took time to see to the dogs. He even stood at attention on the wall as one of the 'soldiers' had fallen off the wall due to fierce winds. He was the type of commander soldiers wanted to serve under. While on the wall he glanced across the horizon and looked directly at the scout units location. Qui-Gon felt his gaze on him even through the data pad camera.

Eventually he left the wall as a replacement was found for the wounded soldier. He soon disappeared and the collected breath of relief went through the unit. Qui-Gon wasn't the only one put on edge at the sight of Instructor Wraith. Then the unexpected happened. A scout aerial fighter screamed across the sky. It was little more than a rectangular box with four repulsor units on the corners. A forward glass cockpit, search lights along the front, twin blaster cannons. The sides of the scout were open to reveal four soldiers, each opening had tail guns manned by the soldiers. That was when the shooting started.

The scout flew over one of the ground teams. The unit was spotted by a search light. Before the tail guns could fire a arm ion cannon shot from one of the troopers. The scout shut down mid flight and fell like a brick. The explosion shoot into the air and the outpost went into high alert. They had fifteen minutes before the next all clear. The outside patrols sprinted towards the ground units. But the scout team was given weapons free order. Long range, high powered blaster rifles went over the ledge and started to pick off the patrols. Qui-Gon jumped off the ledge and fell one hundred feet without a care.

Qui-Gon called on the Force to cushion his fall. Then he took out his lightsaber and Force Sprint across the snow banks towards the walls as fast as he could go. Just as he had hoped, half the wall turned to focus on him. The sound of repulsor engines roared as speeder bikes crested over the hill. It was a full attack now, with the personal walkers right behind them. One soldier turned his speeder into high gear and bailed off the bike. It shot straight into the outpost gate and an explosion shook the whole base.

Qui-Gon raced to the downed soldier and came to his side and deflected blaster bolts. The soldier crawled to his feet and pulled out his rifle. Once he was up he followed in Qui-Gon's wake. Taking pot shots from behind his back. The speeder explosion had taken a chunk out of the gate but left it largely intact. That was until several heavy weapon experts shot rockets at it. After the third hit the gate imploded into the camp. The speeders, and walkers raced in. Qui-Gon used the Force and jump skipped up the wall. His feet finding purchase through near invisible segments.

Once on the wall he started to take the droid soldiers out. Behind the soldier that had followed in his wake used an ascension gun attachment to scale the wall. He was once again behind Qui-Gon protecting his rear. Then out of no where a high powered energy shot went towards Qui-Gon. Who dodged out of the way thanks to the Force given him warning. The trooper behind him went down with an electrical current. He wasn't dead, just severally stunned. Qui-Gon tracked where the shot came from just in time as another shot nearly took his head off. At the top of the communication tower was Instructor Wraith with a large range rifle.

Once it became clear that Qui-Gon wouldn't go down without a fight. Instructor Wraith did the smart thing and started to pick off the other soldiers. Each shot dropped a soldier. Qui-Gon jumped off the wall and made his way towards the tower. But was impeded by enemy soldiers who did everything they could save for suicide to stop him. Qui-Gon ground his molars as he listened to Instructor Wraith's rifle shot. Each shot was a life.

Qui-Gon dispatched a group of soldiers then dove behind some crates just as another high powered rifle shot almost took him in the chest. He looked behind him and saw a heavy weapons allied soldier aim a arm cannon at the tower. Qui-Gon's eyes went wide. If he destroyed the tower then the all clear signal wouldn't go through. They'd lose the mission. Before anyone could stop him, the soldier fired. But by some miracle or rather the Force. Instructor Wraith shot, and hit the missile in mid air. Then shot the soldier for his trouble.

Qui-Gon took a moment to center himself then sprinted from cover. He went straight towards the command center. He ignored Instructor Wraith given they only had a few minutes until the all clear signal had to go through. He wasn't the only one as several other soldiers were racing towards the center. A few clone soldiers took out point defense phalanx shields. Energy shields in bright blue, yellow, and green. It covered them from knee to neck while they stood up. Or could obscure them if they crouched. On one side of the shield was a small space for their rifle. The unit created a shield wall and moved towards Instructor Wraith's position.

Qui-Gon burst into the command center and found the clone soldiers were working on a blast door. A soldier with a slicer tool was trying to break in but they were running out of time. Qui-Gon pushed his lightsaber into the door and started to cut a hole in it. It was going to be close. Qui-Gon finished the hole and pushed against it with the Force. Luckily the piece of melted steel crashed into several enemy soldiers. A clone dropped a electromagnetic shock grenade inside. BOOM! Then they jumped through the hole and secured the room. Qui-Gon right behind them.

(A "slicer" was an individual who specialized in slicing into computer systems and programs, and breaking encryption.)

The cloned soldier slicer jumped into the computer port and started working on the system. The room was secured so Qui-Gon moved back outside. He found the entrance to the command center was blocked by the cloned phalanx guard. Who were being picked off by Instructor Wraith who was shooting at feet, hands, or a helmet poking out just by a few inches. He was punishing them for not being perfect in their defense. Then an eagle cry went out across the entire field. All fighting stopped, and the clone soldiers cheered.

“SIMULATION COMPLETE!” A synthesize voice rang out. “VICTORY, TROOPER UNIT 501.”


Qui-Gon had a delighted smile on his face. He knew he should seek to calm his emotions, and keep focus. But the clones victory cheer was infectious. He had learned that no one, not a single unit ever won a match against Instructor Wraith. Of course it was there were still lessons to be learned. The clone who tried to shoot Wraith with a rocket, and by area of effect the communication tower was reprimanded for his poor decision. If the outpost 'commander' hadn't been such a crack shot they would have lost the battle then and there.

The aerial scout had been a surprise tactic. Instructor Wraith was known for that. He would introduce a random element into the mission. Like the scout, and the dogs. The unit had done a great job with the dogs. But the unexpected arrival of the aerial scout had left them scrambling. Wraith awarded the clone who rammed his speeder into the door with a ribbon of innovation. It was a good idea (kinda). But mostly for his actions afterward with following his Jedi General up the wall and how he watched his back.

Instructor Wraith went over AZ-546's command structure, then went over how it was a good idea to assign Qui-Gon to the scouting unit. If Qui-Gon hadn't been there the dogs would have found them. Then the whole attack would have been FUBAR from the very start. They covered a few more strategic points. Then the entire unit got a completion ribbon. It was little more than a single colored dot on their armor. But each clone wore it with pride. Instructor Wraith called the unit to attention, snapped off a salute and told them all to hit the showers.

“So, Master Jedi. What do you think of your army?” Instructor Wraith asked Qui-Gon as he came to stand before him. Qui-Gon had to lean his head back to look Wraith in the eye. Even after all that he still felt the Force scream at him to run.

“They are very impressive! I'm sorry to say this. But I hope we don't need them.” Qui-Gon confessed to him. Wraith's lips pulled back into a smile and sent a chill down Qui-Gon's spine.

“Ahaha! To true! A good leader never seeks war with their neighbors. But will always be ready for it.” Wraith replied, and gave out a guffaw. Qui-Gon could agree with him, his respect for Wraith went up a few points then.

“Ah, Lady Taun We, Prime Minister Lama Su.” Wraith called out and bowed from his waist towards them as they approached.

“Instructor Wraith. Master Jedi Qui-Gon Jinn, did you enjoy the demonstration?” Lama Su asked with his placid expression.

“I did, they are very impressive.” Qui-Gon replied with a genuine smile as he bowed to them.

“Wonderful, would you like to continue the tour?” Lama Su asked.

“I would, may Instructor Wraith come along?” Qui-Gon asked, and the Kaminoan's looked at Wraith.

“I have about an hour before my next class. I can come along.” Wraith said with a predatory smile.

Qui-Gon walked along with Prime Minister Lama Su, Taun We, and Instructor Wraith through the facility. They walked by several more simulation rooms and Wraith clicked his tongue as he saw the clones make a few glaring mistakes. Wraith noted their ID number and muttered something about training until their brains melted. They came across one of the larger simulation rooms and watched as a four man of commando unit took a base in broad daylight without a shot being fired. A man who wore a Mandalorian suit of armor came flying down thanks to his rocket pack.

“That is Kal Skirata, he is a Mandalorian mercenary contracted by the Kaminoans to train the commando teams.” Wraith provided the answer Qui-Gon was looking for.

“Is he the original donor as well?” Qui-Gon asked, but was answered by Lama Su.

“No, the original donor is a bounty hunter called Jango Fett. We felt a Jedi would be the perfect choice, but Sido-Dyas hand-picked Jango Fett himself.” Lama Su said, and guided them along to the next section.

“Where is the bounty hunter now?” Qui-Gon asked, and Instructor Wraith looked at him with interest.

“Oh, we keep him here. After a few hundred thousand clones, the genetic pattern starts to fade, so we take a fresh supply. He lives here, but he's free to come and go as he pleases.” Lama Su continued to say.

Their group passed what appeared to a barracks complex. Hundreds of clones climbed up ladders and pressed a keypad. A sleeping pod pulled out of a wall and a clone climbed in. The pod slid back into the wall and another clone climbed up the ladder to a higher pod. A few clones glanced up at the walk way and Instructor Wraith did a few hand signals. This got a laugh from more than a few of them as they went to sleep. Wraith appeared to be well liked.

“Apart from his pay, which is considerable, Fett demanded only one thing - an unaltered clone for himself. Curious isn't it?” Lama Su noted Wraith's actions and raised a single brow. Which may as well have been a scream compared to his usual expression. Wraith cleared his throat and looked a little sheepish.

“Unaltered?” Qui-Gon asked, in mild amusement.

“Pure genetic replication. No tampering with the structure to make it more docile... and no growth acceleration...” Lama Su replied.

“You changed the clones?” Qui-Gon asked.

“We modified their genetic structure to make them less independent than the original host. As a result they are totally obedient, taking any order without question.” Lama Su answered with a look of slight smug satisfaction on his face.

“I would very much like to meet this Jango Fett” Qui-Gon asked, not forgetting his original intention for coming here.

“I would be most happy to arrange it, for you” Taun We said with a slight smile on her placid features.

They stepped through another section and found children in a class room. Augmented virtual reality helmets strapped to their heads. They worked on terminals and sped through simulated exercises with ease. Qui-Gon looked from one class room to the next and noticed that each section seem to by like looking through time. Each class was clearly separated by a year.

“Growth acceleration?” Qui-Gon asked.

“Oh yes, it's essential. Otherwise, a mature clone would take a lifetime to grow. Now, we can do it in half the time. Those items you saw on the simulation ground with Instructor Wraith were started ten years ago, when Sifo-Dyas first placed the order, and they're already mature...” Lama Su replied as he gestured at the different examples.

“And these?” Qui-Gon asked as he pointed at the teenage boys.

“About five years ago.” Lama Su supplied the answer.

“Tell me Prime Minister, when Master Sifo-Dyas placed the order. You said the army was for the republic. Did he say who we'd be fighting against?” Qui-Gon asked, as he tried to carefully unravel the mystery. The Kaminoan's took the question in stride. While Wraith looked at him in confusion.

“Why, the Confederacy of Independent Systems of course. We are also very much against this Count Dooku and his secessionist movement. We are proud to be of help to the Republic.” Lama Su replied, and Qui-Gon went stiff. Dooku had been Qui-Gon's master when he had been a padawan.

Last but not least they came to a parade ground. Where thousands of clone troopers were led in marching formation. They each held blaster rifles and held them against their shoulders as they marched in lock step. They practiced marching aboard a cruiser transport class ship. Within minutes the ship is full of troops. The engines start and take off from the parade grounds. While another ship lands, and the action is repeated. Down the line the ship that took off lands, and the troops redeploy in an organized manner.

“Magnificent are they not?” Lama Su asked, Qui-Gon do little else but nod.


(Kamino, Clone training facility.)

Lash watched Qui-Gon be led away by Taun We. He would meet Jango tomorrow as it was late in the day. Given that Qui-Gon was a stranger. But Instructor Wraith was not. Lash went back to his assigned room to retrieve a package. Then made his way towards Jango's assigned house. He passed cadets on their way to blaster practice. He repeatedly teased, and made obscene hand gestures towards the trainers to see if he could get them to break their discipline. A few did, and were quickly shushed by their senior clones who smirked at Lash once their faces were turned forward.

Lash had been working with the Kaminoan's for years. He had gone to Palpatine after he got his business license and asked about the clone army. Once again Palpatine was irritated and thankful that Lash had joined his side. He didn't like how much Lash seem to know about his operations. But took him up on the chance to improve the clones. He would show up every few months when ever he was in the outer rim colonies and pose as Instructor Wraith.

Having a Force User help train the clones gave the Kaminoan's vital tactical, and strategic data. Though he was no Jedi, Lash made sure to only use abilities a Jedi would have. Or at least the magical equivalent of it. He also made sure that Kaminoan's knew that the Jedi were not military geniuses. To many of the clones had this romanticized version of the Jedi's. They assumed every Jedi was a military leader, and would lead them into glory. How far they were from the truth. Happily Qui-Gon had taken Lash's instruction to heart and brought his A-game to the simulation. Thanks to the holo simulation 4X game. Qui-Gon was at least aware of the different unit types.

Lash came upon the residential district of the Mandalorian mercenaries under contract by the Kaminoan's. A few dozen lived in Tipoca City at any one time. While a few others were off on missions. Not that they needed the credits. The Kaminoans paid them huge sums. But they mostly did it to keep themselves sharp. Or to run supplies to their clans base of operations. A few Mandalorians nodded towards Wraith as they walked by. They didn't know Wraith was Master Lash of Jensaarai. Only Palpatine knew that.

Lash came to Jango Fett's door and rung the bell. A moment later the door opened and a clone child maybe ten years old looked up at him. A smile bloomed on his face and little Boba Fett jumped out of the door and hugged Lash's armored leg. Lash's giant clawed hand swallowed Boba's head in his palm and ruffled his hair.

“Hello Boba! I have your order!” Lash's animalistic voice snarled out.

“Come in! Come in!” Boba said as he took one of Lash's clawed fingers into his hand and pulled.

Boba Fett was the spitting image of his father. Of course he was, he was a clone! He had curly brown hair that went to his ears. Bright brown eyes full of fierce intelligence, and determination. He stood at approximately 4'6” (1.3m) with a athletic figure for his age. He had a healthy tanned look to his skin. He wore a blue on navy blue shirt, tunic, pants, and black leather boots. Once Lash was inside Boba closed the door behind him. Lash pulled his tail inside with a quick snap. Everyone forgets the tail!

“Jango you here!?” Lash called out.

“Gah! What monster did my son let inside my house! He sounds horrible!” Jango called out from his room with a laugh.

“A monster who brought you Beskar plates for your son's armor!” Lash called out with a smile. There was a crash in Jango's room and he jumped out with a wild look in his eyes.

Jango Fett looked just like his clones. But he had more wear and tear on his body. The man had come out with out any shoes, or a shirt on for that matter. He quickly pulled on a blue shirt like his son. But Lash saw that the man was covered in burn marks, old knife wounds, and bullet holes from the few races that still use kinetic projectiles. But when the old Mandalorian saw his son jumping up and down. He smiled and took ten years off his face. A father's love was a thing to see.

Lash set a hand crate on the table and clicked off the safety lock. The crate split apart into two parts. The bottom half had the Beskar ingots in it. Lash had obtained the chemical formula years ago when the first Mandalorians had arrived on Venura to speak with him. After that he had started to make it everyday for his title effect. Beskar was amazing! It was also incredibly rare! Most Mandalorians passed their armor down from generation to generation. If they couldn't, they would at the very least make a helmet out of it for their younglings.

“That...This...That's enough for a full suit!” Jango said as he walked over to examine the ingots. Boba climbed onto the table and grabbed one. He flicked it with his finger and the metal sang for him.

“Of course! That was the order wasn't it?” Lash said, his lips pulled back into a predatory grin showing off his many fangs. Jango just laughed at him.

“Yes it was! I just thought it would take a few years. You've been gone for a few months.” Jango replied. “Boba! Go get your holo measurements.” Jango called.

“Yes Dad!” Boba all but squealed in delight. He put the Beskar ingot down and ran to his room. He was back in under a minute. A holographic emitter showed his approximate size when he would be an adult, of course they would have it.

“Alright, business out of the way. Now I come with a warning.” Lash said, and Jango's face went from pleased to concerned in a moment. Boba much like his father snapped his attention to him.

“A Jedi Master named Qui-Gon is in the city. Lama Su assumed he was here to inspect the army. But I noticed he took a particular interest in you when mentioned. I also know you just got back from the core worlds. You don't have to tell me. Your business is your business. But I didn't want you caught unaware.” Lash said to him, and used Deductive Reasoning on him.

It wasn't like Lash needed to. He knew exactly where Jango had been. But he had to play a part. Lash noticed the Living Force was dancing around Jango, and Boba. But since Lash was playing along it didn't interfere with him. If anything the midi's seem to be excited for Boba for getting some Beskar. Jango mulled over the information. He glanced at Boba, then at the Beskar.

“What's wrong, dad?” Boba asked.

“Pack your things, we're leaving.” Jango said, and Boba being the Mandalorian child that he was didn't say a single word of complaint. He put his holographic away and went to pack. “Where is the Jedi now?”

“He's staying in a provided room. It's late, Taun We being the ever attentive attendant should be contacting you in soon to ask if you would like to meet tomorrow morning. If you say your leaving now, she may come to wake the Jedi. So be careful of your answer.” Lash replied, and almost like the universe was paying attention. Jango's communicator went off, Taun We was calling.

Jango took the call and Lash closed up the Beskar container and set it among their luggage. Lash stepped into Boba's room to help him pack. Boba looked at a few nick nacks that he had collected, made, and found. He'd been diving on Kamino with Jango before. They had found a razor sni'nack tooth. It made a good knife. Boba was holding it in his hand.

“Here...” Lash asked for the knife, Boba handed over. Then his eyes danced in delight as Lash used Alteration, and Fabrication on it. Made a handle, and a sheath for it. Lash handed it back.

“What does you father say about a good knife?” Lash asked.

“A good knife will save your life.” Boba said with a smile as he clipped the sheath to his belt.

“Taun We is being insistent. She'll guide the Jedi this way.” Jango said as he came into the room.

“That's it then... Good luck Jango, Boba. Take the Beskar as a parting gift.” Lash said as he held his hand out to Jango who looked at him with wide eyes. Then he reached out and shook Lash's hand.

“If we meet on the opposite end of the battle field. Fight well, and hold no regrets.” Jango said, and gave Lash's hand a good shake. Lash took the time to say goodbye to Boba who looked a little tearful but held it in.

Lash left Jango's home and walked through the residential district for a moment. Then his holographic beeped at him. He had a class he was suppose to teach. He gave himself a mental face palm and sprinted towards his next group of trainees. He made it to the next simulation room with seconds to spare. He walked in right as the notification to begin sounded. The trainees all stood at attention.

Lash spent the next few hours going through lesson after lesson. Going over tactics, and strategies that could be employed with a Jedi. But also with a Force User. He also talked about the suicidal tactics that the Jedi were known to employ. The Force would protect a Jedi. Not necessarily the Jedi's soldiers. Jedi were use to working with their own. Some would be understanding. But most would have unrealistic expectations on the clone soldiers.

Lash knew that the clones were programmed to follow orders. But he drilled them again, and again to ensure that if the order was suicidal and the clones knew of a better way. To say something. Despite the popular theory Jedi's were not all knowing. Eventually the day came to an end and Lash informed the Kaminoan instructors he would not be here tomorrow. He had another task to perform. They understood, though they were regretful. Instructor Wraith was an excellent teacher.

Lash went to his ship the Basilisk. Though it looked dramatically different. The color pattern was a rust red-orange. With several armored plates missing, and parts of the ships wiring exposed. It looked like a junk heap, and its ID code was completely different. The few Mandalorian instructors would tease him about the ship. But he said it was a family ship and refused to get rid of it. They understood, didn't stop them from prodding him about it.

Lash left the atmosphere and flipped a few switches and the Basilisk returned to its vanta black exterior paint job. As armored plates slide into place over the exposed portions. Within a few minutes the whole ship changed back into its menacing version of a gunship. Lash went into low powered stand by aka stealth mode and watched. As Slave-1 left the system, then only a few short minutes later Qui-Gon's Jedi starfighter flew up and connected to the hyperspace rings. Lash narrowed his eyes at that.

“That was sloppy, Jango. You should have destroyed the ring when you left.” Lash said softly, as he watched Qui-Gon home in on the tracker that was on Jango's ship.

Lash reasoned that with the ring on standby mode it didn't leave a signal Jango could track. Or, Jango assumed he could get away without issue. Either way it was sloppy. It wasn't like Jango at all. Lash could almost feet the 4th wall engine at play. Anyone who knew Jango knew he wouldn't act that way. The Force was at work. Lash rolled his eyes and watched Qui-Gon jump into hyperspace. Lash slowly reverted from his Transformation state and tapped his pilot chair arm rest as he contemplated his next move.

Anakin, and Padme should be falling in love on Naboo by this point. Anakin wouldn't have any dreams about his mother being tortured on Tatooine. She was on Naboo currently. If everything happens as it should happen. Qui-Gon should be captured while sending a message to the Jedi Council. Anakin will want to rescue the man that was the closes thing to father he had.... Lash snapped his fingers and realized what this was. It was the calm before the storm!

Lash punched into his navigational computer to return to Coruscant. He had to give an update to Palpatine. The Sith Lord preferred a in person report when it came to things like this. More actually he didn't trust Lash not to forward the message to someone else. A wise precaution all be it paranoid. The ship rotated on its own, activated its engines and slipped into hyperspace. The tunnel of compressed light was brilliant as ever.


The Basilisk popped out of hyper space and Lash's ship came under automatic scrutiny by republic security. But once they read his ID code he was allowed access to the express VIP lane. He fell instep with the rest of the official ships and looked over Coruscant. Once again in mild disgust of the city planet. He understood it was a technological marvel, but he'd take a planet that had fused nature, and civilization together any day.

He flew the Basilisk to his corporate HQ and landed. Mechanical arms came out to start going over the ship and found very little to repair. All the same they did a full work up of the ship. Lash stepped off to find Nazvo waiting for him. They bowed to one another as he received a data pad from her. He walked through the hanger addressing the technicians, and the droids by their names, and service numbers respectably.

“The Mandalorian chieftains at Venura wish to speak to you. The consecration ritual is due.” Nazvo said to him. Lash blinked and came up short for a moment.

“Right. Tell them I'll return to the enclave as soon as I finish here unless something happens. In which case I'll inform them.” Lash replied, and skimmed through the data pad. His tech-spirits sped through the whole packet in less than a second.

“The first deposit from Rodia came through?” Lash asked, as he saw 1 million credit deposit.

“Yes, once again they thanked you for our understanding.” Nazo said, as she took the data pad from him and replaced it with another. Rodia couldn't afford the entire environment restoration payment. Lash agreed to do it in installments. If they couldn't make the payments? Lash got the planet.

Technically Lash wouldn't own the planet per say. But he would own the commercial businesses on the whole planet. At least until they could pay off the debt with a 10% increase for every month they didn't pay. Their planets annual income would be tight. But with their ability to grow food on their planet's surface now. They could import less, and export more. As long as the galactic republic was at peace they would be fine...

Lash, and his tech-spirits burned through thousands of messages from the corporate departments. In the time it took him to walk from the hangar bay towards the land transports into the city. He handed his data pad back to Nazvo just as he stepped into the transport. Nazvo bid him goodbye and he took off towards the senate house. Technically he had an office at his HQ. It was a really nice officer too! He couldn't remember the last time he set foot in it.

There was a buzz in the air around the senate house. Lash tapped into the holonet and found that the vote for or against the creation of an army Act still hadn't happened. Back alley deals, private, and public dealings in offices. Bribes to be exchanged. Lash was tempted to flood the holonet with all the evidence he had collected on the senators. More than half of the senate was corrupt. While one third of them were under Darth Sidious mental domination. That number only grew as more time went on.

The moment Lash's transport landed he was met by the chancellors elite guard who bid him to follow them towards the supreme chancellor's office. Lash agreed and followed them along. Several delegates, and elected officials said hello to him but did little else. The news of Rodia's environment restoration had already made it to Coruscant. More good press for his company. Rodia was already receiving republic infrastructure aid. A lot of exotic plants could be found on Rodia. The pharmaceutical companies were all the rage right now.

Lash and escort reached the chancellors office and he was shown in without having to wait. Lash stepped inside to see the chancellor speaking to a Rodian that Lash was familiar with. Onaconda Farr was the republic senator of Rodia. He was a Rodian male politician that actually did his job. He stood at approximately 5'9” with blue tresses, a blue starscape for his eyes, and turquoise skin scale color. He wore ornate blue, green, and silver highlighted robes of state. He stood up in a fluid motion the moment Lash stepped in.

“Master Lash! Wonderful to see you!” Senator Farr said with a smile as he strode across the room and shook Lash's offered hand.

“Senator Onaconda Farr, a pleasant surprise this is.” Lash said, after they let go he glanced at Palpatine who had an amiable smile on his face.

“Senator Farr was just informing of the good news. In the newly detoxified oceans of Rodia they have found the required plants, and chemicals required to make the medical miracle known as Bacta!” Palpatine said with a genuine smile. Thankfully Lash's helmet covered his face otherwise they would have seen him twitch in anger.

“It is still very premature to be sure. But we've already requested a load of equipment from the republic. The Chancellor as agreed. Within a year we should be producing the miracle drug!” Senator Farr said with a brilliant smile.

“I would encourage you to enlist in a security package as well.” Lash said after he took a focused breath. There went his plans to own Rodia. He could almost hear the Living Force laughing at him.

“Yes, yes! Of course, and with the possibilities of war on the horizon having another source of Bacta will only help the republic.” Senator Farr said as he could practically see the economic security for his people.

“Senator Farr, please speak to my aid outside. We'll have all the paper work notarized, and signed by days end. For now, I must speak to Master Lash about his activities on the outer rim.” Palpatine said with a genial expression.

“Of course! Of course! Thank you again, Master Lash. Without you this never would have happened!” Senator Farr shook his hand one more time and left the office. Palpatine activated his security, and once they were secure he cracked up laughing at Lash's expense.

“The chemical composition to make Bacta is incredibly rare. Its only appeared outside the planet of Thyferra on what... Three occasions?” Lash asked, the plants required to make the substance were extremely difficult to grow outside of the planet. Even in a controlled environment like a lab.

“That is right... It uses the Force to grow. An unexpected yet delightful reward.” Palpatine said with a maniacal grin.

Lash reached into his belt and pulled out a holographic data recorder and placed it on Palpatine's desk. The Sith Lord pulled it to him with the Force and looked over the data. It was the entire medical log of the Kaminoans research. Everything Palpatine needed to start his own cloning project. The Sith Lord's grin grew from ear to ear as he pocketed the data. He gestured for Lash to sit, and he took him up on the offer.

“Is everything proceeding as planned?” Palpatine asked.

“Qui-Gon should be on Genosha now. I'll leave it to you and your extremely capable hands to orchestrate that event.” Lash said with all honesty. He had complimented the Sith Lord several times on his ability to keep everything on track.

“The clones?” Palpatine asked.

“Are ready as they will ever be. 200,000 are battle ready. Just enough to make a point, but not enough to get anything done. Which will encourage the republic to buy more. I'll make an offer to support a Galactic Republic Militia subsidiary. With mild brain washing involved.” Lash said, and added a few additional notes.

Lash's corporate HQ was about to get a lot bigger. Entire sections of the disused area of Coruscant would see rapid retrofitting and development. The militia would help supplement the clone army. While following the orders of the Sheev Palpatine. Him specifically by name, not the chancellor of the republic. Palpatine had been beside himself when Lash showed him the soft brainwashing technique. The republic didn't know it, but the holonet had been pumping the signal out for years now. It only effected a small portion of the population. But even then that was billions of people across the republic.

Lash had handed the technology over to Palpatine so he could alter it as he pleased. Just another gift to buy into Palpatine's trust. Though Lash was under no illusion that Palpatine would spare him in the end. Once the empire was created Palpatine would try and kill Lash. It was in his nature. But knowing a trap exists is the first step in avoiding it. Beside push comes to shove Lash could just kill Palpatine and let Anakin rule. But who knew what the Living Force would allow, or not allow.

Lash, and Palpatine spoke for a few more minutes about preparation then he left to visit the Embassy of Naboo. It was all theatrical. Only a few people knew that Padme wasn't there. But the galactic senate knew that Lash was close to the senator from her time as the Queen. So it was expected of him to visit. Remarkably no one had attacked since Padme had left. Lash stayed for dinner then made his way back to his HQ to retrieve his ship. He was off to Naboo, or more specifically the Jensaarai temple on Venura....


Lash's ship the Basilisk popped out of hyperspace and he was automatically pinged by a Mandalorian patrol ship. Lash fed his ID codes over and he was allowed past. Lash was technically the last living member of the clan Ghost Claw. He was the chieftain. Despite being a Mandalorian who could wield the Force. The warrior nomadic clans didn't wish for him to lead. But they did come to him for advice.

Lash had been a friend, and brother to the warrior clans. He gave them a place to return to. A home for their foundlings, and younglings. At this point the moons surface of Venura was livable. A verdant jungle, and forest grew on the moon. With polar ice caps, and snowy mountains. Lash could have altered the biome, but he wanted a diverse ecosystem. Why? It was a proving ground. Just like he planned for his original reality. It was all practice.

The Basilisk flew past several patrol ships and eventually reached an orbital platform above Venura. Turbo lasers targeted him until he submitted his codes. Then he was allowed to pass through the shield projector that was placed on the moon. A gateway had been linked to the platform. It was large enough to allow a heavy cruiser to pass through if necessary. But it only opened enough for the Basilisk.

Lash flew over the surface of the moon. A smile on his face as he saw several Mandalorian, and Jensaarai teams practicing wilderness survival training. Thanks to the Kaminoans, Lash had several particular dangerous predatory specimens loose on the moon in quarantined areas. To a full bloodied Mandalorian there were nothing. But to the young ones, they were great practice. Though the Mandalorian's were warriors. Training as a hunter had it's uses.

Lash landed his ship on a pad. The pads docking clamps anchored the ship. Then the entire pad was pulled inside of the mountain range that Lash had landed near. Lash had been very careful about letting only the bare minimum of technology on the surface of the moon. Such as hunting lodges, sonic towers to keep the predators in their designated zones, planetary shield towers, and little else. Everything aside from that was underground. The landing pad was pulled into underground bunker, out of sight.

Lash stepped down his loading ramp to see several Jensaarai, and Mandalorians waiting for him. He took a moment to bow towards the group who responded in kind. Then they made room for him as he walked towards the temple. The underground structure was a combination of cut stone, and plasteel. Impeded along the walls for light were bioluminescent plant life, and crystals. They gave off enough ambient light to see. Every fifty or so feet was an archway, that could close with blast doors.

Hidden in the walls were traps with viroblades, flame throwers, ray-shields, and turbo lasers. Every archway had security droid alcoves in place. Along with a plethora of full visual spectrum cameras. The floor was a cut stone with organic crystal veins through it. They pulsed with energy like a heartbeat. Eventually the reached a T intersection and they the right tunnel that led to a transportation pod rail line. They all climbed in and the pod closed up and shot through the tunnels.

“Welcome back, Master Lash.” One of the Jensaarai said at last. They collapsed their helmet into their collar. He was a human male with dark skin, blue eyes, and a facial tattoo on the left side of his face. Tarik Von was his name. He was one of the original RSF from the invasion of Naboo.

“Thank you, regretfully I won't be staying long.” Lash said with a sigh.

“Our brothers and sisters on the outer rim say tensions are high. War is in the air.” One of the Mandalorians said as he pulled off his helmet. His name was Nuun Raki, he had a shaved head with purple eye. With a nasty scar across his left cheek.

“If things don't change? That war will start in a few days.” Lash admitted to the group.

Now, despite the popular belief. Very few Mandalorians practice the 'I will not remove my helmet in public' rule that so many knew them for in lore. Only a select few practice 'The Way' or 'This is the Way'. That group were considered puritans. Most Mandalorians kept their helmets on in dangerous situations. Never removing them while on a battlefield. That was true. So the fact that Lash refused to remove his helmet only in safe locations among those he trusted put him on the fence between the two traditions.

The rest of the Jensaarai, and Mandalorians removed their helmets. The Mandalorians who arrived to receive him were either seconds, or thirds in their respective clans. Their chieftains were busy with clan matters. Many of them wouldn't even been on the moon. Several clans had their own home base, and simply used Venura as a training ground for their children. But a select few of important new bloods had arrived for the consecration ritual.

“You will stand by your position? Allowing us to serve either side as long as we don't bring war back to your home?” A Mandalorian woman asked, she pulled her helmet off to reveal a Zeltron. She had red to pink skin, with rave black hair cut in a crop top. Her name was Shi Vuarr.

“Naboo will stand with the republic. By default, so will Venura. But as long as you are not identified? Yes, you can come here to rest and recuperate. But if there is an open bounty for your exact description? Don't come here.” Lash replied, and the Mandalorians nodded in understanding.

“Which clan won the consecration?” Lash asked, shifting topics.

“Clan Wren, Sabine.” A young man replied. Erik the gamers memories tickled Lash. Why was that name familiar?

“Notify her immediately. I'd rather do this now then later. We may not get the chance.” Lash said, and the Mandalorian pulled out his holographic communicator.

The transportation pod fled down the rails. Bright artificial sunlight bloomed across the side of the pod. Reflectors automatically dimmed the light. Lash had built vast underground biomes. A city capable of holding over a million people (held less then half that) was built in the biome. The environment had a typical four seasons environment, but it was close to something along the equator of a world. So it was constantly warm, with rain you could set your watch to. On very rare occasions they could organize a snow day. The buildings had a geometrical design, a lot of sharp angles. The buildings were made out of a type of crystal metal alloy. (Kryptonian technology) So the buildings came in a variety of colors akin to quartz crystals.

As always Lash built nature directly into the city. Any street had trees planted along the walk ways. Most of the buildings had gardens on the balconies, and rooftops. Entire parks were built on the upper levels. While canals ran through the city along the roads. Land transports, and air were set in designated areas. Noise pollution was at a minimum. Of course there was always some young blood with a jet pack that just had to fly through the city at some awful hour.

The transportation pods came to a stop and they disembarked. Several Mandalorians replaced their helmets and left. While others kept them off and stayed with Lash as he walked towards an open air transport into the city. The Jensaarai kept pace with him as well. They boarded the transport and headed straight for the inner sanctum. Where the consecration ritual would take place.

What was the consecration ritual? Mandalorian were living beings, any living being in the galaxy was made up of midi-chlorians. Exceptions like Lash did exist, but they were rare. The last known Mandalorian capable of wielding the force was Tarre Vizsla, of Clan Vizsla. He who had created the dark lightsaber. It was widely believed that Mandalorians did not have the proper mentality to be a Force User. There was of course a lot of science, myth, and arcane Force discussion on the subject. But all in all there hadn't been a recorded Mandalorian Force User aside from Tarre. Until Lash showed up.

Lash presented a unique opportunity. He was a Force User, but not a Jedi. He offered to take any Mandalorian child that was Force Sensitive into the Jensaarai to be trained. Once they completed their training they could return to their clan. Unfortunately the Mandalorian warrior clans had no such children. So he gathered the chieftains together and made them an offer. Once a year they would hold a contest for younglings. Who ever won that contest could participate in a ritual. To be infused with the Force. The contest winner for this year was Sabine, of Clan Wren. That was the consecration ritual.

The chieftains were sworn to secrecy. As were the Jensaarai who knew of the ritual. Anyone else would just assume they had found a youngling who was Force Sensitive. Hence why it had to be a child to keep up the ruse. The chieftains were ecstatic with the offer and agreed. So for the past eight years, once a year. A Mandalorian child was infused, and became a Force-Super. This was the ninth year.

The Force Temple of the Jensaarai was in another section of the moon. Lash took another transportation pod through the tunnels. They were split up for security reasons. In this pod Lash was completely alone. The Jensaarai, and few Mandalorians rode in a different pod to give him space. They had no idea how complex the ritual could be so they assumed he was trying to get his head in the right mind set. In reality he was looking through the Dream Store.

The Book of Law: A holocron of the Jedi Master Allya who was exiled by the Jedi Council for (????) She went to Dathomir and taught a group of women who later became the Night Sisters. The holocron is an ancient Night Sisters relic. See also...(Tool tip.) 100 DP.

The Book of Truth: A holocron of the Jedi Master Allya, turned Mother of the Night Sisters. The holocron shows the original Force Magic of the Night Sisters. This ancient relic is extremely valuable to the Night Sisters. See also...(Tool tip.) 100 DP.

The Book of Lies: A holocron of the Jedi Master Allya, turned Mother of the Night Sisters. The holocron shows the original Force Magic rituals of the Night Sisters. This ancient relic is extremely valuable to the Night Sisters. See also...(Tool tip.) 100 DP.

Mother Allya's Cipher Decoder: Mother Allya feared that the Jedi would track her down and steal her work. She created a cipher for her holocrons. As it turned out, her paranoia was rewarded. Jedi dark side hunters tracked her down and took her books when they failed to capture her. The books were lost to time. See also...(Tool tip.) 500 DP.

Attention User, you have purchased. The Book of Law, The Book of Truth, The Book of Lies, Mother Allya's Cipher Decoder for 800 DP.

Congratulations User! You've obtained the Sub-Ability, Force Magic.

Force Magic: The User is able to perform a form of magic that allows them to utilize both natural and subtle forces that can grant incredible powers of both natural and supernatural to the Users beyond that of themselves.

Three holocrons that looked remarkably similar to Sith holocrons appeared in his lap. Along with a crystal foci that once one channeled Force through it, it would activate. It would glow, and allow anyone to read the script inside the holocrons. The Force had always been a power Lash could guide, but not control. But he reached out with Force Magic and was able to pull the Force through his collective will alone. The Force struggled against him, it would never stop fighting him. But now Lash could channel that energy.

Lash placed the items in his Storage and stepped out of the transport pod as it had reached its destination. The Jensaarai temple wasn't a single place on the moon. It had training facilities, lecture halls, residential areas across the whole moon. But the consecration ritual chamber was located here. It was...plain, and simple. Many would pass it without much thought. To hide in plain sight as it were.

A single stone archway stood wide enough for five people to walk shoulder to shoulder down the stairs. Black, and white crystal doors barred the way. Aside from the color there was no design on it. Something that clearly upset the little Mandalorian teen who kept talking to her father about it. Sabine Wren was a human female who barely looked fifteen if that. She had short chopped hair above her shoulders. It was black, blue, red, and orange? A multicolored hair style.

Next to her was a boy that was a few years older than her. Tristan Wren, her older brother. He stood in full armor, though it wasn't beskar. The armor was filled with color! A beautiful design of a insectoid creature with butterfly wings. Lash didn't know the name of it, but if he remember right they were incredibly lethal. Capable of sucking the blood out of a person in less then ten seconds. Their wings would fill up with blood and create a crimson glow.

Standing next to both of them was Ursa Wren the mother, and Alrich Wren the father. Ursa watched with a careful at the two security droids stationed at the door. Ursa Wren was a warrior born and was the current leader of clan Wren. She was new to the position. But she had been well trained by the previous chieftain. Alrich was...not a warrior. No, that wasn't fair. Alrich was a warrior of art. His blade was a paintbrush. His battlefield a canvas. He was a master of it.

“...Sabine I am sure there is a reason why the Jensaarai didn't decorate the chamber.” Tristan tried to mollify Sabine.

“It doesn't make sense! This is suppose to be an important sight. Every single piece of art in the rest of the temple is amazing! It's a living portrait. The paint practically jumps out at you! The crystal growths come in a wide array of colors.” Sabine complained loudly.

“It's because the chamber is important that it doesn't have decorations, Sabine. Remember what Sulong said during training?” Ursa reminded her daughter, Sabine's shoulders drooped and turned around to reply only to squeak in surprise as Lash was two feet behind Ursa.

“Chieftain Lash!?” Sabine screamed and pointed. Ursa for her part only pulled her blaster out, but didn't point it at him. While Alrich all but jumped back six feet and shielded his children. While Tristan went for his weapon and froze as a Jensaarai materialized behind him with a lightsaber out.

“Be at ease.” Lash said in a soothing voice, as he cast Calm Emotions. The wave of energy fell over the group.

“Chieftain Ursa is correct. The chamber is meant to be simple to hide its true worth. But I have to say I am tempted to let Clan Wren decorate it. I adore your color schemes.” Lash said with obvious delight.

“Really!?” Sabine said in excitement, she bounced over to him with wide eyes. Her ceremonial garb nearly caused her to trip. Unlike the rest of her family who were in armor, she was not. She wore a gray robe with several layers.

“Really, really. If your family can create a few examples, I'll pick one and let your paint it.” Lash said it, and meant it.

“With the living paint you have! We could do a rising sun that grows into twilight. Then the moons of Naboo could appear in the air...” Sabine said and started to ramble. Her father was quick jump on the wagon. While Tristan rolled his eyes, and Ursa smiled a little.

“Chieftain Ursa, it's good to see you again. How is clan Vizsla?” Lash asked her. Clan Wren served under Vizsla on Mandalore's moon of Concordia.

“Pre Vizsla is...anxious for the war.” Ursa said with a apprehensive expression.

“Tristan, did you get another armor piece in Beskar?” Lash asked the young boy switching from the clearly sensitive topic. Tristan's eyes went bright as he showed off his left pauldron.

“I did! Took down a luzoni stag with a single shot.” Tristan said, and began to go into intimate detail about the hunt. A luzoni stag was essentially like a stag back on earth. Only it was covered quills that were sixteen inches long that could shoot out, and pierce tank armor.

The Mandalorian clans had no idea where Lash found so much Beskar. But he agreed to give it out in pieces to Mandalorians who accomplished tasks or deeds of merit. The fact that he allowed younglings to get ingots for their own tasks was a blessing from above. One that the clans were more than happy to accept. Yes, Lash was not the leader of the warrior clans. But his Ghost Claw clan was recognized even if he was the only member. While his advise, and council were welcomed among the other chieftains.

Eventually Sabine was slowly talked down from her art exhibition. Her family all hugged her, and wisher her luck. It was widely believed the ritual was dangerous. As the attendant would travel to another world. Where the Force would test her. In truth they fell asleep and Lash used his Dream Domain to do that while he worked on them. The more arcane the ritual was the better. The doors opened, and Sabine and Lash entered in together.

The moment the doors closed the stairway became pitch black. Sabine for her credit simply waited until her eyes adjusted. Lash saw in darkness perfectly. He cast Animal Eye on her and suddenly she could see. Along the floor were crystal veins that gave off just a bit of light. Just enough for low light vision. Once she was ready they started to walk down the long steps into the depths of the moon.

“How far does this go?” Sabine asked.

“About a mile.” Lash replied.

Down, and down they went. A gradual sloping stair case. Each step was approximately ten feet long, and twenty feet wide. The walls looked as if they had been carved with claws. They had been, thanks to a bio-mechanical tunneling device Lash had made. Sabine started to shiver half way down, as the temperature dropped. Her breath frosted when ever she exhaled. But she didn't complain. Nor did she jump when things were seen climbing along the ceiling, or just outside of her vision.

These were security droids in the shape of creatures. That climbed up and down the walls with viroblade claws, and talons. They had tattered pieces of cloth and 'flesh' attached to them. They were made from a composite armor that was all but immune to blaster, and lightsabers. One had to hit them between the joints. They had pack tactics, and would support one another. They were also absolutely terrifying! As they made all sorts of noises as the two of them moved through the tunnels.

At last they reached their destination. A giant cavern opened up to reveal a pool that had steam rise up from its surface. Giant crystals jutted from the ceiling giving an eerie ghostly glow. As the security droids floated across the water using Tech-Assisted Telekinesis drive cores on their back. The tattered cloth/flesh gave them a wraith like appearance. In the middle of the vast cavern was an altar. While the pool of water went down a hundred feet.

“Your hand please.” Lash said, holding out his armored gloved, and clawed hand towards Sabine who was white as a sheet.

“What are those?” Sabine asked in a quiet voice, but she placed her hand in his.

“The chambers guardians.” Lash replied and cast Water Walk on both of them.

Sabine was timid but eventually began to marvel at walking across water like it was solid. A few of the security droids were swimming in the water and glided through the water in a very creepy manner. Sabine jumped when one swam right under them. She all but clung to Lash in fright. She hadn't been the only one, all the other Mandalorian younglings had done the same.

Lash guided Sabine towards the altar. The moment Sabine touched the stone every guardian faded from sight. The temperature in the room rose several degrees and she was no longer shivering. Lash directed her to lay down. On the altar was an impression for an individual. She got comfortable and eventually closed her eyes as Lash activated his Dream Domain cantrip for sleep. Lashed use Parallel Minds and Dream Walking to guide Sabine's dreams.

Then came the simple part! Lash activated Source Code and gave Sabine the standard package. Superhuman Strength, Speed, Durability, Agility, Reflexes, Stamina, Regeneration, Healing, Intellect, Senses, and Age Reduction. Like always as he worked his magic the midi-chlorians in her body multiplied until she reached approximately 6,789+ midi-chlorian count threshold. With that finished Lash took some time to Meditate until Sabine woke up. Should take a few hours....


(Planet of Naboo, Shmi Skywalker home.)

Senator Padme Amidala watched in fascination as Anakin went over his adventures with Master Qui-Gon Jinn with his mother Shmi. Shmi paid attention with the same attentive quality all mothers had for their children. Especially when the speak of something they are passionate about. Something that any parent would be proud to hear. Shmi asked questions when it was appropriate. But in the end just listened to Anakin talk.

It was late into the night by the time they stopped. Padme was shown to a modest guest room that Shmi apologized for. But Padme would hear nothing of it. She got ready for bed by taking a shower, and put on something simple after. The bedroom had a small balcony. She opened the doors and let the evening air settle into the room. It was cool, but not cold. Padme dried out her hair and did it up in a braid. She stepped out onto the balcony and looked up at three moons of Naboo. One particular one that was green with forests.

Padme listened to the sounds of the night. Insects chirping, and the few nocturnal birds flew through the night. She also listened to the whistles and beeps of R2 talking to C-3PO. The two had reunited when Padme, and Anakin went to Shmi's home. C-3PO had originally been Anakin's creation it would only make sense that she be with Shmi. Then she spied on Anakin as he checked the grounds. Even now he was trying to do his job. Or he was sneaking a glance at Padme wearing a silk tank top, and shorts.

Padme took a moment to uncurl her wet braided hair and raised it above her head with both hands. She arched her back, and exposed midriff. She gave a satisfied giggle when she heard Anakin trip over his own feet and fall into a bush. Padme pretended she didn't notice and let her hair down. She ran a finger along her neck, down her her collar, and trailed it between her breasts. Tugging the fabric just a bit. Then Anakin tripped on something else that sounded like a pot. Padme laughed softly and decided that was enough. She retired to her room and tucked herself in...


“Anakin, are you alright?” Shmi his mother called out to him.

“Y-Ya Mom! I'm fine.” Anakin tried to say, and his voice cracked slightly. He had pushed over a flower vase when he had spied on Padme's window.

“There is no emotion, there is peace.” Anakin said over and over like a mantra. The first line in the Jedi code.

Anakin's hands were sweaty, and his mouth was dry. He looked back up at the balcony window and saw the door was closed. Padme had gone to bed. Or maybe she was waiting for him...? No, no! He mustn't think like that. Not the right place, or the right time. He finished his security sweep and entered the main living area to see C-3PO arguing with R2-D2.

“I say R2! That would never happen.” C-3PO said.

“Beep Boop-Beeeeep.” R2 replied, and C-3PO bonked on his metallic skull.

“You take that back, right this instant.” C-3PO said.

Anakin knew better than to interrupt and walked past them without a word. He checked on his mother who was already asleep by this point. He walked past Padme's door and set his hand against it. He channeled the Force and felt more than heard her relaxed breathing. She was asleep...So not waiting for him. Anakin shook his head to clear his thoughts. He went to his room and took a nice long, cold shower. Then climbed into bed. It would be dawn in a few hours and he needed to wake up early for his daily exercises. Maybe he could ask one of the Jensaarai for a spar?


Anakin woke up a little later than planned as he saw the sun was up already. He groaned as he untangled himself from his bed sheets and pulled on a pair of loose pants, and shirt. He came down stairs to see R2 in low power mode, and plugged into the wall. C-3PO was no where to be seen. He did hear the unmistakable sound of a weapon cutting through the air. When he stepped into the garden he found his mother wearing her martial gi swinging her staff through a kata.

“Morning sleepy head.” Shmi said to Anakin who jumped a little.

“How long did I sleep?” Anakin asked as he started to circle around the garden.

“Not long, longer than I think a Jedi would sleep.” Shmi said with a smile as she twirled her staff around and brought it down hard into the ground.

“What can I say. I feel relaxed here.” Anakin said with a smile of his own.

“Want to spar?” Shmi asked, and the surprised look on Anakin's face was priceless to her.


Padme's eyes flew open when she heard Anakin cry out in pain. Padme jumped to her feet, and flew towards her balcony. She nearly tore the door off its hinges when she pulled them open. She looked down into the gardens to see a delightfully odd sight. Shmi had wrapped her legs around Anakin's chest, and back. Then pulled his arm back, and to the side. If she pulled just right she could break his arm. Anakin was trying desperately to get free.

“You going to take me seriously!?” Shmi said in a snarky voice.

“I...I don't want to hurt you!” Anakin shouted, as he struggled to get free. Shmi pulled on his arm until a soft pop rang out. Anakin bit back a yelp.

“Who's hurting who in this spar? Lash personally trains with me, Anakin.” Shmi said, then Anakin forced the palm of his other hand down and they both were flung into the air via Force push.

Shmi did an artful twist, roll, and pivot. Then landed on her feet. While Anakin rolled to his feet as he rolled his shoulder. He looked shocked as he saw Shmi do a snap kick right as his face he barely dodged. Then Shmi used a focused move that looked like she was holding an invisible ball and shot it straight at Anakin who went flying across the garden. Hit by some invisible force. Shmi jumped into the air and brought her knee down right as Anakin rolled to the side. The flag stone on the path shattered.

“Waaah! No! The pathway! Lady Skywalker what have you done!” C-3PO shouted as he came running into the garden. That was good enough for both of them as a bell to be rung between matches...

“So where did you learn that?” Padme asked once she came down for breakfast.

“Lash calls it elemental bending. He says I have a natural talent for air bending. It's another form of channeling through the Force. But is not considered a true Force ability.” Shmi said with a smile as she smiled ruefully at Anakin who was rubbing his chest.

“And its part of the Force Martial Art?” Anakin asked, as he tried to contribute to the discussion.

“Yes, it's an advanced portion. Only a few people can do elemental bending. He said with enough time and practice I could even learn to fly.” Shmi said brightly. Anakin, and Padme's eyes nearly popped from their skulls.

“Like fly, fly? No jet pack, no speeder? Just on your own, control the wind to propel you?” Padme asked, and Shmi nodded enthusiastically.

“Lash showed it to me. It's like being in control of your own personal tornado.” Shmi replied.

Padme hadn't known it, but there was a water bender Gungan as well. The moment they were found the Jensaarai offered them the manual to train in the bending arts. A few people across the galactic republic had been found who could bend fire, earth, and even lightning! The powers of nature, and by essence the Living Force. Jedi Masters had been known to wield all the forces of nature through time, and training. While the benders could only wield one aspect. It was still amazing.

The three of them left Shmi's home before midday. Padme wanted to see her own family. She also wanted to introduce Shmi, and Anakin to them. If Padme was being honest she was a little bit nervous about introducing Anakin to her parents. Not! Not that there was any reason to it. No, not at all. Anakin, and her were just friends. Professional companions. Work associates. Yes, that was right. Nothing to be nervous about.

Shmi and Anakin walked side by side arm in arm. Shmi wore a traditional martial gi that marked her as an instructor. It was longer, and more formal. In earth, and gray tones. Her hair was done up in a bun. She wore a pair of sandals, and metal vampraces. Anakin was back in his Jedi robes, and looked around the city of Theed. As they walked through the streets. But every minute or so he would glance at Padme. He would look behind him, then at the roof tops. More than a few times they spotted teenagers, and adults running across rooftops.

Padme had chosen a red, and orange Naboo silk dress. The orange colors resembled flames at the edge of her dress that went to her ankles. A simple belt wrapped around her waist, and the red top wrapped around one shoulder, across her back. But left her other shoulder exposed. A decorative bracer was on the exposed forearm. She wore comfortable black shoes, with blue gemstone designs on them. She skipped along the street next to Anakin, and Shmi. While she enjoyed the sun.

The people of Naboo walked the streets with the occasional Gungan official was visiting Theed. Then from time to time Force Martial Art students would walk by. They would greet Shmi in respect to her station. While they also saw a few apprentice Jensaarai on school retreat. A few attractive women noticed Anakin. Padme came to his side and took his hand in her own before she knew what she was doing. The women nodded in acceptance and Padme smiled in satisfaction. Then blinked when she felt Anakin run his thumb over her hand. She jumped a little and let go of his hand. Much to his confusion, while Shmi just tried to suppress her laughter. R2, and C-3PO were behind them and looked on in confusion.

“There's my house!” Padme said as she pointed at her families home.

The Naberrie family had played a part in Naboo politics even before Padme had become Queen. So their home was much larger than others. Two stories high, with a basement. It stretched from one end to the other. With a garden wall around the estate. Despite the house clear defense and security the main gate was open for visitors. Padme walked through and a soft bell rang. Then two little munchkins came running out.

“Aunt Padme! Aunt Padme!” To little girls shouted in glee.

“Ryoo! Pooja!” Padme shouted and scooped them both up into her arms. Ryoo looked to be approximately six years old, while Pooja looked to be about four.

“Maybe you and Padme's children will look like that?” Shmi whispered to Anakin who turned bright red and stammered.

W-W..what?! Wh...What!?” Anakin said in hushed whispers.

“I'm so happy to see you! This is Anakin, and...” Padme said as she introduced.

“Instructor Skywalker!” Both the little girls said, and wiggled out of Padme's arms and came to jump on Shmi who caught them.

“Hello you two! Have you been practicing your forms?” Shmi asked them both and they nodded enthusiastically.

“Arrrtooo!?” The girls said in glee and soon jumped from Shmi's arms and hugged R2-D2 who whistled and beep in excitement.

“I must say! All this excitement may melt my circuits!” C-3PO said in delight.

“Hello C-3!” The girls said, and Ryoo came to hug him. 3PO stooped over and ruffled the young girls hair.

“Hello Miss Ryoo...” 3PO replied.

Eventually Anakin was introduced as Shmi's long lost son that she had spoken about many times. The girls jumped at him. Anakin looked like he would rather be in a battlefield then around the excitable bundles of energy. They asked about being a Jedi, and the Force. They wanted to use the Force! They begged Anakin to do a trick. Anakin looked at Padme, desperate for help! Padme had doubled over in laughter, no help would come from her.

Eventually the whole group enters the house. Shmi used her air bending to float a rock much to the amusement of the munchkins. Once they got past the threshold the cheers, and squeals of Ryoo, and Pooja brought their mother. Sola Naberrie, who looked to be in her late twenties. With rich brown curly hair, sly blue eyes, and a healthy figure. She wore a blue wrap around silk gown. One of those numbers that is a single piece of fabric that and is artfully wrapped around the whole body. That left one of her arms exposed, and one of her legs at the hip exposed.

“Girls! Gi-Padme!” Sola said with a smile as she hugged her sister. Then looked at their guests. “Instructor Skywalker, hello.” Sola said with a bow. “Who's this?” She asked after Anakin.

“This is my son, Anakin.” Shmi said. Sola's eyes went wide.

“So you are Anakin! Hello, please come in! It's nice to finally meet you! Shmi talks about you all the time.” Sola said and hugged Anakin who's face turned red as a tomato.

One by one Padme's family was introduced. They met with Ruwee Naberrie Padme's father, and Jobal Naberrie Padme's mother. Both had rich brown hair, and brown eyes. They were in great shape for being middle aged humans. They welcomed their daughter home, and greeted Anakin with enthusiasm. They stayed for lunch and talked about anything but work. Eventually the semi pleasant atmosphere had to end. Ryoo, and Pooja bounced out of the room. Dragging Shmi with them to show their kata forms.

“Honey it's good to see you. We were so worried.” Jobal said with a tight smile. Padme rolled her eyes and sighed.

“Dear...” Ruwee said.

“I know! I know, but I had to say it. It's done...” Jobal said, with a raised chin awaiting a challenge from anyone who would expect anything less from a worried mother.

“Well, this is exciting! Do you know, Anakin, you're the first boyfriend my sister's ever brought home?” Sola said with teasing eyes.

“Sola!! He isn't my boyfriend! He's a Jedi assigned by the Senate to protect me.” Padme insisted, after she rolled her eyes. However, Jobal, Ruwee, and Sola all noticed how Anakin looked disappointed that Padme had said that.

“A bodyguard? Padme they didn't tell us it was that serious.” Jobal said next.

“It's not, Mom, I promise. Anyway, Anakin's a friend. I've known him for years.” Padme tried to explain and cease her mothers worries.

“Honey, when are you going to settle down? Haven't you had enough of that life? I certainly have.” Jobal said next, and her face showed how much she worried after Padme.

“Mom, I'm not in any danger.” Padme said.

“Is she?” Ruwee asked Anakin who looked at Padme then back at Ruwee.

“...Yes... I'm afraid she is...” Anakin said, and Padme looked at him in shock. He winced and understood that was the wrong thing to say. But it was the truth.

“But not much!” Padme quickly added.

Eventually Jobal, and Sola pulled Padme aside. Ruwee gestured for Anakin to follow him out into the back gardens. They watched as Shmi corrected the girls kata forms. While R2 created a holographic image of Jensaarai doing the forms with them. 3PO was walking through the gardens looking it over with a critical eye. Then when they were far enough away from everyone.

“So tell me honestly, son. How do you feel about my daughter?” Ruwee asked, and Anakin went stone still.

“I...I think I'm in love with her.” Anakin said...

“You think you are, or you are?” Ruwee asked, the distinction was important.

“....I am...” Anakin said after another minute. Ruwee stepped into Anakin's personal space, while Anakin didn't flinch. Then Ruwee pulled him into a hug.

“Then I hope she says yes when you ask her.” Ruwee said, and Anakin felt relief rush into him.

Meanwhile back in the house...

“Why haven't you told us about him?” Sola asked Padme as they cleaned up the table.

“What's there to tell, he's just a boy. An old friend, that's all.” Padme replied easily.

“A boy? Have you seen the way he looks at you? Or the way you glance at him when he isn't looking?” Sola asked with a smirk, and Padme blushed slightly.

“I...Ahem...” Padme tried, and failed to follow up.

“Dear sweet baby sister. So smart in everything but when it comes to love.” Sola said with a grin.

“Sola stop it! Mother, make her stop!” Padme whined pitifully.

“Sola's just concerned, Padme. We all are.” Jobal replied with a knowing smile.

“I think your afraid to admit it.” Sola said to Padme next.

“I am not! I mean... What I am doing is important. Anakin and I are just friends. We are professional companions, work associates. Nothing more!” Padme said, but grew quiet as her sentence got longer.

“...Right...” Sola said with an eye roll....

About an hour or so later. Padme, and Anakin are up in her room as she packs a few things to go to the retreat in the countryside. It was a security measure. It would just be them, and the servants at the retreat. For security! Padme noticed her mouth was dry and went to the refresher to took a glass of water. She realized her her face was red and she rubber her cheeks out. When she came back into the room Anakin was holding a picture of her on Venura training along side some Jensaarai students. She had a brilliant smile on her face.

“Is it nice up there?” Anakin asked, as he put the picture back.

“It is! Lash built these huge eco-domes under the surface. Each one has a different environment. Then the surface of the moon is breath taking. Though the surface is a bit dangerous depending on where you visit.” Padme said as she packed her bags.

“Dangerous?” Anakin asked, his interest was shown.

“Lash had several creatures imported to the moons surface. Certain areas are used as a hunting ground for the wilderness survival camps. No one has died as far as I know. Plenty of injuries though.” Padme admitted, she wasn't sure why the civil government had agreed to let Lash do that.

An odd feeling filled the room that neither could put a finger on. Like the Force was trying to tell them something but neither of them could hear it. Eventually Padme was packed and they said goodbye their respective families. Anakin was sad to say goodbye to his mother. But his duty as a Jedi came first. She understood that. The two of them soon arrived at the retreat. It was a grand villa on a lone island in the middle of one of Naboo's minor lakes. Houses, villas, and mansions decorated the beaches, and other islands in the lake.

Padme, and Anakin were alone on the island save for a few servant droids like R2. That was a pleasant surprise to them both. It didn't take long for either of them to start testing the line of propriety. More than once Padme caught herself kissing Anakin. Little by little their personal boundaries fell. A few days passed on the island. Long, erotic, sensual days. That was until they received an emergency transmission from Qui-Gon. He was in trouble and they relayed his message to Coruscant at his request. The message had been a recording.

The holographic image of Qui-Gon being attacked by a droideka set Anakin off. He tried to convince himself that he should stay and protect Padme. Until Padme won the argument by stating she was going to go rescue Qui-Gon. Anakin was ordered to protect Padme where ever she went. So he decided to follow her to the planet of Geonosis. They slipped from Naboo without any noticing. R2 by there side. They took a royal Naboo yacht and soon found themselves above the planet...


(Geonosis, Palace of Archduke Poggle the Lesser.)

Qui-Gon Jinn floated in a repulsor field in his prison cell. Manacles bound his wrists, and ankles. A current of energy went through his body that kept him stiff as a board. All but his neck, and head were free. But that meant little as the device in the floor that kept him aloft rotated him clockwise. A few hours had passed since he had been captured. He wasn't sure why the Confederacy had taken him alive... No, that wasn't true. He knew why, and why just entered his cell.

“Master Dooku...” Qui-Gon said softly to his old master who came to look at him.

Count Dooku was a human male Force User. Who had once been a Jedi Master, and Qui-Gon had been his padawan learner. He looked...good? Far younger that Qui-Gon had remembered him being. If Qui-Gon didn't know any better he would say Dooku was younger than him now. But that couldn't be possible. Dooku stood at approximately 6'2” with brushed back silver hair tied into a simple tail. He had sharp intelligent brown eyes, that had yellow highlights. He had a strong inverted triangle figure. Wide shoulders, with narrow hips. He wore a custom fitted cloak that reached his knees. A house clasp of the House Serenno around his neck. He then had a tailor made black vested suit, with pants, and boots. Along with a sash for a belt. On the sash was a peculiar curved handle of his lightsaber.

“Hello my old friend.” Dooku said to Qui-Gon a contrite expression was on his face.

“Master, what is going on?” Qui-Gon asked, he wanted to know why Dooku was planning a war with the Trade Federation, Tech Union, and the Banking Clans.

“...It's complicated.” Dooku admitted as he slowly paced in a circle so he stay face to face with Qui-Gon as the machine rotated him.

“Please, Master explain it to me. I refuse to believe that the man who taught me for so long would give in to such a scheme. I want to believe, I must believe that you have a reason.” Qui-Gon said, as he felt his heart crack under the circumstance.

“What if I told you that the senate is under the control of a Sith Lord?” Dooku asked.

“Darth Sidious?” Qui-Gon asked, and Dooku looked up at him in surprise. Then a look of realization crossed his face.

“Master Lash is well informed. I'm happy you have found another friend who can help give you perspective my old apprentice.” Dooku admitted with a sly smile.

“Yes, Darth Sidious is in control of the senate. It is because of this that I have made the Confederacy.” Dooku said next, as he watched Qui-Gon's reaction. Dooku was soon disappointed.

“It's not possible, if a Sith Lord was in control of the senate the Jedi would know it. For it to even be possible the Sith would have to use...” Qui-Gon said, then stopped as he thought about it. Dooku watched him with interest as Qui-Gon worked the puzzle.

“Force Blank, a dark side technique. Master Lash knows it. If I hadn't see his abilities my self I would never guess he was a Force User.” Qui-Gon admitted more to himself then Dooku.

“Very good my apprentice. Darth Sidious is strong in the dark side of the Force. So strong that I fear even the Jensaarai Master can not detect him. Please Qui-Gon, join with me. Together we can defeat the Sith and restore peace and order throughout the galaxy.” Dooku said, his expression pleading for Qui-Gon to accept.

“Bring your evidence to the council master. They can help!” Qui-Gon tried to persuade Dooku. But to no avail.

“I am sorry my old friend. But I can not. The Jedi are just as corrupt as the republic.” Dooku said, and that was when the lines were drawn between them.

“I'm sorry master, I can't except that. You taught me to be a free thinker, to question authority so I may understand the Force better. I question you now. There has to be a better way.” Qui-Gon said, holding to his ideals.

Dooku's shoulders slumped as his heart broke in two. A master, and their apprentice always share a bond forged through years spent together. The Force tied them together, and in this moment the tether snapped. No longer were they bound. Qui-Gon felt it break, and his heart ached. Dooku turned to leave the room. He stopped at the door to take one last look at Qui-Gon.

“Perhaps your apprentice, Anakin will see reason. I'll send your regards.” Dooku said, and Qui-Gon's head snapped up.

“Anakin! Where is Anakin!? Master please!” Qui-Gon shouted as the door closed.


Anakin's, and Padme's poorly planned rescue mission failed. Within minutes of arriving on the planet and securing a landing site they were arrested by the Geonosians. As they had been one of the founding members of the CIS. They no longer recognized the republic as their government. Which meant that they could arrest, and place Anakin, and Padme on trial for espionage. Which they did, and were declared guilty.

Anakin, and Padme were chained up and brought before the Petranaki Arena. Also known as the arena of justice to the Geonosian people. The Petranaki arena was a circular structure comprised of large spires built out of a natural rock hollow. The center of the arena was a flat, circular, sand floor with three columns near the edge. On the columns were chains used to keep prisoners in place during executions. It contained seating for over 100,000 spectators. (Wookiepedia!)

They were both brought out via chariot with a Genosian rider, and mount pulling them. The Geonosians stood approximately at 5'7” with a insectoid appearance. They had a elongated facial structure, with eye stocks. Their skin/carapace had a brown, to sandstone color. They had segmented limbs like that of an insect. Three fingered hands, and feet. The drones of the species were smaller, and wingless, while the warriors had dragonfly like wings on their back. They had four mandibles around their mouth that used for their language, and expressive gestures.

Poggle the Lesser, their leader had long tendrils that hung from his face. He also had a rectangular skull crest that gradually sloped up, then drifted down at the end. He wore ornate leather, and metal armor. Covered in gold, jewels, and other precious metals. Poggle had a pair of wings, but they looked broken. He used a cane to walk around, but he could jump with his wings for great distances.

As Padme, and Anakin came into the arena they were met by nearly a 100,000 spectators. Poggle the lesser clicked in his language calling for his 'children' to settle down. While extinguished guests stood on the balcony looking over the event. People like Viceroy Nute Gunray, and Jango Fett in full uniform, and his son Boba Fett. Along with Count Dooku, and a few more important individuals to the CIS. The Viceroy was giddy with anticipation over the execution of Senator Padme Amidala.

“Apprentice, how is your day?” Qui-Gon asked with a bemused expression. He was currently chained to a stone pillar in the arena. His arms above him in a taut position.

“Oh you know, Master. We came to rescue you. But as always I fell into a trap due to my poor planning.” Anakin said with a slight grin.

“We retransmitted the message, just like you asked.” Padme said next. Poggle the lesser called for the executions to begin.

“So, what's the plan?” Anakin asked, as the gates to the arena started to open.

“Well let's see who we have as guests first.” Qui-Gon suggested as he cleared his mind.

The guards brought out three creatures. A Reek, Nexu, and a Acklay. Reeks were large, muscular quadrupeds. They were powerful and territorial mammals with a single central horn atop their head and a cheek horn on either side. They traditionally lived on grass plains and turf and had powerful hind limbs for charging. With an average height of 7'6' high, and 13' long. (Wookiepedia!)

Nexu were agile catlike animal predators with four red eyes and a defensive mane of sharp quills. The four eyes gave them excellent vision, with the second pair allowing them to track prey by its body heat using infrared vision. The nexu was 14' long and typically 2'9” tall. Nexu possessed sharp teeth and long claws, perfect for climbing trees. Their double tails were forked and whip-like. (Wookiepedia!)

The acklay was a non-sentient mix of crustacean and reptile with amphibious traits that allowed it to inhabit the water and land of its homeworld. The gigantic creature was protected by a hard, shell-like carapace of bony nodules. They walked on six hardened, skin-covered claws, and had grappling hands. Its mouth was filled with razor-sharp teeth, and used an organ beneath its chin to sense the body electricity given off by its prey, which it would then spear with its pointed legs. The species had stretchy stomachs and three eyes. (Wookiepedia!)

The nexu was being guided towards Padme, the reek went towards Anakin, and the acklay went towards Qui-Gon. The cheering from the spectators was deafening. Anakin started to fidgeted until he heard the sound of something popping. He glanced over at Padme only to pale slightly as she had popped her thumb out of place and slipped one hand out of her cuffs. Then she did the other. Now free she popped them both back in.

“Are you ok?” Anakin asked her, she blinked at him.

“Yes, of course.” She replied simply. “I went through a surgery to soft joint my hands. Lash suggested it, he said it would save my life one day. Looks like he was right.” Padme said with a grin. Then used the chain to start climbing up the pillar.

“Why am I not surprised.” Qui-Gon said from his pillar. “Eyes up Anakin. Focus on your own situation.”

The acklay arrived before the reek and snarled at Qui-Gon. It took one of its bladed legs and thrust at Qui-Gon who moved out of its way. With a twist and a turn the creature cut through his chain. He was free, but still bound by his manacles. Being a Jedi Consular, Qui-Gon was more in tuned with the Force. He gained focus and pushed the acklay backwards. The creature was so surprised as it tipped backwards onto its shell. It flailed, and screamed in anger and fright.

Anakin was next as the reek charged his position. Anakin jumped into the air, twisted and landed on the reeks backside. He wrapped his chain around the main horn of the reek and the momentum from the animal snapped the chain link like a twig. The reek took off to the side in an attempt to knock Anakin off. The guards chased him down.

The nexu climbed up the stone pillar to get to Padme. She watched it carefully, as she planned her strike. When it reached up to claw her she punched it straight in the face. The thing was startled and fell off the pillar. It landed, but before it could get up and resume it's attack Padme jumped off the pillar and drove the heel of her boot straight into the things skull. She shattered the bone and killed it instantly. The crowd went wild, as Nute Gunray looked on in dismay.

“She can't do that! Shoot her...Or something.” The Viceroy called from the balcony. The move had been a surprise to everyone, including Dooku. But before any of them could act a purple lightsaber burst into being next to Jango's neck.

Count Dooku turned around with a pleased smile on his face. As if it was all within his expectations. He bowed slightly towards Master Mace Windu had come to help his fellow Jedi. One by one two hundred Jedi ignited their lightsabers around the arena. The thousands of Geonosians fled the arena. Then with a resounding crash! A dust cloud erupted from the arena. There stood Lash in full armor.

“Master Windu, how pleasant of you to join us.” Dooku said to his old friend. Windu gave Dooku one of his mile long stares.

“This party is over.” Windu said.

“Brave, but foolish my old Jedi friend. You are impossibly outnumbered.” Dooku said with a smug look.

“I don't think so.” Windu said with a little smirk. Assured he was in the two hundred Jedi he had brought with him.

“We'll see.” Dooku said, and to emphasize his point the clang, clang sound behind Windu announced the arrival of a B2-Battle Droid.

B2-series super battle droids, also known as B2 super battle droids, super battle droids or super droids, were an advanced battle droid used by the CIS. Although one model of the B2-series was only equipped with wrist blasters on their right forearm, another was outfitted with wrist blasters on both forearms. B2's were much stronger than their predecessors, and like the updated B1s used by the CIS, they did not require a command system to operate, which gave the droids limited independence. Another improvement was their thick armor casing, which contained their fragile sensors. However, B2s were designed with simple processors, limiting their ability to formulate strategies. As a result, they relied on organic commanders or tactical droids in order to effectively operate. (Wookiepedia!)

B2's primed there wrist mounted cannons and took aim. Windu stepped away from Jango and took a ready position with his lightsaber. Just as the B2's started to fire. B1 battle droids swarmed into the arena to attack the other Jedi. The battle had begun! Windu jumped from the balcony to join his fellow Jedi on the ground. All the while Lash had given lightsabers to Qui-Gon, and Anakin.


(Geonosis Arena)

“Been waiting long?” Lash asked as he helped Padme down from the reek who laughed, and gave him a hug. While blaster bolts fired on their position. The spell Deflection was at work.

“Not that long, your timing is incredible!” Padme shouted at him, and took an offered blaster rifle.

“What are you wearing?” Lash asked her. Padme was wearing a white body glove. A suit that covered her from neck to toe. It was form fitting, and left very little to the imagination.

“Anakin said I looked good.” Padme replied.

“I'm sure...” Lash chuckled, as he slapped the reek on the ass and Anakin took off into the battle droids.

“You always end up in the most interesting places, Master Qui-Gon.” A familiar voiced called out. Lash glanced to his side to see Obi-Wan Kenobi helping Qui-Gon with his restraints.

“Oh you know, Obi-Wan. The Force takes me where it wills.” Qui-Gon said with a smile as he hugged his former apprentice. Just like the movies the heroes can always take a moment to say hello.

Lash had to admit it was a beautiful sight to see 200+ Jedi fight side by side. As the ever encroaching tide of battle droids slowly pushed in. Geonosians warriors flew down from the crevices that surrounded the arena. They used a type of sonic cannon that had a shotgun spread. That was win the first Jedi fell in battle. Lash reached out with his Telekinesis and snagged the fallen and dragged them to him.

“Padme stay with me and cover my back, will you?” Lash asked her, she nodded with acceptance as she started to aim her blaster rifle.

Lash knelt down next to the fallen Jedi. He trusted Padme with her Force-Super abilities, and good aim. Lash looked over the body and saw that the soul-tether was in place. Death in Star Wars was interesting. The stronger you were in the Force. The longer your spirit stuck around. Like a candle flame, it took time to consume the wick.

Lash reached into his Necromancy Domain and cast Corpse Repair, and Soul Heal. The damage to their body, and soul was quickly repaired. Then he cast Sooth, Nature's Supplement, Nature's Kiss, then with out any further delay. He cast Kiss of the Grave. The fallen Jedi snapped his eyes open and took a sputtering cough. He looked around in confusion as he had woken up from a vivid dream.

“The Living Force isn't through with you yet, Jedi! Get up and rejoin your brothers and sisters!” Lash said and pulled them to their feet. Then moved to the next fallen.

Anakin eventually made his way back to Padme's side and deflected blasted bolts away from her. While she guarded Lash's back. The sight of dead Jedi jumping with new life was a sight to behold to Anakin. He was not the only one, as Count Dooku watched with interest from his place on the balcony. Qui-Gon, and Obi-Wan moved together as they danced through the droids just like old times. The reek had gotten loose and decided to run down Mace Windu.

Windu sliced it's cheek horn off, and escaped unharmed. But Jango Fett seeing an opportunity jumped down to finish Windu off. Jango took out his hand blasters and shot with quick precision at Windu. Always making sure he himself kept mobile to avoid a reflection shot. Regretfully Jango didn't see the reek creature return as it overtook him and ran over him. Jango the ever quick thinker rolled with the stomping creature. Once the reek came around for another pass, Jango shot it point blank with his blaster.

Then Windu sprinted towards Jango. He shot quickly, and effortlessly. But it was clear he need to reposition. Jango activated his jet pack, but when he failed to move due to a malfunction. Windu cut off his head in a swift and elegant move. Windu glanced down at his defeated foe and felt remorse for taking a life so easily. But his mind quickly focused on the hear and now. Never seeing poor Boba Fett who had hidden in the shadows and saw the fall of his father.

Droideka – Destroyers arrived in the arena and uncurled themselves from their ball like shape. They deployed their shield generators, and just like the rising tide the Jedi started to fall left and right. They were impossibly outnumbered just as Dooku had said. Mace Windu called the rally sign and the Jedi sprinted to the center of the arena as fast as they could to create a shield wall. All the while a burst of dark green light popped into being as another fallen Jedi was brought back from the brink.

Then with a wave of Dooku's hand the battle droids stopped firing and went to a stand ready position. Then another flash of light over took the arena briefly followed by a sputtering cough. Any of the fallen were dragged, or carried towards Lash. As he knelt by his patients. What ever Force ability he was using the Jedi didn't care.

“Master Windu!” Dooku called down from his balcony. “You have fought gallantly. Worthy of recognition in the history archives of the Jedi Order. Master Lash, I am pleased to see the stories of your mastery of the Force were not exaggerated.” He continued, as another flash of dark green light over took the arena again.

Lash took a moment to stand and bow from his waist towards Dooku. The count smiled at the courtesy and watched in fascination as Lash returned to healing the fallen Jedi. Of the 200 Jedi that had arrived with Windu. Only sixty seven of them remained...sixty eight.....sixty nine... Despite Lash's abilities the arisen Jedi were not in top form and were more of a handicap than anything else for the others.

“Surrender, and your lives will be spared!” Dooku said next, as the remaining Jedi looked up at him in contempt. Another flash of light...

“We will not be hostages for you to barter with, Dooku!” Windu said defiantly. Another flash of light..

“Then I am sorry my old friend, you will have to be destroyed.” Dooku replied with a regretful expression. Another flash of light...

“Master Lash! What will you say?” Dooku called down. “As a member of the Jensaarai you need not die with the Jedi.” Another flash of light swallowed the arena.

“I thank you for the kind offer, Count Dooku. But I know where I stand.” Lash called out to him. He took another moment to bow. Then returned to his patients. The remaining Jedi, and newly restored Jedi all looked at him with respect.

“So be it.” Dooku said, and gestured for the droids to continue. Every B1, B2, Droideka, and Geonosian took aim. Then Padme glanced up and smiled in joy.

“Look up!” Padme shouted, and everyone glanced up but Lash. As another flash of light swallowed the arena.

From the sky several troop transport gunships arrived with the mark of the Galactic Republic Army on them. The doors on the sides unfurled to reveal clone troopers as they fired onto the mass of droids in the arena. One particular gunship held Master Yoda as he looked on across the theater of war. He looked up at Dooku who had a look of surprise on his face. Yoda was not pleased.

“More battalions to the left. Encircle them we must, then divide. Around the survivors a perimeter create.” Yoda called out as the clone gunships landed and the troopers poured out.

The Jedi jumped into the transports. Sadly Lash could not save all the Jedi and jumped into his own transport as he carried five more bodies waiting to be revived. Several clones died on the field before they could take off. Lash snagged their bodies onto his transport and they took off into the air. Count Dooku looked on as the transport left, a glint to his eye. He turned on his heel and moved to the command room.


As the armies of the republic, and CIS left. A lone boy crawled out from cover. Boba walked to his fathers body, and reached for his severed head. But before he could touch it, a dark tendril of shadow reached out from Jango's neck, and snagged the head. Boba jumped back in fright. As the tendril of shadow reconnected Jango's head. Then with a bright familiar light that Boba had seen during the battle. Jango gasped, and gave a sputtering cough.

“Dad!” Boba yelled and all but tackled Jango who was startled but soon reached out to his hug his boy.

“It's alright.... We're going to be alright...” Jango said, as he held his boy close. While in his head he heard a familiar monsters voice.

'Your contract is complete. Now be a good father, and raise your boy. See you around, Jango.' -Wraith's voice said.


The theater of war was in full swing as thousands of battle droids took to the field. While the clone army brought its Venator 1-Star Destroyers from orbit to land. Three huge landing struts extended out from the triangle underside of the ship. The ship rocked back and forth for a moment as the loading ramps extended and the clone ground forces poured out. While the top side hanger bay opened. Assault carriers moved AT-TE's into the field, and gunships deployed specialized troops at the flanks.

While on the CIS side of things hordes of mechanical soldiers poured from secret bunkers, spider holes, and the Trade Federation control cores. The cores were mobile factories capable of producing entire legions of battle droids as long as they had the time, and resources. But not only that, they also acted as processing centers for the droids. Currently there were over a dozen control cores in the field. However they look to be doing pre-flight checks. They were trying to leave.

Spider – Battle droids took the field. Giant monstrosities with a central orb that shot focused lasers that could cut through metal, flesh, and bone alike. Walked on giant daddy long legs struts. While their smaller cousins sniper droids. Hand segmented legs, two giant red eyes, and a blaster cannon in place of where a nose would be. These little things were shot with lethal precision. Next to them were hailfire droid tank. A mobile missile platform with two giant wheels. They rolled down the field running over their own troops without care.

While in the air Geonosians, and vulture droid fighters fought against low altitude assault transports, and V-19 Torrent class starfighter. Blaster fire, torpedoes, and missiles fired back and forth. It was a spray and pray moment. No matter what direction you were pointed you would hit something as long as you pulled the trigger. The transport gunships took their Jedi leaders to the forward assembly area before they were shot down. By the time they reached the ground Lash had revived the last of the Jedi. Though he could heal the clone troopers he had a part to play and kept it to himself.

“Master Lash, I have orders from the Supreme Chancellor. You are granted a battle field promotion to General. What are your orders?” A yellow clone commander saluted Lash as he stepped off the transport.

“Take Master Yoda to the forward operations center. Have the Jedi assigned to commando units as planned. Give me a unit of phalanx guard for protection. All positions forward, have the main artillery concentrate on the core ships. More than that, defer to your own judgment.” Lash said to the commander who saluted him.

“Yes sir!” The clone commander said, and started to give off rapid fire orders.

Lash looked up into the sky and watched as several transports exploded and sent debris to the battlefield below. While the transport carrying Qui-Gon, Anakin, Padme, and Obi-Wan stayed in the air. Why, Lash had no idea. When his phalanx unit showed up they activated their shields and moved forward under Lash's command. The other Jedi bull rushed straight into the fight. Their clone commandos dying behind them. Lash ground his molars in frustration.

“Hold!” Lash called out and the phalanx made a half turtle shell in defense.

Lash quickly created a Force Magic ritual circle on the ground to empower his control. He watched as one of the core ships started to take off. He brought his mind to focus and reached out with his hands into a eagle talon grip. Telekinesis activated and Lash raked his clawed gloved hands down through a invisible resistant wall. While the Trade Federation core ship received giant claw marks down its side. The core ship failed to lift off and crashed back down into the ground. A few seconds later its reactor blew, and a mushroom cloud of dust swallowed the whole battlefield.

“Move forward!” Lash called out, and the phalanx team took measured steps through the cloud.

The cloud of dust created a light show veil. The blaster fire was highlighted by the cloud. Which allowed everyone to see the bolts of energy in vivid detail. Unfortunately, it did obscured everything else. As each side shot did strafing runs, sprayed into the dust, or took cover. Phalanx guards formed up and provided much needed defense on the open field. The point defense gauntlets had been Instructor Wraith's idea. They were seeing a lot of use now.

Hailfire droid missiles shot through the air and destroyed a walker. The resulting shock wave blew clones off their feet. Hundreds were dying every minute. While droid aerial fighters dove into the ground army in a last act of desperation before they were brought to ruin. Artillery batteries focused on the core ships and brought another one down. While Lash raked his claws through another. Sadly the rest were able to escape into the atmosphere.

Droid reinforcements stopped flowing in. The dust clouds faded as the remaining battle droids put up a valiant fight but were soon routed by clone forces. A light assault transport landed next to Lash and a commando jumped out to race towards his side. Lash was currently helping a clone medic with one of their own. Lash may not use resurrection on clones, but he can still heal them.

“General Lash! Your presence has been requested at the enemy camp. We are attempting to capture political prisoners, and any information we can obtain!” The commando said with a salute. Lash finished with the injured clone first.

“Lead the way!” Lash shouted and followed the commando onto the transport.

The clone commandos with Lash wore a heavy armor variant of the clone trooper armor. With a lot of Mandalorian toys. They had a personal shield battery backpack. Helmet with augmented reality UI, vacuum sealed environmental suit with several hours worth of oxygen. Ascension grappling hooks on their forearms. Explosive mini darts on the other. They had all sorts of goodies in their utility belts. Then the multi – tool blaster rifle. That had several modifications, and attachments depending on the commandos needs. Along with a multi – blaster pistol. Viroblade combat knife. The commando team consisted of four man teams. Scout, demo, vanguard, and most importantly medic.

The transport flew towards one of the Geonosian buildings. It looked like a termite colony learned how to work with metal. Giant towering mounds of dirt, and steel. With honeycomb holes scattered across the mound. Every few hundred feet the pile of dirt would bulge out like swollen injury. Then thin out as the tower got taller, and taller. At its base was metal, and polished stone. With a almost catacombs necropolis feel. Thousands of dead Geonosian bones were part of the mortar, and design.

A few transport vessels had landed already. Each one held a commando troop, and a single Jedi. Lash's landed and he jumped off with his troops. Lash recognized a few of them, and even a few of them were recently revived. They all glanced his way and sent him a grateful look, and a few bowed. A blue clone trooper was speaking to the Jedi. Lash moved to hear the briefing.

“General Lash, welcome!” The blue clone with the rank of lieutenant saluted. Lash saluted back with perfect etiquette.

“Please continue your briefing, Lieutenant.” Lash replied.

“Yes sir!” The blue said and showed a holographic display of the known mapped area.

Lash reached out, and linked to the holographic. It's map expanded to show off the entire installation, along with the hidden passages, and the tunnels that led out. Each one was clearly marked. Not only that it even showed their position marked in green. With enemy positions in red, with yellow markers for possible prisoners. The Blue trooper was shocked.

“I have a VI-program in the facility. I'll link every ones visor, with your permission Lieutenant?” Lash offered, and the blue agreed right away.

“That makes things so much easier.” A Jedi commented, as he received the exact location for their mission assignment.

“General Lash, anything to add?” The Blue asked.

“Have some additional troops move to the escape tunnels and move their way in. With any luck we'll box them in as we take the facility.” Lash replied, and the blue agreed.

“Master Lash, a moment of your time.” A Jedi master came to him before they were deployed.

It was Jedi Master Plo Koon, who was a male Kel Dor. The Kel Dor were a tall, humanoid species that possessed four fingers on each hand. The thick, leathery hide that covered their bodies allowed them to survive exposure to the vacuum of space for a time. The Kel Dor wore masks to filter the air when they were offworld due to oxygen being poisonousto them. They also wore goggles to protect their eye fluids from evaporating. (Wookiepedia!)

Plo Koon was on the Jedi Council, he wore the typical earth tone robes. Along with ceremonial ring claws on his hands. Often referred to as Master Plo he was well known for being level – headed, and unflappably calm in the worst of situations. He was known to be one of the wisest members of the council, he was also kind, and tolerant of other cultures. He was deeply concerned with every aspect of life and considered it a tragedy when a sapient, and sentient individual died.

“Jedi Master Plo Koon, how may I help you?” Lash asked as he bowed towards him.

“I wanted to thank you. Many of my brothers and sisters would not be alive today if not for your efforts in the arena.” Plo said, as he bowed from his waist.

“Your welcome, but the battle isn't over yet. If another member of your family falls. Due your best to bring them to me within a few hours. I'll do what I can.” Lash replied as he held his hand out. Plo Koon took the invitation and shook his hand.

“Of course, may the Force be with you.” Plo said.

“And you...” Lash replied.

The all ready was given and Lash's team was the first to rush into the narrow hallways of the Geonosian structure. The moment they passed the first intersection blaster fire filled the tunnel. A sonic cannon fired and slammed into a Telekinetic barrier. Lash pushed forward, as the clone commandos shot around him. He made a one way shield. The few Geonosian's that stayed out of sight via alcoves, or hidden rooms were quickly dispatched by the Jedi following his tail.

As they reached their first T intersection Lash took one, while another two Jedi teams and their commandos split up. The commando vanguard popped their own phalanx shield and took point for them. Lash proceeded down the hallway. Droideka's rolled down the path and before they could pop out they were shot dead center with a electromagnetic shot from an attachment on the scout/snipers rifle. All in all they were making great time.

Lash's troop made it into a command and control center with a holographic table dead center. It was approximately thirty feet in diameter. It showed real time descriptions of the battle. Or what was left of the battle. Along the side of the room were data projectors, holographic visuals. Along with a host of Geonosians, and battle droids. Lash raised his hand and picked each hostile up. Then crushed them like empty soda cans. The clone commandos glanced at one another, then at Lash. Then quickly searched the room.

“Cover the doors. My program can slice the computer I just need to insert a data spike.” Lash said to the clones. They moved to the openings.

Lash went to a main terminal and touched it. A tech-spirit jumped in and started the download. Lash swapped through his different visual spectrum, and Magical Perceptions. He noticed a wall to the far off side was a door. He walked over and activated the switch. The door slid to the side to reveal a data tower in small room. It was hard lined into the data base and required an access key to access. Lash's tech-spirit slipped pass the firewall with ease. Holy fuck!

Attention User! You've found the incomplete plans for the first generation Death Star. Do you wish to copy the plans for 500 DP?

You have purchased the incomplete plans for the first generation Death Star for 500 DP.

The overall super structure was in the plans but not the primary weapon design. That didn't make any sense. In the movies Poggle the Lesser gives the plans to Count Dooku for safe keeping. Dooku was suppose to be the only one with the design. That was until Lash's tech-spirit brought back an answer. It was black mail. The Geonosian leader made copies of the battle station in case Darth Tyranus every betrayed the Geonosian people.

Lash had his tech-spirit erase the plans, but kept everything else. There was supply depots, hidden bases, shipyards, recorded conversations, etc, etc. Lash downloaded it all. He'd have to ask Palpatine what he wanted to do with it. When he was done the data tower melted into slag. Lash came out of the hidden room, and the wall slid back into place. The clone commando lead looked at him in question.

“Until told otherwise by the Chancellor, none of you will speak about what was in that room. Confirm command.” Lash said with Commanding Presence and Compulsion.

“Command confirmed, General!” The clone commandos sounded off.

The rest of the command center had a lot of interesting information that would please army command. Lash pulled up his Map and created a holographic Phantasm image for the clones. Their troops were moving with gradual ease through the installation. Several important prisoners had been captured as they fled through the secret tunnels. Poggle the Lesser was no where to be found. While the remaining Geonosian drones, and warriors did suicidal tactics. Grenades in hand as they sprinted towards the Jedi, and clones. Talk about loyalty.

Lash expanded the map bit by bit. Thanks to the Star Wars Galaxy Map he bought. He had the whole planet under his preview. Eventually he found what he was looking for. Two dots marked as Qui-Gon Jinn, and Anakin Skywalker were fighting against Count Dooku in private shuttle bay. A few miles away Padme Amidala, and Obi-Wan Kenobi were on a transport filled with clones. Ah, so that is how it happened. Padme, and Obi-Wan were knocked out during the chase.

With out much fan fair Master Yoda's green dot was gradually moving towards the conflict in the shuttle bay. But it looked like the fight was not going the same way as the movies. Qui-Gon, and Anakin were still fighting side by side against Dooku. Lash collapsed the Map and decided to press on. He gathered his clones and moved to sweep through the rest of the facility....


A few short hours later Lash was riding a transport towards the hidden shuttle bay. The battle was won, but the war had just begun. The Geonosian troops scattered to the extensive subterranean tunnels under their planet. It would take months or even years to dig them all out. The Trade Federation, banking clans, and Tech-Union fled the star system. While Count Dooku had used a solar sailor starship yacht. This was an important detail. Because the sails prevented anyone from tracking his energy trail.

When Lash landed at the shuttle bay he jumped out and walked into the bay to find Qui-Gon speaking to Obi-Wan, and Master Yoda. The three of them turned to see Lash walk in. Qui-Gon gestured towards Anakin who sat in the back with Padme. They sat close together, their feelings for each other plain as day. Also Anakin had lost his right arm from the elbow down. It had been cauterized by Dooku's saber. Qui-Gon looked conflicted about his padawan's attachment to Padme. Lash approached them first.

“Dooku got away?” Lash asked, though he already knew the answer.

“Yes, we couldn't track him either. Any incite for us?” Obi-Wan asked, as he shook Lash's hand.

“He's on Coruscant. It's the best place to hide from the Jedi Council.” Lash said, and his provided answer surprised the three of them.

“Do you know where?” Qui-Gon asked, and Lash shook his head.

“Expected it's to be. Grown powerful with the dark side of the force, Count Dooku has. It shrouds our vision, none the less thank you for your council, Master Lash.” Master Yoda replied with a crestfallen expression.

Qui-Gon, and Obi-Wan glance at Anakin and Padme again. Lash rolled his eyes and walked past the two Jedi. He went to check on Anakin who looked up at Lash with a apprehensive expression. Padme was by his side, holding his last remaining hand. Anakin's arm was nearby sitting idly. Lash picked up and looked over the damage. Then knelt down next to Anakin. He looked at his severed limb.

“Do you want to do this now, or later?” Lash asked, as he held up Anakin's severed arm. Anakin looked at him in confusion.

“I can put it back on. It just hurt's a lot. Do you want to do it now?” Lash asked again, Padme's eyes went wide.

“Now please...” Qui-Gon said, as he came to his apprentice side.

“How badly is this going to hurt?” Anakin asked.

“Bite down on this.” Lash said, as he handed him a piece of leather. Padme took up Anakin's hand and refused to let go. Obi-Wan came over to hold Anakin down, as did Qui-Gon.

Lash cast the spells Restoration, and Regrowth. The bone, tendons, muscles, tissue, nerves, and skin slowly fused together. Anakin screamed in pure agony as the nerves connected. He bucked, and tried to get away from Lash but he was held down by those closes to him. Lash maintained his focus. It only took a minute to complete the spell craft. But to Anakin it may as well have been hours. The poor boy passed out by the end. But his arm was re attached.

“Is it done?” Padme asked, as she watched Lash test Anakin's reflexes. His hand responded perfectly.

“Yep, he'll have some residual numbness for a while. But that will go away with time.” Lash said to Qui-Gon more than Padme who nodded in understanding.

“Padme, may I speak to you privately for a moment?” Qui-Gon asked her, she looked up at him with a contrite expression.

Lash sat down cross legged as he cradled his head in his hands. Obi-Wan sat next to him, as did Yoda after the green goblin inspected Lash's work on Anakin's arm. A clone medic came over to carry Anakin away in a medical pod. Two Jedi, and a Jensaarai sat in silence for a moment as they collected their thoughts. Obi-Wan glanced at Qui-Gon as he used his diplomacy to convince Padme to let Anakin go.

“Master Yoda, have you made that holo simulation part of the standard curriculum yet?” Lash asked

“Placed it with the council, I have. A decision to make, we will.” Master Yoda replied.

“Simulation?” Obi-Wan asked.

Lash took a few minutes to explain what he had given not only Yoda, but Anakin, and Qui-Gon as well. Obi-Wan was intrigued by the idea. With the war now in the open having curriculum on tactics and strategy made sense. All though it went against the values of the Jedi. If they were to survive this war they needed to adapt. At least that was Lash's thinking. Time would tell. By the time Lash finished Padme had stiffly walked from the shuttle bay with tears brimming in her eyes. Qui-Gon looked ashamed for his words.

“You told her to end it?” Lash asked him, he nodded. Even if Anakin left the Jedi Order in the future. Here and now he was expected to adhere to the values of the Jedi.

“She requested that he escort her back to Naboo. There she will break it off with him.” Qui-Gon said to Master Yoda who agreed.

“Alright! Back to Coruscant the lot of you. We all have a lot work ahead of us.” Lash said as he pulled himself up.

In a moment of weakness? Or familiarity? Yoda climbed onto Lash's shoulder and sat down. Lash made no move to get rid of him. The four of them climbed aboard a transport en route to a star ship to take them back. Less than a day later Coruscant came into view. Lash left his Jedi companions to make way towards his corporate HQ. Or at least that is what everyone believed. In truth he took a secret transport to a deserted factory district. In this place, he was out of sight, and out of mind. The transport landed when a secret landing pad opened up for him. The droid had its memory banks erased the moment it landed. It would wait for Lash to return.

Lash stepped out of his transport just as the secret door sealed itself. He had wrapped a Phantasm around him. Hiding his identity. The room was cold, and lifeless. Blue ghostly lights danced in the air, giving off a death like aura. Pillars rose up towards the ceiling. Each pillar had a mosaic on it that depicted torture, war, and death. At the base of each pillar were figures clad in pure black cloaks, and armor. Sith Cultists, worshipers of the dark side and the Sith Lord. They were sensitive to the Force. But could not use it. Just enough to be useful, not enough to be dangerous.

A cultist came to him and bowed. Lash returned the gestured and was led through the Sith Temple. Yes, a Sith Temple found on the surface of Coruscant right under the Jedi Council's noses. Darth Sidious had done a wonderful job keeping it hidden. Lash was led through several hallways, and passed many rooms. A few of them were filled with servants, and even dark side adepts that trained in spy craft, assassination, and aggressive negotiations.

Lash was brought before a magnificent door that looked like it was bathed in blood, and carved with suffering. He could feel the pain that came off this door. The cultist left him there and Lash waited. No one passed the chamber, he was completely alone. Then after a few minutes the door opened to reveal a throne room that also served as a ritual casting area. Darth Sidious, and Darth Tyranus waited in the room. Sidious turned to look at Las as he entered.

“Darth Enfarious, welcome back.” Darth Sidious said to Lash.

“Lord Sidious, Lord Tyranus, I bring news.” Lash said to them both.

Sidious aka Palpatine stood at approximately 5'5” maybe taller if he didn't slouch. He wore a intricate black woven cloak, and robe that covered him from head to toe. The hood on the cloak covered almost his entire face, leaving only his chin, and a bit of his mouth. While neck had a clasp of unknown origin wrapped around it. Dark side lightning danced between his finger tips. Always ready at a moments notice to strike.

Tyranus aka Dooku looked much the same as he did on Geonosis. Though he now wore a traditional Sith Lord cloak that oozed dark side energy. Tyranus nodded in respectful greeting towards Lash and/or Enfarious. Enfarious had been the 'Sith Sorcerer' who restored his youth, and increased his strength within the Force. By multiplying the midi-chlorian in his body. But unlike Sidious, and Tyranus. Enfarious did not play into the rule of two. Enfarious was here to support Sidious and that was it. Or that was how it was explained to Tyranus.

“It seemed the Geonosians had a data tower full of black mail information. I copied it, and destroyed the tower. This was on it.” Lash said as he produced a holographic data chip to be viewed. Tyranus took it from him and slipped it into a viewer. His eyes narrowed in irritation.

“Most excellent Lord Enfarious. Odd that my apprentice did not catch this.” Sidious said with an obvious snarl at Tyranus for not suspecting the issue. Dooku looked like he had bitten into a lemon.

“That is why I am here...” Lash said, and left what was unsaid hanging in the air.

“Apologies my master, it will not happen again.” Dooku said with bowed head, and a bit of a glare at Lash.

“How did the clones perform?” Sidious asked.

“Beyond expectations. While the new designs of the battle droids were successfully hidden from the republic. Thank you for that, Lord Tyranus.” Lash said politely, and bowed his head towards Dooku who smiled amicably towards him.

“Wonderful! We have little left to discuss. But before you leave, Lord Enfarious. We have a new adept that needs tempering, if you please.” Sidious said with a grin, that was shared by Tyranus.

“Of course.” Lash replied, and bowed his head. He took several steps back with his head still bowed. Then turned on his heel and left the chamber.

Once the chamber door closed behind him a cultist arrived to take him to a ritual chamber. There Lash found a young human woman who had been brutally tortured, and could hardly stand on her own feet. All the same she did, and Lash saw the dark side flow through her. Giving her strength as she gave in to her anger. The dark side fed on her life force in exchange. Lash clapped his hands to get her attention. She snapped into focus and jumped at him. Hands stretched out into claws. Lash easily froze her in place with Telekinesis.

“I am Lord Enfarious, Sith Sorcerer and servant to Darth Sidious.” Lash said in an acidic tone. The young woman's eyes quickly came into focus as she realized who she had just tried to kill. But before she could speak...

“Think nothing of it. If you had successfully killed me that it would have proven I had no place by Darth Sidious side. I am here to temper you. I must warn you, it will be one of the most painful experiences you will ever have. Do you still accept?” Lash asked her.

“YES!” The young woman shouted at him.

“Very well...” Lash reached out and made her into a Force-Super. All though he only gave her half the power level as he did for his Jensaarai. Either way she would be a powerful adept. While he performed the task he used the Illusion Domain spell, Pain.

The young woman screamed so loudly she shredded her vocal cords. She floated in the air, stretched out in a spread eagle position, with her body arched, and her limbs contorted. She was on the verged of having every bone in her body broken. While Lash refused to let her pass out from the pain. She screamed, wailed, and cursed the very heavens. But no once did she say stop. Her tortured screams filled the Sith Temple. The dark side of the Force fed on the magic, and fed on her emotions. By the end the dark side was satisfied with his sacrifice.

The young woman was pale as death. She had a shaved head before, but now she had long black hair to the middle of her back. Her once pale blue eyes had become yellow crimson orbs of light. Black tattoos covered her body. They moved, and writhed with emotions. Her once stick like figure had been replaced with dense, compact muscles. When Lash released her from the Telekinetic hold she landed on her hands and feet with ease. She slowly stood up with a triumphant smile on her face.

“You have survived the tempering, congratulations.” Lash said to her.

“Thank you, Lord Enfarious. I will serve Darth Sidious with all of my being.” She replied, with a look of pure euphoria on her face.

“I'm sure you will. It's an exciting time. War has come to the galaxy.” Lash said to her.

The clone wars had begun....


I used Wookiepedia, and the Star Wars: Attack of the Clones screenplay. For several portions of this chapter. Obviously, I spliced in my own dialogue as well.

Many of you will notice the long POV sections of the chapter. I am attempting the art of world-building, and character growth. Some of the more experience Authors that I enjoy reading. They use POV's to help explain the world, and their part in it without taking attention away from the MC. I still need practice in this regard. So I thought to practice on Scribble Hub.

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