Dream Engine: Beta Tester…. D.C. Comics

Chapter 143: The Great Ones Acolytes


***Home Reality (H.R.) Starling City***

Starling City had been an interesting place for many years. It had seen catastrophe leading to calamities, to full blown invasion from another reality, then to another invasion from an alien machine. But like many other cities it kept pushing forward thanks to the support of its people, heroes, and of course the different multi-billionaire companies that call it home. Companies like Queen-Merlyn Industries, Wayne Technologies, and the newest in a long line companies, Ghost Industries.

It was in part thanks to these companies, its people, and the tools they provided that the city persisted even to this day. As the last Cyber-Slave shard monoliths were destroyed. The machine intelligence known as Brainiac was removed from the city. (At least they hope.) That the city once again had its utilities restored in record time. As night falls Starling City lit up like a x-mas tree. But of course where ever there is light, a shadow will persist.

A crime wave of unprecedented nature swarmed up from the cities port, and slums. Men and women hoping to take advantage of the situation flowed out of the wood works like carrion on a rotten corpse. It was because of this that so many people looked at the city like it was a kind of botanical garden bog. Beautiful only from a certain point of view. However, time and time again one thing proved true above all else. When an outsider threatens the city, even the criminal element stands side by side with the peoples heroes. Like the day a blood Red Rift appeared in Starling City central park.

The Red Rift (A / B grade) flickered into being during the middle of the day. It quickly swallowed the nearby landscape and grew to be over a mile wide in diameter. Surrounding the Rift was a vast collection of people who were all attempting to enter the Rift and failing as an invisible shield propelled them away from it. Most of the world was unaware of the recent changes that had occurred. It was widely believed that the Justice Legion: International had deployed a type of shield to prevent unwanted entry.

There had been thousands of examples of unprepared individuals entering a Rift with little to no plan. Failing, then of three effects would happen. 1) The Rift explods which spread cosmic radiation across the area. This radiation would cause sickness, death, and a small 1% chance of creating more meta-humans. 2) Imploding which pulled everything within in a few miles towards a centralized core and created a dense radioactive material in the epicenter. This metal was sought after for its bio-molecular alloy properties. 3) Or the worst yet when it failed and created what is referred to as an egg break. When dozens, hundreds, or thousands of creatures would break from the portal and terrorize the landscape. Always moving towards the most complicated organism first. (People.) To kill and eat. But even in their deaths, radiation would rapidly decay into the environment.

All of this was well documented, informed, and spread across the world wide web. School children were taught in school. Commercials were paid for, and put up on every televised stations across the world. Moving into extreme detail on every issue and problem that came with each Rift type. Yet each and every time a Rift appears people rush into it. Why? Because there are hundreds of videos on social media, and the dark web of people going in. Then stepping out with money, alien technology, or even becoming a powered individual. Each one hoping to win the verifiable super powered lottery.

Thankfully within in an hour of its discovery, spring rings appeared around the park and the JLI coordinated with local law enforcement to quarantined the area. The JLI officials on site were included but not limited to. Green Arrow, Black Canary, and Shazam. Working along side ARGUS personnel as they determined the situation. Which more or less devolved into a pissing match over who would go into the Rift, and who wouldn't.


(Billy Batson – Shazam)

Shazam stood off to the side as he watched Oliver aka Green Arrow shout at the ARGUS officer in charge, Agent Booth. They had been talking in circles for the past twenty minutes about who was going to enter the Rift, and who would be on standby. ARGUS had a team that was on the way. While the JLI had a team already there ready to jump into the Rift. Apparently since the JLI was not a recognized organization of the US Government. The JLI had no jurisdiction, it didn't matter that this was Green Arrows city. Or the fact that the world would have been fucked without the JLI. ARGUS wanted the power boost from the Rift. Though they disguised it as altruistic of course.

“Why are you even here!? The whole world is in ruins, Starling City is one of the few places that has been brought back from the brink. Why don't you got to a ruined third world country where you can actually do some good!” The Agent in charge screamed at Green Arrow, spittle flying from his mouth.

“I'm here to ensure the job is done right! ARGUS has failed to complete any Rift of the color red or blue. Then the moment you fail, you conveniently place the blame on the JLI that were stationed on site. Like you didn't sneak a team into it before we arrived!” Green Arrow shouted back. That made Agent Booth turn purple with rage.

“I don't care if ARGUS has jurisdiction to be here. The JLI will be closing the Rift. I will not jeopardize my city because you want a pay day!” Arrow shouted at the agent, and stepped right into his face.

“You really want to go to war against the US Government, Arrow? We've all seen what happens when the Justice League gets involved. People die, and cities are destroyed. All we have to do is looked around to see the truth. But why don't we ask your protege. Where is Arsenal?” Agent Booth said with a smug grin, or he would have if his jaw hadn't shattered.

Shazam had moved across the tented area in the blink of an eye. Agent Booth's jaw, and part of skull caved in. A thunderclap all but deafened the immediate area. Agent Booth was down for the count, as ARGUS soldiers raised their weapons and trained them on the JLI personnel on station. While storm clouds materialized in the air above the park. The static electricity in the air began to pop off of every ARGUS soldier. As Shazam's power tore the command tent from its foundations, he floated a few feet off the ground and glared at the ARGUS personnel on point.

“ARGUS! Stand down, now!” A commanding voice called out as another agent showed up. He was closely followed by two people that Shazam had recognized. Agent Nickel, and Agent Murmur, so the agent who spoke up must be Agent Dutch. (ch. 71)

Agent Dutch stood at approximately 5'10” with a marine corp / linebacker body build. He had short cropped black hair, healthy tanned skin tone, with dark blue eyes with red highlights. He wore a full tactical battle rattle suit, with what looked like a facsimile of the JLI's light exoskeleton suit. Though it wasn't nearly as nice. His gaze bore into the eyes of every soldier on site like it was the eye of god himself. Every soldier stood down automatically at being looked at.

“Shazam! My brother in arms how are you!?” Agent Nickel called out. As he strode over to the current lightning incarnate. Shazam growled in frustration but calmed down, as he was afraid he would accidentally kill Nickel.

Agent Nickel was a meta-human with a bio-metallic skin covering. Or, so Shazam was led to believe. The liquid metal across the mans body looked like the metal nickel, which was if Billy remembered a highly conductive material. When Shazam touched back down to the ground the storm clouds above started to dissipate. But Nickel still received a bit of a shock when they shook hands. Nickel jumped with a natural smile on his face. Nickel stood at approximately 6' even with a body builder physique. High and tight silver metallic hair, with gunmetal eyes. He wore tactical boots, pants, and a vest. But but no shirt, so he could show off his metallic skin.

“Angry... Though you may want to see towards the guy who's skull I caved in.” Shazam said in a growl. Nickel barely batted an eye at the officer on the ground.

“Murmurs got it.” Nickel replied as he pointed his chin at his sister, Shazam took a moment to look at her.

Agent Murmur had knelt over the officer. A link of energy connected to them both, and the officers face was rebuilding itself rapidly. That was new! Murmur had darkness manipulation, at least that's what the file said. Seems she picked up a healing ability. Though her personality remained the same. Murmur was the opposite of Nickel. Nickel was an extrovert to the extreme, a social butterfly.

While Murmur was quiet, subdued, and hated crowds. Though Shazam wouldn't call her an introvert. It was primarily because if she touched someone she would drain them of energy, if she held on for too long they would die. She stood at approximately 5'8”, with short cropped black hair, and like her brother gunmetal eye. She wore a form fitting tactical suit, with soft exoskeleton suit attachments. When she finished with the agent she stood up and then gave him a swift kick to the balls which caused him to whimper in pain.

“You'll live, which is more than you deserve, asshole.” Murmur said, then went to greet Shazam. Who greeted her with a tight smile. The trio glanced over to Arrow who was talking with Dutch about the situation.

“So, what brings you here?” Shazam asked them both.

“Joint operation, President Luthor suggested that the JLI and ARGUS do the Rift together.” Nickel said with a grin as he looked back at the giant red Rift. Shazam raised a brow at that.

“That's if we can get in. The higher ups know that the Rifts changed a little while ago, and the shield isn't from the Watchtower.” Murmur said softly, but clearly.

“Shazam!” A familiar feminine voiced called out, he whipped around immediately and stood at attention like he had been caught with his hand in the cookie jar.

Sarah Lance aka Black Canary stalked towards him with a glare. He audibly swallowed, and before she could dig her finger into his chest, Nickel stepped forward with a disarm smile, and a hand out towards her. Of course this did absolutely nothing to Canary as she side stepped the man and pegged Shazam and/or Billy with a look of disappointment. Thankfully wisdom of Solomon activated and Billy was smart enough not to say anything at all. He just kept his eyes on her, and shut his mouth. He didn't move an inch.

“Why am I getting reports about you caving in someones skull?” Canary asked with a snarl, and withering glare.

“Excuse me, ma'am?” Murmur stepped forward after she smiled at Nickel's dismissal. Canary glanced at Murmur. “Agent Booth was told to stand down over an hour ago, and was informed of the decision from on high. He will be properly reprimanded for his actions, as well as his words. Especially his words pertaining to the former and fallen hero Arsenal.” Murmur said, and the look of recognition crossed Canary's face.

Canary's entire demeanor changed, and softened as she looked at Shazam. Then she went over to the agent who had been in charge and kicked him in the balls. Another whimper in pain, and maybe a squelch sound followed by a scream of agony as something round, maybe a ball was destroyed in that kick. Nickel winced and moved to protectively cover his own crotch in mock sympathy. Then Canary looked at the trio and motioned for Shazam to follow her. He did, though he sent a thankful glance towards Murmur who nodded in acknowledgment.

The four of them moved over to Agent Dutch, and Green Arrow just at the tail end of the mission brief. “So, Director Waller sent the three of us to work with three of your own. From the readings STAR labs have put together, along with your own science team on the Watchtower. We should be able to fit six people into the Rift.” Dutch said, and acknowledged the four of them as they walked over. Arrow glanced at Canary, then at Shazam.

“We have three inbound right now. But we still need to see if you can even enter.” Arrow replied with a grimace.

“Agreed, so shall we step over to see if the shield stops us?” Dutch said, as he moved towards the blood red Rift towering above them. Arrow walked side by side with Dutch attempting to show a united from for both ARGUS and JLI on the ground.

The Rift towered above them, it grew an inch every few minutes and would continue to grow until someone, or someones walked in. No matter the angle you approached the doorway it always seem to be looking right at you. Even if two people moved towards it at different directions it would seem as if it was staring right back at them. When the group arrived within a hundred feet, tendrils of energy reached out. Much to the surprise of those around. The energy reached, linked, and in that moment they understood they could enter the Rift. Or at the very least, Shazam, Murmur, and Nickel could enter. While Arrow, Canary, and Dutch did not receive a link.

“Fuck...” Dutch cursed lightly under his breath.

As was said before the Rift would allow six people to enter. Three energy trails had linked with three individuals. Though they were linked they were not compelled to enter and could step away. While they saw three more energy trails reach out like cilia from a single cell organism. That was and odd turn of events. Something that several STAR scientist noticed. Tests were done on the immediate area. As before if one was not strong enough they would hit a barrier of some kind. A few other JLI members stepped forward and the energy links connected to them. When they had six the Rift actually stopped growing. But the moment they stepped away it continued its progress.

Before they scientists could poke and prod the Rift any further. Several spring rings appeared and with a soft pop, and a muted flash the Rift Walker team arrived. Or, should have arrived. What appeared was a very harried looking Starfire aka Princess Koriand'r, Supergirl aka Kara Kent / Kara Zor-El, and Miss Martian aka M'gann M'orzz. At their arrival they flew over to meet Arrow, Canary, and Shazam.

“Hello everyone! Are you the team who is coming with us?” Supergirl asked Dutch, Nickel, and Murmur. Then she noticed the trail of energy didn't link with Dutch. “Or, are we waiting on someone?”

“I need to make a call.” Dutch said, and pulled out his phone and walked off a bit.

“Hello Agent Ander! Agent K! Agent M! Good to see you!” Nickel said as he walked up with a big grin, and an wide open arm hug. Though only Starfire took him up on the hug.

“Hello to you as well, Agent Nickel and Agent Murmur. I am happy that the both of you still live.” Starfire said with a smile, as she hugged them both. Though she was careful of Murmur. Thankfully their exoskeleton suits covered skin to skin contact.

“Hi Shazam!” Miss Martian said as she flew over and gave him a big hug, and a kiss on the cheek. Shazam blushed just a bit and coughed in embarrassment.

“Hi, Miss Martian. Thanks for coming.” Shazam said as he hugged her back, then stepped away to rub his face clear of the blush. Though he was not finished as Starfire swallowed him in a hug, though she was in full armor. She still rubbed her cheeks back and forth across his own like a giant cat.

“Gaah! What do I do!? I don't know what to do!” Shazam shouted in shock, he never knew how to react to Starfire's over tactile contact culture.

There was a moment as the high strung group laughed a little at Shazam's over the top reaction. Starfire grinned with a glint of mischief in her eyes. She flew around to wrap her arms around him from behind and nibbled on his ear in a flirtations manner. Shazam blushed red from head to toe. Up and until Supergirl flew over and all but pried her off. Starfire looked like a kitten being held up by the back her neck. Though a cheshire grin was on her face.

“Ahem...” Agent Dutch walked back over and cleared his throat. The group went back to a stand ready position. Though Shazam was still red in the face. “We don't have anyone viable to send. So, it will just be Agent Nickel, and Agent Murmur.”

“I'm good to go inside if we need it?” Shazam said, as he motioned towards the Rift.

“Have any of you ever done a Rift? Even a low grade one?” Green Arrow asked, everyone but the ARGUS agents shook their head. Arrow pointed them.

“We've done ten greens, and one blue. Though Agent Dutch had been with us.” Murmur replied, as she glanced at her Supervising Officer (SO) who nodded back.

“It's just like the simulation on the Watchtower, right?” Miss Martian asked, as she floated closer to the Rift. An energy tendril reached out and linked with her.

“Yes, however every Red Rift on record has been... Difficult. From your perception you may be gone for years. Are you 100% sure you six want to go? We have time, we could find another team?” Canary asked, but this was a friend asking not a senior member of the JLI.

“I have to agree with, Black Canary. Four untested people in a Red Rift? I know we are struggling right now. But this is a recipe for disaster.” Dutch called out, and looked at his team with concern.

“Do you doubt our skills as warriors, Mr Dutch?” Starfire rose up from the ground, her green energy emanating from her body.

“You may not be a warrior in there! The Rift could force you to be a tailor who has to make uniforms for a fantasy age military for a year!” Dutch said with a snarl, and Nickel winced.

“That was one time! One time! Why do you always have to bring it up!” Nickel shouted in dismay, and everyone looked at him in confusion. Though Murmur snickered, and showed everyone a very nice embroidered silk scarf. “Hey! I worked really hard on that, if you don't want it give it back.” Nickel pointed at his sister who stuffed it away and looked away innocently.

“That's exactly my point. Nickel was the perfect human shield in that Rift and he was regulated to making uniforms for the officers in another world where they still used swords. Just because you are a skilled combatant here doesn't mean you'll be one in there. Green Arrow, I know the Watchtower has amazing training programs. But there is no substitute for the real thing. This Rift will hold for little over a week. If these are the only people available? Then send them to do some easy Rifts first. Then send them here.” Dutch made a valid point. They all stopped to look at the looming Rift that almost dared them to enter.

“Agreed.” Green Arrow said, then looked to see if anyone would argue. None did, it was a valuable point. Then everyone winced in pain as their earpieces wailed.

“Warning, subject broke containment! Identified as Cyber-Slave!” Vici's voice called over the communication line and the entire area went onto high alert. But it was to little too late. A mechanical skeleton with flight propulsion shot out of the nearby foliage and flew straight into the Rift.

“Oh fuck no!” Dutch called out, as the rest of the energy tendrils wrapped around the intended and dragged them towards the Rift.

Shazam needed no prompting and chased after the slave. Nickel, and Murmur were already prepared to go. That left space for two more. Starfire looked on with determination and didn't fight the selection process, while Supergirl, and Miss Martian flew in opposite directions away from the Rift. Then before their eyes another Cyber-Slave was making a bee line for the Rift. Supergirl looked at it, then the Rift and flew straight into the gaping portal. With an audible snap! The Rift sealed itself and the Cyber-Slave rammed straight into the shield and was promptly destroyed.

Shazam flew through a kaleidoscope of colors, a tunnel filled to the brim with images, sensations, feelings, and above all memories. He tried to keep his eyes on the Cyber-Slave but the mechanical monsters was so far ahead of him. Then a twisting vortex swallowed the machine, and Shazam was led down another tunnel. The change in direction was so sudden he fell... No, he lost his ability to fly!? He dropped to the tunnel and was no longer Shazam. He was Billy Batson again, what was going on!?

“....Billy.... Young Master, Billy. It's time to get up.” A elderly mans voice called out to him. What, who.... Why is Markus calling him? The tunnel he was in grew dark, then he felt only the soft pillows, and sheets of his bed.

“...Ten more minutes, Markus....Please.” Billy called out as he buried his head into his pillows.

“I'm afraid not, Young Master. Your father wants you ready for your exam today, or did you forget.” Markus his personal aid called to him as he walked into his private room in the manor. Billy's eyes snapped open as he looked towards the calendar.

“The Mage-Knight exam is today!?” Billy shrieked and jumped out of his bed and stumbled towards his bathroom to take a shower. Old man Markus rolled his eyes at his young ward.

“Yes, Young Master. It's today, now hurry up or you'll miss breakfast!” Markus called, and started to prepare Billy's exam attire.

Thus began the adventures of Young Lord Billy Batson, future Mage-Knight of the Kingdom of Eruinia...


***Alternate Reality – Rift. Raxus Secundus***

(48 standard hours after the quake.)

The capital world of the Confederacy of Independent Systems aka CIS was in an uproar. They had received word from their spies in the core regions of the massive earthquake on Coruscant. An emergency Senate hearing was called, while any available military, and scientific leaders that were available could attend, would attend. Mina Bonteri the Senator in charge of Raxus called the room to order. This was normally done by Count Dooku but he was unavailable at the time of the hearing.

“Respected delegates, and senators of the Confederacy please calm yourselves so we may start this meeting.” Senator Bonteri called out, but the room refused to silence themselves. She went to clear her voice and start again only to be interrupted.

“SILENCE!” A whip crack of power swallowed the room, and brought silence to the room through the Force. Whether they wanted to be silent or not didn't matter as their voices had been taken from them. Off to the side was Lord Enfarious, as he coughed several times in his wheezing manner. Then waved a mechanical clawed hand and the 'spell' was broken.

“Thank you, Lord Enfarious.” Senator Bonteri said with a bemused expression. She had the whole rooms attention now.

“This meeting was called for one purpose, and one purpose alone. Should we call an armistice between the Republic, and the Confederacy?” Bonteri asked the room, and before the room could devolve into a shouting match, Enfarious slammed his fist into his desk which caved it in, and they all went quiet.

“Stop acting like savages! You have something to say, move to be addressed and speak clearly, and to the point!” Enfarious hissed at the room, and a very real shiver raced down their spines.

“Senator Navi, of Thrusta is recognized.” Bonteri elected to move on as she grimaced at Enfarious words.

“No, we shouldn't. Because we all know that if Raxus was in danger the Republic would move to destroy us without a second thought. I understand, and respect the ideals that we are different than the Republic, better. So, let us make a compromise. We will not attack Coruscant, but we will continue the war has planned.” Senator Navi called out from his position. Over a hundred Senators agreed and raised their hands in muted cheers, many eyeing Enfarious who didn't move from his position.

Another senator stood and waited to be recognized, once Bonteri moved to them they spoke. “If we move to assist the Republic in their time of need perhaps we can use it to our advantage and be recognized. We could stop the war now, in its tracks. Divide the galaxy between the Confederacy, Republic, and Neutral systems.” The Senator finished and another portion of the room cheered and agreed.

“That will never happen! The Republic will do what it has always done. It will take, and take. Then when we call in what we are owed they will conveniently forget everything we did, and demand our obedience!” A pro war senator called out. “I say we use this to our advantage! We've already received word that entire fleets of the Republic Navy are moving to secure Coruscant. We can take back systems we've lost and entrench ourselves!

“We could finish the conflict with the Hutts without interference!” Another pro war senator called out. At the mention of the Hutts most of the room cheered, organic slavery was not well liked. They had droids for that.

“Delegates please! Let us not be side tracked. Remember why we are here, should we or should we not call an armistice?” Bonteri asked the room, and though many senators were unhappy. The vote was not call an armistice.

That was how the Republic lost hundreds of star systems as the Republic Navy was forced to pull back to the core, and inner regions. Where they left the mid, and outer regions to their fates. In the eyes of the people of the Confederacy they had nothing but altruistic ideals. They saw themselves as freedom fighters, there to help the masses. Of course few knew the truth as they were heavily desensitized to the war. Thanks to soft brainwashing in the holographic videos provided by Count Dooku....

After a few more hours of determining the course of the Confederacies plan of action Mina Bonteri excused herself from the room. Only to be shadowed by Lord Enfarious, which was a surprise to the woman. Not a word was shared between them, but his intentions were clear. He wanted to speak to her alone in her office. Their guards kept the public at bay as they moved until they were behind closed doors. Mina moved to her desk, then thought better of it and moved to a sitting room. Enfarious stayed standing as he watched her. She wouldn't deny that she felt nervous under his gaze.

“The earthquake was artificial. This was an attack by another faction known as the Yuuzhan Vong or 'The Chosen' in their own tongue.” Enfarious's hiss like voice sent a spike of fear through Mina's heart.

“An attack!? I don't have any information on that? No one does!” Mina jumped to her feet and moved towards her private terminal to make a call. “Who are the Yuushan Vong, I've never heard of them?”

Enfarious moved through the office with both ease, and speed as he placed his mechanical hand on the terminal to prevent her from calling for her attendant. “That's because no one knows. I have an entire spy ring on Coruscant. I know it, Count Dooku knows it, and now you know it. That is it.” Enfarious said with a bit of finality. Mina stopped, she froze in contemplation.

“Why are you telling me this?” Mina asked, the gears in her mind started to work a mile a minute.

“Because Coruscant is not the only target. We need to focus on our own worlds first. You can't help others, if we can't even help ourselves.” Enfarious replied simply, and that brought Mina up short.

“Your telling me these Yuuzhan Vong will attack the Confederacy? Why?” Mina asked, her interests piqued.

“Religious fanatics, to us. All of us, we are nothing but heretics to either be destroyed, or converted. You will not like their version of conversion.” Enfarious stated simply, and removed his hand from her terminal.

Mina stopped and thought about the implications. As a former Republic Senator, and now Confederacy Senator she had seen her share of religious zealots, and fanatics. They were not the kind to be reasoned with. Especially when the soldiers were taught that to live, and die for the cause was a guaranteed entry to their preferred afterlife. Before she could speak another word, Enfarious placed a data chip with a bio-metric lock on it. It was key coded to her.

“This is everything I have on them, and its not much. Read it all, and contact me when you have completed it. Do not share it with others! I'll be running internal security though our worlds. They have a way of hiding from scanners. So I'll be busy for a while. But I'll make time for you if you call.” Enfarious said, and turned on his heel and slithered away.

Mina watched him go and was struck dumb. Something was not right about Enfarious. We had always had a grandfatherly feel to him. But it also felt like he was a venomous serpent coiled in the grass waiting to strike. These Yuuzhan Vong must have really unsettled him. When the door opened, and closed behind him. Mina moved to secure her office with a flip of a switch. Then she placed the data chip into her computer. Fifteen minutes later she threw up her lunch, and desperately wanted to claw her own eyes out for what she had just seen. These were monsters of the highest order... It was no wonder they unsettled Enfarious so much...


Lord Enfarious and his droid sentinel guard made haste to his private residence outside of the city. The underground tram deposited them inside the manor and he all but sprinted towards his private chambers. The door opened and closed and the moment it was sealed the Phantasm was pulled off to reveal a Saurian Elite Guard. The creature took a moment to orient it self then pulled open an Manifestation portal to its creator's location.

A whirlpool of void, and starlight expanded from a single point in front of the Elite. Once it reached a ten foot sphere of color it turned perfectly two dimensional flat, tendrils of inky black reach out and wrapped around the Elite and pulled them into the embrace of the magic spell. As the midi-chlorians in the air for the first time did not devour the spell. But they did tell the Elite to hurry. Once the gate opened the Elite stepped through and came to a battle field of epic proportions.

Millions of monstrosities acted as a tidal of wave of tooth, and claw. As they flooded over the city world of Coruscant. In the distance the Elite saw its kin, and its creator fight against the horde with only so much support from the denizens of this Rift. Then it felt it, the bond between creator, and Manifestation. The Elite took to the skies and flew towards its creator with a smile on its face.

'It's done, the CIS will not be attacking the Republic. But they plan to seize any system that the Navy leaves behind.' -Elite said, answering a question that it knew its creator had on its mind.

'Good! Work with the midi-chlorians and find the Fate born. The mutated have taken an unhealthy interest in me and I am no longer able to move from my position.' -The Creators voice spoke across the link. The Elite sent their confirmation and flipped through their Perceptions until they were led away by a swarm of lights.

Another festival of blood, oh what delights to be found.


***Coruscant, Republic Senate Building.***

Lash had activated Transformation hours ago and was now merged with Saurian as the great monster reveled in the carnage that was happening around them. Millions of mutated monstrosities of the once citizens of Coruscant rushed towards them with reckless abandonment. Red Psionic Blades three in length bore from his vampraces, as his tentacles shot beams of Destruction – Runes across the landscape and bisected the creatures and turned the remains to dust. He inhaled and exhaled with Elemental Manipulation – Fire and created a blue white hot flame so hot it cremated what it hit. But no matter how many they killed, the mutations sent more. It was glorious!

“MORE! SEND ME MORE!” Lash and/or Saurian's voice yelled out.

Lash had lost track of any of his Jensaarai hours ago. The city was on fire and Lash was at a choke point leading towards the senate building that was being made into a rally point. He had released his one thousand Saurus Warriors, one hundred Saurus Veterans, and his now ten Saurus Elites into the field. Despite the numbers they all still stood. Though he knew if he didn't have the tear drop power stone he would have died by now. But thanks to it, he was never empty of energy for long. As long as he had energy he had a near immortal army of Saurus Soldiers at his call.

A roar rang out across the battlefield as they saw a giant monstrosity towering over its kin. Easily twenty feet tall, as its multi-limb body pulled itself forward. It stepped on its kin without care, though a majority of the man sized creatures jumped out of the way. Lash channeled his Space/Void Domain and used one of his spells in an unconventional method. He used Portal Creation but made it collapse in on it self. Yes, he made a temporary gravity well bomb.

The orb of darkness appeared right in front of the behemoth, it blinked then roared in surprise as it, and everything within a mile was sucked in. Flesh, bone, sound, and light was removed in the immediate area. Then with an audible BANG! The spell's energy was cut off and the incredibly dense orb of...Stuff landed in a crater. Lash flicked a spell of Decomposition at it, and it all soon rotted away. He stood up at his impressive eight foot height and looked at the horde who had paused in confusion. Then like a marathon start a crack from a blaster someplace else ignited another wave of flesh, and bone.

Portal Creation: Cool down 6 hours.

Lash really needed to get that to master so he wouldn't have to deal with cool downs anymore. Saurian urged him on and he plowed into the waiting crowd and spun like a top. His tentacles created short range beams of light imitating light sabers. An artful dance moved through the crowd as every creature nicked by the blades had Decomposition cast on them. They rapidly decayed for ones eyes. But there was always more. Always more flesh to bring to ruin.

Lash and Saurian barreled through a city street and found a skyscraper above that was on its last legs. They sent a pulse of Nature through the building and found it empty. With a flick of a Telekinetic Cut and the buildings remaining supports were removed. The hundreds of thousands of pounds fell into the city streets below. Crushing the monstrosities below, and temporarily blocking the path down this street. Though a few minutes is all it would buy as they sure would climb over it, or go through it.

'Release me' -Saurian's voiced called across the link. Yes, that could work. A three hundred foot tall monster could wreck these things.

'NO! We can't do that here. How are we going to explain that? The Republic will attack us.' -Erik the gamer's voice called to them.

'If they attack us then we'll kill them too! All will submit!' -Saurian's voice snarled across the link.

'I thought we were saving you for a big surprise when Palpatine tries to kill us?' -Erik pleaded his case across the link. Lash played mediator between the two, though he was a little confused as to why this conversation was even taking place.

“When did I became the voice of reason?” Lash asked out loud as he reaped another few dozen lives.

'Please, don't you hear the call!? The festival of blood is all around us. RELEASE ME!' -Saurian all but begged to them both.

“Wait! Hold on a minute, what call?” Lash asked loudly as he floated up into the air then zipped back towards the choke point. He'd left it for a few minutes and sure enough it was over run with creatures. He dropped down once more and started to hack and slash.

'How do you not hear it!? They call to us, they call to me!' -Saurian's voice clawed at the edges of their link. He nearly tore it asunder and arrested control then and there. Lash clutched his head and screamed in pain. Then in a brief moment he saw one of the creatures look at him, and grin. Never before had the monstrosities showed any sign of emotion.

Something was wrong! They were under somethings influence. Lash flew up into the air and catapulted himself towards the senate building. He crashed more than landed, creating a crater and a minor quake. This did nothing to help the senate building as a few remaining statues toppled over. But Lash didn't care as he tried to calm his partner down.

'Saurian stop and think about this! You are the rock, the anchor that keeps us level. You have always been methodical even in the middle of a slaughter. Were being influenced!' -Erik screamed across the link, and Lash curled up into a ball as he felt his Transformation slowly turn into Shapeshift the old monster would not be denied.

'I! DONT! CARE!' -Saurian screamed across the link, and in that moment it was over.

A billowing cloud of smoke and shadow boiled over and swallowed the surrounding area. Then as quickly as it appeared it was gone. There in its place was a towering monster. Saurian stood at an impressive three hundred feet tall, and nearly six hundred feet long. His four tentacles writhed and shifted on his back just as long as his own body. His massive bladed tail whipped around and slammed onto thousands of monstrosities that swarmed towards them senate building. It a moment of pure revelry he roared! Intimidating Shout, and Rallying Call activated. Every monstrosity for over ten miles froze in shock and had to do a hard reboot. While every neutral to friendly contact in that same ten miles found ten percent of their total health, and energy renewed.

Then came a roar atmospheric engines, Acclamator assault carrier, and Venator attack cruiser ships broke the smog filled skies. Dozens of them, and every single one of them trained their weapons on the giant three hundred foot tall monster. Fortunately for them the kaiju didn't take it personally. It tucked and rolled on it self and steam rolled through the city streets. Turning the horde into paste. Though it was soon proven that such a move was unwise as the city streets of Coruscant were not designed to take such a creatures weight. Saurian fell through the different buildings down the bottom level of this current floor. Creating a mushroom cloud.

Not one to be deterred by a minor setback. Saurian climbed out of the crater he had made. The breathed blue white hot flames down the city streets like a tsunami of living flame. Hundreds of thousands of monstrosities turned to ash. While millions of pounds of durasteel, and duracrete turned to slag. Saurian barreled through wrecked buildings with little worry. He was following something, he heard the call and he would come. He climbed up and over a skyscraper and found an open chasm into the floors below. Like ant hill the monstrosities poured from the chasm.

So, Saurian dove into the crack and burrowed his way through it. Leaving floor five thousand, one hundred, and twenty seven behind. (5127). Earth Swim activated and he slipped through the different floors like an eel. Before to long he found himself falling through the air. He activated his Telekinetic Flight Field and slowly fell with style. His giant six reptilian eyes saw what looked like a giant organic bridge made bone, and sinew connected the different floors together. An almost conveyor belt moved the vast amounts of monstrosities from one floor to another. Saurian activated his Rune of Destruction and turned the bridge to ash. Then he crashed into the next floor and burrowed down, ever deeper into the world itself.



“What is that!?” Admiral Wulf Yularen all but screamed at his bridge crew, though the question was rhetorical.

Admiral Wulf Yularen all but stared in horror as he saw the giant creature shrug off their combined fire as if it had been caught in the rain. Then it tucked itself into a ball and rolled through the city streets like this was some kind of game!? Only for it to incinerate over three city blocks in plasma. Then to top it all off it dove into the ground and slipped between a crack that did not fit it at all! The only silver lining was the hole it had moved into stopped producing the horde of monstrosities.

“Sir, what are your orders?” The bridge officer called out.

“Move the Acclamators around the senate building, secure it and rescue any survivors. Deploy all group, and aerial troops across the planets surface. Establish a working communication network, and try to contact the Jedi Temple, Republic Army, Navy, and Militia command. Do it as soon as possible!” Admiral Yularen called out.

His smooth transition between being shocked, and back in command steady the rest of the crew. Like a well oiled machine the fleet moved in order. Within short order they were able to establish a communication link with Militia command. Though there was no word from the Army, or Naval. No one had any idea if the Supreme Chancellor was alive or dead, and Yularen was swift to dispatch ARC Troopers towards his home.

“Sir, we have adjutant Nazvo on the line!” An officer called out, Yularen turned on his heel and went towards the holographic display. Yularen took a moment to press, and smooth out his gray admiral uniform out, combed his short and pressed brown hair, and ran a finger across mustache. His eyes focused on the beautiful but very deadly Jensaarai, who had the ear of the new Mand'alor the Renewer.

“Admiral, I am pleased to see the fleets arrival. I'll keep this short. We have several rally points across the planets surface. We are sending the coordinates to you now. We have not secured the senate building, the Jedi Temple, or 500 Republica. Master Lash is on the surface. He was in control of a choke point not far from your present location but we lost contact with him shortly before you showed up.” Nazvo said in a quick, and precise manner as information came across the network. Yularen saw the designated point of where Master Lash was and he paled. Had he been killed by the creature?

“Adjutant Nazvo, I'm not sure if Master Lash has...” Yularen stretched out the sentence and Nazvo's eyes turned cold.

“Until you can show me a body, I'm going to assume he's alive. He destroyed twenty thousand battle droids in the simulator by himself. This is nothing to him!” Nazvo all but snarled at him, Yularen swallowed and cleared his throat.

“Of course! However, at this time the choke point appears to be vacant. We'll set up a new bastion there....” Yularen said, and Nazvo allowed the conversation to continue.

They continued to speak in rapid succession and soon a workable plan was set into motion. More and more ships were coming into the solar system. While close to a half a million clone troopers were deployed. Oddly enough they didn't meet the resistance they had thought they would. It was almost as if someone had flipped a switch and the never ending flood of flesh and bone was starting to tapper off. Despite the reprieve there were still millions of monstrosities on the surface. Plenty for them to deal with.

Though Yularen did worry about General Skywalker. He had tore off with his own star fighter even before they decided to return to Coruscant, Commander Tano was right behind him. He had learned while in transit nearly every Jedi in the different sectors that could leave, did leave. They had flown through the smog and had raced towards their home. Though Yularen secretly believed General Skywalker was more worried about a certain senator. He could only hope Skywalker would get there in time...


(Ahsoka Tano)

“PADME!?” Anakin screamed out again. As he rifled through a ruined building. Ahsoka was right next to him, and winced every time he screamed. She reached out with the Force and used Shatter Point to find a weakness in the building and avoided it. They didn't want to the building to collapse.

“Master please! I'm not getting anything on the sensors! R2 says there are no life forms nearby except for the creatures.” Ashoka tried to calm him down, and was only ignored. As Anakin dug through the building with his bare hands.

“PADME!?” Anakin called and again as he moved a piece of rubble.

“STOP SHOUTING, YOU MORON!” A man's voice called out and Ahsoka looked up to see a Jensaarai in tattered armor. Her hope for Master Lash was dashed as the animal spirit design didn't match him. Still she was happy to see another Force User.

“Who are you!? Have you seen Senator Amidala!?” Anakin jumped to his feet and raced towards the man who scoffed.

“Yes, I seen her. I also saw those things take her and her entire security forced beneath the city floor.” The Jensaarai called out, and Anakin stumbled and dropped to his knees. Ahsoka went pale with fear at the idea of it.

“What!? Why didn't you?” Ahsoka asked.

“Why do you think I look like this!? My armor is made out of Beskar alloy, and those things shredded it like tissue paper. By the time my team got to the building they were gone.” The Jensaarai said simply, as a few more wounded Jensaarai appeared.

“Where did they go!? Tell me where!” Anakin jumped to his feet and nearly pulled the man from his feet before he was Forced vaulted across the ruins into a wall.

“Woah! Woah! Stop, please!” Ahsoka called out as she held up her hands between her master and the Jensaarai.

“Tell me where they took her!” Anakin shouted, and ignited his light saber. A dark crimson glow surrounded him. Ahsoka's Force sense screamed at her to move away from him.

“Enough!” Another Jensaarai called down to them and a sense of calm fell over them all, including Anakin who let out a shuddering breath.

Ahsoka looked up to see a woman in armor that looked like an avian creature. Metallic wings came out of her back and she flew down as if it was perfectly natural. The other Jensaarai deferred to her judgment. Her visor was up, but Ahsoka felt their eyes on her. The woman tilted her head to one side as if she saw something interesting. Then she moved to look over at Anakin. Her wings stayed out, and were poised to move if needed.

“She was taken over ten hours ago. The cracks lead to the lower floors. That is all we know. I don't know if either of you have ever spent any time on the lower floors but can people can go their whole lives and never see the sun down there. Now its over run with these things, and there are over five thousand floors. I don't know who she is to you. But it would take a miracle to find her.” The woman said simply, and something seem to crack in Anakin as he dropped to his knees and started to sob. Ahsoka knew that Anakin and Padme were friends but she didn't think it had gone this far.

“If you want to do something? Go to the Jedi Temple. Our last report says its still fighting off their forces, and they are losing badly.” The woman said, and Ahsoka snapped to attention. Then raced over to Anakin.

“Master please get up, we have to help them!” Ahsoka called out, and Anakin looked up at her... He blinked slowly, then nodded. He slowly got up and turned to walk towards the temple. “Master, our fighters over this way. It will be faster.”

Anakin moved mechanically with a stutter and stop. But as more time passed he started to smooth out. Ahsoka turned to look back at the Jensaarai as they moved in the opposite direction. The woman came straight towards her and knelt down so they were nearly eye level. “The dark side surrounds him, he's about to snap. Watch yourself padawan.” The woman said.

“Master Skywalker is the strongest person I know. He'll get through this.” Ahsoka said with a tiny smile.

“If you say so, may the Force be with you.” The woman said.

“And you.” Ahsoka said then raced towards Anakin.

Anakin had jumped into his fighter and was in preparation. R2 who was in the astromech droid spot whistled at her. Then gave a slight warble as the star fighter turned on and took off straight towards.... No! Ahsoka stared in horror as the ship took a nose dive straight into one of the open cracks in the ground. Ahsoka raced towards her own speeder only to find it was sabotaged. Anakin had sliced through her main console with his saber. She was grounded, and hundreds of miles from anyone. She stamped her foot, and looked to her own astromech droid who whistled at her in confusion. The thing ejected as they both raced after the Jensaarai. Thankfully the woman had waited, seemingly to understand the situation.

It wasn't long before they were attacked by the creatures and Ahsoka got a crash course on monster slaying. Head, and heart. Both had to be destroyed to kill the creature. What Ahsoka hated was she soon learned that the creatures were once people. Especially when she saw a Jensaarai killed a mother who had been grafted together with their children in a macabre fashion. How, how were these things created!? Why!?

“Where are we going?” Ahsoka asked after an hour of walking and fighting.

“There is a rally point down this way in about twenty or so miles. Our assignment is to walk out in the open and play bait. Seems to be working pretty well. Or it was until a little while ago. For some reason the surface stopped getting reinforcements from below, we don't know why.” The woman named Torzel, Defender Torzel. Which meant she was a Master of the Jensaarai order, who had completed stage five training.

“Do you know where Master Lash is?” Ahsoka asked, and the whole unit stopped to look at her. Suddenly the center of attention she blushed, and almost looked down at her feet. But she felt a rush of energy and forced herself to stick her chin out in mild defiance.

“We lost contact with him awhile ago. He was defending the senate building. But no one has seen him since the Republic fleet showed up. Knowing him, he's probably looking for trouble, or finding a way to be useful.” Torzel said with a chuckle, and Ahsoka found herself smiling.

Before Ahsoka could ask another question her holographic communicator went off. She was surprised, it hadn't worked once since they broke the atmosphere. She was not the only one as the Jensaarai all stopped and activated their own. An automated announcement rang out. An emergency call to arms, and a map of their area with rally point coordinates. Within minutes an Acclamator assault ship flew over head and was in the process of landing on the same rally point they were moving to.

“First piece of good news in days. Communications was one of the first things these creatures took out. Despite the animalistic tendencies they are oddly organized.” Torzel said, and closed her communicator.

Ahsoka nodded her absently, but had been playing with her communicator in an attempt to contact Anakin. But she received no response. So she tried the Temple, and got no response. She tried any Jedi frequency and... Received a response!? A holographic image of Master Plo Koon appeared. Never had she been so happy to see the Jedi who had been both friend, and mentor in her younger years.

“Padawan Ahsoka, there you are! It fills my heart with great pleasure to see you safe... Well safe within this catastrophe. Where are you, and Master Skywalker?” Plo Koon asked, and Ahsoka's reply was stuck in her throat.



(Padme Amidala)

“Milady.....” A distant and familiar called out.... Padme groaned, and desperately wanted to tell them to go away. “.....Milady please wake up....” The voice called out again. Padme attempted to turn over and bury her face back into her pillows. But all she felt was the stone cold ground and something wet and sticky on her face. Did she fall out of bed again?

“....Gre-Gregor?” Padme asked, and stuttered as her throat was so dry. “Can you get me some water?”

“....If I could I would, Milady. But I'm afraid I may find myself out of your service soon.” Gregor's voice sounded strained. Wait... That didn't make sense? Why would Gregor leave? Padme tried desperately to open her eyes but they almost seemed glued shut.

Then a pain like she had never felt before was driven into her brain, straight through her skull. She opened her eyes wide and screamed in agony. Only to realize to late that it was not some imaginary pain. No an actual needle had been forced into her skull. “AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!” Her scream resonated and shook the area. And a wet throaty chuckle was her only response.

“Get your hands off of her! Now!” Gregor's voice called out, followed by the sound of bones breaking and Gregor's own screams was all Padme needed to know they were in trouble.

She blinked past the tears to look around and she saw something that would haunt her dreams till the day she died. Bone, flesh, sinew, and blood was displayed like some freakish mosaic. She saw what could only be described as an assembly line of flesh, bone, and body part were pulled off of living people who were wide awake! They screamed in horror, or mute shock as their eyes had glazed over from the pain. Giant leeches were attached to their spines and pumped green liquid into the bodies.

She was tied to a wall with intestines! Intestines! The word needed repeating as she looked towards Gregor who had his right arm torn off, and was in the process of getting a new one from some sort of alien. It was grotesque, and didn't suit him. His Beskar armor had been removed and tossed to the side like to much scrap. The rest of the security force, and Jensaarai that had been with her were either fighting the assembly process or not yet been seen.

Blood dripped into her eyes and she tried to clear it. Then she once again realized that a metal pin was inside of her skull! She screamed again, and her torturer moved its attention back on her. This man, this monster stood at six foot even with pale white skin that was stretched across its skull. His lips, and eyelids had been removed so he had a frightening smile, and she knew he was smiling at her. His body, no his armor was milky black. It was like a carapace that was perfectly fitted to him. A centipede like snake coiled around his body and hissed at her.

A series of clicks, and hisses came out of the mans mouth. Saliva sprayed across her face, then he reached up and yanked out the needle in her skull without a word. Another scream tore out of her throat and the resonating energy rippled through the factory of flesh and bone. Then... Then a woman, one of Padme's servants walked over. A giant leech on her spine, and a glassy look to her eyes.

“Sabe!? Sabe no! Speak to me!” Padme called out to her body double, bodyguard, and friend.

A faint flicker of recognition registered in the woman's eyes. Then the leech secreted something and Sabe went back to her task. Her skin had all but been removed save for her face. One of her arms was replaced, with another. While her intestines spilled out and were dragged across the floor. Sabe pulled her own intestines out and secured Padme. Then with a groan she climbed up and and pulled her down. Padme dropped to the ground without a fight in her.

“The Great One has touched you, he has touched all of you.” The man the things voice sounded like a nail was being driven into her ear. “So weak, and pathetic you people were. But you... They... All of you are above the rest. Such power!” The vile things voice felt like maggots on her skin.

“I WILL KILL YOU!” Padme screamed at him, and the creature cackled.

“I look forward to it. We are both acolytes to the Great One. To see, to know that he has prepared so much for his children fills me with love, and pride.” The creature's voice was filled with fanatic belief. Who was he talking about!?

Then the entire structure? Factory? Body? Shook, it shook again and again. Then an inhuman roar called out. The roar was so far away, like a great monster that loomed from the darkness. But Padme felt it, and she knew she wasn't the only one. As an energy welled up inside of her. Gregor screamed and tore his body from the bone splints in the wall that held him up. The man-creature cackled and raised his arms up in prayer!?

“Yes! My brothers and sisters the Great One arrives! Blessed is his rage, long may he and the Great Mother reign! But now is not the time... We are early. But our time will come.” The man-creature strode back towards Padme. He held her face in his hands and pressed his teeth to her forehead in a gruesome kiss. “Goodbye sister, I will see you again.”

Another quake and explosion shook the whole body factory. The man-creature gathered up a few leeches, and made way with more of its kind as they moved to some kind of organic ship. In took off and left with not but a whisper. Then the unmistakable sound of light sabers swinging through the air were heard. Gregor tore at his restraints and freed himself only to fall to the ground without his arm, and legs. Sabe watched impassively as the leech on her back disconnected and Padme watched in horror as her friend went into shock and died then and there.

“Sabe!? HELP!” Padme called as she crawled towards her friend, then that was when she looked at her arms. Her arms were not her own. Oh no...no, no! This wasn't happening! This wasn't happening!

“THIS CAN'T BE HAPPENING!?” Padme shouted in horror, she was a patch work doll!

The outer wall was torn away and just like a living body, blood poured out. From the falling crimson rain came an eight foot tall armored monster that Padme had only met once. The repto-mamillian creature that she had seen Lash turn into glanced towards her. Then its six yellow green eyes went wide in surprise. It glanced around and seem to come to a decision.

“I can fix this...”


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