Dream Evolution

Chapter 305: Find a Honda

Hearing the world's prompt, Wang Ling was silent and tearful, and a camel bell rang in his ears...

From the improvement, it can be clearly heard that this is a 12-player Street Fighter, which is the most classic Street Fighter 2, and there are Street Fighter 2 related games on gba.

If I had known that I would enter the world of Street Fighter, the Kung Fu scene card would not have been given to Su. Lan Yue and Chun Li had similar fighting methods, Tao Xian and Dal Xi were both yoga masters, Wu Tian was a master of Qigong, Street Fighter In the world, there are many kung fu masters who use chi.

Super Street Fighter is a good world for kung fu masters to strengthen their combat power.

Of course, it is not easy at all to get on the line with the plot characters and get the unique skills from them. No one would casually hand over their unique skills to strangers they didn't know. Chunli, Dalxi, and other fighters were not fools.

But after all, there is a little hope. Otherwise, Kung Fu masters have no good means to improve. They can only rely on the attributes increased by leveling up, and increase 10 attributes every 1 level, although it is not a small amount... If it goes on for a long time, it will be more and more dumped by dreamers. The further you go, the harder it will be to borrow the strength of these people in the future.

"Forget it, in this world, it's impossible for everything to go smoothly."

After comforting himself, Wang Ling looked at Tomoyo with a burning gaze, staring at the face of this martial arts girl.

The A-level Wu Ji talent has finally come to the real advanced fighting world! Long (white wolf), Ken (red wolf)'s wave karate style, Chunli's ancient boxing and sharp leg skills, other Muay Thai, yoga, sumo... and the unique genre of the strongest wave ss Vega: electric shock boxing !

The world that Wang Ling originally wanted to enter was Street Fighter and The King of Fighters—this is a fighting world that can improve his fighting ability. There are also Yuyou Baishu and the psychic king—this is a world related to spiritual power.

It is impossible for all of these worlds to enter. After arriving in the intermediate area, Wang Ling was very satisfied when he entered the world of Street Fighter for the first time.

Each plot world has the characteristics of each plot world, Super Street Fighter. The characteristics are naturally those powerful fighters. If you are a close combat powerhouse who is good at fighting, you will undoubtedly have an advantage in Street Fighter, even if you just watch the battle of the plot fighters. can also benefit greatly.

Just like Su in the world of the Green Corps, who can kill the wise lady who is stronger than him, in the world of Scarlet Fortress. With the help of the plot ammunition blooming rockets, the strength that can be exerted is even more terrifying.

The shooting world belongs to the gunmen, and the fighting world belongs to the melee powerhouse!

"Wow, hahaha...Street Fighter! Tomoyo is a fighting girl, and I am a fighting boy too! The dragon head fist similar to Shenglongquan, the dragon tail spin similar to the whirlwind leg, and the plum blossom thundering sitting, the tornado wind throwing... Mmmm, the Plum Blossom Thunder Sitting is a mutation of the Plum Blossom Sitting, which is the profound meaning of Sanjieff."

Wang Ling was extremely proud. He developed all attributes and could understand a little bit about shooting, weapons, and fisting, but he had no core advantage. There is a danger of mediocrity in the end.

In the future, the dragon soul of heaven and earth will definitely be awakened. In the world of double dragon fighting, awakening the dragon soul enhances the fighting ability, and the psychic has a powerful secret technique system, which is the aspect of magic. Fighting, energy control, occult. These three are undoubtedly the core development directions of Wang Ling.

Coming to Street Fighter, if you don't exercise your fighting skills well, it's too much to say!

A brief reminder of the world was given earlier, and the badge continued: "The main quests in the world of Street Fighter will only correspond to single players, even team members. All tasks must be completed separately."

"Main quest 1: Within 30 days, kill a cyborg sent by General Vega to monitor the plot world fighter."

"Main quest 2: Within 60 days, attract the attention of General Vega, the organizer of the 2nd Super Street Fighter Competition, and receive an invitation to join the Sadulu organization or participate in the Street Fighter Fighting Competition. Note: You can also click Kill other dreamers who get invitations to get invitations."

"Other main quests will be released after completing quest 2. Please complete quests 1 and 2 within the specified time, and the results that cannot be completed will be obliterated."

Hearing the two tasks released, Wang Ling was thoughtful, Tomoyo saw his face and asked strangely, "What's wrong?"

"It seems that in this world, the follow-up missions will be released according to the choice, first kill the surveillance droid, and then attract the attention of General Vega. There are two kinds of invitation letters, which will definitely cause the difference in accepting the mission... But everyone The mission has to be done, it's a little bit of a hassle. It means we have to kill 2 androids, and both of them have to attract the attention of General Vega and get an invitation."

Tomoyo is a person from the hot-blooded world. He has never played Street Fighter, and he does not know the characteristics of this world. Wang Ling introduced her to the main line of the world and the characters of the plot, and then said: "The most important thing now is to figure out where we are."

Not sure if it's Street Fighter, but it's clearly somewhere in Japan because of the Japanese company Capcom. Both of them were wearing ordinary clothes, standing on a street. Tomoyo's long silver-gray hair and beautiful face were undoubtedly very attractive, and many men frequently looked here.

"Location: Tokyo, Time: 1991... If I remember correctly, 1991 was when the game Street Fighter 2 was released..."

Knowing the time and place from the newspaper, Wang Ling and Tomoyo must solve other problems that need to be solved when entering this world.

This is not a chaotic world like Hot Blood, and there is even an Interpol in Street Fighter - Chun Li is Interpol. If you kill or rob indiscriminately, a lot of police will come and bring you to justice.

The strength of Wang Ling and Tomoyo is enough to kill thousands of police officers, but don't forget that the world in 1991 was much stronger than the Red Fortress during World War II, at least in terms of weapons. The aircraft, artillery and missiles came, and the two of them couldn't hold it no matter how strong they were!

Now, the first need is money, and the second needs proof of identity - Street Fighter fighters of different nationalities, for example, if you want to find Chunli, you have to fly from Japan to China. Without proof of identity, you can't even get on the plane.

In terms of money, Wang Ling has gems that can sell for a lot of money, the sapphire of Plants vs. Zombies, which is worth more than 1 billion yen.

Sapphire has played a great role in the world of Ace Attorney, and it is conceivable that in the civilized world, such top-quality gems can be of great use. It's a pity to waste it in the world of Street Fighter. After all, if you want to get money, you don't just sell sapphire.

"Haha, since it's in Japan, it's very simple. This country officially allows underworlds to exist, and the underworld in this country is very fat."

A smile appeared on Wang Ling's face.

"Are we going to rob the bad boy?" Tomoyo was eager to try, she was very familiar with the bad boy.

Japan's **** industry is very developed, especially since 1991, this industry has developed rapidly and is a very profitable industry. Generally, it is controlled by the underworld. In Tokyo's red light district, you should be able to find underworld existence.

Wang Ling was about to take Tomoyo to the red light district, when a man in his 40s wearing a suit with a wretched face nodded and bowed his head, approached here.

Maybe it was because he thought that 17-year-old Wang Ling didn't look lethal in appearance, but the man ignored him, took out a business card and handed it to Tomoyo: "Miss, do you want to be an actor? This business is very lucrative, with your With his appearance and body condition, he will definitely become popular and become an actor that attracts the attention of the world!"

Wang Ling was slightly startled, seeing the man's wretched eyes, he immediately understood that this is not the AV scout that you often see on the streets of Japan? Was this in '91?

"Damn, I discovered an actress, I discovered my woman, you are courting death, you know?"

After 2 minutes, he stuffed a handful of banknotes in his pocket and clapped his hands. Wang Ling said to Tomoyo: "Since someone is sending money, there is no need to go to the red light district. Now that at least the fare is available, let's go directly to Nara."

Among the 12 plot characters in Street Fighter 2, there are 2 Japanese, one is "Takashi" as the protagonist of the plot. When Wang Ling plays games, he likes to call him White Wolf, and the other is Japan's No. 1 Sumo Wrestler Honda.

White Wolf has an aloof personality and doesn't like to be in contact with people. Wang Lingchu came to Japan and had no power, so he couldn't find him at all. Unlike Honda, sumo is loved by everyone in Japan. The first sumo wrestler is so famous that he can easily find out his whereabouts. He lives in the ancient city of Nara, Japan.

Traveling in Japan in 1991 does not require identification. Wang Ling and Tomoyo are both oriental faces~www.readwn.com~ From Tokyo to Nara, as long as you have money, there will be no unexpected troubles.

The first task is to kill a surveillance android within 30 days. These androids were sent by Vega to monitor the plot powerhouses. Honda's whereabouts are stable, and there must be surveillance androids near his hometown. Besides, Mission 2 wants to get General Vega's attention within 60 days, what could be more effective than defeating Honda?

Entering the world of the plot, Wang Ling, who was sent to Japan, is not easy to travel to other countries without proof of identity. It is the best way to find the nearest Honda in Japan.

There's plenty of time for the main quest, failing to reach the goal at Honda, and enough time to travel around the world to find other fighters.

In fact, what Wang Ling was thinking of was not as simple as killing the android at Honda and defeating Honda to attract attention. But if you want to complete the first step, you can only start with Honda, which is very famous in Japan. Among all fighters, the strength is not the top sumo, but it is a stepping stone to achieve the goal.

"In this world, what if you don't want to do something big?"

Sitting on the Shinkansen train, Wang Ling looked at the green fields outside the window and thought silently in his heart.

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