Dream Evolution

Chapter 310: Shanzhai Volatility Empty Hand Flow

Taking the initiative to propose a "tie", it can be said that Honda still gives Wang Ling a lot of face.

What is Honda's identity? Japan's sumo wrestler, world-renowned fighter! And what is Wang Ling's identity? Unsung challenger.

The unnamed challenger actually proposed a tie, which is undoubtedly a very shocking news for the fighting world!

If Wang Ling hadn't used his fluctuating karate moves, even if he was very strong, Honda would continue to fight him for the sake of his reputation. The Orochi Crush, whose power is even more terrifying than the Fuji Crush, will not be retained at all. If such a big move is used again, neither side will be able to stop.

Never die!

Wang Ling breathed a sigh of relief. He looked at the health bar above Honda's head. He lost about 14. He looked at his own health and lost 13. In the world of Street Fighter, this Honda cannot be called a first-class powerhouse, and the strength of the plot characters cannot be underestimated.

Of course, he didn't use his full strength. In order to disguise himself as a descendant of the wave karate style, he used all the abilities of the wave boxing, rising dragon boxing, and tornado leg series—the upgraded version of wave boxing, the element wave boxing, and the upgrade of Shenglong boxing. The upgraded version of the dragon head fist and the tornado whirlwind leg!

If you use all your strength, you can definitely kill Honda, but the consequences will be serious. First: If you kill such a strong person, you will definitely be injured. If the injury is serious, even if you have recovery items, you will not be able to recover completely without 1 or 2 days, and will be picked up by other dreamers.

Second: Honda is the face of the Japanese fighting world and the highest honoree of the national skill "sumo". Killing him will definitely cause an uproar. At that time, he will have to live under the pursuit of the police and the military.

For Honda, killing is far more beneficial than not killing them. Even if the sumo skills are dropped from the skill scroll, to be honest, Wang Ling still doesn't look down on them.

He wants to use Honda's identity and status to get involved in the fighting circle of Street Fighter plot characters.

What kind of friends do you make, Honda and Takashi are in the same country. There can be no friendship. Long is the successor of the wave karate style, the protagonist of the plot, and the wave karate style is the protagonist of the martial arts genre in the world of Street Fighter. There are many strong people who belong to this genre:

The protagonists are White Wolf Long and Red Wolf Ken. He is the same master as the two, but because of his poor talent, he was expelled from the teacher's door and created the "strongest flow" Fire Yin Dan.

There is also the ultimate boxer, the hero who masters the "wave of killing intent"!

In addition, the person that General Vega cares about the most is Long. Wang Ling killed the Jamie clone, which attracted the attention of the Sadulu organization, and then fought Honda with the fluctuating karate style. This plot boss will definitely notice him. Main quest 2 can be successfully completed.

Challenging Honda with the fluctuating karate flow of the cottage is a good entry point to integrate into the world of the plot!

The broken roads, the pits on the ground, and the collapsed houses are all witnesses to this thrilling and exciting battle. Hundreds of people around watching the battle were hooked. His face flushed with excitement, and many others shouted to let Wang Ling take off his mask and show his true face.

Bringing the golden red mask is just to use the mask's ability to increase attributes, and to brush the fashion value by the way. Wang Ling took off the mask. Turning around and smiling slightly at the people watching the game, there was a burst of "snap" sound of the camera shutter, and some girls' exclamations.

So young and handsome!

Wang Ling glanced around at the people around him, and his indifferent eyes caused a burst of exclamations. In the world of Street Fighter, powerful fighters will be loved and respected by everyone. Coupled with his handsome appearance, he will undoubtedly become popular. multiply.

Originally, his appearance in the real world, although not ugly or too handsome, was purified by spiritual power and slowly transformed. Now it even resembles some characters in the plot world where those appearances will not appear in the third dimension at all.

In the world of Street Fighter in 1991, mobile phones were not popular, but some people brought small cameras to shoot because of Honda's fight. It is conceivable that this battle will be seen by many people when it spreads.

"Okay, the first step has been completed. Among these people, who have not seen the replicas of the Sadulu organization, are they hidden in the houses in the distance? It is said that the replicas of Jamie were killed. After so many days, this organization does not Maybe no one will be sent to investigate."

When Wang Ling raised a question in his heart, there were indeed people looking through the binoculars in the buildings and residences in the distance, and they had clearly watched the entire competition.

The black man frowned and said: "Who is this guy, is it a dreamer? But it doesn't look like it, and it also uses the wave karate style. Like the protagonist of the plot, is it a hidden figure we don't know?"

The white woman said annoyed: "Whether he is or not, a Honda is not easy to deal with, and there is such a master in combat. I think we should leave quickly and find a way to complete the task and kill Sadulu's android, Our strength is enough to do it... As for the attention of General Vega, the base of the Sadulu organization should be in Thailand, and we will go directly to Thailand to find opportunities to approach."

"That's the only way to do it." The black man sighed.

This is a low-level dreamer with ordinary strength, just struggling in space and completing the main tasks with difficulty. If you don't have the strength to kill bosses, you can't get good skills and equipment, and the next main line will continue to struggle, and the vicious circle will continue. If there is no sudden luck, there will never be a day of success.

Ordinary dreamers account for the vast majority, and this is also the reason why so many people in the entertainment area are drunk and dream dead - they simply don't know if they can live until the end of the next mission.

In addition to these two people, a woman was also looking in this direction on the balcony of a building a thousand meters away. As for the original residents of this house, they have been turned into broken pieces of meat and frozen in the refrigerator.

This woman's dress is very strange, with black hair standing up in a goat horn hairstyle, and the pointed goat horns are tied by a purple hair band, extending from the top of her head to the left and right sides.

Her pupils were purple, and she wore a spider-shaped cloth tube top that only covered the front of her bulging breasts. The smooth and flat lower abdomen and the rounded side of the **** are all exposed. The white skin, black and purple spider tube tops, purple pupils, and goat horn hairstyle make her look mysterious and sexy.

The moment Wang Ling took off the mask, the cross-shaped purple light flashed in the woman's left eye, the raised eyebrows, and the pink tongue sticking out and licking the thin lower lip all showed that she was very interested in this young man !

"Cute and powerful boy, this is an unexpected harvest."

He had a fight with Honda. Because of the moves he showed, Wang Ling was considered to be a pure fluctuating handed down. Honda, who had a good relationship with Long, was born with some good feelings for him, plus he found that his opponent's strength was not low. , actually compared with myself, the favorability has further increased!

Other dreamers, who do not have the capital Wang Ling do, want to learn the skills of the wave karate style, the scrolls of the dragon fist and the tornado legs are not too rare. These two tricks appear.

But the skill book of wave fist is very rare.

Rising Dragon Fist, Wave Fist, Tornado Leg, these three are all D-level skills, there is no stronger related profound meaning, and it will not arouse much interest in the plot characters.

Elemental Wave Fist, Dragon Head Fist of Dragon Martial Arts, Dragon Tail Spin, 3 moves are too similar to Wave Karate Flow!

Hearing Honda say that his strongest meaning is the broken snake, Wang Ling has already decided that this should be beyond the world of Street Fighter 2, strengthened to the world of Street Fighter 4, or the world of Street Fighter. In this world, the protagonist of the plot, Long, should have these moves:

Wave Boxing, Rising Dragon Boxing, Tornado Legs, Searing Wave Boxing, Vacuum Wave Boxing, Vacuum Tornado Legs, True Rising Dragon Boxing, Extinguishing Wave Boxing.

The copycat moves that Wang Ling can play are:

Wave Boxing, Rising Dragon Boxing, Tornado Whirlwind Leg, Searing Wave Boxing, Frost Wave Boxing, Electric Wave Boxing, Whirlwind Wave Boxing, Dragon Head Boxing, Dragon Tail Spinning.

How similar! This set of moves can be used as character data to create a data package of "Wave Karate Flow. Wang Ling", and put it into the game of Street Fighter 4 to be the protagonist!

Whether it is a dreamer or a fighter in the world of Street Fighter, in the final analysis, they all respect their strength. Without strength, let alone Wang Ling, this cottage fluctuates empty-handed, even if he is Long's younger brother, Honda would at best be a little more polite, and then arrange for his subordinates to receive him.

Wang Ling's dragon head punch and dragon tail spin caused a lot of damage to Honda. For a strong man of similar strength, and maybe it has something to do with Long, Honda will naturally take it seriously and invite him to go home immediately. guest.

The damage caused by the battle was naturally handled by the disciples, and Wang Ling was invited to Honda's house as an important guest. This is in the street not far from the bathhouse, is a large quaint courtyard, there are even small bridges and flowing water inside~www.readwn.com~ The flowers are fragrant and the grass is green.

Wang Ling sat down in the main hall, and after a short while, put on a formal suit, and also came to the hall. The blood bar on his head has recovered in a short period of time, and the self-healing ability of the plot fighter is really amazing.

The two sat opposite each other, and after inviting Wang Ling to drink tea, Honda entered the topic and asked, "Are you Long's apprentice?"

"No." Wang Ling shook his head.

"Huh? Then why do you fluctuate in karate-style moves? Could it be that your master is Ken?" Honda was slightly taken aback.

Ken is the red wolf who likes to wear red clothes. He is an American, and he and Ryu are practicing under the master "Gangquan" of the fluctuating karate style. The two are brothers from the same school.

"I don't even know who my master is."

Wang Ling's expression was a little sad, "I lived in the mountains when I was young. When I was 12 years old, there was an old man in his 60s who taught me for a while, and taught me wave boxing, dragon boxing, and tornado legs. After 2 months of teaching, the old man left and never came back." (To be continued..)

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