Dream Evolution

Chapter 322: The Awakening of Killing Intent

Long did not continue to tell the truth. The secret of Shenglong Boxing, nor did he ask the mystery of Elemental Wave Boxing now, and after telling the impact of will and belief on fighters, he let everyone leave.

Obviously, he didn't want to disturb everyone's thinking.

As a dreamer, Wang Ling naturally has a higher vision than the street fighter plot characters, the natives of this fighting world. After thinking about it for a night, he seems to understand.

The power of a dreamer is not just about having extremely high personal attributes, advanced skills, dark gold and even dream equipment, but it is related to many aspects: mind, body, skill, intelligence, luck, potential, and soldiers.

The heart is the factors of spiritual consciousness such as will, belief, endurance, and character that Long said.

Body, including body and energy—how high are the personal attributes of the dreamer, what are the strengths, agility, physical strength, and intelligence, and whether they have mastered energy.

There are skills learned through scrolls, self-comprehension, or mutated advanced skills.

Just like in the college entrance examination, some people usually study well, but at this critical moment, they do not perform well because of nervousness, and they lose their skills. Some people usually study poorly, but when it comes to exams, they are very excited, their minds are very clear, and they perform at an extraordinary level. This is the distinguishing performance of the heart.

When a person is forced to a dead end and desperately fights to the death, he is often able to kill a stronger enemy. This is also a manifestation of the heart. In a desperate situation, will and faith bring powerful strength to people.

Wang Ling's character is daring to take risks, and he will not lose his legs in the face of danger. He dares to challenge the Kuba Demon King in the novice task. There is no such character. He can't get his current strength either. And some people who are timid, even if there is not much danger, dare not take risks, are destined to become weak.

The heart is actually very important to the dreamer!

The physical and technical aspects are so intuitive that no further description is necessary. Mind, body, and skills can be said to be the foundation of a dreamer's strength.

Wisdom is not the intelligence in the attributes of the dreamer, but knowledge and wisdom, familiar with the plot world. There will be advantages in the task, and there will be advantages in knowing more. In Romance of the Three Kingdoms, Zhuge Liang could scold Wang Lang to death if he moved his lips. Tongue wars and Confucian scholars unite Jiangdong, and pull a group of thugs to resist Cao Cao, which is the embodiment of knowledge and wisdom.

It is undeniable that under the same strength, some dreamers with stronger wisdom will have an advantage, and use their wisdom to expand the advantage and turn it into a victory.

Luck, including fate and luck, take the real world as an example. Some rich second-generation people are born with a good life, but some people can only work **** their own. And some people are lucky, they can win a lottery by buying a lottery ticket, and they will travel through when they are struck by lightning.

The potential is the relationship, power, and help that the dreamer has in the world of the plot.

Soldier is the abbreviation of weapon. For dreamers, that means weapons, armor, accessories and other equipment, as well as items and props. It's like in an online game, with top-quality equipment, top-quality weapons, and even top-quality babies. There is no problem with leapfrog pk.

Summarizing these, Wang Ling immediately made a judgment for himself:

heart. The character who is not afraid of taking risks is very good, but as an otaku, in terms of willpower, it is impossible for him to have a strong belief in a fighter, or a naturally ruthless killer. For example, if a woman like Spider Li was a cold-blooded dreamer, she wouldn't care if she had **** with others. As long as it was beneficial, she would definitely chase after her and kill her.

In terms of body, it is definitely the top level among dreamers of the same level. The body with all attributes balanced, the blood of the dragon, as well as many energies such as spiritual power, elemental spiritual power, and dragon soul spiritual power in the spiritual sea are enough to make any dreamer jealous!

In terms of skills, there are dragon martial arts that have been sealed, dragon head fist, dragon tail spin, vigorous blasting fist, shadowless ice foot, plum blossom thunder sitting, tornado gale throw, and wave fist that uses spiritual power to display. Trouble making talent, psychic master secret technique, in this one, he is undoubtedly very powerful.

In terms of intelligence, when I am an otaku in the real world, I play games and read fantasy novels every day, and I study ordinary things. It would be too stupid.

In terms of potential, the team members include the talented Tomoyo, as well as reserve member Su, who has summoned characters such as Ling Qian Nami, Kung Fu Master, battle pet blood-patterned dragon, and magician Hatsune, exceeding most dreamers. In this story world, he climbed into the protagonist-level genre of wave karate-style, and became Long's junior brother, which will help greatly in terms of Shi, but offending Zhu Li will be trouble in Shi.

In terms of luck, dreamers will definitely not be able to fight for their fathers. If no one comes in, they will receive preferential treatment from the space. Everyone's life is the same, but luck will be different. Wang Ling felt that his luck was still very good. The novice gift bag was drawn to the troublemaker, the rare item was drawn to the scene card, and he also got the heaven and earth dragon soul that flew over.

In terms of soldiers, dark gold equipment is very rare, not to mention dream equipment. Taking out Wang Ling's equipment and props is enough to scare a large number of dreamers to death! If nothing else, the Pinkie Heart necklace around her neck will make other people crazy with jealousy.

Based on these statistics, Wang Ling was surprised to find that among his various strength elements, only the mind and intelligence were weak points. Knowledge and wisdom can't do anything. After all, there are only a few smart demons in this world, and only the heart is strengthened.

"Having a firm and invincible belief is the basic mentality to become a real strong man!"

With his fists clenched, Wang Ling secretly became ruthless and roared to himself:

"Burn it, my little universe!"

"One day, my fist will break this day!"

"I want to destroy you on behalf of the moon!"

After trying several times in a row, he couldn't find the artistic conception of a strong man in the anime, which made Wang Ling feel helpless. As an otaku, it's really hard to realize his beliefs and will. After all, he didn't want to Goddess, a saint who can climb up even after being thrown into hell.

He didn't fall asleep all night, but as a dreamer, Wang Ling didn't feel any fatigue. When he saw Tomoyo the next day, he was shocked.

The moment the girl saw him, two flames burned in her eyes, and a layer of mist suddenly appeared on her body, wrapping her whole body in it, as if she was wearing a steam coat.

"This...is this...the fluctuation of killing intent?"

Obviously, the layer of red mist that wraps around the body is very similar to the fluctuation of the killing intent of the Hao Gui, but the color is very light, and it is not as **** as the Hao Gui looks.

Tomoyo's hair fluttered without wind, and the dense red mist kept escaping. She stepped forward abruptly, and put her hands on Wang Ling's shoulders and said, "I have already felt that the murderous intent contained in the depths of my heart. fluctuation!"

When the mist touched his body, Wang Ling felt a terrifying aura that was almost comparable to the resentment of the undead. It invaded the body along the pores. This breath was cold enough to freeze people without resentment, but it was very violent. , bloodthirsty and domineering.

"From now on, I will fight to protect you and kill all women who dare to take you away and insult me. My killing intent will bloom only for you!"

With his head down, the mist-filled Tomoyo, after saying these words in a dreamy voice, the red mist on his body suddenly disappeared, his legs softened, and he fell to the ground...

"Obviously, she awakened the wave of killing intent on her own." Looking at the unconscious Tomoyo, and hearing Wang Ling's description, Long's face was very solemn.

"It's impossible to wake up so easily, doesn't it?" Although he was mentally prepared and speculated, the corners of Wang Ling's mouth twitched involuntarily.

Long shook his head and said, "It is possible. The fluctuation of killing intent is the biggest mystery of the fluctuating karate flow. In theory, as long as anyone who practices the fluctuating karate flow, it is possible to awaken the fluctuation of killing intent. You must at least master the wave boxing, have the ability to release your breath, and the third and most important point, you must have a belief full of killing intent!"

"Your girlfriend, you are obviously satisfied with the first two points. After listening to me explain in detail the principle of the wave boxing, plus there is some kind of killing intent in her heart, it is possible to awaken."

Long thought for a while and then said: "This does not mean that she has mastered the fluctuation of killing intent. I witnessed the killing of Master at the time, and I had the will of killing the hero in my heart. The fluctuation of killing intent suddenly awakened, and then I was in a coma for two days. Later, it took me a long time to combine killing intent and wave fist to create annihilation wave fist."

"Awakening the fluctuation of killing intent only means that she has the advanced energy that combines Qi and will, and the color of the mist on her body is very light, indicating that the fluctuation of killing intent is not strong~www.readwn.com~ I will not bring it temporarily. How much fighting power."

Seeing that Wang Ling was looking at Tomoyo worriedly, Long sighed and said: "Your girlfriend, the talent in wave karate might be even stronger than you. Congratulations, at least this girl can learn my annihilation. wave boxing. , and you have to be careful, the fluctuations of her killing intent will not be controlled in the future, so that she will become a crazy demon like Haogui and kill you!"

"It's just... This girl seems to have a good temper. What is the reason? After hearing the reminder about the fluctuation of killing intent, she was able to wake up on her own? Who the **** does she hate so much, and she can even see Master with me? When you were killed, compared to your hatred of the arrogant ghost?"

Long's heart is very curious, the fluctuation of killing intent is not so easy to awaken, there should be more than ten people in this world who are karate-style fighters, but only he and Hao Gui are the ones who awakened the fluctuation of killing intent.

Hearing Long's words to himself, Wang Ling was sweating profusely. It was obvious that Tomoyo was hiding murderous intentions because after being caught by him, he "snapped" and rushed down the mountain in tears.

"Killing Tomoyo meets Spider Li, who has a feng shui engine. One is a violent fighting girl and the other is a twisted evil girl. Isn't it the end of the world, what should I do then?" (To be continued..)

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