Dream Evolution

Chapter 506: 5 Great Buddhas

w "It's Radha!"

Radha is a very common spirit in the Pokemon world. Regardless of its appearance and status, it is equivalent to a mouse in the real world. () But as spirits, with sharp front teeth, they gather together to attack, enough to turn a human into a skeleton in two minutes.

The other two members of Team Rocket, one of them had a sudden explosion in his head, and his brains were mixed with flesh and blood and exploded everywhere. Another person's chest exploded, a huge blood hole appeared in his heart, and he fell down screaming.

In the smoke from the flames, the two Yongjira holding the curved spoons flashed a crimson light of psychic power.

"Everyone, be careful!" Wang Ling exclaimed when he saw the three members die in the hands of Ling Ling.

At this time, some monks with sticks, led a large number of radas and more than 10 kathys, rushed from the tower to the outside. A monk shouted angrily: "Who are you, you dare to attack the Bell Tower, don't you know..."

Before he finished speaking, the monk's face suddenly moved violently, the skin of his body was dyed a layer of red, and then with a "bang", it exploded into scattered pieces of meat.

It is also "mind power", the power of Nazi's casting far exceeds the power of Yongjira's release.

"Humph! Those Buddhist masters are hiding in the dark, but let these ordinary monks and weaklings come out to die? In this case, kill all of you!"

In the sound of Yin Qiqi, the light of the monster ball flashed continuously, and five ng spirits appeared.

The first one looks like a moth, but is much larger than an ordinary moth, flying between. On the two gray-white wings, fine gray scale powder was constantly falling.

"Not a moth: Poisonous moth Pokemon, height: 1.5 meters, weight 12.5kg, only active at night, its wings are covered with gray scales, highly poisonous."

The second is a giant praying mantis. It is green all over, with its wings flapping and hovering in the air behind it, it has sharp eyes. Two scythe-like sharp arms, the whole body seems to be wrapped in green armor, very majestic.

"Flying Mantis: Mantis Pokemon. Height: 1.5 meters, weight: 56kg, with arms as sharp as a scythe, swinging so fast that it can cut a log into pieces with a single blow."

The third is an eyed poisonous snake, with sharp fangs sticking out in front of its mouth, and a hua pattern under the head forming eyes and a mouth with a wicked smile, which looks very evil.

"Abomon: Cobra Pokemon, height: 3.5 meters, weight: 65kg. It has huge strength, and can flatten an iron bucket with its body. Once it is entangled, it is impossible to escape."

The fourth is the gray-black sludge monster lying on the ground, exuding an extremely disgusting stench, and the body of the sludge monster is constantly emitting purple sewage. This is the color of venom, and there is clearly a strong poison in the body.

"Smelly Mud: Sludge Pokemon, height: 1.2 meters, weight: 30kg, likes to nest in the tide, the toxins in the body will increase in summer. It emits a smell like rotten garbage."

The fifth is just floating in the air, two dull flesh balls, connected by a special organization, and an ugly monster that emits a yellowish-brown mist from time to time.

"Double-bomb gas: Poison gas Pokemon, height: 1.2 meters, weight 9.5kg, contains dangerous gas gas, likes dirty, the stench from garbage dumps is its favorite."

Obviously, the poison master, A Ju, took action. Each of these five spirits exudes a powerful aura, far exceeding the average wild Pokemon. It is obviously A Ju's main spirit, not in the gym. , something to play with those kid trainers.

In terms of cultivation level, although these are not as good as the rain-winged moth of the water sycamore, the emperor's tooth sea lion, and the sting jellyfish, they are not far behind.

The moth that did not enter the moth fluttered its wings, which seemed to have little power. Under the continuous wave, a wave of extremely violent whirlwind blew up in front. When the whirlwind was blowing, some of the moth's wings, some gray powder turned purple, and fell into the whirlwind, turning the originally white whirlwind into a deep purple.

The combination of the flight-related skill "Violent Storm" and the poison-related skill "Very Poisonous" forms a combined skill: Poisonous Storm!

This wave of cyclone blew the three monks into the air together with 5 or 6 Radhas. The monks screamed in agony as the cyclone flew, and the toxins burned their bodies, and the exposed flesh was festering. Lada, who has a very small body, is more intuitive. The skin quickly dissolves and corrodes into rotten flesh in the poisonous wind, as if it was splashed with concentrated sulfuric acid.

Such a powerful toxin is far more powerful than Tentacle Lolita's poison!

The flying mantis was extremely fast, and its green wings flapped violently, forming a phantom of cold light that traveled rapidly. Following its figure, a monk and a Yongjira beside him had their heads chopped off by a sickle in the arm, and with the blood rushing out of the neck cavity, the two heads flew and hit the plaque of the Bell Tower.

"Da da da, da da da, da da da..."

A large number of poisonous needles were sprayed out from the mouth of the Aboriginal, as violent as a Gatling machine gun.

The two monks with needles fell down and were immediately entangled by the stinky mud that was creeping over. All that was digested was the skeleton, hair, and a piece of human skin.

The double-bomb gas spews gas gas, which is combined with the "mud attack" to form black poisonous mud ball bombs. Each poisonous mud bomb falls on the ground and explodes, and several small Lada will be killed. Fried to pieces.

Just A Ju's shot alone is enough to destroy the defensive line of the Bell Tower. It's just Rada, Casey, two Yongjira, and some ordinary monks holding sticks. This is not in line with the defensive power of the big forces.


The old sigh suddenly came from the tower, "Everyone came to the bell tower, what is the so-called? Why do you need to bully the weak and make such a poisonous hand?"

"Who, don't hide your head and show your tail, come out!" Ma Zhishi called coldly.

"It's inconvenient for the poor monk to go out. It's better for you to come in and guard the monks. You don't have to stop them. Please go to the top of the Bell Tower, where there is a teleportation point to enter the poor monk's place." The old voice sounded again.

After the voice faded away, the monks who suffered heavy casualties and the surviving spirits immediately retreated, leaving only the corpses of humans and spirits in one place.

The group rushed to the top of the tower and saw that there was nothing but an altar above. Nazi felt it with her divine power and said, "There is an enchantment here."

"Look at me destroying this barrier with Deoxys!"

Sakagi was about to release the divine beast when a red light curtain suddenly appeared in front of him. Nazi gave a strange "Huh" and said, "It's a portal to an unknown location. You can feel that the portal is stable and not dangerous."

"Come on, everyone go in!"

As expected of the leader of the Rockets, a hero with incomparable bearing, Sakagi was the first to step into the light curtain without any fear, and Nazi quickly followed and stepped in. Ma Zhishi and Aju looked at each other and walked in as well.

Wang Ling stepped into the light curtain from behind, the scenery in front of him changed, but he had already reached a grassland. This grassland is green and green, dotted with white hua, the air is full of fragrance, and there is a mirror-like lake in the distance, which is like a paradise.

There is a small island in the center of the lake, and there is actually a bell tower on the island, which is no different from the building of the outer bell tower. An inextinguishable flame was burning at the top of the tower, and Wang Ling could feel that the flame contained a mysterious power that seemed to represent life.

"Holy Flame!"

Words like this flashed in Wang Ling's heart immediately. The sacred flame is the unique flame of the Seven-colored Phoenix King. It can burn all things and contains the power of rebirth. The ashes produced by the flame are holy ashes. It is said that it can save any dying life. .

This grassland is in a closed enchantment. It is currently night, and the flames burning on the top of the tower illuminate the space inside the enchantment.

"Sure enough, there is a secret." Sakagi sneered, "I didn't expect there is a bell tower here, and the one outside is just a cover."

"Yes, this is the new Bell Tower, where the real Bell Tower is located, where the great Ho-oh once slept."

The old voice sounded again: "Your Excellency, it should be the leader of the Rocket Team, Sakagi, and a few big gans. The poor monk knows that several adults have been active in the Kanto area, and the Rocket Team in the Chengdu area has nothing to do with our Bell Tower. Bell Tower and Team Rocket have always been well watered, so why are they attacking us and attacking us?"

As Sakagi's villain Dabo SS, he came here to attack the Bell Tower, and naturally he would not hide his identity, so he and the three gans were upright and aboveboard, and those Rockets soldiers did not make any disguise, only Wang Ling and those three dreams , cover up the face.

Wang Ling brought a golden red mask, and the other three dreamers did not have masks and equipment, and were all covered with face scarves, making them look like ren.

"We came here with no malice, just wanting to get one thing. Phoenix King Feather, as long as the bell tower hands over the feathers, we will leave immediately~www.readwn.com~ The monks killed will also give enough. compensation." Nazi said.

"Hehehe... Phoenix King Feather, this is one of the three sacred relics of the new bell tower, how could it be handed over to you? Everyone from Team Rocket, please go back, otherwise, the poor monk and others can only ask you to stay forever. sleep here."

In the old voice, five circles of light suddenly descended from the sky and landed on the ground by the lake. After the light dissipated, five old monks sat cross-legged and appeared on the grass.

"The poor monk, the elder of the bell tower: Kongjian Buddha."

"The poor monk, the elder of the Holy Ash Pagoda: Master Kong Wen."

"The poor monk scorched the pagoda elder: the emptiness Buddhist master."

"The poor monk, the elder of Trumpet Yata: Master Kongzhi."

After the four old monks reported their identities, the oldest one in the middle said slowly, in the same old voice as when he spoke before: "The poor monk, the elder of the new bell pagoda: Master Chengkun." rqm

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