Dream Evolution

Chapter 510: Evil eye

W Wind Spirit Talisman and Thunder Spirit Talisman collided with the shadow ball at the same time. The two magic talismans exploded together. The whirlwind and thunder and lightning were mixed together, forming a thunderous whirlwind. The arc and the wind blade splashed, and the shadow ball that was hit by the energy also followed. explode.

Stopping the shadow ball, Wang Ling's gestures did not stop. With a hot red light in his right hand and a cold blue light in his left hand, he drew a Fire Spirit Talisman and an Ice Spirit Talisman.

The two magic talismans were thrown out, not at the phantom in the distance, but collided in pairs after flying more than 10 meters. The magical talismans with opposite properties interacted with each other after the collision, and the elemental energy exploded, forming a big explosion mixed with ice and fire!

Because the spiritual power contained in the talisman is limited, it is far less than the original self-exploding arm, but it also has huge power.

With a "boom", the dark space created by the night magic shadow showed a lot of cracks like a broken mirror, and then cracked with a "crack", the darkness dissipated like ink flowing, and the original wooden stairs were restored. The place.

"What kind of move is this, so powerful?" The three dreamers were a little dumbfounded. Such an attack was more powerful than the trio's trump cards. Seeing that Wang Ling put it up, it was an understatement. Is it just a small move?

Fire spirit power and ice spirit power, although they are only elemental mutant energy, not advanced energy, they are also more powerful than basic qi and spirit power, and in addition to their opposite properties, they have great destructive power.

Elemental wave fist, can only hit one shot at a time and cannot be mixed. The left and right hand elements are mixed, and the self-exploding arm is powerful, but it will be very dangerous, and the arm will disappear. Now with the elemental talisman, control the talisman to fly out and explode without any backlash. Such powerful skills have also become routine skills.

Fire and ice mix explosions are the most powerful, wind and thunder mix, thunder and fire mix, and ice and wind mix. All will get power bonuses, and different properties have their own characteristics.

"It's just a little means of elemental energy."

Wang Ling said without hesitation, and threw an electric light entanglement with both hands, a talisman paper filled with fire powder, which exploded in the air and turned into a red fire thunder, hitting a shadow hidden in the wall.

The shadow was instantly illuminated, it was a huge, dark body. Has two blood red eyes. A terrifying spirit with a grinning mouth!

"Gengar, Shadow Pokemon, height: 1.5 meters, weight: 40.5kg; the final evolution of ghosts, humans sometimes suddenly feel cold all over, that is because Gengar **** all the heat around. This ng Spirits will hide in the shadows and quietly take human life."

"Gluck cluck cluck..."

A burst of evil and evil laughter came, and this only was mixed and exploded by the Fire Spirit Talisman and the Thunder Spirit Talisman. Gengar, who should have received a high energy shock, was not injured. Apparently, this is only hidden inside the new bell tower. I don't know how many years the old ghost has lived, but his strength is very strong.

"You...all...will die in this place..."

Horrible words full of hatred floated out of Gengar's mouth, and at the same time a thick and long black nail appeared in front of the ghost's mouth. The surrounding time seemed to stop at this moment, and in one meal, the nail pierced into Gengar's mouth.

Gengar is just a ghost shadow, but swallowing this nail, as if piercing the real body, a string of dark red blood drips from the body of Gengar floating in the air on the wooden stairs, this scene looks like shocking.

In the bell tower, a dark and cold wind suddenly blew, and Wang Ling immediately felt that a negative energy enveloped him in the dark. of biological energy.

"Ah, ah, ah... My life value is dropping rapidly!"

The yellow-haired oriental boy let out a terrified cry, only to see a twisted phantom face of a skeleton rising up on his body. The blood bar will drop suddenly.

Wang Ling knew that phantoms of skeletons must be constantly floating on his body, but his resistance was already high, and he had been baptized by dragon blood before, so he was extremely resistant to abnormal states, so he could resist for the time being.

"It's the terrifying skill of ghosts: Curse!"

Curse, Gengar's famous move, the effect of the game is to swallow the Nail of Shadow, losing half of its own life, the cursed enemy loses 1/4 of life each round, and dies after four rounds.

In the plot world, the perverted effect of the curse will definitely be reduced. This Gengar swallowed a nail and only reduced his life by about 1/4, and this guy can curse two people at the same time, which is really surprising.

This ghost's negative energy is very similar to resentment, but it seems to be higher than resentment, and it quickly reduces the lives of Wang Ling and Dongfang Juvenile. The Gengar who cast the curse suddenly disappeared, and then appeared behind the boy, spewing out a shadow ball, which slammed into the boy's body at close range.

It was another wave of extremely high-quality negative energy. The boy hit by the shadow ball was wrapped in a gray-black skeleton, shrouded in black light from the explosion of the shadow ball. His skin quickly decayed and his hair turned white. Not only the vitality, but also the vitality of the cells in the body is being greatly reduced.

Using the life yào agent to replenish the life-wasting youth, he shouted: "Save me!"

Wang Ling frowned. After all, they were helping him to capture Feng Wang's feathers and participating in this mission. And he is also cursed. Geng Ghost is not afraid of physical attacks, and has great resistance to energy attacks. It is impossible to do without real means.

In fact, this action was going to offend the decent force of the Bell Tower, and Wang Ling didn't want to expose too much to prevent accidents in the future, so he only attacked with magic talismans. Now the unexpected Gengar is so ferocious, so he contacted Qiannami in the spirit space inside his body.

To deal with the ghost-type Gengar, of course, Chinami, who is an evil spirit, is the most suitable.

There was another gust of wind in the tower, and in the cold fluctuation, countless blood-colored long hair suddenly appeared in the void, and the pale evil spirit girl slowly took shape.

Through the connection of consciousness, Qian Nami already knew what happened, and gently swayed her long fingers without a trace of blood. The curse in Wang Ling's body, the curse in the boy's body, was separated by chōu and turned into a thick gray mist. appeared in her hands.

"The advanced energy of resentment, the power of curse."

Qiannami, who was floating in the air, received the power of this curse, and then two white eyes without pupils stared at the opposite Gengar.

"This, this, what is this!"

Seeing Qiannami appear, and seeing that she was released from the curse, although the lost cell vitality could not be replenished for the time being, like a rotten old man, the young man, the fat man and the old man, who were no longer in serious danger of life, were filled with incomparable shock.

Also surprised was the floating Geng Ghost, this old ghost whose intelligence was no less than that of a human being. He felt the terrifying negative energy fluctuations on the blood-haired humanoid **** the opposite side. He opened his mouth, and a lot of darkness was in his body. gathered before, forming a shadow ball.

"Quickly solve this guy, we don't have time to delay, we must grab the king's feather and leave as soon as possible."

After receiving the consciousness from Wang Ling, facing the Gengar who was condensing the shadow ball, Qian Nami did not use the aura wave or death pulse to fight, but a mixture of black and white appeared on her body, which looked a little gray, but there were golden threads flowing in it. energy of.

Wang Ling, the master, was slightly taken aback when he saw this scene. Qian Nami, who absorbed the resentment of the ring spirit, contained abundant spiritual power, and exercised at the dragon vein, was undoubtedly a powerhouse in terms of energy, but her current strongest energy, Undoubtedly, it was the chaotic magic power obtained from Demon Lord Sauron.

Black and white mixed with golden rays of light flowed, Qiannami's body turned into the void, and where she disappeared, a golden vertical pupil appeared, full of evil colors, and sparkling eyes.

Sauron is a fallen evil **** in the world of Lord of the Rings. The mark of the evil **** left in the golden ring once turned into the eye of the devil in the spiritual space, and gave a fatal stare to Wang Ling's spirit and Qian Nami.

After the imprint of the evil **** was eliminated, Qiannami, who obtained the magic power of chaos, the strongest method was to use the magic power of chaos as the center, and the spiritual power and resentment mixed with each other, showing the eyes of the devil!

It is a more terrifying ultimate means than the howl of poison and hatred when fighting the mind magician Rose Rose! Obviously, Qian Nami felt the power of this Gengar, and with Wang Ling's urging, she showed the strongest trump card as soon as it came up.

The Demon Lord's Eye that appeared in the void, the aura in the golden vertical pupil turned into a gaze, and was gathered by Gengar to the ultimate shadow sphere, which was watched by the eyes on the way to fly. It disappeared silently in flight!

The magic eye that Qiannai transformed into has the ability to eliminate, eliminate matter, eliminate energy, and even eliminate life and spirit! The target that is watched by the eyes of the devil, unless it has a huge energy reserve, can release energy continuously and resist consumption, otherwise it will turn into nothingness.

Void magic eye!

The shadow ball disappeared~www.readwn.com~ The Gengar, who was stared at by the golden vertical pupils, belonged to the ghost-type energy body, and was constantly disappearing. This old ghost also reacted quickly, and immediately spread out, forming a large black phantom ready to escape.

Who knows that this happens to be equivalent to courting death. If its body is condensed, it will take a lot of effort for Qian Nami to completely eliminate this extremely powerful Gengar, energy body into nothingness. But after the body disperses, the energy is dispersed into a light curtain, the eyes of the vertical pupils stare in pieces, and the light and shadow immediately dissolve quickly.

In just over 10 seconds of staring, the gaze of the nihilistic demon eye completely turned Gengar into nihility.

"This Gengar, stronger than the ordinary Gengar, just disappeared?" Fatty and other three dreamers looked at the eyes of the devil in disbelief, with expressions of fear on their faces. rqm

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