Dream Evolution

Chapter 515: lightsaber talent

w This group of divine beasts in the Hezhong area only has a good impression of Wang Ling. Keldeo is too young and innocent. The other three holy swordsmen belong to the old man who has lived for an unknown number of years and experienced many incidents. Qualified. br/>

Holy Swordsman, upholding justice, peace, and full of courage. Long, long ago, the three Holy Swordsmen have been fighting against human beings for the sake of the spirits whose homes have been invaded. Destroy human-built city-states.

Like the bull's Delakion, the brave warriors who are in charge of rushing to the front line in battle, even the extremely thick city walls can withstand the city gates hit by battering rams, and can also easily crash with the horns on their heads while running. .

Like a female deer, Birigion is as agile as the wind, taunts his opponents gracefully, and severes his enemies with his holy sword. He is a wise man among holy swordsmen.

Like the antelope's Gopaluweng, he has a body of steel and a heart of steel. He is brave and resolute. He leads the holy swordsman to guard the weak and is trusted by many young spirits.

The existence of the white dragon makes the holy swordsmen have a certain understanding of Wang Ling. In their opinion, a person who can be recognized by the ancient dragon and has a strong strength will not be a sinister evil. Humanity.

"The moves you used have a dragon-shaped light, what skills are those? And when you used your skills, I actually felt that you became a dragon, not a human." Gopaluwon was full of curiosity.

"It's very simple, because I have the blood of a dragon."

Wang Ling spread his hands: "Although I look like a human, my spirit also contains dragon elements, and I like to fight. I know that spirits have attributes. For example, Gopaluweng, you It's steel and fighting, Terrakion is rock and fighting, and the beautiful Birigion is grass and fighting. And that cute pony..."

Keldeo shouted from the side: "I'm not cute, I'm brave and handsome!"

"Uh... brave, handsome pony. Water, fighting, right? And I..."

Wang Ling pointed to himself and said, "And I am a human with dragon and fighting attributes, with a fighting heart and dragon blood."

"Dragon, fighting?" The three holy swordsmen looked at each other and felt a little confused. Can humans still have the same attributes as spirits?

"Then let me show you the combination of dragon and fighting skills!"

Wang Ling used his spiritual power. A pure white aura appeared on the body. The light flickered to form an energy dragon head, and his body was completely covered up in the aura, becoming a luminous man shrouded in a dragon-shaped light, and suddenly pushed towards the nearby cliffs.


Like a fiery knife, cut into the butter, the mad dragon's attack is sure to kill. Abruptly, the cliff rocks were removed to a thickness of 5 meters, and it didn't stop until the light dissipated, and a man-made cave appeared.

"The power of this, this move. It's amazing!" Keldeo was completely stunned. This seemed to be a more powerful move than the holy swords of the three teachers.

Holy Sword. The energy is extremely condensed, and the most powerful is the cutting force. The energy of the mad dragon's push is dispersed, and the gushing energy is a face-type push attack, and the power of the two is not in the same aspect.

If the holy sword pushes against the mad dragon, it will be as sharp as the energy sword. I'm afraid the energy faucet will be cut. After all, the divine sword is the trump card skill of the divine beast holy swordsman, and the mad dragon push is only the sure kill when the dragon hún awakens 1/4, and also uses the non-attribute spiritual power to push.

However, from a visual point of view, the mad dragon attack is more handsome.

"This trick is a bit interesting. Why don't you use it when you are fighting with me? Are you afraid that it will hurt me?"

Delakion, who had been hit with the Tiansha Dragon God Fist and the Demonic Dragon God Leg before, and had several injuries on his body, was a little unhappy: "Let's fight again, it happens that my holy sword is useless, look at Can my holy sword cut off your dragon push?"

Wang Ling's eyebrows twitched, but fortunately, Bi Li Jiwon said to the side: "Derakion, don't be so belligerent, Xiaoling has fought with you before, everyone should rest for a while."

It is not realistic to challenge the gray dragon Churam now. Wang Ling needs to rest to recover from the exhaustion and exhaustion of the battle. Let Reshiram do what he wants, and return here before dawn, Wang Ling took out the monster ball again, and released Hatsune and Tentacle Loli.

"what is this?"

The three holy swordsmen and the ponies were once again amazed by a humanoid spirit they had never seen before.

These mythical beasts can talk, and after chatting for a while, Wang Ling's topic turned to swordsmanship, and asked the three holy swordsmen how to use the lightsaber.

Gopaluweng said: "The energy of your lightsaber is quite good. It has three transformations: ice, fire, and electricity. It's just that your sword movement method is too rough to exert the applied attack power."

"Can you give me some pointers on my swordsmanship?"

It is quite impossible for a human being who is quite fond of him, and has attributes like Xiaongling, to teach the holy swordsman's trump card skills: holy sword, mysterious sword, but it is not a big deal to point out some swordsmanship and fighting methods. .

The holy swordsmen are not stingy divine beasts.

To say which are the most powerful ng spirits in the Pokemon world, the three holy swordsmen are far from reaching them.

And to talk about this world, which little spirits are the most powerful swordsmen, there is no doubt that these three mythical beasts. Furthermore, Copaluion, Delageon, and Virigion have experience in teaching Keldeo and are qualified teachers.

So that night, Wang Ling held a z lightsaber, and the three divine beasts pointed the lightsaber to slash, block, thrust, and move the body and footwork when swinging the sword. Although all the teachings were basic skills, Wang Ling There is a sense of relief.

He had only practiced bronze locks and gun shooting before, and he had never practiced swordsmanship.

The next day, when the white dragon descended from the sky and the sky was bright, a reminder came from Wang Ling's badge: "You got the guidance of the three holy swordsmen in the world of Pokemon, and you awakened the E-level talent skill: light. Swordsman."

"Lightswordsman: Evolved from the holy sword of the holy swordsman, the sword-wielding technique that can only be stimulated when holding an energy lightsaber, is full of basic attack, evasion, footwork, and block.

The highest level: lv1, the current level: lv1, your basic melee, basic footwork, basic dodge, basic parry, will be an additional lv1 level, this talent is not restricted by the full level of basic skills lv10. Skill Type; Passive. Skill Evaluation: e. "

"Talent: Lightsaber?"

Awakening a talent, Wang Ling was very happy. After all, he only had an E-level talent troublemaker, and troublemaker was not a talent for fighting.

However, the biggest problem with lightsabers is that they can only work if they have an energy lightsaber in their hands. Z lightsaber, is a red ng British weapon rated c, although not bad. But upgrade to premium zone in the future. It can't be used to the end.

Moreover, his personal fighting methods are mainly unarmed combat, combining dragon martial arts and psychic masters. No matter that Meteorite Heart or this Z lightsaber, there are not many opportunities to use it.

The talent of the lightsaber. Although the evaluation is e, the greatest value is that it is not restricted by the full-level basic skills. This means that in the case of holding an energy lightsaber, when the basic skills are fully upgraded. It will increase to the level of lv11.

It's just... energy lightsabers are not swords. If they were swords, the value of this talent would be completely different, but energy lightsabers are lucky to get z lightsabers. Where can I find a stronger lightsaber?

Wang Ling knew that in the world of Star Wars, both the Jedi Knight lightsaber and the Sith lightsaber are definitely stronger than the Rockman's Z lightsaber, but I don't know if there is such a world in the advanced area in the future.

Even if there is, the possibility of entering is extremely small.

Obtaining the talent of a lightsaber is an unexpected bonus, although it is not very useful, it is beyond the extra value. If you are an ordinary dreamer with a z lightsaber, you will definitely rely on the talent of this lightsaber in the future and use the sword as the main means of combat.

For Wang Ling, the talent of a lightsaber with a z lightsaber can be regarded as a fighting method that does not require energy consumption, but I have to say that fighting with a lightsaber is really cool and stylish, and the fashion value is full.

"Pokemon world, these powerful mythical beasts are really powerful. After being taught by three holy swordsmen for one night, they were able to awaken an E-level talent."

"The title of the holy swordsman of the divine beast should be regarded as a profession... If there is a job transfer in this profession, then it should include learning the holy sword and challenging Churem. Unfortunately, my main profession is a psychic, and I have accepted the hidden profession. Light and dark dragon envoy, otherwise, you can cultivate and cultivate feelings with the three holy swordsmen."

"At that time, I might be able to start the job transfer mission of the holy swordsman. The psychic master + holy swordsman, just one attack and one close combat, is also very suitable."

After flashing these thoughts, Wang Ling felt a little regretful in his heart, and then he thought again that the job transfer task of the Light and Dark Dragon Envoy was so perverted, the profession would definitely be better than that of the Holy Swordsman.

"By the way, aren't you holy swordsmen protecting the spirits? Why did you come to Spiral Mountain?"

Gopaluweng said: "Xiao Ling, you don't know anything about this. There are few people on the Spiral Mountain, so that we can avoid the harassment of human beings, and here we can safely teach our successor: Keldeo."

"And in the Spiral Mountain, there is the strongest dragon, Qiurem. We holy swordsmen are not afraid of any challenges. Qiurem is the future challenge target we set for the successor, Keldeo."

"I see."

Wang Ling nodded and asked again, "Do you have friendship between you holy swordsmen and Qiurem?"

"Friendship? Of course not, Churem is violent by nature, born from the shadows, neither fighting for human beings like your Reshiram nor guarding spirits like our holy swordsmen, it is just A loner with great power."

Gopaluweng turned his head, looked at the pony who was playing with Hatsune, and said lightly: "The strongest dragon, Qiurem, just happens to be the heir to sharpen us, a sharp sword of Keldeo, with the help of this The sharp sword, the sword of Keldeo's future awakening, will surpass our holy sword and become even sharper!"

The corners of Wang Ling's mouth twitched slightly, revealing a smile and said: "Not even the strongest dragon is afraid, to set such a difficult goal for the successor, the holy swordsman deserves to be the symbol of the brave little spirit, I have an information to ask. tell everyone."

"There are two evil and evil villain organizations in the Fangyuan area, the Water Fleet and the Fire Rock Team. One of the two is to expand the sea, and the other is to expand the land. In the near future, the two organizations are estimated to be several After the day, the super-ancient divine beasts that have been dormant for thousands of years will be awakened: Gulaton and Haihuangya, thus putting the Fangyuan area in danger."

"Gulaton, Neptune Tooth?"

Gopaluweng said in surprise: "A long time ago, when we were fighting against humans, we had heard of these two names. They were super-ancient spirits in the ancient times. It is said that in ancient times, it was because of the battle between two divine beasts that kept on fighting. After creating the earth and the ocean, the Fangyuan area appeared, this is a very powerful super existence, and it has invincible power on the earth and the ocean!"

"Invincible power, is it stronger than Churam?" Keldeo on the side, his ears perked up immediately, and asked excitedly, it was not afraid of any existence when it was young.

The elegant and wise holy swordsman: Birigion said: "Gulaton, Haihuangya, Qiurem, which one is more powerful, I can't judge, but these are prestige in the ancient times, more powerful than our holy swordsman. It’s even more ancient, and it’s even more powerful.”

"Gulaton, the overlord of the earth, I really want to fight it!" The warlike bull Delakion had a look of longing in his eyes.

Wang Ling continued: "Gulaton and Haihuangya fought. According to the ancient legend, the Fission Seat appeared and prevented the battle between the two. The Rift Seat, the legendary **** of the sky, may also come in a few days. In addition, there is a The villain organization from Kanto: Team Rocket has also set its sights on the upcoming super ancient beast war."

"Team Rocket controlled Lightning Bird, Fire Bird, Frozen Bird, and a powerful supernatural beast in the Fangyuan area: Deoxys. Maybe you don't know the name, but it came from the universe with super powers. The strength~www.readwn.com~ can even be compared with the dragon of the sky."

"It is conceivable that in a few days, there will be a super war that has not been seen in this world in the past thousand years. There are so many evil and evil humans with ulterior motives, so many divine beasts, if the battle breaks out to an uncontrollable level, Fang The region will be mortally destroyed, and the entire world will suffer an unprecedented catastrophe."

"At that time, not only humans, but also countless little spirits will die. As holy swordsmen, those of you who are responsible for protecting the little spirits, have you gone to the Fangyuan area to prevent the destruction of the battle and rescue the little spirits? idea?"

Wang Ling revealed the news.

There is no doubt that the holy swordsman is a kind and orderly divine beast, and the young Keldeo is not counted. The three holy swordsmen absolutely cannot watch the world be destroyed and a large number of small spirits die. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for recommendation and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)m

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