Dream Evolution

Chapter 520: Danger

w "Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!"

The continuous silver light burst, and the immortal energy propelled by the dragon hún's spiritual power was activated, and it exploded seven times in a row. Such a violent attack, even the body of the ancient ice dragon of Qiurem could not bear it, and the bleak blood mixed with frost gushed out of the throat. . []

After all, the power of a single attack is sure to kill, the damage caused by level 1 is quite considerable, not to mention level 7, and it is the blessing of the earth dragon reincarnated under the dragon hún, and the immortal energy promoted by the silver hún spiritual power is activated.

This wave of energy groups exploded again and again, causing damage to Qiurem, and even Reshiram, who had earned himself from the frozen ground, felt shocked in his heart.

Wang Ling's face did not show any joy, the immortal energy really hurt Qiurem, and the ice dragon's right wing connected to the body. The root of the body was filled with cracks, but this wing was not dangerous enough to break. The goal was not achieved at all... well, it was finally achieved.

It turned out that Reshiram took advantage of Qiurem's pain and roaring, grabbed him, and slapped the dragon's claw pushed by the dragon's energy on the right wing that was first watched by the demon eye of nothingness and then bombed by the immortal energy.


There was a sound of smashing glass, because the frozen air energy in the body was too large, although the body was tough, but also had the "brittle" ice element of Churem, the root of the injured right wing cracked open in the blow.

Then, the originally incomplete wing, as if shattered by ice crystals, scattered into pieces of limbs scattered all over the sky.


Since time immemorial, the severe injury that had never occurred made Churem furious. With a shadow claw, it opened a big hole in Reshiram's abdomen, and the hot blood sprayed like magma, causing the white blood to be sprayed out. The dragon also let out a pained cry.

Qiurem slammed with the shoulder, cooperated with the giant tail chōu, and flew the white dragon chōu far away.

"You, how dare you hurt me. Unforgivable, **** anger!"

The violent ice dragon let out a low roar. On the remaining left wing, two sharp ice thorns suddenly flickered and turned into blue spikes. Chapter Dangerous Moment. A surging frenzy of blue lightning. Rush up from the body of the ancient ice dragon.

It's almost like a Saiyan transformed, with lightning crackling all over his body, Churem's appearance has been greatly changed in the cyan lightning light, this is its transformation:

Dark Churem!

With the help of the gene wedge, the transformation flame Baichurem is activated. It can use the original true flame of the White Dragon Reshiram while releasing its own extremely cold and freezing air to launch powerful attacks such as cross flames.

And Dark Churem. Absorbing the genes from the black dragon Zekrom, in addition to its own extreme cold and freezing air, it can also possess the final thunder of the black dragon. Unleash super skills like crisscross lightning!

In the game, the flame-white Churem in the transformed state has an extremely powerful and special attack power beyond Mewtwo, while the dark Churem. Possessing extremely violent nue, beyond the physical attack power of Rift Seat, in the entire Pokemon world, its racial value is only lower than that of the Creation Alpaca!

Wang Ling's "Broken Wings" plan was to prevent Qiurem from transforming, attacking his wings before he transformed into a dragon with broken wings.

From Reshiram, he learned that Churem's transformation was based on the gene wedges in the ice thorns in the wings. Among the four gene wedges, two contained the genes of the white dragon and two contained the genes of the black dragon.

If he destroys two wings, he can completely prevent Churem from transforming. Even if he destroys one wing, he can prevent one of them from transforming.

Destroying Churem's right wing can be regarded as sealing the possibility of Yanbai Churem's appearance, and after the transformation, the body is incomplete, causing the fusion of genes to be incomplete.

Originally disabled, and lost a wing, the gray-blue body of the ice dragon transformed into a large piece, like the coat of Zekrom's black armor covering part of the body. However, the black right wing that should have appeared did not. Appear.

The black dragon's gene-transformed body and body parts are missing, and the energy used has also dropped significantly. The current dark Qiurem, like the white dragon Reshiram who has not fully recovered, is in a state of incomplete strength.

Even so, Dark Churem, stronger than the original Churem, is the strongest dragon in the Pokemon world!

The cyan electric light dissipated, and the immemorial ice dragon, which had completed its transformation, had a huge sense of coercion that was completely different from the previous one.

Under the scorching of the fire spirit power released by Wang Ling, Julie moved away from the ice cube, and Qian Nami, who was frozen on the wall in the distance, with the eyes of the nihilistic demon eye, also eliminated the ice cube that had frozen her. The evil spirit girl who returned to the human form from the demon eye, her bloodless face seemed even paler.

Reshiram, who was flying by the giant tail chōu, climbed up from the ground. This beautiful white dragon had several wounds on his body, especially the belly was hit with anger by Churem, and the wounds continued to flow out hot blood. Very embarrassed.

"Finally transformed, the strongest dragon."

Reshiram's voice was solemn, the red light of the flame cone at the tail spread, and the body was shrouded in flames. Then the red light and flames converged to the top of the head, forming a flame sphere with crossed flames, flying towards the dark Churem. shoot over.

Master the elements of the same level as the extremely cold freezing air and the original true flame: the dark Churem of the final thunder, let out a sound that shook the entire ice cave, the roar of the boulders rolling on the outer spiral mountain, and a strong roar poured out from the body. The lightning raging waves, the blue-blue lightning converged to the top of the head, turning into an extremely compressed, darkened lightning ball.

Black Dragon Zekrom's ultimate move:

Cross Lightning!

An incandescent flame ball in red, an electric ball with black light in blue, two extremely compressed spheres containing majestic energy, collided in mid-air.

In ancient times, two extremely powerful skills were once fought and bombarded by the white dragon and the black dragon. In modern times, however, such a scene was reproduced by Diablo Kurem and Reshiram. Half is flame, half is lightning, and the energy of the two spheres, if all erupted, I am afraid that this vast ice cave will be blown into ruins!

The scene that Wang Ling was worried about did not happen. The flames, thunder and lightning swept wildly and melted. Except for the distortion of the light in the space at the junction, the turbidity is blurred, and the wide-area range until the two energy spheres disappear, and it has not been affected by the collision.

This means that the two energy attacks are not only the same level, but also the total amount. Only when the forces are evenly matched will there be complete cancellation, and the energy will hardly dissipate at all.

In the original state of Churem, Reshiram was slightly weaker than the ice dragon with good strength. Now that the ice dragon has transformed into a dark Churem, why do the energies cancel each other out? Quite simply because there is a red sun shining in the sky.

Avalokitesvara's Purdue Cihang greatly enhanced the power of the flame!

Dark Churem. Apparently saw this too. The unique breath of the dragon race immediately brewed in the mouth. The ice breath that was originally an ice attribute has now become a mixture of ice and electricity. An ice thunder beam of lightning flashes and ice crystals is sprayed into the air.

The cracking sound of ice. With the sound of lightning, a giant steel behemoth in the air crashed down, showing deep cracks on its body.

Avalokiteshvara's Lieyang Purdue Cihang. It can only be used once, and it must not be knocked down by the Dark Qiurem. At the critical moment, Wang Ling threw the Meteorite Heart and completed the transformation into a mechanical blood-patterned dragon in the air. Blocked this ice thunder breath.

The durability of up to 7,000 points has been reduced by more than 1,500 points in an instant. The metal body of the mechanical blood-patterned dragon, in addition to the dense ice crystals, also showed cuts that were almost split in half. The metal in the middle was dissolved in a large amount, and there was a little smoke.

The bundled ice and thunder mixed breath is different from the original ice breath. It has an extremely powerful cutting power. Whether it is the ice flow arranged by the ice or the scorching electric current, it has cutting power. After mixing, it is almost as sharp as the holy sword. .

Withstanding a dragon's breath, without being cut in half, it has been regarded as a dream equipment, and the alloy is hard enough for the iron heart that has been strengthened in the world of tank wars.

"Steel-type spirit? It's lucky not to die."

A sarcasm came from Qiurem's throat, and the thunder ice energy gathered again. The powerful Primordial Dragon has almost endless energy in its body. Such a dragon's breath can be spit endlessly as long as it is willing.

But the White Dragon Reshiram's attack had already arrived.

The ancient fire dragon whose flames burned everything, the strongest flames it mastered, and the most powerful attacks it issued:

"Netherworld Blue Fire!"

Groups of strange blue flames rushed out of Reshiram's body and slammed into the direction of Dark Churem. It was too late to change the move and release the most powerful attack to resist the ancient ice dragon, ready to bombard Hatsune's Lei Bing's breath, and immediately turned to the flying nether blue fire.

In the violent breath, the breath that condensed into a bundle to increase the cutting force turned into a cone-shaped breath that impacted a large area in front of it. There were three nether blue fires the size of a round table, which were extinguished in the energy of the mixed dragon's breath, but more than 10 others. The flames hit the ice dragon.

"Under the scorching of blue fire, all spirits will fall into the nether hell!" White Dragon's strongest technique, nether blue fire, not only burns matter, but also directly burns the enemy's spirits. The dark Churem, who spread the blue fire as a whole, let out an unprecedented roar of pain.

Wang Ling saw that at the top of the ice dragon's head, the blood bar had only lost about 1/5, and it was almost half blood. In other words, these more than 10 groups of Nether Blue Fire actually destroyed 1/3 of the life of the Primordial Ice Dragon!

Of course, this also has Guanyin's credit, the sunny day created by the fierce sun is really too powerful for the increase of fire skills. And because of the disappearance of one wing, the current Darkness Churem is not complete in strength.

"Reshiram, you finally completely angered me!"

Dark Churem opened one wing, and his body was filled with a deadly mixed airflow mixed with freezing air and thunder and lightning. Huge energy was emitted. In the entire ice cave, there was a kind of dead silence that seemed to be the end of the world and was extremely depressed.

Primordial Ice Dragon's strongest skill freezes the world, and when it turns into a dark state, this skill will change. The extremely cold freezing air that originally froze everything is now mixed into the final mad thunder of the black dragon. Two different high-level elemental energies have been mixed into an extremely terrifying extreme attack:

"Freeze Volt!"

Around Reshiram's body, the space was stimulated by huge energy, and the atmosphere began to discharge violently, forming a blue-blue thunder area. Countless blue-blue lightning shrouded the body of the white dragon. At the same time, extreme freezing air rose up in this area, and the crackling sound of thunder and lightning and the creaking sound of freezing continued to sound.

In the mixed energy of lightning and freezing air, the white dragon that was attacked by the strongest skill of Dark Churem quickly turned into a crystal dragon-shaped ice sculpture.

Unlike the frozen world that freezes a wide area, the frozen volts cast on a single target, the resulting ice, is incomparable with the strength of the previous ice. Dark Qiurem was confident that even a fire-type white dragon would not be able to emerge from the freeze within ten minutes.

Of course, the premise is that it doesn't die under this trick.

After using a transformed ultimate move to understand the white dragon who would be the greatest threat to him, the dragon head of Dark Qiurem turned to Wang Ling and the others, bloodthirsty light flashed in his eyes, and a roar roared from the giant mouth spewing ice-cold gas:

"Now, it's your turn!"

The thunder and ice spewed out of the mouth mixed with breath and shot towards the red sun in the sky. The mechanical blood dragon and Wang Ling on the ground were completely too late to rescue. Qiannami, who suddenly appeared from the void, swung her hands violently, a large number of spiritual light fluctuations, and the energy bullets of the death pulse, each of which exceeded the power of ordinary wave fists, and slammed into the mixed breath.

However, the breath of the dragon's breath could not be stopped at all, and the large amount of energy bombs of resentment and spiritual power were immediately dissolved by the breath. The condensed thunder ice beam ng hit the red sun, a red light flashed, the color of the red sun in the sky faded, and Guanyin, who had withdrawn from Pudu Cihang, fell straight from the sky and was taken by Qiannami.

Dark Qiurem's breath did not stop, and it slashed towards Wang Ling from above. The top of the beam extended to the cave wall. With a cutting force comparable to that of the Holy Sword, the cave wall, together with the rock walls of the outer mountains, was smashed. The mixed thunder and ice beams split in one fell swoop!


The mechanical blood-patterned dragon in front of Wang Ling~www.readwn.com~ resisted the continuous spitting for more than 10 seconds, and finally could no longer block it. It was completely cut in half by the beam and changed from the mechanical dinosaur state back to the pistol state. The pistol also became two halves. Although it was not completely damaged and disappeared, it could only be repaired by returning to the space through the light ball.


Julie let out an exclamation and hurriedly stood in front of Wang Ling. In the lethal beam mixed with Lei Bing, her fleshy body was completely free from the mechanical blood-patterned dragon and the tentacled girl, and her body below the waist was in the breath beam with a diameter of one meter. , all turned into nothingness.

Lei Bing's breath, which cut through all obstacles, finally sprayed onto Wang Ling's body...

(Poor, the New Year's Eve code is up to now, ask for a ticket and comfort the injured heart. In addition, thanks to so many people for their rewards today, it is not good to thank them one by one in the book review area, but I can see them all, right here Thank you too.) rqm

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