Dream Evolution

Chapter 522: so shy

w Dark Churem's enhanced version of Lei Bing mixed with dragon breath, and Diao Chan's transcendence version of Wang Ling's wave beam of light, collided with each other in mid-air. ()

Different from the previous collision of crisscross lightning, flame **** of crisscross flames, and electric balls, the front end of the collision energy was handed over, and a violent turbid current rushed to the surroundings immediately. Affected by the strong energy, the ground of the ice cave began to shake.

One is the high-level mixed energy of extremely cold freezing air and the final mad thunder, and the other is the high-level mixed energy of Wushuang Dou Qi and Yin Soul Spirit Power. The two beams of light are extremely violent super mutant energy.

"Roar!" From the throat of Diablo Quirem, lethal ice and thunder breaths kept rushing out.

"Ha!" Wang Lingcheng's calyx-shaped hands also continued to spray gray beams of light.

The two beams of light were stalemate, and some large groups of mixed energy in the confrontation continued to collapse and escape, and when they landed on the ground, it was a big explosion. The swaying ice cave was filled with smoke, and the ground, walls, and top of the entire cave burst into countless cracks.

It turned into a confrontation of energy stalemate with a small human being? The arrogant Primordial Ice Dragon was furious in his heart. The total amount of cold energy contained in the body far exceeds the thunder and lightning from the black dragon gene. In the anger, the cold energy erupted violently, and the freezing air sprayed out from the surface of the skin.

The temperature in the ice cave dropped sharply again, a thick layer of ice spread on the cracked ground, and the dark Churem, who stirred up the extremely cold freezing air, further catalyzed the ice thunder breath from his mouth with cold air, and the spewing beam of light breathed, with a diameter of Rapid increase.

The airflow mixed with thunder and ice resisted the beam of light of Wushuangyin's spiritual energy and quickly spread forward. A turbulent cold current that was enough to turn a village into a dead white in an instant rushed through, and Wang Ling's body was frozen in the ice.


In the next second, the ice cubes were burst by the rushing electric light, and Wang Ling, who was enveloped by the gray ball of light, fell to the ground. The legs flexed and bounced, jumping aside to avoid the continuous spit. The slender and fair-skinned girl's beautiful legs seem to have little strength, but her movements are lightning fast.

Through the energy competition just now, Wang Ling has understood that even if it is a second transformation now, it cannot compete with the ancient ice dragon that has survived for thousands of years in terms of energy.

One's own energy is the silver soul spiritual power provided by Linghai. The second is the unparalleled fighting spirit brought by Diaochan's spirit. The combined energy of the two is huge. But it is not endless. The super beam of light wave punch just now consumed about 1/5 of the unparalleled silver aura.

Compared with the Primordial Ice Dragon, Wang Ling knew that her advantage was that her body was petite and flexible, and her agility would definitely exceed the 3-meter-high Dark Black Churem.

Moreover, she now possesses the will of a warrior brought by Diaochan's spirit. The combat experience is very rich, and the energy is at a disadvantage, of course, other means must be taken.

Wang Ling glanced at his body. In the previous battle with the white dragon, the clothes on his body have become tattered, and the large white skin is exposed. Equipment needs to be replaced.

The heavily damaged armor and black attire disappeared instantly on the body, and the magic underwear on the lower body also retracted the space bag, Wang Ling became naked, and even his private parts were not covered. Delicate and delicate ice muscles and jade bones, coupled with a beautiful face, have a temptation that makes people fascinated and confused.

Qiurem, who was about to spit again, was slightly startled, and a voice came out of his throat: "I am a dragon, and human seduction is ineffective for me! What you are doing now is completely in vain!"


There was a hint of annoyance on Wang Ling's face. Of course, she took off her clothes not to seduce the ice dragon, but to change to another set of equipment, including the pink suit of corset, underwear, flower shoes, gauze, and gauze skirt:

Flowing cloud yarn!

The light pink gauze coat covered her body, which didn't hide much flesh. Wearing this cool outfit, Wang Ling looked down at her smooth and slender belly, her lovely navel, and her long thighs with slits at the corners to reveal the roots, like tender lotus roots. His pure white arms, a feeling of shame surged in his heart.

"Wow, so shy~~~~o(>﹏

He used to use the body of Spider Li, but after all, it was only a transfer of the soul. Now Diao Chan's body is a change in the state of psychic power. After the energy is exhausted, it will return to herself. The beautiful naked girl covered in gauze is completely her own.

Shame is shame, and the battle must be fought. Wang Ling put aside all sense of shame, the blush on his cheeks disappeared, his eyes were icy, and a silver-white metal texture appeared in his hands, inlaid with seven dove-egg-sized Leiyu. Knotted whip:

God bird!

The light emitted by this weapon has changed from the original colorful to dark gold. The unparalleled martial spirit inside has been channeled, and the dream equipment that was transformed under the influence of the martial spirit will naturally return to the dark golden weapon. You can use it if you need to bind it.

Holding a sparrow and wearing a flowing cloud gauze, Wang Ling looks like Diao Chan from the Warriors of the Three Kingdoms, and came to the world of Pokemon. The only difference is that she now has hair that has been aroused by electric charges after her transformation, not soft and smooth. Down, but sharp hedgehog hair!

As for energy, when Diaochan Wushuang awakens, a dense black mist will appear on his body, and tiny purple arcs will spread out. Wang Ling was an egg-shaped gray energy layer outside his body, a thick purple electric arc surged wildly, and black mist and silver spots continued to rise from the light layer.

The jade feet wearing gold embroidered shoes touched the ground, the ground cracked immediately, and a large piece of rock collapsed into powder between the electricity conduction. With the help of the strength of the shock under his feet, Wang Ling appeared behind the dark Qiurem with a flicker, and the **** bird in his hand swung up.

Left-cut, right-cut, back-to-back, cross-cut, and circular sweep, Wang Ling directly activates the weapon's own skill, God Sparrow. Damage dealt when attacking!

The unparalleled silver aura wrapped around the surface of the **** sparrow swept across the air with gray awns and slapped on Qiurem's body. Even if such a slap was not as powerful as Reshiram's dragon claws, the power was not much different.

Dark Churem let out an angry roar, a shadow flickered on his right claw when he turned around, and Wang Ling's figure floated and retreated, flashing this ghostly claw. Shadowclaw gripped the ground, digging away a chunk of the rock with ease like cheese, and shadows, arcs, and freezing air spread along the ground.


As soon as he failed to catch it, the ice dragon immediately spewed out the breath of ice thunder, but Wang Ling's figure flickered again, avoiding the dragon's breath beam and then appearing behind it.

"Crack, crack, crack, crack, crack..."

In the crisp voice, Wang Ling used the whip to leave obvious traces on Ice Dragon's body.

If you want to fight the ice dragon in close quarters, except for the ancient white dragons like Reshiram, some divine beasts, and other weak elves, they will soon be affected by the freezing air gushing out of their bodies and become frost slowdowns. state.

Dark Churem, in addition to freezing air and lightning energy, enemies who fight in close combat between ice and electricity cannot escape the end of being frozen by cold air and paralyzed by lightning.

But Wang Ling now has the unparalleled silver aura to protect his body, which is more powerful than the silver soul spirit power layer of Earth Dragon Reincarnation, which is enough to resist the close attack of freezing air and lightning!

With Diaochan's combat experience, Shenque used it in her hands without any delay, and her flexible movement was enough to avoid the dark claws and dragon breath counterattacks.

The silver multi-segmented whip was constantly beating on Qiurem. Even if it was attached to a layer of unparalleled silver aura, it could not cause too much damage to the ice dragon, but under the continuous blows, each stroke could damage some lives.

That's right, Wang Ling is grinding blood. With the bloodline of the ancient ice dragon of Qiurem, he must have the huge life bonus of the super beast. However, using the unparalleled silver aura that protects the body to resist the effects of freezing air and electric current on the side of the ice dragon, and then continuously attacking with the sparrow, Qiurem gradually entered death.

The furious Qiurem let out a roaring roar, constantly attacking with shadow claws and ice thunder breaths, ghost-type negative energy black light, and ice thunder airflow splashing, but Diao Chan's transformed Wang Ling's pink skirt fluttered, and her clothes danced, and it was easy to avoid it. With repeated attacks, the God Sparrow hit the Ice Dragon continuously.


Unable to capture the opponent's figure, Qiurem slammed out the dragon's breath. This time, it did not condense into an ice and thunder beam, but sprayed out in a fan shape, attacking a large area in front of the fan.

In the face of the large amount of freezing air mixed with thunder and lightning, it was very difficult to avoid it. Wang Ling, who was holding the sparrow, suddenly turned rapidly. It was like spinning out of a graceful dance, with multiple whips around the body, forming a swirling annular wall.

Similar to the defensive method of the Saint Seiya Nebula Chain, this is God's own skill: God's Sparrow Dance!

In the beautiful dance, the whirling multi-segmented whips brought out a gray stream of light, and the spiral apertures completely blocked the mixed breath that spewed out in a large area.

After blocking the spit with the Sparrow Dance, Wang Ling sprinted up again, whipping the body of the Primordial Ice Dragon, making a crisp popping sound~www.readwn.com~ Damn! "

Finally, the continuous attacks made Diablo Qiurem completely angry. Extremely cold freezing air spewed out of its body, forming pieces of rotating ice crystals that surrounded the body. The ice ball of light that enveloped itself.

Wang Ling, who was attacking, was shocked and quickly retreated to avoid it.

Churem's four moves: Shadow Claw, Dragon's Breath, Grimace, and Frozen World. In the darkened state, Grimace will be replaced by crossed lightning, and the strongest skill, Frozen World, will also be advanced into Freeze the volts!

Previously, Dark Churem used the Freezing Volt to severely injure the White Dragon Reshiram and froze it in immutable ice.

Such an extreme intention-level move, even the huge energy of the ancient ice dragon, can't bear to use it continuously, and the dark Qurem will use it again regardless of his own consumption, one can imagine how deep its anger is!

(Okay, everyone is very smart, those five words are indeed turtle qigong.) (You are welcome to come to your support, which is my greatest motivation.)m

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