Dream Evolution

Chapter 525: thousands of miles

w "Spouse, spouse?"

This word was like a thunderbolt that struck Wang Ling's head, and then his mind began to dizzy, feeling that the whole world was spinning, turning into a chaotic light and shadow.

These simple two words represent too much information. Wang Ling seemed to see himself and Feng Wang lying in a grass nest with a few little phoenixes chattering beside them.

Chaos, complete confusion of consciousness, you must know that Feng Wang is a super mythical beast that can't beat Qiurem. He exhausted all his cards and even blew himself up to fight the Primordial Ice Dragon with great difficulty, and another colorful fire phoenix appeared.

The feathers that awakened the white dragon, and the sacred flame of the Nirvana of the Spiritual Altar, were all things that were forcibly taken from the Bell Tower while this guy was away.

Isn't Spiral Mountain Churem's territory? For Chapter Five Hundred and Twenty-Five, What Hoo-wang will appear here? And what does the phrase "from today onwards, you are my spouse" mean?

The current Wang Ling can be said to be completely messy.

"Hey, what's your name? What happened here? And where were you born, I didn't see you before? You can't feel any phoenix breath in your body now, if I didn't see you from the phoenix egg Come out, I can't believe you are a phoenix at all."

A series of questions came out of Feng Wang's mouth: "Why do you have the aura of a dragon in your body? Apart from being a phoenix, you also have the blood of a dragon, or did you absorb some of the ice dragon's death? origin?"

Wang Ling couldn't answer these questions. If he told the truth, he wasn't sure whether King Feng would spray a holy flame and let him truly nirvana here. If he dies again, the altar of spirit has been extinguished, but there is no way to be reborn.

After being stunned for a while, Wang Ling's face filled with a tragic look when he saw the bird's head stretched out in front of him by King Feng. He swallowed his teeth and said, "I don't know, I lost my memory!"


"Well, it's just amnesia. It shouldn't be surprising, right? Besides, I look like I'm a human being, so why do you say I'm a phoenix? It's absolutely impossible for me to be a phoenix. , right? So, um... you just don't see me. Thanks. Goodbye! Then we'll go our separate ways, that's all."

Wang Ling, whose mind was in a state of confusion, said such a long series of words in one breath.

"Because of Nirvana's rebirth, is your brain also burned out?" Feng Wang's pointed bird pecked the tip and touched Wang Ling's nose, "You are obviously a phoenix. Otherwise, how could you come out of the phoenix egg? You are now The human body, it's just that something happened."

"Besides, I will never allow you to fall for yourselves. Think of yourself as a human being!"

The crisp girl's voice is getting louder and louder, indicating that the current Ho-oh is a little annoyed. However, it immediately made a happy voice: "Ha, a male phoenix who has lost his memory. Couldn't it be possible to cultivate from ignorance? The days to come will not be silent."

As if he had made up some bad idea in his heart, Feng Wang's eyes suddenly burst into a very bright look. He raised his right paw and grabbed Wang Ling's head - the size of his paw. Just enough to completely wrap the human scalp.

"Leave this place first, and then I'll tune in slowly later, ha... I finally have a spouse, where will I live in the future? The tree of the beginning of the world? That place has been lent to Dream to live... The new bell tower? There are many bald heads there, Will it disturb our world of two birds?"

"Anyway, let's get out of here first."

Feng Wang, who was talking to himself, grabbed Wang Ling's scalp with one paw, flapped his wings and flew into the air.

"Woooooo, let me go!"

Under the heavy blow of Feng Wang's appearance, his mind was in chaos, and even Wang Ling, who was even half a beat slower, was caught by the scalp and flew up. Only then did he realize it. His eyes were fixed on Qiurem's corpse. The key is exuding the brilliance of mí people.

Golden light! It's actually a golden flash key! At that time, the big boss Seth in the world of Street Fighter was just a silver flash key!

The natives of the plot world naturally cannot see the key, so Ho-wang has no reaction to the key. Wang Ling, who was caught by the scalp and ascended to the sky, was in a hurry to burst into tears. He waved his hands in the direction of the key, but unfortunately he didn't have any star attraction, so he could **** the key into his hand.

Chi Nami, Hatsune, Tentacle Lolita? In this situation, they absolutely can't let them go. Wang Ling can only watch the golden key and stay away from him.

It wasn't just the key that went away. The white dragon Reshiram, who was frozen in the immutable ice, was not dead, but he couldn't earn it from the ice.

"Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu, why did this happen?"

Wang Ling roared in his heart, waving his hands and feet indiscriminately, and because he caught a male phoenix, Feng Wang, who was beaming with joy, didn't care about the resistance of the villain below.

"Hey, don't scratch my head!"

Ho-oh didn't pay attention at all. After birds caught their prey, didn't they all use their claws?

So, the watermelon-sized right claw of this divine beast grabbed onto Wang Ling's head, and flew from the Hezhong area to the Bell Tower in the Chengdu area, thousands of miles away...

At the foot of the Spiral Mountain, in a village, a kind old woman was telling a story to her grandson, a cute little boy, when the little boy suddenly shouted: "Grandma, there is a rainbow in the sky!"

"My dear grandson, there will be no rainbows on sunny days."

The old woman touched her grandson's head, when she heard the exclamations of the people next to her: "There is a ghost in the sky! After flying, a ghost of a rainbow is left in the sky!"


Most of the people in the Uzu area are not familiar with the super mythical beast in the Joto area: Ho-oh. This old lady is an exception, 80 years ago, when she was a beautiful girl, she was a trainer in the urban area.

Later, in a fateful encounter, she was the grandmother of a girl and met the grandfather of a young man. The love between the two was opposed by the family, but under the power of love, the grandmother of the girl broke through all obstacles. I eloped with my grandfather who was still a young man and went to the Hezhong area.

Hearing the scream, the grandmother raised her head and looked up at the sky, and said excitedly: "That, that, that is the divine beast in the Seongto area, Phoenix! Where it flies, a seven-colored rainbow will be left, and it is said that those who see it will leave behind. , you will be lucky and happy..."

Because she was too excited, the grandmother suffered a heart attack and fell backwards.

"Ho-oh! Take a photo of it with a camera!"

Everyone who learned that it was a divine beast was too excited, all looked to the sky, no one noticed the grandma who had a heart attack, so this kind grandma died of a heart attack.

Before she died, she was speechless, she held her breath, and with her fingers on the ground, she scribbled these words with difficulty: "After I die, I must enlarge the picture of King Feng and place it in a larger size. Put it next to my posthumous photo. Although I didn't return to my hometown in Jodo before I died, when I see Hoo in Jodo area, I can rest my eyes when I die. Put Hoo's photo and my photo on Together, in this way, when I go to **** after death, I will definitely be able to be happy."

A day later, at the funeral of the old man, the funeral director was going to enlarge the photo according to the will, but found that in the photo, under the claws of the king, there seemed to be another person, and it seemed to be a bare man.

In desperation, I had to put a mosaic on the ** man, and then this coded photo of the colorful Phoenix King was placed next to the photo above the grandmother's coffin.

Wang Ling didn't know what happened. After a gust of wind blew in the sky, he calmed down after the extreme confusion. Only then did he realize that he had been reborn from the phoenix egg and has not had time to put on clothes. bare.

There are clothes in the space bag, but it is not easy to take them out for King Ho to see, otherwise, it is difficult to explain how the clothes made out of nothing came from.

Hoo flew very fast, and now the bird flew thousands of meters in the sky, and the surrounding temperature was already very cold. Wang Ling estimated that if he were an ordinary person, even if King Feng exuded heat, he would be frozen into a lump of ice in the biting air current.

"Nima... I have no clothes on my body. I am a human now. I fly in the sky with my naked body. Is this really okay?"


Feng Wang lowered his head and looked at Wang Ling in his claws: "As a Phoenix, it's nothing to be naked, because there are hairs on the body, so if it's human... It seems a little bit bad."

Her wings fluttered gently, and a dozen red feathers fell. In the colorful light, they turned into a Hawaiian hula-style feather skirt, which was wrapped around Wang Ling's tún, and a burst of flames flashed at the same time~www.readwn. com~ The feathers that disappeared on the wings have been regenerated.

"There are no clothes here, you can block it with feathers first, and I will be able to change your clothes after the bell tower."

"The bell tower..."

Wang Ling was about to shed tears again. It seemed that he was in the Hezhong area, so he grabbed his scalp and flew all the way to the Bell Tower in Chengdu District?

Anyway, with the short feather skirt covering the body, compared to the naked body, the shame is much lower, and Wang Ling secretly wiped away the tears.

"The white dragon Reshiram is still on the Spiral Mountain. After approving me, it is now equivalent to the light stone of the plot prop. It exists as a special item for the dreamer, not the plot native. You should be able to see the key. I can only hope that the white dragon will be able to see the key. Got the key."

"Anyway, let's take a step at a time..."

Wang Ling, who was extremely tired, got up and fell asleep. The sun in the sky set and rose again. When he woke up, Feng Wang grabbed his scalp and flew to the Kanto region and arrived at the new bell tower. . rqm

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