Dream Evolution

Chapter 629: kill itachi

w "Unexpectedly, I really killed Uchiha Itachi?"

Standing beside Itachi's corpse, holding a flickering silver key in his hand, Wang Ling's heart was still full of disbelief. After all, in Hokage, Uchiha Itachi is a mythical person, known by many as Itachi god. [br/>

For the sake of righteousness, he kills his parents with the mentality that only gods can have. In terms of strength, even the invincible Itachi God is far behind Penn's Six Paths, Fourth Hokage, Thousand Hands Hashirama, and even Six Path Immortals.

In this fight with Uchiha Itachi, he didn't lose even a single life, so he killed God Itachi?

"Wow, hahaha, even God Itachi is not my opponent, I'm invincible!" Wang Ling couldn't help but put his hands on his hips and laughed wildly up to the sky.

Of course, although he was excited and laughed, Wang Ling was very clear about Uchiha Itachi's true strength and his own true strength. Putting aside some subjective evaluations with personal feelings and irrationality, Uchiha Itachi is indeed one of the top powerhouses in the Naruto world.

In terms of illusion cultivation, I am afraid that no one can reach such a superb level. What Wang Ling is most afraid of is Uchiha Itachi's illusion.

The ability to kill Uchiha Itachi is entirely because he has a huge intelligence advantage and restraint in ability. In the Naruto world, as Uchiha Itachi himself said, any ninjutsu has weaknesses. In the same way, some shadow-level powerhouses are also restrained by other shadow-level powerhouses.

For example, a can beat b, b can beat c, and c can beat a, so it is impossible to decide who is stronger or weaker among the three. When it comes to fighting, intelligence is undoubtedly the most important weight for victory. Asma, who didn't know the information, was killed by Hidean. Knowing the information, Shikamaru could handle Hidean alone.

For another example, Orochimaru was defeated by an illusion of Itachi. If he knew the information in advance, he would use the reincarnation of the dirty earth to summon the first and second generations, and the second generation would use the dark technique of restraining Sharinyan. A generation of trees with ranged attacks descends, will it be so easily defeated by Itachi?

This victory, first. Knowing all the information about Uchiha Itachi, secondly, Yin-Yang eyes are immune to visual illusion. Third, the altar of spirit absorbed the fire of Amaterasu.

Even with such an advantage, Wang Ling risked a great deal of life and must reasonably determine tactics and means of attack. If he is bombarded with Super Shinra Tianzheng as soon as he comes up, there is almost a 99% chance that Uchiha Itachi will use the crow clone technique to escape. After all, his move can only affect a spherical area with a diameter of about 200 meters.

Leaving this area is not difficult for Itachi.

Moreover, Uchiha Itachi opens Susanoo. The ten fist sword in the hand of the drunkard Vulcan slashed, I am afraid that the soul will be sucked into the flaming wine gourd. This is a seal that even Orochimaru's soul, Uzumaki Nagato's soul, and even after being hit by a sword cannot escape.

Thanks to Hatsune and Chinami's helpers, Chinami's poison and howl of hatred. Using sound waves to contain Susanoo, it was too late for Itachi to use his sword, and in order to protect himself from negative energy sound waves, Susan was unable to be put away, gaining time for the release of Super God Luo Tianzheng.

Hatsune also used thunder to force Itachi to release Amaterasu. Consuming a huge amount of Chakra and pupil power, and finally using Purdue Cihang to change the weather, increasing the attack of the Chinnami Ice Ring, and successfully freezing Uchiha Itachi.

This battle has the absolute advantage of intelligence, restraint, tactics, and helper containment, and it also takes advantage of Itachi's psychology to protect Sasuke, otherwise it is almost impossible for a person with such strength to escape.

Wang Ling absorbed the spiritual power in the Jade of the Four Souls, and cultivated for a few days to be in full bloom. If the spiritual power in the spiritual sea was dissatisfied, he would not be able to unleash an all-round range attack like Super God Luo Tianzheng, blasting the powerful Susanoo. , even if he uses the Earth Dragon Reincarnation that can only be used once in each world, he will not be this person's opponent.

Although the Spirit Sea is now empty, it only takes more than a month to refill it. With more than half a month left before Orochimaru attacks Konoha, half of the Spirit Sea's spiritual power can be recovered, and the four of them together with Tomoyo. Joining forces, plus a third generation, is enough to kill Orochimaru.

Now, being able to kill a powerhouse like Uchiha Itachi is a huge gain. Before entering the world of Naruto, this was a result that was unimaginable.

"In any case, death is a relief for people like Uchiha Itachi."

For this popular character in Hokage, Wang Ling is still a little embarrassed. The man who devoted everything to Sasuke, bears the infamy of exterminating his family, and died for his younger brother in the animation. In the end, Sasuke betrayed him, completely degraded, and left. Go up the evil road against Konoha.

In fact, Wang Ling does not agree with Itachi's behavior. No matter what the family has to do, it should not start with the parents who gave birth to him. Moreover, he must be made stronger by torturing Sasuke mentally and cruelly, forcing him to a desperate situation?

Having a plug-in like Sharinyan is no worse than the nine-tailed plug-in. Naruto can become so strong when he grows up, can't Sasuke who is on the right path?

A tragic hero who took the wrong course.

"Since you're dead, under the influence of someone with a character like Naruto, maybe Sasuke won't go down the wrong path again, that's what you want to see, right? So don't blame me for killing you... Well, Orochimaru wants to take Sasuke's body , but in the Konoha collapse plan, I will help him kill Orochimaru, so that the danger of Sasuke will also disappear."

"Uh, it seems that Madara Uchiha is the black hand behind the scenes, and that masked man Ah Fei... No matter, Madara or Ah Fei, I am not an opponent. Those perverts are still left to the future Naruto and Sasuke to deal with. Well, there's no need to worry about these things, I'll leave after the Chunin exam anyway."

"As for your two eyes, I don't want any of them, I will bring them all to Sasuke, so that the future Sasuke will not go down the wrong road, and then kill Orochimaru to relieve the danger of being occupied by the body. Well, you know it underground, and also Don't blame me, after all, it was you who came here to kill me, and I did it to you."

After commenting on Itachi's corpse, Wang Ling took the **** March sickle and dug out two writing wheels that opened to the kaleidoscope like a ghost swordsman's killing stone. It was really useless for him to take these two writing wheels, and it would be too wasteful not to take them away. Taking them to Sasuke could be regarded as a little compensation for killing Uchiha Itachi.

After freezing the body in ice cubes and sinking into the river, Wang Ling left the valley of the end that had turned into ruins. At this time, a pitcher plant grew out of the ground and slowly opened, and the detective organized by Xiao, half black and half white, appeared from two pitcher plants leaves.

"It's amazing! Uchiha Itachi, was actually killed by a ninja? And there is also a ninjutsu competition of that level. This matter must be reported to the leader as soon as possible!"

Jue was shocked by the confrontation between Susanoo and Chaoshen Luo Tianzheng. Knowing the importance of this matter, his body quickly melted into the ground.

Returning to the residence of Konoha Village, Tomoyo and Su were a little worried, and now they are waiting in the house.

Seeing his tired look, Su asked, "Who called you out? Did you kill that person?"

Wang Ling felt it for a moment, there was no peeping fluctuation of the telescope technique, and he let out a long breath and said, "You can't imagine it, it's someone from the Xiao organization."

"Xiao Organization?" Tomoyo's eyes were full of doubts, she didn't know the name.

"Xiao Organization!" Su's face showed a look of shock. He was not familiar with Naruto, but he still knew about Xiao Organization. After all, Naruto is very popular in the real world, and the members of the organization are too popular. Moreover, when he entered the Naruto World team battle, he also checked the information of Naruto World in advance in the entertainment area.

"Since you've come back safely, it shouldn't be a problem for the people from Xiao's organization to find you, right?" Su's worried words showed the concern in his heart.

"How could it be okay!" Wang Ling shrugged, "It was Akatsuki Suzaku Uchiha Itachi, I don't know why, he asked me out to kill me, but I, Hatsune, and Qiannami joined forces to kill me."

"Cough cough cough cough..." Su immediately coughed violently, and said incredulously, "Uchiha Itachi, the one who knows Amaterasu, Tsukuru, and Susanoo?"


Wang Ling sighed: "He's not the real villain, I think he may have misunderstood something, but since he wants to kill me, he can only kill him. I brought his Sharinyan and gave it to Sasuke, By the way, killing Orochimaru can be considered as compensation for him."

"You, you, how on earth did you kill Itachi? His strongest illusion, Tsukuyomi, Amaterasu who burns everything, and Susanohu's ten-kun sword~www.readwn.com~ are not forbidden spells that are easy to deal with. Huh?" Su still couldn't believe the result.

"Yue Du, I closed my eyes and didn't look into his eyes. I just happened to have mystic Yin-Yang eyes. Amaterasu was sucked by my professional equipment, the Altar of Spirit, and helped me lift a seal on it. I must thank you for this. He... As for Susanoh's ten-fist sword, he didn't have time to use the sword, Qiannami's sonic attack was restrained, plus the repulsive force I transformed in advance, amplifying the supershen Luo Tianzheng, and defeated Susanohu, and later joined forces to arrive At the limit he killed it."

Wang Ling took out the key dropped by Uchiha Itachi: "Anyway, it's a super SS that killed a Naruto world, just like Seth from Street Fighter World, it's a silver flash key, I don't know what it can open... Hehe, the possibility of opening a writing wheel should be very large."

"Obtaining a white eye, not only has the insight of the white eye, but also awakens a powerful pupil technique. Tomoyo, if you get the white eye, you will be stronger than the white eye, and your strength will definitely improve a lot!"

Bai Feng and Angela were not here, but Wang Ling couldn't help but open the key to the existence of Itachi. He took out the key and was about to summon the treasure chest, when he thought of one thing, he quickly gave the key to Su: "You put on the flower suit, and you open the key!" (Welcome to your support, which is my biggest motivation .)m

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