Dream Evolution

Chapter 734: trampled to death

Rubber man blood, third gear!

The black man who used his true strength let out a low growl like a beast. His muscles looked as hard as iron and soft as rubber, squirming like water on his body. The surrounding air made a thumping sound.

The intermediate area has attribute limits, and the power of the dreamer is limited to 300 points at the most, but the black man is in third gear, his body size has increased 10 times, and his weight has increased correspondingly dozens of times. With this level of quality, with a force of 300 points, even a simple straight punch can burst out terrifyingly destructive power!

Instant strength is greatly improved, and it can even leapfrog to challenge SS, which is the characteristic of top powerhouses. Although the third gear of black people is not as terrifying as Wang Ling's Super God Luo Tianzheng and Earth Blast Tianxing, it is not weaker than the bloodline skill of Earth Dragon Reincarnation.

The black man used the third gear and no longer kept his hands. He was thinking about what strength to retain to deal with other people.

The gray-white wind attribute airflow is equivalent to the mixed energy of air and wind. Regardless of the air mass or the wind element, Steel Invincible will not work. After all, this is an attack in the form of energy. cause some damages.

His feet were spread apart, and he stood on the ground like a tower. The black man was surrounded by a layer of gray and white whirlwind. Surrounded by the airflow, he had mutant muscles, which made people couldn't help but think of the giant of the wind in myths and legends.

Especially on the dark skin, there are circles of thread-like textures on it, shining with a dark light, like steel that has been repeatedly forged by a blacksmith.

Black people don't have the habit of talking nonsense, and he burst out with all his strength - third gear + wind, and punched Wang Ling with one punch.

In One Piece, the protagonist Luffy turns on the third gear. Although the destructive power is great, the action will become slow, but the air of black people perfectly makes up for this drawback. Reduce the weight of the body, which has become heavy after the giant, to increase the movement speed, and the cyclone wrapped around the fist can also cause additional elemental damage.

In addition, the black people have practiced several plot worlds before successfully developing an advanced combat method. When attacking, the cyclone of the wind punched by the fist will flock to the space around the target, causing the opponent's body to be suppressed and unable to move and fight. defense.

Wang Ling now felt as if he had fallen into a quagmire. The pressure of the cyclone made it difficult for his body to move. The annoying thing was that there were four shackles of wind that limited the speed around his wrists and ankles.

"It seems that energy has to be consumed."

The black man's punching speed was not fast. Wang Ling's white eyes completed the transformation of spiritual power in one second. White transparent ripples rushed out of his body, and the shackles of the wind bound on his hands and feet instantly shattered, even the oppressive wind from the surrounding. The cyclone was expelled, and then the spherical repulsion layer blocked the black fist.

A fist 10 times the size of a normal person!

The repulsive force hit the black man with the third gear + energy push, and there was a gust of wind rushing around immediately. Wang Ling was surprised to find that after the repulsion layer and the fist fought for about two seconds, the body suddenly became uncontrollable, and was hit by a force. Dao flew backwards in shock.

Shen Luo Tianzheng was rebounded.

Wang Ling remembered that in Naruto's animation, Naruto's tail beastization seemed to have rebounded against Shinra Tianzheng. I didn't expect the black fist to reach the level of rebounding Shinra Tianzheng in the third gear? Fortunately, not broken.

When he fought with Payne Tiandao and put Super Shen Luo Tianzheng against him, his repulsion layer was shattered and he crashed directly into the mountain. At that time, the bones of his body were broken a lot.

Just when Wang Ling had this thought in his mind, the black man suddenly detonated the qi in his body. With the rubberized and mutated muscles, the huge fist, which was originally extremely terrifying, swelled again and became the size of a locomotive! Along with the sprint, the terrifying fist slammed out, the air was slammed and exploded, and the fist wind that was instantly brought up was like a steel knife.

Pursued by the black people, the repulsive layer on Wang Ling's body that had not disappeared was smashed with a crisp sound. A huge fist like a train slammed into his chest, like a baseball being hit by a bat. His body flew a hundred meters and slammed into the wall of the hall.

Wang Ling couldn't help spurting blood from his mouth. The impact of this punch was so strong that even Iron Invincible was not immune. Fortunately, with the 90% damage reduction, he was just like an ordinary person being smashed in the chest with a wooden stick. Although he vomited blood, he had no internal injuries.

What really caused the damage was the cyclone of wind wrapped around the fist, which was elemental energy, very close to the characteristics of wind spirit power. After the black man detonated his qi, the cyclone of wind rushing out of his fist was almost equivalent to 10 magicians, performing the wind blade technique together.

The red police uniform on Wang Ling's body was cut into tatters, and his fair skin was exposed. If he stripped off all his clothes, he could see a lot of crisscrossing blood lines.

The black man's eyes flashed violently, and the detonated energy punched out a violent punch. Even the safe door of the bank's treasury of gold bricks will be smashed into pieces with one punch. If it is a dreamer - I am afraid it will be punched. Body exploded.

Under the bombardment of such a punch, Wang Ling's chest was obviously not broken, but the energy brought by the fist caused some damage to him. The black man with rich combat experience immediately deduced that the passive skills possessed by this opponent can only correspond to physical attacks.

"If that's the case, let's use the wind to kill you!" The black man was delighted to have found the opponent's flaw, opened his mouth and ran in stride, and bombarded the past with another punch.

He was punched a few times in a row—judging from the size of the impact surface, it seemed like a giant hammer smashed, although the black man could even punch the dimpled terrifying punches with the phase-shift armor of the Strike Gundam, causing damage to Wang Ling. Not much, but whenever the fist hits, the chaotic air mass wind blade caused by the detonating energy also brings some trouble.

If you cast Earth Dragon Reincarnation, the silver soul power layer of the body can be directly immune to such energy attacks, but it is a pity that Earth Dragon Reincarnation has already been used. If the spiritual power is released, most of the damage can be reduced, but unfortunately the spiritual power is not abundant now.

As if a sandbag was being bombarded flying around, an inspiration suddenly surged in Wang Ling's mind, black rays of light flowed through his body, and three pairs of black wings were born behind him and became a state of origin.


When this feature was on Earth, it repelled geomagnetism, and it was no exaggeration to say that it repelled the metal deck. Wang Ling immediately suspended weightless on the deck. At this time, a huge fist in front of him slammed like a Mercedes-Benz subway, but before the fist reached him, his figure flew backwards.

In the third gear of the black man, the explosive energy brought a cyclonic punch. It is impossible that before hitting the target, the punching wind will blow people away so quickly, but Wang Ling now has the "floating" feature and has no weight. A suspended state of origin.

So there is such a situation, if the black man does not burst out energy, just punching, can not bring much damage to Wang Ling. If the burst of energy, those cyclones of wind blew him away before they really did damage.

In the black man's mouth, he couldn't help shouting out the American native language that means "I x", 10 times the height of a normal person, almost as majestic as a strike Gundam, his eyes flashed fiercely.

Then, he punched.

He didn't launch a charge, the black man just stood on the spot facing Wang Ling and made a punching action, a simple uppercut, but a rapidly rotating vacuum airflow was blowing in front of the fist, and the air was mixed with the gray wind element. There was a scream that made the soul tremble.

The world of the King of Fighters, Dongzhang's super profound meaning:

Death tornado!

The strength of the fist and the air inside the body, the air flow outside, and the burst energy whirlwind twisted into a ball. Dongzhang performed such a move, which was enough to twist a main battle tank into slag. With the third gear turned on, a 19-meter-tall black man hits a tornado of death, what effect can it have?

A blood-red cyclone with a diameter of dozens of meters, with no ground below, and a blood-red cyclone that reached the top of the hall appeared, and the sharp cyclone blew forward like countless knives.

The influence of the tornado is too huge, and even a large number of aliens are involved. These aliens have no resistance at all, and their bodies are directly minced, not into minced meat, but into the smallest particles.

The whirlwind swept forward with a piercing whistle. A storm of this magnitude almost sucked all the air in the advancing route into the interior, producing a restraining and suppressing effect. Maintaining the state of origin, Wang Ling, who can move with the wind as long as he floats all the time, feels like he is stuck in a quagmire—and it’s still cement.

"Shen Luo Tianzheng!"

The repulsive force transformed by the white eyes spurted out, and the transparent repulsion layer of Shen Luo Tianzheng was quickly smashed by the storm after it appeared, and then Wang Ling's body was shrouded in this whirlwind of death that smashed all the aliens it passed by.

The only luck for Wang Ling, who was sucked into the whirlwind, was that the tornado did not hit the direction of the area where Su, Tomoyo, and Hana were located. Otherwise, full defense skills such as Psychic Mask, Cyclone of Blood, Gossip, Windmill, etc., can't stop this explosive big move.

Moreover, all those soldiers will die, and Hermione, who is sitting in the ** weapon, will definitely be smashed by the storm with her mecha.

The black man who hit the death tornado, like a deflated ball full of gas, quickly exited from the third gear, and actually shrunk into a little man bigger than a slap.

This move of his is not just about using skills. Under the promotion of the third gear, the energy that is transported in the body, and even the will to kill the enemy, all spurts out and merges into the tornado. One punch, the power is far beyond Dongzhang to display.

It can be said that black people contain all the energy of the punch.

The terrifying death tornado smashed everything. After the black man broke out, he could no longer maintain the third gear. Now he has become a villain, which is the side effect of the bloodline technique.

At the same time as it becomes smaller, all attributes drop, but the black people don't care, after all, there are still many aliens, enough to hold back several other dreamers.

However, the black man couldn't help but feel a little frustrated. When he arrived at this hall, there were only 4 dreamers. It was easy to kill them. At most, he needed to open the second gear. The mysterious death tornado killed one enemy.

"Forget it, leave the rest to the captain."

This thought flashed in his mind, and the black man didn't look at the dissipating wind column. After all, except for Patrick, he had never met a dreamer who could resist this move. The Oriental boy was dead, and he didn't wait to take it. The **** key, after all, is now in a weak state after the third gear.

The black man who turned into a slap quickly ran to the exit at the other end of the hall, but a faster figure stood in front of him. Seeing this person, the black man couldn't help but take a breath: "You... you're not dead? How is it possible!"

It was Wang Ling who appeared. At this moment, blood was all over his body, and he almost turned into a red blood man.

With a grim-looking smile, Wang Ling said lightly, "Nothing is impossible, I'm actually a mage, the resistance brought by close to 300 intelligence points, and the near 300 points of physical strength, With close to 1500 HP, wouldn't it be too weak if it could be dropped in seconds by a big move?"

Taking a breath of pain, Wang Ling gritted his teeth again and said, "But this move actually killed me almost 1,000 points of life... It's really strong."

"Close to 300 intelligence? Close to 300 physical strength?"

The face of the black man ~www.readwn.com~ showed an expression of disbelief. In his opinion, Wang Ling's strength is close to 300 points, and he has close to 300 points of physical strength, and he still has close to 300 points of intelligence? Could it be that this guy is also a seed elite cultivated by the advanced area?

But even the seed personnel cultivated in the advanced area have no reason to increase their strength, physical strength, and intelligence to such a high level. What kind of strange method is this? Could it be that attribute points can be abundant enough to add random points?

Of course, I don't have time to think about anything else now. The black man understands that his life is really in danger. Now it is the third-grade bloodline skill backlash. Not only does the body become smaller, but all attributes drop, and even most skills cannot be used. Fortunately, the wind system Acceleration spells are not affected.

The body of an acceleration technique was entangled by the wind element, and the black man ran towards the exit of the hall at full speed. Because his body became smaller and his weight decreased, although he decreased agilely, his speed was even higher than normal. However, Wang Ling once again blocked him. in front of.

"Sorry, I still have agility of nearly 300 points. So, you can't escape, goodbye."

Wang Ling did not use his skills, but raised one foot and stepped on the black man who was only a few centimeters tall, placing his foot under it.

I have to say that the black man's body is indeed strong. Wang Ling's right foot was pushed hard by 282 points of strength, and he was crushed for a long time before he heard a "pop" from below, like a burst of tire explosion. (To be continued) If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for recommendation and monthly tickets. Your support is my greatest motivation. )

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