Dream Evolution

Chapter 804: Freeze End

Tomoyo, who holds unparalleled halberds and diamond halberds in both hands, has special strength, and Aisha, who has launched the transformation of the Minotaur and holds a giant axe called "Splitting the Mountains", is also special in strength and rides the nightmare of war. www.}dyzww.}web}m}

Su used the disguise Nausicaa, transformed into an H-gun, and while moving, attacked and suppressed the four werewolves and two fiery hellhounds that were angered by the bullets. While moving, they released Pikachu and Huck Dragon, one standing on the left shoulder and the other coiling on the right shoulder, continuously lasing 100,000 volts, freezing light, and emitting flames, in order to kill and clear these summoned creatures.

The dreamers were shocked by the two familiars released by Su. The familiars were extremely rare. The contract stone and the summoning stone were all rare items among the rare items. How could this young child have two familiars at the same time?

Among the six dreamers, Jack, who has charm, is the current temporary leader of the small team, and is standing on the hillside. The summoner Jingzi with an iron golem standing beside him, and Lin Datong with the s-gun, did not act either. Aside from Elsa and the summoned beast, there were two others who rushed down.

One is a poisonous snake holding a poisoning dagger, with a series of afterimages when moving, which is very similar to the dagger-wielding snake in the "Famous General" game; White man with sword and shield: Jimmy.

Ice Girl Fireworks quickly met the poisonous snake, and the diamond ice crystal energy gathered in her left hand, condensing a crystal clear dagger that was almost as hard as a diamond. And her right hand was raised and stretched out in front of her pink lips. Gently blow, a white ice crystal dust. Spray it out.

Seeing the white ice and snow particles, feeling the extremely cold poisonous snake, he did not want to let the "diamond breath" rush on him. His agility was astonishing, and he jumped up when he rushed forward, avoiding the ice crystal airflow, and at the same time, the poisoning dagger stabbed the ice girl Hana's head from top to bottom.

This is not an ordinary move, but a D-level skill: Jump Slash. After being upgraded to lv0, it can cause 225% amazing damage. Hit the weak spot in the head, if it causes a crit, it is 450% terrible damage!

Ice Girl's expression didn't change at all. Although this 0-year-old girl is no longer lifeless, body temperature, and heartbeat, she still belongs to the Three No Girls. See the viper jumping and slashing. The dagger in her left hand was exchanged for her right, and the ice light flashed on her body and rushed into the air.

Crow bites!

This skill possessed by K is also possessed by Ice Girl, the difference is that when K takes off, fire is wrapped around her hand. The energy she attaches to her fist is ice - this is an anti-air technique similar to Rising Dragon Fist and Demon Burning.

Because the dagger slammed downward when the viper jumped and slashed, and directly used the crow bite, the fist would definitely hit the green dagger. So the ice girl held the ice dagger backwards in her right hand, and in the crisp collision sound, the dagger formed by diamond ice crystals collided with the poisoning dagger. Almost diamond-hard ice daggers showed several cracks.

visible. The weapons in the hands of the poisonous snake are definitely not low!

The dagger blocked the dagger, and the Ice Maiden's fist also touched the body of the poisonous snake. At the same time, the ice element exploded, and countless ice crystals and snow particles flew, turning him into an ice-blue human figure.

Level 9 crow bite, consumes some mental energy, causing physical and elemental mixed damage of 6% of strength + 6% of intelligence. When attacking an enemy in the air, it will cause double damage. Additional effect of level v7: 0% chance to cause the opponent to enter a frost state for 2 seconds.

This punch not only dealt double damage, but even triggered a special frost effect. The poisonous snake immediately felt that the coldness of the extreme cold invaded. Even if it was blocked by the inner qi, it couldn't help shivering, and even a kind of blood would freeze. The feeling of staying!

The ice girl's attack is not so simple. After all, Hana has inherited the original fighting experience. When a crow bites a poisonous snake and dyes him blue, he lifts his right leg and swivels and kicks lightly, skating-like. Action, continuous kicks hit him.

The lv9-level spinning Reese, with a knock-up effect, kicked the poisonous snake into the distance, and the ice girl who landed from the skating action lifted her foot and slammed a ball of cone-shaped ice bombs the size of a human head. Chase hits the target.

The standard King of Fighters-style fighting combo was performed by this 0-year-old girl.

The poisonous snake hit a set of combos and fell to the ground. After dispelling the coldness through the bones with its inner energy, it immediately jumped up with a grim expression on its face. With a "bang", a few puffs of smoke rushed around, revealing two human figures exactly like him.

Shadow Clone Technique, a precious skill from Naruto, was naturally upgraded to the full level of lv0 by the poisonous snake, and the two clones had 50% of the attributes of the main body! And each clone can have a skill specified by the main body.

There is no difference between the three of them. They are all thin and small, with gloomy eyes like snakes, with slightly hunched backs, holding dark green poisoning daggers, and they are surrounded by Ice Girl Fireworks from three directions. , have skills.

A disgusting stench spread out, and the three poisonous snakes rushed into the gray-green mist. This is the original B-level, advanced to a-level mutation skills: Plague Poison Cloud. Not only does it contain toxins, but the fermented stench of the corpse can also paralyze people's spirits and reduce the attributes of enemies that are touched by the plague poison cloud.

As long as it is under the influence of the plague cloud, the health will continue to decrease at a rate of 5 points per second, and the attribute will also decrease by 0%. The reduced attributes, 0% is serious enough, and the life reduction of toxins will put people in an extremely dangerous situation.

You must know that the two clones separated by the shadow clone technique also have a plague poison cloud, and the influence range of the poison cloud is 5 meters around the body. The three of them surrounded the target and influenced them together. The life of 5 points per second passed. Even a dreamer with thousands of life values ​​could only support it in many ways!

In the case of a rapid drop of life, there will be panic in the heart, coupled with the stench of odor, it is easy to be easily killed by poisonous snakes at a loss.

The siege of the main body and the two shadow clones can be said to be a combination of shadow clones + plague poison cloud, which is simple and effective. Not only is the effect amazing, but surrounded by his agility and expertise, the enemy can't escape. With this set of skills alone, the poisonous snake doesn't know how many dreamers have been killed.

The poisonous snake and the two shadow clones, accompanied by the poisonous cloud of the plague and the stench, surrounded Huahuo in the middle, and the ice girl Huahuo's small eyebrows were slightly wrinkled, even the three-no-girls were a little bit unbearable under this unbearable smell.

"In that case, let's use that trick!"

Ice Girl Hua Huo's slender hands spread out, and the whole body radiated the freezing air that allowed the surrounding air to flow, all because of the cold and slow freezing air - no, not only the freezing air, but also the pure white, like that kind of Antarctic glaciers reflect sunlight-like dazzling white crystals!

Release ice energy and convert it into ice light mixed energy: Ice light, the light shines on the enemy, causing mixed damage of ice and light. This is the original meaning of Ice Maiden. The full-screen skill similar to Orochi's "Sunshine" in the game has been upgraded to lvp; Frozen End!

For the Ice Maiden, Siege? She is not afraid of this kind of attack, because she has two full-screen superhuman skills: Frozen End and Frozen World. The A-level skill freezes the world, because there is only lv-level at present, so the fireworks display is the ice girl's own lvp; the ice light mixed with ice and light, like the scorching sun, illuminates all objects within a diameter of 40 meters. But it didn't have a little bit of heat, but brought icy, extremely cold light. The poisonous snake in the 20-meter diameter, core killing area, and his two shadow clones suddenly screamed.

It can be seen that on the surface of the three people's bodies, countless ice cubes are condensing and shattering, and the ice light freezes the body into a blue and white ice and snow.

Jack, Jingzi, and Lin Datong on the hillside were shocked again. When the Ice Girl Hanaka used her diamond breath and spun Reese, they watched the battle and felt that something was wrong. This is obviously the sound nest organization, the skills of the ice girl Kura, this woman... looks like Kura, could it be Kura's childhood?

Now to the end of the freezing, the shining light of ice, these people finally determined in their hearts that this young Loli, who is only 0 years old, is obviously Xiaobo ss in the future King of Fighters 2000: Ice Girl Kura.

"There are three bosses around..." Jack's heart~www.readwn.com~ is full of anger and even some grief. Could it be that Ignis is confused by that beautiful woman named Wang Ling? So many sss under his command, all of them were sent to the side of the hot-blooded team.

Just when Jack was annoyed, he suddenly saw that Wang Ling, who was fighting Jimmy, suddenly burst into a cross-shaped purple light from his left eye. Then kicked with both feet, and a stream of silk-like purple wind blades formed a wave of continuous flying, constantly slashing on Jimmy's body.

"Feng shui engine, wind broken blade! Isn't this Xiaobo ss in Street Fighter 4, Zhu Li's must-kill?"

Jack once entered the world of Street Fighter, and by chance, he saw Spider Li once, so he was very impressed. Seeing Wang Ling's skills, he was suddenly stunned. He thought of the wind breaking blade, rapid air flash, and killing vision that Wang Ling used in the knockout match, and an unbelievable thought filled his heart.

"It seems that it's just the hairstyle and the clothes are different... Could it be that this woman named Wang Ling is really the spider Li of the Street Fighter world? Street Fighter characters have entered the King of Fighters world, and they have brought so many fighters from the Sound Nest by their side, What the **** is going on!"

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