Dream Evolution

Chapter 809: Tomoyo's job transfer

The guillotine's attack was not just that. Yamazaki Ryuji raised his right hand, lifted Wang Ling from the deep-sunk ground, and threw it upwards. The right hand clenched into a fist, and the qi pushed by the meaning of death and the dark power formed a rapidly rotating dark tornado, with the killing intent of crushing life, and slammed it up.

The power of Profound Truth finally erupted, and a dark whirlwind whistling and spinning took Wang Ling's figure straight into the sky.

"Wang Ling!"

Seeing that Wang Ling was wrapped in a black whirlwind and went up to the sky under Yamazaki Ryuji's fist swing, Su screamed, his mind power spurted out, suppressed him from a distance, bound Ryuji's body and prevented him from chasing.

After eating such a powerful nirvana, Wang Ling must have been seriously injured, but the contract did not indicate that he did not die. After the baptism of Wang Ling, his attributes have greatly increased, and he has Fengshui and evil spirits to protect his body. It is not so good to die. of.

But Yamazaki Ryuji did it again, and the meaning of "guillotine" was really dangerous, so Su hurriedly suppressed it.

However, his actions were considered superfluous. Yamazaki Ryuji ate four kills in a row, his left arm was also blown off, his body was seriously injured, and his attributes decreased. He used all his potential to make a guillotine. Now where is the strength, he will use it again. What kind of esoteric must-kill?

The identity of this crazy man is one of the eight great snakes, but it is not just the big snake. All the existences of the gods in the kingdom of heaven can be said to be a kind of "spirit". These spirits cannot be manifested naturally, they can only be Consciousness is reincarnated into human beings.

As for the giant snake of the Divine Race, it cannot be reincarnated, it can only descend, and it also needs a suitable furnace. Ordinary human bodies, unable to withstand the attachment of the will of the serpent, will collapse. Only in the reincarnation of the Eight Masters can the body be blessed by the spirit of the Gods of the Heavenly Kingdom to withstand the attachment of the will of the serpent.

Originally, the target chosen by Orochi to be born was Mai Zhuo, the blond-haired royal sister of the Divine Race. However, it was later discovered that Chris, who was awakened in the Hell Band, had a more suitable body, so he descended on the flames of control.

If you choose Mai Zhuo, I don't know if the big snake will change into the appearance of a shirtless, blonde royal sister.

Let's not talk about this, Yamazaki Ryuji's body, after all, is only the flesh of a human fighter who is attached to the spirit of death in the gods of the kingdom of heaven. After such a serious injury, he sent another profound meaning. The power to pursue Wang Ling.

Now suppressed and bound by the flickering red light, he didn't even have the strength to move a step.

At this time, Tomoyo finally played what she only learned, the powerful and domineering kill, and the power and energy brought by the fourth gate of the Eight Gates of Dunjia fully exploded. The whole body was full of blood-colored rays of light, and the ground under his feet was affected by this momentum, showing the texture of radiating cracks on all sides.

With all the heart and all the strength, the blood energy condensed on the right fist, and blasted out with the fist, a simple horse-step rushing fist, but with a kind of artistic conception that shattered everything. It seems that under such a punch, any existence will be shattered by one punch, including the eternal heaven and earth.

Profound meaning, Heaven and Earth Ba Huangquan!

Yamazaki Ryuji, who was suppressed by the power of thought, his attributes were severely injured, and his body could not move to avoid it. The part of the middle fist was as if the porcelain had not been broken, and countless cracks appeared. The crack expanded and extended rapidly, and within two or three seconds, it spread to the whole body.

Then, a crisp explosion sounded, and Yamazaki Ryuji's body turned into scattered fragments, floating away in disorder. Without blood or minced flesh, the body turned into countless fingernail-sized fragments and dissipated in the air.

Heaven and Earth Ba Huang Fist, one punch wiped out all the vitality of Long Er, the domineering fist intent and blood energy, completely destroyed the foundation of the existence of the body's material cells, and actually turned it into pieces, completely dead from the cellular level. Even if Sakazaki sees this punch, I am afraid that he will be more than impressed.

This is the promotion of blood energy, the increase of the eight-door Dunjia, and the Tiandi Bahuang Fist that accommodates the pure and pure fist intent!

Under the command of Orochi, the Eight Heroes of the Divine Race of the Heavenly Kingdom are concentrated. Since Jiadilu was killed by his daughter, another reincarnated body has fallen and died under the fist of Tomoyo.


After the last punch from the guillotine, a whirlwind with meaning of life and death swept into the sky, and Wang Ling only fell down now. Hua Huo flew up, jumped up and took her in his arms. The 10-year-old girl was holding a 17- or 8-year-old woman, looking very uncoordinated.

The battle suit of the wind on Wang Ling's body is mostly broken, blood is oozing from his forehead, and there are bloodstains that have never dried on the corners of his mouth.

One of the benefits of a dreamer is that he can recover his life through medicine. He was hit by Yamazaki Ryuji's profound meaning, and Wang Ling was indeed seriously injured. But her attributes are not low, Yamazaki Ryuji is not Ignis, and the guillotine is not Bai Luo exterminating sperm, showing a reasonable universe-level mystery.

If Spider Li's body is hit by a profound meaning driven by Ignis's destructive power, then the possibility of death is extremely high, and Yamazaki Ryuji's profound meaning is still a few levels worse.

Anyway, a member of the Eight Great Sets is now finally dead, seeing the silver flashing key dropped by Ryuji Yamazaki. Wang Ling was very happy, she didn't like Long Er's skill scroll, but what good things could be dropped by the plot characters of the Eight Great Masters?

Putting the key into the space bag, and wiping the blood from his forehead, Wang Ling found that Tomoyo, who had punched the Heaven and Earth Bahuang Fist, had been keeping the previous fist-swinging posture, with a strange look on his face.

"What's wrong?"

Wang Ling was shocked. After all, Yamazaki Ryuji's identity is somewhat special. The boss is a big snake. If Tomoyo kills him, if something changes, it will be bad.

"This... When I killed Ryuji Yamazaki, I met the conditions for starting the job transfer mission."

"Ah!" Wang Ling's heart was suddenly surprised and happy.

Tomoyo has eight dungeons, killing intent, berserk, and many other bloodline skills. The requirements of these bloodline skills must be activated by humans, so special bloodlines such as dragon blood, angel blood, and snake demon blood cannot be obtained.

There is no way to obtain the special ability of bloodline, but Tomoyo's occupation has not yet been determined, and the bloodline skill does not require "cannot obtain any occupation".

The fluctuation of killing intent, in order to prevent it from being eroded into Shura, cannot be used unless it is absolutely necessary. The Eight Gates of Dunjia is a step-by-step process, one shackle and one shackle needs to be cleared in advance. If you want to have a rapid and obvious improvement in strength, you will undoubtedly depend on your career.

Think about it, how much benefit did the psychic master profession and the light and dark dragon envoy profession bring to the main body? Su's mind magician, even if only the mental power consumption is halved, this simple ability also doubles the lasting combat power - including the support time of opening Susanoo.

Tomoyo finally started the job transfer task. I don't know what career was started.

"Is it a fighter?"

Wang Ling was very curious. After all, the fighter profession was probably the most likely profession in the King of Fighters world. Although the evaluation of this profession is not high, the power increase of 25 points of punching and fighting skills, and the increase of 250 points of life are all good practical abilities.

With Tomoyo's talent, as long as he becomes a fighter, he will be able to awaken the absolute realm immediately, and even cultivate the ultimate power!

"I'm not a fighter, but I have something to do with a fighter."

Tomoyo recalled again, and said: "At the same time, two job transfer quests were opened, one is the king of professional fighting at the top level - this is the meaning of ghter, F. It is necessary to kill at least four members in the Eight Heroes concentration, personally, not allowed With the help of anyone, I defeated Kusakikyo and Yagami-an, participated in the official King of Fighters competition, and my team won the first place."

"The other, is an S-rank or X-rank occupation, the **** of fighting."

"God of Fighting?" Wang Ling was really surprised by the name of this class, and then he wondered: "What's the matter with the S-class or X-class class?"

Tomoyo explained slowly: "God of fighting, you need to kill at least four of the gods of the kingdom of God with your own hands, which is the same as the king of fighting. Of course, I have already killed Ryuji Yamazaki, as long as I kill three more. "

"Second, you need to obtain the blood of the snake and the bloodline skill: madness."

"Thirdly, the four heavenly kings who got the Eight Great Masters Collection, Blowing Storm Gornitz, Controlling Fire Chris, Desolate Electric Light Shamir, and Dry Earth Seven Shackles Society, contain the blood of the original abilities of the four heavenly kings."

"Fourth, fight with the Orochi Consciousness Descending Body and win."

Ignoring Wang Ling's toothache-like breathing ~www.readwn.com~ Tomoyo continued: "The reminder says that if you complete all the transfer tasks in this task world, you can transfer to the X-level fighting god. If it is not completed in this world, the quest will not disappear, and if it is completed in the future, if you transfer again, the rank of the transferred God of Fighting will drop, and it will be an S-rank occupation."

"Professional Fighting King of * rank, God of S or X rank professional fighting... It's not easy to achieve the job transfer task. Killing four of the Eight Great Masters is not that difficult. Fortunately, it is good to allow other people to help. Now actually Just kill three more."

"Transferring to the King of Fighting, it is difficult to defeat Cao Zhijing and Yashin-an with your own hands. These two are the protagonists and have plug-ins on their bodies. They are all artifacts. It is also not easy to participate in the competition and win the first place.”

Wang Ling frowned slightly: "The God of Fighting is even more extreme, he has obtained the blood of the Orochi, the original blood of the Four Heavenly Kings, and he has to fight with the Orochi Consciousness Descending Body and win... It is indeed a high-level profession, comparable to my light and dark dragon envoy back then. changed jobs."

"By the way, Tomoyo, do you want to choose which one to transfer?" Wang Ling asked.

"not yet."

"Well...then don't worry, this matter must be studied carefully. After all, the job transfer mission fails, and you will not be able to obtain any job in the future." Wang Ling turned his head and looked to the other side to escape, but was caught by, Gulicha Ruyue Ying Er, who was dragged by the strength, said, "Before that, there is still a small trouble to deal with. (To be continued) If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for recommendation and monthly tickets. Your support is my greatest power.)

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