Dream Evolution

Chapter 822: havoc throw

Tomoyo is naked with 440 points of strength, and also has a 10% attribute bonus of the contract, which is almost equivalent to 500 points of strength as a foundation to push the fierce gossip smasher, not only shooting the big iron ball into the ground, but also seeing On the surface of the sphere, there is an inch deep, very obvious palm print. www. dyzw8. m (no. pop-up. window. small. said. net)

On the one hand, Tomoyo's strength is high enough, and the moves are tough enough, and on the other hand, it is also the angle of her palm, which is from top to bottom, not a head-to-head push up directly with one palm. He also vomited blood.

No matter what, Tomoyo faced the flying iron ball, slapped it down with a palm, and slapped a large iron ball with a diameter of one meter into the ground with a slap. To ordinary audiences, this scene was still a sudden mess.

Among the plot fighters, Yuri, who is familiar with Tomoyo and has a good relationship, opened her mouth in surprise. Chen Guohan's strength was comparable to hers, but in the face of the iron ball, she could only dodge, defend, or send Hu Huangquan or Bawang Xianghouquan to intercept it from a distance.

Tomoyo's big smashing of the monument can be said to immediately shocked the entire gymnasium. An unbelievable feeling surged in Chen Guohan's heart. Not surprisingly, the current opponent is just a delicate beauty!

"Is this still a woman?"

Surprised but surprised, as a fighter, Chen Guohan has experienced countless battles and has extremely rich combat experience. With his right hand, he pulled the iron chain with the thickness of his arm around his body, and the big iron ball that was deep in the ground was dragged back into his hand. .

Take a look at the body. With that obvious palm print, Chen Guohan's face jumped. With a ferocious look, the muscles of the right arm, as thick as an elephant's leg, stretched out, pulling the iron chain and waving it vigorously, only to hear a strong wind roaring "woo woo woo". A place of death full of phantoms.

A large iron ball with a diameter of one meter and a weight of half a ton was tied by an iron chain with a thick arm. In the hands of Chen Guohan, who is 2.27 meters tall, the wheel became a black vortex. Many spectators under the stage raised their hearts. Such a spinning iron ball was even more ferocious than a meat grinder.

Chen Guohan's move: Iron Ball Giant Rotation!

I have to praise him, Fatty is indeed rich in combat experience, and he was bombarded by the hammer that was thrown straight out. Tomoyo slapped him into the ground. But now, the iron ball is in a circle, and the wind is raging. If the opponent dares to stretch his arm, he will definitely end up with a broken tendon.

Tomoyo saw Chen Guohan's move, and immediately retreated to distance himself. Unleash a wave punch. What she has is the energy of blood, and the wave fist is blood red, and its power is also greater.

The flying air mass did not hit Chen Guohan, the big iron ball that was spinning. Stir up the whistling whirlwind, with great energy. Before the wave fist touched the body, it was blasted away by the iron ball and Qi Jin.

"Wow ha ha ha ha…"

Laughing wildly, Chen Guohan strutted his sturdy legs and charged towards Tomoyo at full speed. The flying iron ball was still spinning, as if a circle of death storms were moving.

Tomoyo didn't panic when he saw that the wave boxing was useless, he pulled out a horse stance, his palms were facing each other, more turbulent blood energy than before gathered, and aroused the surrounding air, showing a clockwise rotation of silk-like convection, extreme compression , and gathered an energy bomb.

Vacuum wave punch!

This is a skill of the same level as Bawang Xianghouquan. It compresses the energy of blood, induces air injection, and mixes with the wind element in nature to form a huge air mass, which is pushed out by Tomoyo's palms.

If the power of wave boxing is one, then the power of vacuum wave boxing can reach ten! The blood-colored air mass slammed on the rotating iron ball, and exploded with a bang. In the violent blood-colored air wave and strong wind, the iron ball's great rotation suddenly stopped, and Chen Guohan staggered back.

Tomoyo's figure was like a cannonball, and it burst out. With the momentum, her figure jumped in the air and kicked Chen Guohan. It wasn't because of Er Chong Jin's Ji Liu and fangs, but she was pushed by the energy of blood. Variant skills: Shadowless True Feet.

Both feet kicked out in succession, alternately kicking on Chen Guohan's fat and bulging belly. Tomoyo kicked his feet 18 times in a row, and the last blow broke out completely. Chen Guohan's hill-like body suddenly flew up and fell to the ground in the blood gas that spread in the ring.

Tomoyo's figure continued to keep up, and there was another slashing sword, and Chen Guohan, who fell to the ground with three half-moon slashes, slashed several bloodstains.

Chen Guohan's body is huge and fat, and his body fat looks like natural armor. He was hit by Wuying's real foot and then slashed by a knife. Although he groaned and bleeds, he did not suffer much damage. He got up in a hurry, and was continuously frustrated, making his eyes blood red, and obviously great anger surged in his heart.

The golden-red light lit up, and Chen Guohan used his absolute domain strength, holding the big iron ball in his arms. The next second, the fat man made a move that surprised many people in the gym, only to see the big iron ball he was holding hit his head.

"Bang bang bang bang..."

The iron ball collided several times in a row, making a dull crashing sound, and Chen Guohan's whole body flashed a strong light and rushed towards Tomoyo. Along with his impact, the surrounding air flow seems to slow down under the oppressive momentum. This is his strongest super kill:

The iron ball goes wild!

With Chen Guohan's highest absolute field of 79%, he pushed the iron ball to run wild, using fists, feet, heads, iron balls, etc., in a frenzied and violent attack. The power is so great that it even exceeds the limit. The famous flurry skill: Dragon Tiger Flurry.

If it is a game, as long as you protect it or jump over it, you can defend or avoid the attack, and even send a wave to stop it. It's a pity that this is the plot world, people are alive, after launching the iron ball rampage, Chen Guohan's body will enter a state of dominance, and his spirit is completely placed on the enemy.

With the impetus of the absolute field, even if it is the vacuum wave fist and the overlord Xianghou fist, Chen Guohan will rely on his own fat to resist abruptly, and will not vent his anger on the enemy with the attack. give up!

Holding the iron ball, Chen Guohan, who was running at full speed, was as ferocious as a mad elephant. Tomoyo used the walking technique of walking on the wind, and turned to the other side of the arena as quickly as the wind, and found that the opponent was chasing after a turning point. He immediately understood that this move could not be avoided in the arena.

Using the eight-door Dunjia, and then sending the sky and the earth to collapse, it should be able to drive the iron ball away and cause serious damage to Chen Guohan. But before so many dreamers, Tomoyo was reluctant to reveal too much ability for the time being - before being forced into a more critical situation.

Otherwise, at the beginning, open the four doors of the eight-door Dunjia, and double the strength, speed, and energy, which is enough to defeat Chen Guohan without any suspense.

Tomoyo opened his mouth, inhaled deeply, and the inhalation was so large that he seemed to inhale all the air in front of him. And her original C-cup **** were also high and bulging, almost becoming D-cups.

Level 10, Lion's Roar!

The harsh roar that burst from the throat made many viewers cover their ears in pain. In front of Tomoyo, a sound wave visible to the naked eye rushed forward radially, and rushed towards Chen Guohan, who was running with the rumble, and the ground trembled slightly.

The lion's roar has the special effect of knocking back, and those who are hit by the sound wave can't help but retreat, while Chen Guohan's iron ball rampage is full of madness. This created a very funny scene: I saw that Chen Guohan's legs were still running wildly, but with the impact of the sound wave, his figure did not move forward, but became farther and farther away from Tomoyo.

It is not a wise idea to use the lion's roar to block Chen Guohan's profound meaning. However, with the advancement of Lion's Roar, on the one hand, Chen Guohan's iron ball rampage has been reduced, and on the other hand, the distance between the two has also widened.

The sound wave dissipated, and Tomoyo fired three vacuum wave punches in a row. The fat man's eyes were still blood red and his face was hideous, but the golden red light on his body had weakened a lot, and his momentum had obviously dropped significantly.

What Tomoyo wanted was this effect. Her figure stopped in place, spinning rapidly with her feet as the axis, and blood-red qi spurted out of the pores of her body, forming a blood-colored whirlwind. This is a defensive technique evolved from whirlwind defense, gossip, and returning to the sky:

The cyclone of blood!

Using this skill directly would definitely not be able to resist Chen Guohan's profound meaning, but the lion's roar and three vacuum wave punches reduced the opponent's momentum and impact by half. The swirling cyclone continued to lose its strength, and finally let the mysterious iron ball run wild and stopped completely.

"Damn it!"

Chen Guohan let out an angry roar~www.readwn.com~ his right hand suddenly grabbed towards the center of the blood-colored cyclone. As he stretched out his hand, light flashed from his body, and he used the absolute domain to push again.

This move is his unique throwing technique: Big Destruction Throwing.

From a visual point of view, this can be said to be the most shocking ordinary throwing technique in the entire King of Fighters 97. After grabbing the enemy, he repeatedly beat him left and right on the ground. With the strength of Chen Guohan, usually the unlucky person who was caught by him and performed this move would be completely shattered by the bones of his entire body and become a dead person without bones.

Chen Guohan stretched his hand into the swirling blood-colored cyclone. After all, this was a close-up throwing technique, and it had the characteristic of being unable to defend. Tomoyo's blood-colored cyclone immediately stopped.

Being caught on her right arm, her arm muscles shook like a conditioned reflex, but Chen Guohan's palm was as tight as a pair of iron clamps, and he still held onto his arm tightly.

"See what you do this time!"

With a cruel smirk on his face, Chen Guohan was shaking his face, and he lifted Tomoyo, ready to throw this great destruction, using his strongest strength to smash her to the ground!

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