Dream Guide

Chapter 136 Killing people is like cutting millet

The scenery on both sides of the road receded rapidly. Poppy sat on the back of the motorcycle and hugged Aoki's waist tightly, the wind whistling past her ears.

Not long after, the motorcycle stopped. Poppy saw a magnificent building built against the mountain. The high wall was blocked by barbed wire, sandbags were piled outside the gate, and heavily armed soldiers were patrolling on both sides.

Aoki took her off the motorcycle and held her on his shoulders like before.

Poppy asked: "Where is this?"

Aoki said: "This is where the poppies bloom. Let's go and cut the poppies now."

Poppy said: "Okay."

Qingmu held the poppy in his arms and walked towards the gate of Wu Sotun's general's palace.

Of course U Sotun was not a real general, but he ruled the roost in Maxuba, hired many mercenaries to protect his drug business, and trained many of his own semi-professional troops. Since the local armed separatism in Myanmar and Vietnam is very strong, the government has no time to take care of it, and U Sotun's so-called career has indeed brought prosperity to northern Myanmar, so the Kokang government does not care about things here at all. The entire Maxuba is owned by Wu Sotun alone.

There is a long row of horse-repelling stakes fifty meters outside the main entrance of the building, which can effectively prevent raids by armed vehicles. Although the fortifications piled up with sandbags at the door are simple, as long as there is no large-scale regular army attacking, those few machine guns can still block the attacks of most people who want to harm U Sotun.

There are many sentries with guns walking around on the top of the building, and the protection is very tight. It seems that although Wu Sotun is the local emperor here, there must be many people who want to eliminate him or replace him.

At this time, Wu Sotun had already received the news that his secret villa had been stolen. Of course he didn't believe that it was a young man who did it. Although the defense of that villa was not comparable to this one, it had to be removed, and it had to be removed so cleanly that Wu Sotun would have nothing to do except receive a call to report. News, in his opinion, it takes a class of professional soldiers to do it.

Wu Sotun determined that it was his sworn enemy in the Golden Triangle who did it. When he vigorously eliminated the moles some time ago, in addition to uncovering many informants set up by the police, he also dug out many people arranged by his old enemy to be around him.

He immediately strengthened the security of the mansion. As long as they don't come with tanks and planes, if they want to capture his building, there's no need to send a company of regular troops over.

However, he never imagined that the only person who walked into this building was a young man holding a little girl in his arms.

Aoki walked towards the door kicking.

The guarding soldiers shouted: "Go away, go away, you can't enter here!"

Aoki continued to move forward until he reached the Juma Zhuang, then stopped.

The soldier raised his gun and asked, "Who are you? What are you doing here?"

Aoki ignored him and said to the poppy: "I'm going to cut the poppies. Close your eyes."

Poppy seemed to understand something and said, "Okay." Then she lay obediently on Aoki's shoulder and closed her eyes.

Aoki patted Poppy's back gently and said, "You're so good!"

The beauty felt warm and light on her body. Although her eyes were closed, she saw that she had arrived at a sea of ​​flowers. Those flowers were right within her reach, and they were so beautiful.

Then, she saw among the flowers, some flowers were particularly charming. She knew it was the poisonous poppy.

"I want to cut poppies too," she murmured, reaching for the nearest poppy.

When the soldier saw that Aoki ignored him, he was very angry. He turned the head of his gun and planned to use the butt of his gun to hit the man who was dressed like a beggar. This is their usual tactic against the poor.

At this time, the sky that was still bright and sunny just now suddenly became overcast. The soldier felt a little strange and looked up at the sky. There was a dark cloud drifting over in the distance, blocking the sun in the sky.

Just when he raised his head, Aoki's hand had already reached over, and his fingers grabbed the trigger of the AK in the soldier's hand. Since he had just turned the gun head, the muzzle of the gun was pointed at the soldier's chest.

There were two "chuchu" sounds, and bright red blood burst out from the soldier's chest.

With a "click" sound, the poppy broke the branch of the poppy flower in front of her, and bright red juice flowed out from the break.

The soldier let go of the gun and fell backwards.

The sound of gunfire alerted the soldiers at the gate fifty meters away, and two machine guns were about to fire. The snipers in the sentry tower on the roof also aimed at the target, ready to pull the trigger at any time.

However, at this time, a crow came from the sky, and the dark cloud in the distance quickly floated over. Only when they got closer did people see clearly that it was a huge bird, with its open wings like two pieces hanging down from the sky. The clouds cast huge shadows on the earth.

The giant bird flew closer and closer. As its wings flapped, strong winds blew up and dust rolled in.

The guards were blinded by the dust storm and could not see anything. They could only hear the tapping of footsteps in the strong wind.

When the dust moved over and they opened their eyes again, they found that the man wearing a pullover had walked to the gate, holding a little girl in one hand and holding an AK in the other.

Suddenly, the sound of gunshots came to mind. Two machine gunners were shot and fell to the ground, and the heads of the two machine guns also hung down.

Bang, bang, poppy, poppies broke two more poppies in the sea of ​​flowers.

The sniper on the sentry tower pulled the trigger. The bullet spun straight towards Qingmu, but the huge crow suddenly appeared on the top of the sentry tower and flapped its wings. The strong wind took the flying bullet away from its original trajectory and drew a circle in mid-air. Fly back again.

The sniper watched helplessly as the bullet penetrated his forehead with a "pop". He leaned back, feeling dizzy and his mind went blank.

Am I dead?

He got up and took a few steps forward in a daze. The scenery in front of him was restored, and at the same time he heard the sound of gunshots. He realized that he was not dead and quickly touched his forehead and found that he was not injured.

He calmed down for a moment, and when he was about to touch the sniper rifle again to shoot, he found that he was no longer in the shooting position, but had climbed outside the sentry tower.

The huge crow was overhead, claws stretched out toward him. He screamed in fright and fell off the tower.

Poppy stretched out her hand, grabbed a poppy that was far away from her, pulled it out hard, and threw it out.

The soldiers patrolling upstairs fired at the crow, and the bullets passed through the crow's body like a cloud without any hindrance. The crow seemed to be irritated by them, and shouted "croak" at them, and its huge figure jumped down.

The soldiers were so frightened that they ran away and fell down the stairs one after another.

The poppy followed the same example, taking turns with both hands, pulling out the poppies one by one and throwing them out.

A soldier in the compound carried a rocket launcher and fired one round at Aoki. The rocket flew out with a trail, making a piercing scream, hitting Aoki's body and exploding.

There was a loud bang and flames rose into the sky.

The soldier relaxedly put down the rocket launcher and was about to celebrate when he suddenly discovered that the rocket was still installed on it and had not been fired at all.

He turned the rocket launcher in doubt to see why the warhead was not fired, and then looked at the blazing flames where the explosion had just occurred. Suddenly he heard a "croak" and a huge black bird flew out of the fire and rushed toward him.

He was startled and nervously pulled the trigger of the rocket launcher, but forgot that the rocket launcher was facing him at this time.

With a loud bang, the soldier carrying the rocket launcher blew himself into the sky.

Poppy grabbed another poppy flower and threw it hard. The poppy flower rolled to the ground and flew up into the sky, and was blown far away by the wind.

Thanks to Qingtong under the Flower and Qian Yu Wandao for the reward

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