Dream Guide

Chapter 147 A piece of wood

Aoki remembered that he was the master of this room and Yao Jingjing was the guest. It was unreasonable that he didn't even pour a glass of water for others, so he went to the room to get drinks.

Yao Jingjing said: "Let me make tea for you!"

She rushed into the room and boiled water and made tea like a host. Instead, Aoki became a guest, smoking leisurely on the balcony.

Yao Jingjing found out that Qingmu didn't bring his own tea, so he ran back to his room to get fresh Yunwu tea, saying that the Pu'er in the hotel was of poor quality, but Yaman black tea did not fit Qingmu's identity.

Aoki asked her with a smile: "What kind of status do I have that I am so particular about drinking tea?"

Yao Jingjing said: "You are a master! Aren't masters always drinking tea in such an elegant and unique way: "The breeze blows on my armpits, and I will return to Penglai Mountain from now on"!"

Aoki said: "It seems that I will never become an expert in this life."

Yao Jingjing poured him tea, said it was from her hometown, and asked him how the tea was.

Aoki took a few sips and praised: "Good tea, good tea."

Yao Jingjing smiled and asked: "What's a good idea?"

Aoki said: "I judge whether tea is good or not based on whether it quenches thirst. Your tea quenches thirst, so it is good tea."

Yao Jingjing said a little disappointed: "You are perfunctory with me!"

Aoki said: "How can I be perfunctory! This is called returning to nature. You see, the ancients soaked this thing in water to drink it, just to quench their thirst! Later people were so fashionable that they came up with all kinds of tricks for tea, but neglected to drink it. The original intention of tea is to drink and drink even if you are not thirsty, only to increase the burden on your liver and kidneys."

Yao Jingjing laughed: "You hit all the tea drinkers with one stroke! And you said you are not an expert!"

At this time, the poppy came out from the shower. Her hair was wet and spread behind her ears. Her face was red and tender, like a freshly peeled lychee.

Yao Jingjing took a towel and wiped her hair. While wiping it, she said, "Remember to dry your hair after taking a shower, otherwise you will catch a cold." After that, she put the towel on and took a hair dryer to help her blow it.

After blow-drying her hair, Yao Jingjing sprayed a little bit of the hotel's perfume on the beauty, smelled it and said, "Well, it smells good. She's so beautiful!"

Poppy said: "Thank you, ma'am!"

Yao Jingjing looked at Qingmu and asked: "How are you doing for dinner? You haven't arranged it yet, okay? How about I arrange it?"

Aoki said: "That means I'm going to trouble you again!"

"It's okay. I was going to invite you at noon, but your friend invited you instead. I still owe you a meal!" Yao Jingjing said, "You guys go down first and wait for me in the lobby. I'll go back to the room to get my bag. "

After Yao Jingjing went out, Qingmu asked Poppy to change her shoes, and then took her hand and went downstairs.

Poppy asked Qingmu: "This maid is so beautiful, what does she do?"

Aoki said: "She is a stewardess."

Poppy asked: "What is a stewardess?"

Aoki said: "It's the young lady who works on the plane."

"Wow, that's amazing!" Poppy looked up, as if there was an airplane flying over the ceiling of the hotel lobby, with an envious look on her face.

After Yao Jingjing came down, she used her mobile phone to call a car. The three of them took a taxi to a hotel next to Green Lake.

This store looks much more upscale than the one at noon, and the dishes are more varied. The poppy was dazzled. After watching it for a while, she pulled Qingmu and Yao Jingjing to come out, saying that it was too expensive and they couldn't eat here.

Yao Jingjing was still trying to persuade Poppy, saying that you don't have to worry about expensive treats, but Poppy suddenly started crying. Yao Jingjing was startled and asked her why she was crying. Poppy wiped her tears and said, "I miss my mother. She has never eaten such good food!"

Yao Jingjing looked at Aoki as if asking for help. Aoki picked up the poppy and said, "Then let's go eat cheap food. Mom will be very happy to know that the beauty is so sensible."

The three of them first strolled around the night market by the lake. The night market was full of dazzling things, and everything was available. The poppy looked at this and touched that. Before the tears in her eyes dried, a smile appeared on her lips. Yao Jingjing spent money to buy her some gadgets, which made her very happy.

Seeing that the beauty had calmed down, they found a relatively cheap hotel, but not much cheaper. When ordering, Poppy didn't resist as much as before. She sat quietly on the table, nodding or shaking her head only when asked whether she liked it or not.

During the meal, Qingmu roughly told Yao Jingjing about Poppy's life experience. If it wasn't in front of the beauty, Yao Jingjing almost shed tears.

After dinner, when we came out of the hotel, the lights were already on by the green lake. The hustle and bustle of the day had receded, and the footsteps of pedestrians became leisurely. The lights are reflected on the lake shore, showing a bit of tranquility amidst the bustling scene.

The three of them were walking aimlessly on the shore of the lake, not talking much.

Poppy looked at the beautiful scenery of the lake and was mesmerized. When she got tired from walking, Poppy asked Qingmu to hold her, just like she did when she was cutting poppies that day.

Yao Jingjing's face was filled with a satisfied smile. In the dim moonlight, her figure, against the lake light, was as graceful as the green willow branches swaying in the breeze by the lake.

Poppy suddenly lay down in Qingmu's ear and whispered: "Qingmu, this maid likes you."

Aoki said "Ah" and said, "What?"

The poppy giggled.

Yao Jingjing asked curiously what they were laughing at. They both said at the same time: "Oh, nothing, nothing!"

Yao Jingjing clenched her fists as if to hit them: "Ha, you two are bullying me!"

The two of them said at the same time: "How dare you!" and then they laughed together.

The poppy laughed so hard on Aoki's shoulder.

Yao Jingjing knew that they must be talking about her, but there was nothing she could do about it. She was so angry that she pretended to ignore them and said, "I don't know how to know!" But in her heart, she was always thinking about what they said.

After coming out of Green Lake and arriving at the commercial street, Yao Jingjing looked at Poppy's clothes and complained: "It's true that you grown men only know how to bring the beauty out of the mountains without buying her some decent clothes! "

As she said this, she took the beauty into the mall and picked out a lot of clothes for her.

While changing clothes in the dressing room, Yao Jingjing secretly asked the beauty: "What bad things were you two saying about me just now?"

The beauty blinked and said, "Honey, do you really want to know?"

Yao Jingjing nodded: "Of course I do! If you don't tell me, I'll be angry!"

Poppy said: "Okay, okay." She whispered in Yao Jingjing's ear, "I told Qingmu Yeye that you like him."

Yao Jingjing shouted "Ah" and her face suddenly turned red. Aoki outside thought something had happened inside, so he knocked on the door and asked them what was wrong. Yao Jingjing and Poppy Yu said in unison: "It's okay, it's okay." After saying that, they both laughed.

"Then how did you answer Qingmu Yeye?" Yao Jingjing touched her hot face and pretended to be casual.

"He..." Poppy murmured like a little adult, making Yao Jingjing nervous for no reason, "He didn't say anything, he would just giggle!"

Yao Jingjing chuckled: "You Qingmu are just like a piece of wood!"

Thanks to Beyond Willow and Nangong Tu for the reward

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