Dream Guide

Chapter 157 Death Torment

The woman's belly bulged as she spoke, the two bloody bruises on her chest turned into two eyes, her belly button opened wide and turned into a mouth, and the sound coming from her abdomen sounded like a gurgling sound. of.

Ma Fuqing knew that was his wife, and he wanted to tell her not to come over, but he was speechless and couldn't make any move. Then he remembered that he was dead and lying upright on the ground. Next to him was his younger brother, still looking at him and laughing.

The woman raised her hand, reached into her neck, dug inside, and pulled out a bloody saw with a lot of scraps of meat on the saw teeth. Her blood-red eyes were bulging, and the mouth on her white belly was still saying:

"Give me my head back——"

Ma Fuqing watched as the headless woman squatted down and cut off his head with a saw. The sharp sawtooth scratched the skin of his neck, and blood seeped out immediately.

He was dead, but he could still feel the heartbreaking pain. He recalled that when he cut off the head of his wife's body with his own hands, could she still feel such pain?

The saw made a creaking sound, and blood spurted out, making a large puddle on the ground. Ma Fuquan was laughing beside him. When he saw the saw cut to the bottom and the head fell off, he clapped his hands and shouted.

Ma Fuqing was sure that he was dead, so dead that he even lost his head, but he could still feel the cool breeze blowing from his neck into his internal organs.

The woman carried his head and left, while Ma Fuquan picked up his body and ran in the other direction.

"Hey, where are you going? You can't separate me!" Ma Fuqing shouted, but he was actually dead and didn't shout anything.

Ma Fuquan ran to an abandoned fish pond and threw Ma Fuqing's body into the pond covered with water plants. The woman came to a big locust tree, dug a hole and buried his head in it.

Ma Fuqing waited for a long time, as if it was a century. He could feel that his mouth and nose were filled with dirt, and an earthworm crawled past his cheek, got into his nose, and then got out of his ear. While his brain was infested with maggots, his body was also swelling and rotting among the water plants in the distance.

Ma Fuquan and the headless woman have disappeared, and they don’t know where they went.

The decomposed headless corpse slowly climbed out of the pond, dug its fingers into the soil, and crawled towards the head bit by bit. I don’t know how long it took, maybe longer than a century. He climbed to the edge of the old locust tree, dug up the soil with his hands, dug out the rotten head, and put it on his neck.

Maggots and centipedes were crawling on his face, but he couldn't care less.

He took a deep breath.


The fresh air tastes so good!

It’s great to be alive!

However, just when he thought he had regained his life and was so happy about it, when he was breathing greedily, a tall and thin man suddenly walked up to him.

The man's cheekbones were protruding, there was almost no flesh on his cheeks, and his eye sockets were sunken into black eye circles. From a distance, he looked like a ghost.

"Yang Baoguo!" Ma Fuqing recognized him at a glance.

Yang Baoguo didn't speak, his face was as gloomy as the sky before the rain. He held a basin in his hand, which was filled with water.

Ma Fuqing had a premonition that something bad was about to happen. When he was about to run away, four strong men in detention center uniforms appeared out of nowhere and pushed him to the ground.

Yang Baoguo put the washbasin on the floor, took out a pack of napkins, took out a few napkins, and covered Ma Fuqing's face. Then I dipped some water into the basin with my hand and sprinkled it on the paper towel.

Ma Fuqing immediately felt a little difficult to breathe. He had just struggled to crawl back out of death and was greedily breathing the fresh air of life, and suddenly he was back on the verge of death.

His body was held down tightly by four strong men and he could not move at all. He could only blow hard in an attempt to blow the tissue off his face, but the tissue soaked in water stuck to his face like a magnet. As soon as it was blown away, only a little air leaked in. Immediately covered it up tightly.

"Please, let me go!" Ma Fuqing shouted through the tissue.

He didn't want to die again. The feeling of death was too painful, not only because of the tragic way of death, but also because he had to watch himself die every time. The combination of dying fear, helplessness, despair and death pain is really unbearable.

"Let you go?" Yang Baoguo sneered, "Did you let me go before?"

Ma Fuqing said: "I will give you whatever you want. Please, let me go!"

Yang Baoguo said: "Can anything be done?"

Ma Fuqing said: "All my money, goods, and channels belong to you! Oh yes, you like women. I have kept many mistresses. I have a lover in Chuncheng who is an Internet celebrity anchor. I also have mistresses in Shenzhou and Yangcheng. A few college students. If you like, I’ll give them to you!”

Yang Baoguo smiled and asked, "Are you willing?"

Ma Fuqing nodded desperately.

Yang Baoguo took off the tissue from Ma Fuqing's face, took out his mobile phone and turned on the recording, saying: "Then tell me everything about you, including your boss, your boss, your customers, women, and who is hiding the goods." The location, the place of transaction, tell them all.”

"Yes, yes..." Ma Fuqing began to explain his affairs bit by bit, as if he was reciting a manuscript, and memories of the crime continued to emerge in his brain.

"I told you, please let me go." Ma Fuqing said after explaining everything he could remember.

A ferocious smile appeared on Yang Baoguo's face: "Let you go? Unless you let me live!"

He slowly added tissues to Ma Fuqing's face, sprinkling a little water on each one. After adding four layers, Ma Fuqing couldn't breathe any air at all.

"Hmm... hmm..." Ma Fu's eyes widened in horror, and his body kept shaking. Because his lungs were inhaling too hard, the white tissue was sucked into his mouth and nose, and it was clearly visible on his face. The shape of his face was printed out, like a plaster statue.

Ma Fuqing once again watched himself die. The feeling of being suffocated by a wet tissue was ten thousand times more painful than being strangled to death by his brother.

He just lay there upright. The stars in the sky were densely packed, like countless eyes looking at him. He didn't know where he was, but he could see both the sky and his dead self.

You're going to die this time!

At this time, he wished he could go to hell quickly. However, what he was waiting for was not the underworld kid who led him on the road, but the sound of tapping footsteps.

"Congratulations, you made it through." Aoki lazily walked up to him, put his hands in his trouser pockets, bent down and looked at Ma Fuqing lying on the ground and said, "Then let's discuss how you should die now. ."

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