Dream Guide

Chapter 172 The seriousness of the situation

"Less than a hundred." Mei Yiqiu was a little frustrated when he talked about this. "Lester's signature is too difficult. In addition to having high requirements for mathematics and logic, you also have to learn deep self-hypnosis. The most important thing is, The Leicester signature itself is the most difficult code to decipher in the world, and the decryptor must be familiar with the signer’s past thinking characteristics in order to find the coordinates of consciousness.”

"People who engage in science may not necessarily learn how to hypnotize, and those who know how to hypnotize may be math idiots. It's hard to find a group of people who have mastered Leicester's signature, but there may not necessarily be the right people to decipher it."

Mei Yiqiu sighed, poured out the cigarette residue from the extinguished pipe, refilled the pipe with tobacco, lit it with a match, and smoked loudly.

"There are seven billion people in the world, and we have no way of knowing how many people have been invaded. We can only determine how many people are normal in a small area. The tragedy is that we, a small group of people who call themselves scientists, have no ability to change this Phenomenon."

"So, what about the government? Will the United Nations take care of it?" Mei Ziqing couldn't help but ask.

Mei Yiqiu snorted from her nose: "At the end of the Copenhagen meeting, government representatives from several major countries came, but they didn't believe that this thing was true at all."

Aoki said: "I'm afraid they don't want to believe it! If they believe this, how should those government officials prove their innocence? Do they have to sign Lester's signature starting from the president?"

"That's right!" Mei Yiqiu said, "This is the most tragic part. In the face of this catastrophe, no government can come forward to organize it. Humanity is a mess. The key is that we have no means of resistance."

"Maybe, the situation is not that bad!" Mei Ziqing is a cheerful and optimistic girl. Her beautiful and intellectual smile can often relieve the tension in the boring laboratory. "Since no large-scale invasion has been discovered yet, it means they have some scruples or weaknesses!"

Mei Yiqiu shook his head and sighed: "We know nothing about them."

Aoki said: "Professor, she is right. I think the situation is not out of control yet."

"Oh? What do you think?" Mei Yiqiu asked.

"There were fibrotic lesions in the gray matter layer of Xia Wenyuan's brain. I suspected from the beginning that this was related to the invading shadow in his sleep. When I was in Cuanzhou, I met a patient with similar brain lesions. Although the doctor The diagnosis was complications caused by leukemia, but I am basically certain that she and Xia Wenyuan encountered the same thing."

Then Qingmu gave an overview of Yao Jingjing's mother's situation, and asked Mei Yiqiu to help see if Wu University Affiliated Hospital could arrange hospital beds and operations.

"That's no problem. I'll call Dean Zhou of the medical school right away."

Mei Yiqiu acted vigorously and immediately picked up the phone and called. In Wuzhong, the weight of his words is no less than that of the mayor. As soon as the call was made, the deputy director of the Affiliated Hospital of Wuhan University called and asked for the patient's name and information in detail. He said that the best bed had been reserved and the best expert doctors would be arranged for consultation.

After hanging up the phone, Mei Yiqiu asked Qingmu: "When will you pick up the patient? I have to consult on the brain lesions in person."

Aoki said: "I will arrange it as soon as possible."

Mei Yiqiu thought for a while and said: "Let's do this, let Mr. Xia send someone to pick him up. They rich people can do this kind of thing much faster than you, and a special plane will pick him up. You can contact the Xia family later , it just so happens that I go to see him with you."

"Also, Ziqing," Mei Yiqiu told Mei Ziqing again, "please contact Dr. Smith at Hopkins Medical Center and ask them to send over Mr. Lester's death report and information."

Mei Ziqing said "yes" and immediately contacted Hopkins Medical Center in the United States.

Mei Yiqiu said to Qingmu: "I understand what you mean. All people who have been invaded may have a common characteristic - fibrotic lesions in the cerebral cortex. Therefore, people who do not have this disease are safe, that's it. ?"

Aoki said: "At present, it seems like this."

Mei Yiqiu shook his head: "I'm afraid that's not the case! Although I don't know what the final result of this brain disease will be, but from your description, I can roughly guess that if this disease is allowed to develop, a person's The brain will be scrapped and it is likely to become a vegetative state. If that is the case, what are they doing by invading us? What is the use of occupying a vegetative body? "

Aoki thought for a while and said: "Xia Wenyuan's personal doctor Peter seems to have said that there are no more than ten cases of the same type in the world, and they are all celebrities."

Mei Yiqiu said: "There should be more than ten, but they haven't been discovered yet." He tapped the table with the pipe in his hand, "Mei Ziqing is right, the situation should not be out of control yet. Don't look This race has no memory, but they are very smart and naturally know how to choose the best. Their first targets for invasion are people who can have an important impact on the world - scholars, dignitaries, celebrities and rich people. Well, you see Ste and Xia Wenyuan are very representative figures. As for brain lesions..."

Mei Yiqiu scratched his Einstein-style afro, "It's probably after encountering strong resistance. Maybe they have something like a self-destruct device that will activate under certain circumstances. If If they cannot occupy this body, they will find ways to destroy it."

Aoki said: "This doesn't seem to make sense! Consciousness can block neurotransmission, but it cannot affect the metabolism of human cells, let alone change the physical properties of brain cells. The intruder is a conscious body, how can it cause brain lesions? What about? This is why I have been hesitant to connect the two things."

Mei Yiqiu nodded and said: "You are right. I hope our guess is wrong, otherwise things will be even more difficult!"

Aoki asked in confusion: "Didn't you just say that things haven't gotten out of hand yet?"

"Everything has two sides. You have to think about it this way. Since their targets are still on celebrities, it means that most ordinary people have not been invaded yet." Mei Yiqiu said.

"I agree with this." Aoki can at least conclude that several people around him are in a normal state. If something abnormal happens to them, he will definitely notice it, and the coal boss will also notice it. As for Yao Jingjing's mother, there must be something important hidden in that secret area of ​​her brain. But how do "aliens" know this?

Mei Yiqiu continued: "From another perspective, only a dozen or so people in the world are known to have brain lesions. Does that mean that other celebrities, including those who have mastered most of the technology, power and wealth of human society? Have people, such as the engineers in Silicon Valley, the capital tycoons on Wall Street, as well as the presidents, prime ministers and generals in the army of various countries, been occupied by the invaders?”

Mei Ziqing came back with a report and happened to hear the professor's inference. She was so shocked that she stood there with her mouth open and speechless.

Even Aoki, a lazy man who never took anything to heart, shuddered and said, "It's not that serious, right? Are you okay? If I were an intruder, I would definitely attack people like you first."

"Maybe they think I don't have enough influence. In fact, it's true. Controlling a president or general is much more effective than controlling an old man like me. Moreover, there are currently less than a hundred people who have passed Lester's signature verification. Science The world is also very dangerous, not to mention those stupid politicians and rich people!" Mei Yiqiu sighed and took out an envelope, "The warning Situ gave me was right - I can't trust anyone!"

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