Dream Guide

Chapter 178 God’s Dream

Hu Xing knew that she had entered Xia Wenyuan's dream. The person sitting on the shore fishing was Xia Wenyuan's conscious body, and she couldn't tell whether the reflection in the water was the intruder or a normal shadow.

She knew she couldn't disturb him at this time. Once a dreamer is disturbed by external disturbances, his dream space will collapse like a building block accidentally knocked over by a child.

Hu Xing asked Qingmu what to do next, but when she turned around, she realized that Qingmu was not behind her at all.

This moment frightened Hu Xing, just like a child walking on the street who suddenly realizes that his parents are missing.

She wanted to walk back along the original path, but she couldn't find the door that connected the two times and spaces. At this time, he couldn't disturb Xia Wenyuan, and he had nowhere to go. A feeling more terrifying than being unable to wake up from his own lucid dream came over him.

She didn't dare to take one more step forward, otherwise she would disturb Xia Wenyuan. When she wanted to retreat, she found that there was no road behind her. No matter how she turned around, her field of vision was the same. The blue reservoir and Xia Wenyuan were always in front of her, and even if she walked backwards, the distance between her eyes would not be the same. Changes will occur.

Hu Xing just stood here quietly, actually not knowing where she was standing, as if she was on the edge of Xia Wenyuan's dream.

I don’t know how long it took, but a dark shadow passed over the top of the mountain in the distance. A flying bird flew towards this side quickly. When it flew to the lake, Hu Xing saw clearly that it was a crow and not a water bird.

Hu Xing laughed as if she were seeing a relative who had been separated for many years. The snarky, greedy crow, which often grabbed her handle and slaughtered her mercilessly, looked so kind at the moment.

The crow flew close to the water, circled around Xia Wenyuan's head, and croaked several times. The reflection in the water seemed to sense danger and suddenly dived into the deep water. However, the water in the library is so clear that you can see it to the bottom, leaving no room for hiding. Hu Xing could clearly see Xia Wenyuan's shadow swimming away along the pebbles at the bottom of the reservoir. But its feet were still at the same position where Xia Wenyuan was fishing, so the shadow on the bottom of the water was stretched longer and longer.

The crow croaked, soared into the sky, then turned around, plunged into the water, and followed the shadow's head forward quickly. Seen from the water, it looks like the reflection of a black plane gliding in the sky, and the elongated shadow just becomes the plane's wake.

The shadow seemed to have no strength. The longer it stretched and the further away from Xia Wenyuan's conscious body, the slower it swam. The crow was not in a hurry to catch it and followed it leisurely. When he swam to the other side, Shadow held his hands on the rocks on the lake shore, his head above the water, and he seemed to be breathing.

At this time, the crow squawked and pounced forward, grabbed the shadow's shoulders with its claws, flew across the water, hovered for a while, and then flew into the sky.

The crow flew higher and higher until only a small black dot remained. The shadow stretched longer and longer like a black lasagna, and as the height increased, the shadow became lighter and lighter. From a black shadow, it slowly turned into a mist, like farm smoke. Until finally, it was blown away by the wind like smoke, and disappeared into the world in front of Hu Xing's eyes together with the crow.

"Finally wiped out!" Wu Xing said to herself, as if she had just watched a thrilling movie and was still waiting for the easter egg.

"Not yet. It is accompanied by your grandpa's consciousness. I haven't found a way to completely eliminate it without hurting your grandpa." Aoki suddenly appeared in front of it.

"You're finally here." Hu Xing let out a sigh of relief, "I thought you left me here and had to wait for my grandpa's dream to collapse before I could get out!"

Aoki smiled and said: "You are still too nervous. If you can find the way you came, you can find the way back."

"Then I want to feel my own brain waves?" Hu Xing asked.

"From a scientific point of view, talking about brain waves is not comprehensive. It's just that we can't find a better way to understand it." At some point, Professor Mei suddenly appeared. He looks a little weird, totally Einstein-like. This is probably his subconscious impression or ideal of himself.

"This dream is really good. This is the first time I have been in someone else's dream." Mei Yiqiu looked around and then said to Hu Xing, "You are already very good. You can find the path to another dream by yourself." There is a passage, but I can only let Aoki take me in."

Aoki said: "Professor's deep self-hypnosis is not something ordinary people can do, it just takes a different route. In terms of mental strength alone, you are already very strong, much better than some people who have been studying for a long time and still can't figure it out. ”

Hu Xing said: "How can I compare with the professor! But the professor is so good, why don't you learn lucid dreaming and dreaming?"

Mei Yiqiu shook his head and said: "I don't want to waste time dreaming. I learned self-hypnosis to improve my depth of thinking about problems, and to be able to more calmly cope with the difficulties of not resting for days and nights in the laboratory. However, Today’s experience is very helpful for me to better understand human consciousness.”

"Professor, you just said that brain waves are inaccurate, so what exactly are they? How should I find the way back?" Hu Xing asked.

Mei Yiqiu said: "When a person is dreaming, the subconscious mind needs to access a large amount of brain memory to construct the dream space. At this time, the various memory areas of the cerebral cortex are very active, and the brain waves are also very active. But I think the brain waves are just Signal, it will not form a passage that you can walk through. This passage should be caused by the unstable fluctuations in space when constructing a dream."

"The space in dreams is more like a temporary space opened up in our three-dimensional world. It should be changed at a singularity, like a miniature Big Bang. It's just that the level is too small and we can't perceive it. The energy fluctuations caused by the explosion will form many small wormholes. Such wormholes are too small to have any impact on the real material world, but they can allow consciousness to pass through, and the energy required for consciousness to pass through comes from the human body's spirit. Power, or energy of consciousness.”

"From a certain point of view, if anyone can stabilize his dream, it is an expanding universe, and his own subconscious is the master of this universe." Mei Yiqiu thought for a while and said, "I think in different In the dimension of space, there must be the birth and annihilation of space all the time. In fact, it is the birth and annihilation of universes. Our universe is one of them."

Hu Xing had just read a few books about the universe, relativity and quantum mechanics. She seemed to understand some of them and asked, "Professor, are you saying that this world is actually someone's dream?"

"It can be understood this way." Mei Yiqiu said, "If God exists, aren't we in the dream created by Him?"

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