Dream Guide

Chapter 204 Tracking

Huang Ziqiang knew that Hou Biao was powerful, but he didn't expect him to be so powerful.

He led people to follow him all the way out of Wuzhong, and when they arrived at the handover zone between Wu and Yue, they finally intercepted Jiang Deguan's path. He originally wanted to use locust tactics and take advantage of the large number of people to take down Jiang Deguan in one go. However, as soon as they met, before he even got close to the opponent, he lost three of his brothers, who were relatively capable.

"Damn it! Why would such a powerful person work for someone named Jiang?" Huang Ziqiang cursed angrily.

He decided not to confront Hou Biao head-on, and ordered his men to follow up carefully. When the enemy retreats, we will pursue him, when the enemy is tired, we will attack, and when the enemy is stationed, we will harass him. Once the enemy counterattacks, we will immediately run away.

As a result, locust tactics turned into sparrow warfare.

Huang Ziqiang is a veteran, and he knows that once he loses all his capital, no matter how great his achievements are, he will still be slaughtered by others. Jiang Deguan was just too stupid. He made a desperate move for revenge. Once he failed, he would never have a chance to stand up again. In fact, in his opinion, there are a thousand ways to kill Aoki, and there is always one that will work. It is better to hide in the dark and attack secretly than to openly declare war on the opponent.

What's more, there is the Xia family behind Qingmu, and now there is the Wolf family. Even if Jiang Deguan succeeds, it will take half a ton of paper to wipe his ass, which is simply stupid.

After this day, Huang Ziqiang thought he knew something about Qingmu. This young man is so lazy that he doesn't care about anything. If you target him alone, he may not care about any tricks you use. If he touches you, he may give you a beating or kill you with one finger. But if you run fast, , and he doesn’t bother to come to you.

But Jiang Deguan shouldn't touch the bar owner's wife, Huang Ziqiang saw it, she was Qingmu's inverse scale!

Jiang got the money because he caught this man-in-law with evil intentions, and ended up dying like that - it was the most tragic and humiliating death that Huang Ziqiang had ever seen in his life.

Huang Ziqiang was already very sure that Jiang Deguan would not survive.

Anyone who touches that guy's reverse scale will die badly!

When Huang Ziqiang thought of this, he broke into a cold sweat unconsciously. Fortunately, he was not led into the ditch by Jiang Deqian!

They followed Hou Biao's car from a distance.

Huang Ziqiang was very smart and used his mobile phone to call the police, saying that there were drugs hidden in the car. Hou Biao's car was soon stopped at the highway toll station, and then there was the expected racing scene of the police catching the thief.

Of course there were no drugs in Hou Biao's car, but there must be firearms and other prohibited items hidden there. There was no way he would be stopped by the police and he would definitely drive away. With the police chasing him, Hou Biao didn't even have time to refuel and eat.

Hou Biao was very tired. If he were alone, he would have disappeared long ago. It is impossible for Huang Ziqiang and others to catch up with him, and even if they want to kill them, it will only take a matter of minutes. But he took Jiang Deguan with him, and Huang Ziqiang and the police were chasing him. He had no choice but to abandon the car and escape at the junction of Wuyue and hide from the police first.

He briefly disposed of the things in the car, then drove the car into a large lake, and hid in the mountains with Jiang Deguan.

Jiang Deguan couldn't run anymore, so he said, "Monkey, leave me alone and go by yourself. There is a box of U.S. dollars in the cellar of my old house in the country. You can take as much as you can."

Hou Biao said: "We are already here, how could I leave you again?"

Jiang Deguan said: "You can't escape with me."

Hou Biao couldn't help but carry Jiang Deguan on his shoulders.

Jiang Deguan weighed less than 150 kilograms, and with the firearms on his body, Hou Biao carried more than 200 kilograms, but he didn't seem too slow walking on the mountain road.

After climbing over a remote hill, some low houses appeared in the distance. Some of them still had lights on, making them look like a village.

Hou Biao was afraid that the road outside the mountain was unsafe, so he put Jiang Deguan down and asked him to hide in a shelter on the mountain. He went down the mountain to find food for him and see if he could get a car.

Jiang Deguan was hiding there, feeling extremely depressed. He has assets worth hundreds of millions in Shenzhou. Of course, he can't compare with the Xia family, but he is still a rich man that everyone envies. Who would have thought that if something happened, it would run away like a weasel!

Occasionally, he would feel that it was not worth it to fight for his unfulfilled brother, but his mother's face before her death always appeared in front of his eyes, and the words "take good care of your brother" always echoed in his ears.

He often thought, what would have happened if there hadn't been that flood?

He should be admitted to college, find a job safely after graduation, work as a white-collar worker in the city, marry a wife, and have two or three fat boys according to the current population policy. As for his unsatisfactory younger brother, there is no one who makes a lot of money. In bad times, he can at most be a small gangster in his hometown. Maybe he can't even be a gangster, just farming and raising silkworms in the countryside.

Sometimes bad people are also raised by money!

The younger brother's arrogance and lewdness are, to a certain extent, the result of his elder brother's pampering. This is one of the reasons why he must avenge his brother. He feels that he is partly responsible for his brother's death.

When he saw Jiang Deqian's dead state, Jiang Deguan knew that he had offended an expert. But at that time, he didn't know that this man was so powerful that he could actually make Li Wei of the Xia family take action himself. As for the Hong family in North America, he didn't even dare to think about it.

If he knew that his younger brother would get into trouble with such a person, he would risk being scolded by his mother after his death and break Jiang Deqian's legs to save his life.

But everything is in the past and can never happen again.

It was extremely dark in the mountains, and the cries of night owls sounded eerie.

There were rustling footsteps, whether they were from humans or animals. Jiang Deguan nestled in the cracks of the rocks, not daring to take a breath.

Two or three people passed by, muttering something like be careful not to be discovered by Hou Biao.

Then another group of people came up, stopped where Jiang Deguan was hiding, and began to smoke and rest.

He heard Huang Ziqiang's voice: "Don't follow too closely, that guy has an idea!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the sound of a gunshot startled everyone, and the animals were awakened and ran around in the forest.

Huang Ziqiang shouted: "Disperse!"

The figures in the darkness dispersed into the woods and disappeared in an instant.

There were several more gunshots, and Jiang Deguan heard someone grunting, and then heard Huang Ziqiang shouting: "Retreat!" Then the rustling and chaotic footsteps sounded, and those people should have retreated far away.

Hou Biao came to Jiang Deguan and said to him: "I found a car, let's go quickly!"

He helped Jiang Deguan up and walked down the path down the mountain. Gunfire soon came from behind, and bullets hit the tree trunk next to them.

Jiang Deguan suddenly felt numbness in his left leg, and Ku Tong fell to his knees on the ground, followed by unbearable pain.

"I got shot," he said.

Hou Biao knelt down, carried Jiang Deguan on his back, and said, "Be patient, we'll bandage him when we get to the car."

They entered the woods, groping in and out of the darkness, looking back from time to time to fire. The people behind were obviously afraid of Hou Biao's shooting skills and did not catch up closely. It is indeed difficult to walk on mountain roads in the dark, and only people like Hou Biao who have fought in the jungle can adapt.

Jiang Deguan knew that he had dragged down Hou Biao. Without him, with Hou Biao's skills, no one would be able to catch him unless a large force was dispatched.

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