Dream Guide

Chapter 212 This Situ Hu

"That's ridiculous! This is simply..."

Mei Ziqing felt that today's conversation was more like a second-rate screenwriter discussing the original setting of a science fiction script, and should not take place in a high-level science laboratory.

"You said that the ghosts wandering the universe chose cats as their hosts, and Toxoplasma gondii is also a parasite that uses cats as its final host. Do you want to say that Toxoplasma gondii is a parasitic consciousness? According to Rice According to Mr. Te's inference, parasitic consciousness has no body and does not depend on material existence."

Situ Yuli said: "Mr. Lester is right. This kind of intrusive consciousness can exist temporarily without matter, but Mr. Lester also said that they are not immortal, but have their own special way of reproduction. .”

"It is the nature of all life to reproduce and strengthen one's own race. Since they have chosen material life as their host, it means that they cannot do without material, at least their method of reproduction cannot do without material."

"Toxoplasma gondii is likely to be a way for parasitic consciousness to reproduce. They split off the original consciousness and enter the body of Toxoplasma gondii. After using Toxoplasma gondii to find the next host, they release the original consciousness, which will accompany the host's original consciousness in the host's body. We can also Think of Toxoplasma gondii as a spore or sperm, lurking in the body of humans and animals waiting for an opportunity to be activated."

Mei Ziqing puzzled: "This hypothesis is reasonable, but what does it have to do with gray brain virus? There is still a contradiction between the damage of gray brain virus to the brain and their parasitic goal!"

Situ Yuli said: "In the information the professor gave me, several medical cases showed that the brain began to become diseased after a fierce confrontation between the native consciousness and the invading consciousness. We can think of it this way, in the process of reproduction and survival of any species, All have self-protection mechanisms, and many species even have self-destruction mechanisms. The parasitic consciousness is likely to activate this mechanism when the invasion encounters strong resistance, and the gray brain virus is released by Toxoplasma gondii, their spore consciousness, to destroy The brain of the resister.”

Mei Ziqing said: "This requires a premise - the virus must have existed in Toxoplasma gondii for a long time before it can be controlled and released at the right time. However, the academic community has been studying Toxoplasma gondii for many years, so it is impossible that it has not been discovered. ?”

Situ Yuli shook his head and said: "The gray brain virus is less than ten nanometers, which is too small! And it cannot be proven that it is a virus yet. Maybe it is the same as biological enzymes, produced by the direct metamorphosis of Toxoplasma gondii? Of course, I There is no experimental data to support it, so what I have said so far is all speculation. The actual situation can only be determined by Professor Mei and Ms. Mei Ziqing’s painstaking research.”

Mei Ziqing stopped talking. After all, she was just the professor's assistant. Normally, she would not express her opinion in public or in front of important guests without the professor's permission. But today, because Situ Yuli looked like a young woman similar to her, she added She said a few more words about the absurdity of this topic. But she understands that enough is enough and must listen to the professor's advice on everything.

Mei Yiqiu stood up, walked slowly to the window, and kept smoking from his pipe. Fortunately, the laboratory was equipped with a first-class purification system, otherwise the room would have been too smokey to stay in.

Situ Yuli smiled and looked at Mei Yiqiu's back quietly.

Little Meimei has been sitting obediently on the chair, looking very well-educated. Perhaps she was a little unaccustomed to the sudden silence, so she began to blink and look at the adults curiously.

After a long time, the professor turned around. The pipe in his hand had been extinguished and he was still smoking. Mei Ziqing went over to take his pipe and help him fill it with tobacco.

The professor took advantage of Mei Ziqing to smoke and came over and said: "Ms. Situ, what you said today can be described as shocking, whether it is the Internet having autonomous consciousness, Toxoplasma gondii releasing gray brain virus, or spores The reproduction methods of consciousness are very instructive to the dilemma we are facing now and are worthy of in-depth study.”

Situ Yuli said: "Professor, you have praised me. I am just giving you some ideas. The road ahead will be more difficult."

The professor pointed at the USB flash drive and said, "Actually, I don't quite understand why Ms. Situ gave me such an important thing, and the ideas you just had, any one of them can cause shock in the academic world."

Situ Yuli smiled and said: "Those are not all my results, and I came to see Professor Mei in compliance with my husband's wishes."

"What does your husband mean?"

"Yes." Situ Yuli said, "Except for the information in the USB flash drive in your hand, everything I just mentioned is the result of my husband. In fact, our earliest idea was to hand it over to Mr. Lester. But firstly, Mr. Lester is too old, and secondly, he has been targeted by the intruders. My husband once tried to save him, but he was also in crisis, so he told me to come to China to find Professor Mei."

"Did you know these things earlier than Mr. Leicester?" Mei Yiqiu asked in surprise.

Situ Yuli said: "We discovered a medical case similar to Mr. Lester's earlier, but it was not as accurate as what Mr. Lester saw. At that time, my husband guessed the wrong direction and once compared it with some confidential experiments during World War II. Connect. Mr. Lester spent his life helping us correct the direction. He is the greatest scientist today!"

Thinking of Lester, Mei Yiqiu felt a little sad. A great scientist who is most likely to complete a unified field theory, as long as he is given a few more years, he can become the greatest figure in the history of science together with Newton and Einstein. Unfortunately, his consciousness was invaded, and he died with the enemy for the sake of the fate of mankind.

Situ Yuli added: "Please forgive me for not coming to see you as soon as possible, but delaying it until today because I have to confirm that you are safe."

Mei Ziqing filled the cigarette, handed the pipe to the professor, and helped him light it.

The professor took a sip, nodded and said, "You are right. We must be careful now, and all plans must not go wrong." He then asked, "With all due respect, can I meet your husband?"

Situ Yuli said: "Sorry, I haven't seen him for half a year."

"Oh..." Mei Yiqiu "Then let me ask again, who is your husband?"

"Situ Xingzhi."

There was a brief silence in the room. Little Meimei's big eyes moved around, looking at the adults curiously. After watching for a while, she suddenly asked: "Dad is missing. Can you find my dad?"

"Meimei!" Situ Yuli shouted softly, "Don't talk nonsense."

The little girl lowered her head a little aggrievedly, with a piece of crystal hanging on her long eyelashes.

Mei Ziqing wanted to say that she had seen Situ in Copenhagen, but she was not sure whether this Situ was the other Situ.

At this moment, Aoki, who had been silent for a long time, suddenly spoke: "Miss Xia, can you take a step to speak?"

Congratulations on the birth of the first leader of this book, and thank you Hengfeng book friend for your kindness and reward, but my update is a bit embarrassing. The way this book is written is destined to be slow for me to write. In addition, I am slow at coding. The book's grades are not good and it is impossible to write full-time. As a result, I am still busy with two updates a day. I can only add chapters first, but I will definitely I will return it, please continue to support me

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