Dream Guide

Chapter 228 The non-uniqueness of existence

Mei Yiqiu is worried about the cat killing order.

Before that, their plan had gone smoothly, even too smoothly, so much so that he once suspected that Lester's guess was wrong. There were no aliens at all, otherwise the invaders would have taken action to deal with them long ago. .

He imagined that the method the other party would inevitably adopt was to use the power of the people who had successfully invaded to put pressure on the Third Space Foundation through the government or other forces, causing the foundation to split or even disband. This was something he and several major members had already done. Prepare for the worst. But in this way, the intruders will inevitably expose some of their people and strength. It is better for them to come to the forefront than to hide in the dark like shadows.

Of course, the invaders may take more extreme measures, such as assassination. Mei Yiqiu has already written his last words signed by Leicester, in case something unexpected happens to him, like Leicester, he can issue another public warning to mankind.

But none of these things happened. Instead, the frequent revelations and cat-killing orders on the Internet were completely beyond his expectation and disrupted the rhythm of the Third Space Foundation.

In addition to the ongoing Space Box and Dream Guide games, their current research focus originally has three directions: one is the development of gray brain virus vaccine, the second is in-depth research on the origin of Toxoplasma gondii, and the third is human consciousness. and the identification of parasitic consciousness.

Of these three directions, the third one is the most difficult. At present, apart from knowing that alien consciousness can induce the brain to emit the unusual radio waves that make Toxoplasma gondii dance its death dance, there is no other discovery. It is highly likely that we will have to wait until the space box is developed. There will be a breakthrough only after success; the first direction is also difficult because there are too few virus samples and cases, and the development of virus vaccines itself is a long process; only the second direction, because of the ubiquity of Toxoplasma gondii, plus With a hundred years of research foundation, it seems to have the best chance of success.

But once the cat killing order was issued, it became very difficult to find a cat in the city, let alone conduct observations and experiments in its natural state. Although there are a large number of Toxoplasma gondii in other animals and humans, even more than in cats, cats are the final host of Toxoplasma gondii. Without cats, the most important link is missing.

Mei Ziqing, wearing white work clothes and gloves, walked into the office with a black and white tabby cat in her arms: "Professor, do you really want to keep it here?"

Mei Yiqiu put the pipe in his mouth, reached out to take the cat, put it on his lap and said, "Why not? There are not many cats on the street now."

"But aren't you worried about infection?" Mei Ziqing said worriedly.

Mei Yiqiu laughed loudly and said: "I wasn't worried before, why should I be worried now?" Suddenly his face straightened and he said seriously, "People are panicking because of ignorance. You are a scientific worker, how can you have such thoughts? Cats are the final host, and Toxoplasma gondii will not jump from the final host to humans for no reason. The danger of cats is that their feces contain a large number of oocysts. As long as they are disposed of in time, you will not lick the cat’s butt if you have a cat. Will it be so easy to get infected?”

"But dogs are different. Dogs like to eat feces, and they may lick the cat's butt, and then lick you again, which is very likely to bring the eggs to you. Therefore, the chance of Toxoplasma infection in dogs is higher than in cats. .”

"Of course, the main way for humans to be infected with Toxoplasma gondii is neither cats nor dogs, but eating raw meat. There are many intermediate hosts of Toxoplasma gondii, including cattle, sheep, chickens, ducks, and dogs. People eat uncooked beef, mutton, and poultry eggs. Or unqualified fresh milk, you may be infected. Westerners like to eat fresh food, and we have loved cooked food since ancient times. This is why the Toxoplasma infection in our country is much lower than that in Western countries. In the census in the early 1990s, Toxoplasma gondii in China The infection rate is only 15%. Nearly thirty years have passed. Many people’s living habits have become Westernized, and the situation is not optimistic. You have seen the sample survey data a while ago. At least in cities, the infection rate among residents has More than 40 percent.”

Mei Ziqing smiled and said: "Professor, I know all this. Aren't I worried about you?"

The cat was lying on Mei Yiqiu's lap, moving vigilantly and uneasily, with a hint of panic in its eyes.

"You see, it is very scared." Mei Yiqiu gently stroked the fur on the cat's back. The cat arched its back and meowed twice. "It can sense that its own species is in crisis."

Mei Ziqing wondered: "Can it still know what's going on outside?"

Mei Yiqiu said: "Any species can feel a racial crisis, of course, it must be when the crisis occurs. You lock yourself in a room and you won't feel anything wrong, but if people outside are watching at this time, You will definitely feel the crisis when you suffer a massacre or have zombies everywhere like in the movies. If the number of humans continues to decrease and drops below a certain value, such as 10,000, then even if you don’t hear the news or see the death, you You will also feel the loneliness caused by the sparse population. This loneliness is not your personal loneliness, but the loneliness of the race. You must have heard a very famous saying - there are no two identical leaves in the world."

"I've heard of Leibniz's famous saying," Mei Ziqing said.

"But you probably haven't heard the other one."


"There are no two identical leaves in the world, nor is there a unique leaf."

"What... does this mean?" Mei Ziqing was confused.

Mei Yiqiu smiled and said: "This is a metaphor that Professor Frank made when describing the quantum state, but later many people in the biology and physics circles extended their interpretation of this sentence, and then deduced a very important theory - —The non-uniqueness of the universe.”

"The non-uniqueness of the universe?" Mei Ziqing asked curiously, "Why haven't I heard of this theory?"

Mei Yiqiu smiled and said: "Because this is strictly a philosophical point of view, not a scientific theory. What it means is that in this universe, nothing exists alone and uniquely. There must be something of the same kind that exists at the same time as it." Things. There can't be only one leaf, there can't be only one tree, there can't be only one person, and even the universe is not unique. Scientifically speaking, we have not yet discovered two exactly the same things, even in the microscopic world , two identical atoms also have different electron trajectories. Likewise, we have not discovered a unique thing that exists."

Mei Ziqing nodded and said, "I understand. This means that aliens must exist. There cannot be life in only one place in the universe, the earth."

Mei Yiqiu smiled and said: "You are right, but that's not what I want to say. What I want to say is, if all the humans in the world die and you are the only one left, you will definitely die. Theoretically, you should die at the same time when the last person besides you dies."

Mei Ziqing said in confusion: "This... is a bit incredible."

"You should be able to understand now why there is such a thing as a sense of racial crisis, right?" Mei Yiqiu picked up the cat on his lap and handed it to Mei Ziqing, "Discuss it with Qingmu and see if we can find a place to raise more cats. A little cat.”

The cat struggled in Mei Ziqing's hand for a while, but Mei Ziqing seemed to understand the little guy's anxiety and uneasiness.

Thanks to Nanako Oshimizu for the 100,000 reward, she became the second leader of this book. However, the previous debt has not been repaid, and new debts have been added. I am extremely frightened, so I can only work hard to code, but my writing power is limited. Although I know the old horse and the old chariot, I don't dare to rush on the road, I don't know when I can make up for the missed watch

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