Dream Guide

Chapter 233 Looking for food on a rainy night

The moment the lightning flashed, raindrops fell, splashing dust all over the ground. The electric light illuminated the night travelers brightly, and then sank into even darker darkness. The dull thunder roared, rumbling like the earth in the distance was collapsing.

The rain was getting heavier and heavier, and the long grass on the river bank was pushed down by the wind, revealing a pair of bright yellow-green eyes.

It watched vigilantly, making sure that there were no more pedestrians on the road, then walked out of the weeds and shook off the water on its body. However, the heavy rain soon made its body even wetter. It simply ignored it and slowly stretched out its front and rear legs, making a very long stretch, then slowly retracted it, took a relaxed and light step, and stepped onto the path in the dark night. Only in such a heavy rainy night can its steps be so calm and its tense nerves can be completely relaxed.

It enjoys this feeling very much. It has not been this comfortable for how many days!

There was a streetlight ahead. Although the light was dim, it still stopped nervously and looked around. It raised one foot in the air and dropped it after a long time. He meowed, probably laughing at his own caution and timidity. However, it knew in its heart that if it hadn't been like this, its life would have been lost long ago.

The rain was still falling, washing its body continuously. The sticky mud was dissolved by the water and flowed down its back. The dirt accumulated for many days was washed away by the rain, revealing its orange color. In the dim light of the street lamp, a faint yellow mist floated.

We are approaching a community where humans live together. There are towering buildings with sporadic lights coming from the neat square windows.

It thought of its little master again, but it was a pity that it could not go back. It knows that going back will bring trouble to its owner, and that the owner cannot protect himself. Fortunately, it is familiar with the wandering life. In the first half of its life, it has been wandering like this.

It’s no longer possible to take a leisurely stroll here. It hid in the shadow ridge under the wall, ran quickly along the wall for dozens of meters, and then ran up a tree next to it.

I squatted on a tree branch and looked into the wall. It was good, there was no one. There are some trash cans over there. Probably because of the heavy rain, the garbage collector didn't come at night, but the trash can was still full, which gave it a chance to have a full meal.

It squatted back, arched its back, kicked its hind legs hard, and jumped from the branch to the wall. I don't know whether it was the rain that increased the weight of my body, or the fact that I was hungry for days and days exhausted my physical energy. The distance that I could usually jump easily turned out to be a bit difficult today, and I almost missed the mark. Fortunately, his front paws caught the bricks on the wall, and his hind feet kicked off the wall a few times before he climbed up.

It gasped for a few breaths, rainwater got into its nose, a chill hit it, and it sneezed.

It jumped off the wall, climbed up to the trash can, and rummaged through it with its paws. The rain covered up the rancid smell of the garbage, but also made the work of picking through it difficult.

After finally finding some meat that looked still intact, it immediately devoured it. I'm so hungry!

The rain flowed down its forehead and cheeks into its mouth, and it was swallowed together with the food. It sneezed again, and a cold chill penetrated from its stomach to its skin. It feels a little dizzy and its limbs are limp. The raindrops seemed to turn into ice particles, hitting me heavily.

It instinctively felt that it should find a place to take shelter from the rain, preferably with a stove to dry its soaked fur.

But hunger conquered everything.

It continued to dig through the trash can, hoping to find better food, such as a whole fish that was only half eaten. If it was lucky, it could also find a whole meal that was packed but not eaten, so it could take it back. Our temporary residence - behind the wild reeds on the river beach - will be used as tomorrow's breakfast.

But it underestimated the power of the cold wind, and its body, which was already weak due to hunger, began to tremble, and its feet began to feel helpless and unable to grasp things.

It wants to go home. But a half-section of fish tail exposed in a black plastic bag caught its footsteps. When it stretched out its paws to hook up, its vision suddenly went dark, and it flipped over the trash can and fell heavily to the water-filled ground.

It managed to stand up, took two staggering steps, and then fell down again, splashing water all over the ground.

The sound of footsteps came from the sound of wind and rain.

It knows someone is coming. However, its body could not move at all, and its head was too heavy to lift.

Are you finally dying?

It wanted to struggle one last time, but even with all its strength, it could only make its limbs twitch weakly twice.

Forget it, that's it.

This will relieve you.

No more hiding around, no more eating rancid garbage.

The raindrops turned into pearls one by one, like stars falling from the sky. It saw a group of little girls picking up colorful pearls and throwing them into the sky. The originally dark sky suddenly became bright. It saw a very big crow flying under the sky, croaking. It saw its little master waving to it with cat food...

The blind woman wore a black raincoat and carried a stick on her shoulder. On the end of the stick was a snakeskin bag, clattering on the waterlogged road.

When it arrived in front of the trash can, it put down the snakeskin bag and rummaged through the bucket with the curved iron hook on the head of the stick. The blind woman can only see with one eye, but she can still accurately find useful things such as plastic bottles in the dark mess, pick them out and put them into the snakeskin bag.

"Ah, what a pity, the cardboard has been soaked by the rain!" She looked at the wet cardboard box for a long time, feeling very reluctant to part with it, and finally threw it away.

"Hey, what's on the ground?" She took a flashlight and looked at it, and saw a cat lying there. "Why is there a dead cat?"

Of course the blind woman knew about the cat-killing order. She hadn’t seen a cat in the community for a long time, and she hadn’t heard a cat meow either.

Could it be that God is blessing me and wants me to make a fortune tonight? she thought. Thousands of dollars is a lot of money to her!

She picked the cat out of the water and touched it. It was cold. He seemed to be breathing, and a weak heartbeat could be felt on his chest.

It's good that he didn't die. I heard that the money will go to whose hands he dies.

The blind woman put her hand around the cat's neck, but forgot that she needed to take a photo of the cat's killing process with her mobile phone and post it online, or that she needed to find a place with surveillance to do it.

Her fingers exerted slight force, and the throat beneath the soft fur moved imperceptibly. A thin and weak meow sounded in her ears. She didn't know if it was an auditory hallucination or a cat meowing.

The blind woman's heart skipped a beat as she thought of the cat she once had.

"Oh, how pitiful!" She put her hand away, put the cat into the snakeskin bag, carried it on her back, and walked back, "I'll give you a bath and warm yourself by the fire. Whether it survives or not depends on your luck. !”

Many books written at the same time as mine have already been published, and some have better results than mine. I am now like a cat looking for food alone in the dark. I don’t know if there will be any fish to eat tomorrow. T^T, I have two more leaders this month. , I don’t know whether it is luck or misfortune. Fortunately, someone appreciates me, and I am naturally happy in my heart. But unfortunately, I don’t dare to have the thought of being a eunuch anymore. I don’t know how many people are still reading this book. Are you still there?

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