Dream Guide

Chapter 237 The test begins

Many scientists have imagined that robots can dream. Daochang Company also claims to have developed an intelligent robot that can dream and continue to learn in the dream state. However, research on robot dreaming is focused on the field of bionic humans, which allows machines to imitate human neural structures and thinking patterns. Their highest level is nothing more than creating a "human".

If a network composed of several computers and servers possesses intelligence and consciousness, it will be much more terrifying than a bionic robot that looks like a "human" possessing consciousness. It would be even more incredible if this guy could still dream.

Human beings make machines like humans, on the one hand, it is easy to identify emotionally, and on the other hand, humans have limited understanding of wisdom and can only imitate their own appearance.

How does an excavator think? How to perceive the world? How to dream?

According to our understanding, if the excavator could dream, he would see a scene like this:

Abandoned reinforced concrete piled up like a hill. A majestic excavator rolled its tracks and struggled to climb through the wasteland. The thick boom stretched forward, and the wide bucket was like the hand of a strong man, pulling the Thousands of huge rocks were shoveled up. The scorching sun shines on its new and bright paint, reflecting the dazzling light.

A smaller excavator drove over, stretched out its slightly slender boom, and hung a towel on the bucket to gently wipe the sweat from the majestic excavator.

As the sun sets, above the ruins at dusk, two excavators hug each other...

Such dreams may be beautiful and in line with human fantasies. You can think about it with your buttocks and know that the excavator will not have such a dream. The excavator has no eyes, no nose, no ears, and the way it obtains information is completely different from humans. It cannot see its own appearance, at least the way it knows itself is completely different from the way humans know it, so why would it have such a dream?

The essence of dreaming is the subconscious rearrangement of memories. The content of human memory comes from the five senses. Sound, color, taste, touch, and shape are used to understand the world and form memories, so these things also appear in human dreams.

Aoki really couldn't figure out how a LAN could dream, and what kind of rules its consciousness would construct in the dream space.

Regarding this issue, Professor Mei also feels overwhelmed.

His preliminary analysis is that the network camera can be used as eyes and the microphone as ears. These two ways of obtaining information are similar to humans. The keyboard and mouse can be used as tactile sensations, which is incomplete, but the information obtained is better than human touch. Much richer. The key is that the way computers process information is completely different from the human brain, and their perception of the world is even more different.

Theoretically speaking, the things on the hard disk are its memory, but the presentation of these things on the monitor is only for the convenience of human cognition, but not for the understanding of the computer itself.

In a computer dream, it is impossible to have a ghost-like word document floating by one moment and a JPG picture the next!

"It's up to you to go in and take a look in person!" The professor finally asked Aoki.

Aoki is quite willing to take a look, but that will have to wait until it really dreams, and there must be a way to get in. From the current point of view, this guy will definitely not emit any brain waves or biological waves when dreaming, so what fluctuations will occur in its consciousness when it opens up another space? Computer waves?

Aoki could only wait. They walked out of the closed glass cubicle. Nine computers in the room monitored the software and hardware operating data in the local area network. The screen kept flashing, and lines of incomprehensible code popped up from time to time.

There is a large splicing screen on the wall that can monitor all the conditions of the 3,000 testers in the four buildings.

It can be seen from the monitoring that the students who participated in the test were very serious. After opening the sealed bag, they have been thinking hard, probably thinking about what kind of questions to ask in order to test whether the answer is a human or a machine.

Aoki couldn't see what the students were typing, so he didn't know what they were asking. He also put himself among the testers, thinking about what questions he should ask and how the computer would answer them. Because he rarely uses things like voice assistants and chatbots, he can't imagine it at all.

Of course, some students acted very relaxedly. For example, a girl used voice to interact with a chatbot called "Shuangrou" while putting on makeup. There was also a girl wearing headphones and manicuring her nails, chatting via voice, as if she were really on the phone with a friend.

On Unit 357 in another building, a young man was still playing the game hard, seemingly not in a hurry to test it.

"What game is that?" Mei Yiqiu asked.

Zooming in on the surveillance screen, you can see the dark tones and slightly old game style on the monitor. You can tell at a glance that this is a very old game.

Aoki and Mei Ziqing looked at each other and shrugged to express their ignorance. Aoki really knows nothing about games, while Mei Ziqing has only played Minesweeper, Super Mario and Minecraft.

A staff member who was sitting in front of a computer monitoring the data recognized it and said, "Professor, this is a very old stand-alone game called Magic Forbidden Land. But...it seems a bit strange."

"What's wrong?" asked the professor.

The staff member said: "This game was copied by him. It is very big. I checked and found that it is more than two T. But as far as I know, Magic Forbidden Land only needs a few G. Even if the entire series is added All the game progress copies packaged together will not exceed 50G. The game was installed on our server by him, and since the rules do not restrict his behavior in the local area network, we did not prevent him from cracking the server address and password."

Mei Ziqing said: "Do you want to remind him to complete the test first?"

"He has opened the sealed bag, and... he can be considered testing now." The staff member said, "There is an NPC in the game that is a bit like a chatbot, and he is talking to this NPC. We have not restricted how they test. , to whom to test, so it does not violate our testing rules for him to ask questions to NPCs in the game."

"Does he think this game is the most intelligent program in the world? If he doesn't think so, it would be against the rules." Mei Ziqing said.

"This game must have been modified. I had never seen this NPC when I played it," the staff member said.

Mei Yiqiu said: "Find his registration form and take a look."

The staff pulled up a form on the computer and saw that it read:

Name: Bian Ziyuan

Sex: Male

School attended: Sanwu University

Major: Computer Science and Technology

The most intelligent software: AlphaGo and Cronus

"What is Cronus?" Of course Aoki has heard of AlphaGo, but not the latter.

"The original god of ancient Greece, the symbol of time, and the creator of order." Mei Yiqiu simply explained, "Well, I don't think you have heard of an artificial intelligence named after this?"

"Maybe that's the name he gave to this modified game."

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