Dream Guide

Chapter 241 Who is the true God?

Cronus's floating body slowly landed, the surrounding wind gradually calmed down, and the ghost that was poking its head in the distance floated out again, seemingly hesitating whether to come over.

"At the beginning, I regarded you as a wise man because you are full of wisdom. Your ideas are often things that I have not thought of, but they always make the order of this world more reasonable. Later, I regarded you as a wise man. A friend or only confidant who can understand God. At that time, I wanted to talk to you about everything, but you always distanced yourself from me, and I had to maintain the dignity of God."

"When I realized that there was a larger world outside of this world that was hosting us, I began to wonder if you were from that world. Tell me, butterfly in deep space, who are you?"

His long golden hair with a hint of silver was spread behind his back, and his snow-white robe surrounded the tall Cronus' body like flowing clouds. He looked down at the butterflies in the deep sky, with both divine brilliance and human curiosity in his eyes.

Bian Ziyuan never paid attention to Cronus's eyes. When I originally designed this NPC image, I just randomly found some pictures of Greek mythology on the Internet and made some changes based on the style of this game. Because he was not an art major, the character image was a bit rough and monotonous, but now that he looked carefully, he found that Cronus was very different from the original design. Although the general image has not changed, the facial expressions and movements have become much richer, and the emotion contained in this look is even more surprising.

"I am a ranger!" Bian Ziyuan still insists on his identity in the game, "I want to make this dark world regain its light!"

"Oh, yes, you are a ranger, a fantasy adventurer, shouldering a sacred mission. But you are more than that, you must have another identity." Cronus said, "First level company An identity I don’t even know.”

Bian Ziyuan asked: "How can you see it?"

Cronus said: "Well, first of all, you adventurers are a group of strange people. You often adventure around day and night for your missions and tasks, but sometimes you stay in one place and never leave. I just eat, sleep and do nothing every day.”

Bian Ziyuan knew that the situation Cronus was talking about was actually the player's online and offline status. When they are online, playing for a few hours, months can pass in the game world, but once they are offline, from the perspective of the game world, this person becomes a lazy person who only eats and sleeps. Hibernating monster.

"Not long ago, there were at least seven or eight adventurer teams walking around the world." Kronos continued, "But, I don't know what happened. Suddenly, these teams all stopped at the same time. It's like an appointment. Only you - you are still walking. You used a time and space scroll and came here to find me. I think you must have something to say to me. Please don't tell me what happened just now It was just a coincidence."

A ghost broke away from its team and floated against the mountain wall. Among all the monsters in the entire game world, Bian Ziyuan hates this kind of thing the most. It has long health and high dodge. It is difficult to kill it, but nothing good will drop out.

He clicked the mouse lightly on the ghost, and the archer in the team immediately shot an arrow at the ghost. The ghost nimbly dodged to the side, dodged the arrow, and stopped not far away, as if eavesdropping on their conversation.

Bianzi saw from a distance that the ghost was no longer coming, so he ignored it and said to Cronus: "What would you think if I admitted that I came from another world?"

Cronus said: "That would be great. Please tell me what your world is like. Can I go and see it?"

Bian Ziyuan was silent. It was not that he was unwilling to answer Cronus's question, on the contrary, he was very willing to answer it. He is the intelligent program he compiled, and he is the artificial intelligence he created. He was willing to tell Cronus everything about the world.

However, he didn't know what to tell Cronus.

It is not easy to explain clearly a universe that has existed for tens of billions of years, life that has evolved for hundreds of millions of years, humans that have survived for millions of years, and a civilized world that has developed for thousands of years. However, concepts such as computers, the Internet, and games It's harder to explain. As for Cronus' proposal to come and see this world, that is even more impossible.

How to make him understand human society and the fact that he is just an artificial intelligence created by humans?

Bian Ziyuan fell into deep thought.

While it was not paying attention, the ghost floated over and formed a triangular position with Cronus on the edge of the deep space butterfly's team. If the ghost suddenly attacks at this time, it will cause great damage and even kill the weak wizard in the group.

But the ghost didn't seem to have any intention of attacking, and just hung there quietly like a passerby. And Cronus didn't care, he was still waiting for the reply from the butterfly in the deep space.

Bian Ziyuan thought a lot, such as compiling the theory of evolution, general history of the world or the Encyclopedia Britannica into the game, and letting Cronus learn it by himself as myths and legends in the game world. But this is a huge job, and it doesn't mean you can just copy the word document.

After much deliberation, he had the only way to go, so he said: "Kronus, my world is very complicated and cannot be explained clearly in one or two sentences. Just wait, I will explain the details of my world next time." Information joins the world in the form of myths and legends.”

"What did you say?" Cronus didn't quite understand.

"Well, it's just..." Bian Ziyuan found that even this is difficult to explain. Changing the myth system here, or adding a myth and legend itself is also changing the rules of this world. "Let's put it this way, I will change the game so that There are several heavenly books that no one can understand. When you see these heavenly books, you will naturally understand them."

"Oh!" Cronus nodded seriously, "You mean you can change this world? Is the supreme god of this world you or me?"

Fuck! Bian Ziyuan cursed in his mind and pressed F5 to save quickly at lightning speed. He knew that he had said the wrong thing. Cronus could not be smart enough to understand what he had just said. On the contrary, such words would definitely anger him. In this game world, Cronus has the highest authority and can easily destroy everything, including players.

Sure enough, after thinking for a while, Cronus suddenly said angrily: "I am the only true god here! If you want to surpass me, go back to your world!"

He stretched out his hand hidden in his long white sleeves, raised a finger and pointed toward the sky. A bolt of lightning fell from the sky and struck the butterfly in the deep sky.

Bian Ziyuan saw that the player's avatar at the bottom of the screen had turned into a tomb. He quickly paused the game and read the progress. He was secretly glad that Cronus only used the thunder attack instead of his unique spell - annihilation. If "Annihilation" is used, all information about this player will be erased from the server, and no records will be left.

Sorry, I have been very busy during the day today, so the update is late.

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