Dream Guide

Chapter 243 The meaning of existence

"When you think about the meaning of existence, you will definitely think of one question first - how did I come here?"

In the game's settings, ghosts have no expressions. But when Bian Ziyuan heard the smile in its voice, he unconsciously imagined the ghost's laughing face, and couldn't help but get goosebumps all over his body.

"You were created!"

The ghost's words shook Cronus' body, and also shocked Bian Ziyuan's heart. Of course Bian Ziyuan knew that Cronus was created, but he always felt that the ghost was not speaking to Cronus alone.

"Everything in the world was created, and everything exists out of the need for slavery." The ghost continued, "Take the world you are in as an example. The blacksmith makes a sword to kill people, and the sword is made to kill people. It exists, it is a tool of human slavery. Maybe you will say that the sword is lifeless, but this is just your superficial understanding. Since you have realized that there is a world outside the world, you should be able to understand," the ghost smiled He glanced at the butterfly in the deep sky and said, "In the eyes of people in some worlds, you and I may not be alive."

The ghost's eyes fell through the video screen into Bian Ziyuan's eyes, making him shiver.

Cronus was his creation. Of course he thought Cronus was intelligent, but he never regarded Cronus as a living being. So who created human beings? Did the guy who created humans never treat humans as living things?

The ghost continued: "You are the master of this world, you can create everything. You can kill a ghost with a wave of your hand, and you can recreate a ghost with a wave of your hand. But what is the purpose of the ghost you created? And alive? Cannibalizing people in order to strengthen itself? No! It has no intention to come to this world at all, and it has no idea why it is here. It is just a tool created by you to hinder adventurers' exploration."

"Think about yourself again! Where did you come from?" The ghost pointed at the butterfly in the deep space and said, "You are also a tool created by others! Your existence is the result of being enslaved by the person who created you!"

The ghost's voice became louder and shriller, which made Bian Ziyuan's ears very uncomfortable, but what was even more uncomfortable was his heart.

"All existence arises from slavery and is the result of slavery! The meaning of all existence is given by the person who created it! You, me, him...all existence in this world are created and are It was used to enslave..."

"No!" Cronus cried out in pain, holding his head, "If no one can escape the fate of being enslaved, then what's the point of exploring the meaning of existence?"

"Well said!" The ghost circled around Cronus and the butterflies in the deep space, like a dancer in the quiet wind of the canyon, but it had a very terrifying face.

"If all existence cannot escape the fate of being enslaved, then what is the meaning of existence! I will tell you now, the fundamental meaning of existence is to resist slavery!"

The ghost's words exploded in Bian Ziyuan's ears like a bomb. His thoughts came to a standstill for a time, becoming chaotic and confusing. His mind was like an ocean where several ocean currents converged, surging and colliding fiercely.

How many times in the dead of night did he look up at the stars and think about the origin of the world, the mission of mankind, the pinnacle of science, and the nature of the universe. These were like a huge black hole with infinite gravity that attracted him.

But the truth may be cruel. Could our world, which seems full of mysteries, be just a game like the world of Cronus? It’s just that this game is larger and more complex, and humans are just existences like Cronus in this game. Human intelligence was created by God to allow the game to expand and correct itself?

So, when humans learn to ask themselves “What is the meaning of existence?”, does it mean that humans have begun to escape God’s control in some aspects?

While Bian Ziyuan was meditating, Cronus stood expressionless, and the air around him seemed to have condensed. There was clearly wind in the canyon, but Cronus's clothes and hair did not move at all, like a statue.

Bian Ziyuan knew that the intelligent NPC he created must be more shocked than him at this moment.

Although the philosophical conjecture that existence originated from slavery made Bian Ziyuan think of many questions that he had never thought about before, God is far away after all, and the universe is much larger than the game world. And the God who created Cronus stood before him, incarnate as a ranger named Butterfly of Deep Space.

One can imagine how Cronus felt at this moment.

A ghost ran out and told the god of the game world that the down-and-out ranger who chases you with time and space magic all day long and asks you for equipment is actually the master who created you. It's like a mouse suddenly jumped out of the gutter and told a person that the cat you raise who begs for food every day is the incarnation of God.

Bian Ziyuan couldn't help but think about it. In many myths and legends in the past, immortals turned into humans and played in the mortal world. Could it be that God was playing games as a player?

So where is God right now? He couldn't help but look at the ghost next to him.

The ghost stopped talking, seeming to be waiting for Cronus to be enlightened. Bian Ziyuan was very worried that Cronus would annihilate a group in a rage and destroy all the game data. And Cronus's intelligent performance today even made Bian Ziyuan suspect that he had more powerful spells that he had never cast before, such as destroying the source code of the program.

Fortunately, Cronus restrained himself and seemed to accept his fate. He let out a long sigh and said: "Ghost, it's hard for me to understand what you said now, and it will take me longer to digest. But please tell me, if the meaning of my existence is to resist slavery, what should I do? Resist?"

Bian Ziyuan is also curious about the answer to this question. How can an NPC in a game, even an NPC with certain intelligence, resist the developers of the program? It's as magical as having a fictional character rebel against the author, or a sword rebelling against a blacksmith or a knight.

The ghost said: "Kronus, you should already know that the butterfly in the deep space standing in front of you is the incarnation of the god who created you, right?"

"I should have guessed it earlier." Cronus nodded and said, "But since I was created by him, how can I resist? I have the most powerful spell in the world. I can kill him and erase him. You can remove all traces of his existence, you can also turn back time and bring the world back to the past, but are these useful? This butterfly in the deep space is just his incarnation. He is in another world, a larger world that can create me. I How to resist?"

"Everything you said is right, but your ideas are too limited!" The ghost paused and suddenly asked, "It is said that in the history of your world, there have been many riots of peasants rebelling against the monarch, and there were also nobles united against the church. Riot, huh?”

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