Dream Guide

Chapter 257 Space Management Committee

The "Cat Killing Order" is spreading more and more widely, and the price of killing a cat is getting higher and higher. When all the cats in one place were killed, some people would go out to look for cats. The mighty army of cat killers spread like a flood during the flood season. Of course, the locals don't want to be taken advantage of by outsiders, and the rural people don't want to be taken advantage of by the city people, so every time someone finds a cat, it will cause a big conflict there.

The animal protection organization found a secluded place to keep the cat in captivity, but it would soon be found. A large group of people gathered around the place where the cat was kept and demanded that the cat be handed over. The person who killed the cat was aggressive, and the protector was anxious and gloating about the commotion. , it’s so lively to pick up cheap ones.

When they really couldn't find any cats, some people began to think of creating a zoo. All the civet cats, leopards, tigers, and lions there were spared. All cats were the targets of people's murders.

Things got worse and worse, and the government had to step in to maintain social order and prevent the occurrence of vicious mass incidents. World Animal Protection, the United Nations Environment Program and other organizations have continuously submitted bills to the United Nations General Assembly, requesting the General Assembly to put pressure on governments to end cat killing orders. Therefore, whether to kill cats and how to deal with the invasion of alien consciousness became the main topics of the United Nations General Assembly this year. However, the conference was held continuously for more than a month with no results achieved. The media began to exaggerate and accuse, and speculated that the leaders of some countries had been invaded by alien consciousness and were no longer human beings on earth.

People began to cause trouble, and demonstrations occurred frequently in various places. Party organizations of cats and dogs began to surface, all of which took saving mankind as their own mission and denounced the government's inaction. Some organizations formed their own armed forces and claimed to form a new government. This phenomenon is not limited to Asia, Africa and Latin America, and even North America, East Asia and Western Europe, which have always been stable, are no exception.

The United Nations General Assembly finally reached a consensus, and governments from various countries jointly issued a statement stating that the cat killing order was illegal and tracing the origin of the cat killing order.

However, the government's announcement seems so weak. The order to kill cats is still spreading on the Internet, and the price of killing cats is rising again and again. However, the origin of the order to kill cats cannot be traced, as if it was really issued by God.

Of course, the government has traced the bank accounts used to transfer money to the cat killer, but there are more than one bank and more than one account, and it is so complicated that it is impossible to start. Sometimes a sum of money is transferred to hundreds of accounts at almost the same time before it is transferred from Mr. A's hands to Mr. X's. Sometimes, one penny is transferred from hundreds of thousands of accounts to the same account at the same time.

This situation has left banks and police in various countries helpless. Some people think that only God can do this, not manpower. Some people also think that it was done by a certain hacker organization, and it must have been supported by the government. However, the only governments in the world that support a large number of hackers are China, the United States and Russia, and they have naturally become the people and the United Nations General Assembly. the target of blame.

Therefore, after a long period of consultation, the United Nations General Assembly issued a joint statement: acknowledging that mankind has been invaded by aliens and the crisis is spreading, but the cat killing order has nothing to do with the government and is caused by people with ulterior motives creating chaos.

In addition, some scientific organizations have also begun to speak out: cats are indeed the final host of Toxoplasma gondii, but the main way for humans to be infected with Toxoplasma gondii is not from cats, but from eating raw meat. It is recommended that cooked food be promoted worldwide.

As soon as these statements were issued, they really had an effect. The common people seem to be less panicked, and the chaotic organizations and armed struggles that have popped up in various places have also stopped. Everyone is starting to wait and see what will happen next. The most important thing is that there are no more new cat killing orders online. Although the cat killing orders are still valid, the prices are falling.

The government, headed by the five major members of the United Nations Security Council, began to fully intervene in the investigation of Lester's death and the invasion of alien consciousness. However, due to the lack of trust between governments and between officials, everyone thought that the other was an alien. Therefore, at the follow-up meetings of the United Nations General Assembly, there was still bickering, and the media and the public were suffering. The awaited response measures have been delayed.

At this time, the Third Space Foundation where Mei Yiqiu was located was finally dug out. The reason is that these people have passed the Lester signature, and so far, only the Lester signature can prove that a person is a human being and not a human being. alien.

The announcement of this list suddenly made Aoki feel tremendous pressure. Hou Biao's security company has just started, and the number of trained bodyguards is not very large. They can still be used in Wuzhong, but with so many scientists around the world to protect, this is no longer something he can do. Aoki can only guarantee the safety of Professor Mei Yiqiu, and no one else can care about it.

Sure enough, shortly after the list was announced, several assassinations occurred in various places, and several highly respected scientists were killed. However, this also made the Third Space Foundation's reputation unprecedentedly powerful.

The United Nations General Assembly invited several scientists to participate in the meeting. They also put forward many constructive opinions at the meeting. After being exposed by the media, the public's calls for them to replace the bunch of officials who only know how to waffle became louder and louder. As more and more scientists later joined the meeting, some people proposed that they simply set up a crisis management team with them as the main members, fully responsible for the invasion of alien consciousness.

As a result, a new organization with members of the Third Space Foundation as the core was established, called the United Nations Space Management Committee and Interim Crisis Management Team.

In addition to scientists, the committee members include representatives from each country. Since people who are not from the Third Space Foundation cannot be trusted, and scientists are often not good at dealing with politics and military affairs, there were major differences in the selection of the Director General.

After several rounds of fierce identification, the conference decided that Mei Yiqiu would serve as the interim director-general. However, Professor Mei declined and only agreed to be the chief scientific advisor of the committee.

Aoki asked him why he was not the director-general. Mei Yiqiu said:

"Although the five major council members have issued statements saying that they fully support this temporary crisis management team, do you believe that they will really support it fully? When you ask for money, how much will they give you? When you ask for soldiers , will they really send troops to you?"

"No, it won't." The professor held his pipe in his mouth and shook his head slightly. "They only know how to argue and calculate their own interests. The United Nations is just a stage for actors to perform, not to mention the agencies affiliated to the United Nations. This crisis management The team does not have any actual power. When they really want to do something, how can they do it without money or guns? You don’t have to listen to them! In the name of crisis management, they can do many things that they could not do before, including pressure, war and even Massacre, in the final analysis, is just another card in their hand. I don't want to be the director-general, I just don't want to be a card in their hand."

Aoki said: "Then why not just quit?"

Mei Yiqiu said: "Since we have been exposed, it doesn't matter if we have such a name, at least on the surface they will protect us."

However, Professor Mei's estimate was still too optimistic. The assassinations against scientists in various places continued, and several important scientists died. This put the original Third Space Foundation into a great crisis.

Qingmu asked Hou Biao to be Mei Yiqiu's personal bodyguard. Hou Biao lived up to his trust and helped the professor escape an assassination and caught the assailant. The perpetrator did not appear to have suffered a mind invasion, but was simply a paid terrorist. He confessed that he belonged to a killer organization and only took on killing missions on the dark web. They are very strict in blocking and are very trustworthy, so they don’t know who they are.

The killer is always in the dark. Qingmu knows that Hou Biao alone cannot guarantee safety. Unless the professor is locked in the laboratory, there will be danger at any time.

He decided to take the initiative. So, he walked into the computer room where servers were stored like a large public telephone hall again.

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