Dream Guide

Chapter 268 You are exposed

Zhao Pengcheng was sentenced to death with a suspended death sentence. He was a serious prisoner and was different from ordinary prisoners. His feet are always shackled, and he wears them all the time when working, sleeping and going to the toilet. The shackles were welded together and were very heavy, making it very inconvenient to walk. My ankles would feel raw after walking for even a while. The people in the same cell as him were all serious criminals. They said that they were like this in the beginning, but they got used to it after wearing it for a long time.

When Aoki saw Zhao Pengcheng again, he walked into the interview room dragging his shackles.

Zhao Pengcheng did not expect that it would be Qingmu who came to see him. Of course he knew it. Aoki's image was so special and memorable that you would never forget it after just one look. What's more, this guy hypnotized himself and asked him to confess Lao Yu. If this were not the case, the old man would not have to go to jail.

The look in his eyes at Aoki was full of vigilance and unnoticeable hatred.

Aoki feels that Zhao Pengcheng still has a little bit of humanity left in him and is not completely an alien. Otherwise, how could he hate him? He didn't do anything to Zhao Pengcheng. Even without that interrogation, the facts of Zhao Pengcheng's crime were already clear, and he would have been sentenced, and he might not even have received a suspended sentence. On the contrary, Aoki's interrogation helped him win the chance of probation, but only sold Yu Jianguo out.

But he is just an alien who has inherited the memory of the former Zhao Pengcheng, a "person" who can even downplay the desire for love and sex. How can he still have feelings for Jianguo?

Aoki couldn't help but wonder if his judgment was wrong. But a comprehensive analysis of all known information is enough to show that Zhao Pengcheng is either an alien or has been bribed by aliens. But if you think about it carefully, the latter is not true either. Bribery must have conditions for bribery, which is nothing more than coercion and inducement. However, Zhao Pengcheng neither took money nor obtained other benefits. He even put himself in prison, and he may not be able to get out in this life. His only relative is his accomplice Yu Jianguo, so the threat theory is not valid.

Zhao Pengcheng did not enjoy the family meal like Yu Jianguo because Aoki did not think that a family meal could have any effect on an alien. He decided to cut the knot quickly and talk directly to Zhao Pengcheng's subconscious, that is, to talk directly to the aliens, not the shackled puppet in front of him.

Zhao Pengcheng's consciousness looks exactly like him, and he doesn't look like an alien at all. Of course Aoki knew that this was because this alien consciousness grew up with Zhao Pengcheng's original consciousness. He took over the management of Zhao Pengcheng's brain and inherited all of Zhao Pengcheng's memories, so he looked just like Zhao Pengcheng himself. But there must be a difference between them, but they haven't been discovered yet.

This is a scene in a hospital. Zhao Pengcheng is wearing a white coat and walking quickly through the corridors of the hospital, making a swishing sound. That was the sound of the shackles on his feet dragging the floor. It was probably because the great pain the shackles caused him was too deep in his memory, and he still carried them with him even when he returned to the hospital in his dream.

Zhao Pengcheng walked through the corridor, pushed open the door of the operating room, and walked in with a clatter. When changing shoes, he tried to open the shackles on his feet, but failed. After changing his shoes, he walked into the dressing room, took off his watch, washed his hands, changed his clothes and mask, and entered the operating area with a clatter.

There was a patient covered in blood lying on the operating table. The nurses and assistants who had been waiting there were busy connecting various instruments to the patient. When they saw the doctor coming in, they were busy reporting the patient's condition to him.

Zhao Pengcheng took the scalpel and cut into the patient's head without thinking. The nurse next to him screamed, and at the same time, the door of the operating room opened with a bang.

Zhao Pengcheng heard the tapping footsteps, which made an unsettling echo like walking in an empty and silent underground palace. But he didn't move, his hand holding the scalpel as steady as a statue. The footsteps kept clicking, and his scalpel moved little by little, as if the road strength calculated by the computer was accurate.

"Why do you need a craniotomy?"

Zhao Pengcheng heard someone ask behind him.

He didn't answer, but continued to perform his operation meticulously. No matter what happens, the operation cannot be interrupted. This is the basic quality that a doctor should have. Those field doctors, amidst the rumbling of artillery and the hail of bullets, were able to complete the operation without any distractions, not to mention that now there was only one person talking.

But what the man behind him said next made him unable to continue.

"Is it gray brain virus?" the man said.

"What gray brain virus?" Zhao Pengcheng paused with his scalpel and asked in surprise.

"Toxoplasma gondii dances a dance of death under specific wave frequency stimulation, and the gray brain virus released will gather in an orderly state on the gray matter layer of the brain like an ant colony, causing brain cells to slowly die. Over time, this person will become a vegetative state, because the gray brain virus does not damage the brain stem. If I guess correctly, part of your own brain was also damaged, right?"

"What are you talking about? This is the operating room. Please get out and don't interfere with me saving people."

"You're not saving people, you're killing people!"

Zhao Pengcheng's hands trembled, turned around, and narrowed his eyes at the familiar face in front of him.

"I know you," he said.

Aoki also narrowed his eyes: "Really?"

Zhao Pengcheng said: "I am dreaming now, and you are in my dream. I can't lie to you, can I? Because the subconscious cannot lie. That's how you asked me to confess Lao Yu last time, right? Yours Hypnosis is indeed very powerful, but you can’t fool me this time because I’m awake. I know I’m dreaming, and this kind of dream is called a lucid dream.”

"How... did you wake up?" Aoki was a little curious.

Zhao Pengcheng laughed: "Don't forget, I am a doctor. I know the brain and nervous system better than you do. I also know lucid dreaming. I have studied this specifically after you hypnotized me last time."

Aoki said: "Then what exactly do you want to explain?"

"I want to tell you, don't do your trick, it's useless!" Zhao Pengcheng's eyes were bloodshot, as if he had been working on the operating table for more than ten hours.

There was a ticking sound, and a drop of blood dripped from the scalpel. I don't know if it was stained with the patient's blood, or because he was too excited and cut his hand.

"You can't lie to me anymore, or get any information from me anymore," he roared.

"Really?" Aoki took two steps toward him, "But...what other information do you have to hide?"

Zhao Pengcheng was stunned for a moment: "I...I didn't."

"You have!" Aoki shouted, "What you just said has exposed yourself..."

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