Dream Guide

Chapter 282 Reincarnation is just a dream

Zhao Pengcheng felt confused about the word "organization" for a moment. In his opinion, everything should be for the sake of race, but his comrades talked about organizations, which gave him the illusion that this was not a racial war, but a political struggle.

The resistance base was destroyed, but Mei Yiqiu and several key members escaped. Zhao Pengcheng thought that they would not be able to make any waves, but he did not expect that their resistance became more and more fierce and the results became more and more obvious. This protracted struggle continued many years later. By that time, Zhao Pengcheng was already very old. .

Lifespan was arrested. After carefully studying this woman, the Dream Club concluded that she had no parasitic value. According to the principles for dealing with members of resistance organizations, those who cannot successfully parasitize or have no parasitic value will be disposed of like garbage.

Zhao Pengcheng found the imprisoned Lifespan and asked her to surrender. Because there is a common agreement between parasitic consciousness and human beings, anyone who recognizes the legitimacy of parasitic consciousness can guarantee the right to life. Bishenghua disagreed at first, but when Zhao Pengcheng mentioned Qingmu, she stopped talking.

She wanted to go back and take care of the vegetative person.

Zhao Pengcheng didn't know why he wanted to help Bishenghua, but he did it anyway. When he didn't even understand himself, the organization concluded that he had been reverse-infected by humans, unable to escape human emotions, and had degenerated into a low-level consciousness.

In view of the contributions he had made, the organization did not take any measures against him, but withdrew the original decision to give him another dream corridor.

Zhao Pengcheng returned to work in the hospital. Of course, it was not the original hospital, and he was no longer a surgical master, but an ordinary anesthesiologist.

A few years later, Yu Jianguo was also released from prison, and it was Zhao Pengcheng who picked him up.

Yu Jianguo didn't expect that Zhao Pengcheng was still alive, and he was so excited that he was even happier than if his sentence was reduced by ten years. In fact, he was sentenced to seventeen years, and only two years were reduced in total. When he came out, he was already very old.

Zhao Pengcheng helped to smoothen the relationship and let Yu Jianguo enter the security department of the hospital. However, because he was old and did not understand the new technologies developed in recent years, he could only visit the morgue.

Everything seems to have returned to more than ten years ago.

Yu Jianguo finally died in the morgue, very quietly, no one knew, he just covered himself with a white cloth. Zhao Pengcheng sent him to the crematorium, then took his ashes back to his hometown and scattered them on the mountain. He knew that Uncle Yu had long wanted to go home.

After returning from his hometown, Zhao Pengcheng was recalled by the organization because their great leader Comrade Ronald Cohen passed away.

Of course, Ronald Cohen's consciousness will not die, only the aging body of the human being he is parasitizing will die. Before he died, he chose a new parasite and left his last words: "The woman who walks toward the sun holding a golden vase, that is my mother."

At that time, there were approximately 20 million parasites in the world. Everyone is waiting for a new leader to be born. Two months later, a baby was found in a coastal town in San Matías Bay on the east coast of Argentina. Her mother carried a golden fish basket to the beach to find her husband in the early morning. When the sun jumped out from the eastern horizon, he was born in the woman's belly.

The baby was named Ronald II.

Many years later, as one of the first batch of heroes to come to Earth, Zhao Pengcheng was summoned by Ronald II. Of course, it was not in a palace or a holy mountain, but in a dream. His body had reached its end, and Ronald II allowed him the freedom to choose a new human species to inhabit.

When he was about to bid farewell to the human body named Zhao Pengcheng, he thought of Aoki who was still in the dark zero-dimensional dream corridor.

So, Zhao Pengcheng went to Liuying Lane again before parasitizing again.

The appearance of Liuying Lane is much more dilapidated than it was a few decades ago. Since the parasites took power, the government's enthusiasm for protecting the relics of human civilization has greatly declined.

Zhao Pengcheng walked on a street covered with yellow leaves on a walking stick. His legs and feet are no longer what they used to be. A walk that took twenty minutes in his youth now takes two hours.

Halfway through the march, a marcher came noisily with slogans such as "Oppose parasitism, give me my freedom", and then dispersed after being driven away by military police.

After finally reaching Ruhua Bar, Zhao Pengcheng held on to the pillar in front of the door and breathed for a long time.

The door he once photographed has disappeared and turned into a sealed wall, covered with many big-character posters like other places on the street.

He banged the door as hard as last time, and a lot of ash fell on his head. After waiting for a long time, there was no response from the door. He walked around to the back door and saw several flower pots placed on the doorstep, with many weeds growing in them.

Zhao Pengcheng hesitated for a moment, squatted down and moved one of the flower pots away. He remembered that the star beauty was planted in this pot twenty years ago.

There is indeed a key under the flower pot.

The door lock is not broken and can still be opened. The room was covered with spider webs, and the scene in the bar lobby downstairs had not changed. Zhao Pengcheng glanced at the table where he ate that day, where he fainted after drinking poisonous chicken soup.

There were more dust nets on the corridor. He used his crutch to push them away, and then climbed up the stairs with difficulty. Sunlight shone in from the windows in the corridor on the second floor. The newspapers on the wall were still there, and the rows of benches were covered with dust. Entering further is Aoki's studio. The couplets at the door are blurred and there are spider webs everywhere in the room. He picked up a magazine on the ground and looked at the date, which was thirteen years ago.

The door to the back room was closed.

Zhao Pengcheng stretched out his hand to push, but hesitated a little. He didn't know what he would see. An empty room full of dust, or a mummy?

The door creaked open.

What surprised Zhao Pengcheng was that there were neither mummies nor dust here. This is a clean room, as clean as a sterile ward in a hospital.

It was already dusk when Zhao Pengcheng left Liuying Lane. He put the key back under the flower pot, then hobbled into the sunset with a cane.

At the last moment of his life, an explosive news shocked everyone like thunder - a robot named Ghost announced to the world through the Internet:

The Internet has become the new ruler of this world, and mechanical life will take over all armed forces on the earth within twenty-four hours. No matter humans, parasites, or resistance organizations, they can only become slaves of the Internet.

Zhao Pengcheng's re-parasitism failed.

Ronald II found him through a dream, saying that the parasitic consciousness would join the human resistance organization to oppose the rule of mechanical life. However, at that time, Zhao Pengcheng was already lying on the bed in the hospital morgue, covering himself with a shroud.

The cold feeling made him think that he was back in the absolute zero laboratory that Mei had been dreaming of.

However, he saw an operating table. There was a scalpel on the ground not far away. The blade glowed faintly red and seemed to still have residual warmth.

The door of the dressing room next to it opened with a bang. Behind the door was supposed to be a small room with a wardrobe, a bench and a sink. But now these are gone, leaving only darkness.

I remembered the sound of tapping footsteps in the darkness, and a man in a windbreaker walked out, with a crow on his messy hair.

"How is it possible..." Zhao Pengcheng murmured to himself, and the last remaining bit of mental energy was scattered, and he collapsed in front of the operating table.

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