Dream Guide

Chapter 296 The Mystery of the Holy Land

The appearance of the alliance logo made Aoki excited.

He gently touched the rock and explored it with his mental power. He originally thought that mysterious writing would appear on the stone, writing the history of the alliance, which would provide him with some information to retrieve his memory, or that there might be a secret passage underneath the stone. to another space.

But he was disappointed.

Stones are just stones, symbols are just symbols, there is no writing, no secret door, no passage to another space.

In Aoki's memory, he had never been to the desert. However, he clearly felt something familiar, as if he had been here before.

As he thought about it carefully, his head started to hurt, as if ten thousand ants had crawled in. This pain was connected to his body, not just a conscious simulation. It means that his subconscious mind is constantly releasing energy in his brain to search for memories, but his nervous system is warning himself not to do this kind of useless work!

Is this the Holy Land of Awakening that Cuan Yifang mentioned?

From the perspective of spatial perception, this is a place similar to a dream, but more realistic than ordinary people's dreams, a bit like a real-life dream. But Aoki did not find a conscious subject in this space. This is a bit unreasonable. Logically speaking, if there is no conscious subject, there will be no spiritual support. Then this space should have collapsed long ago.

But this space is so stable! There are only two possibilities for a space to be so stable despite lacking spiritual support.

The first possibility is that it is in the gap of a space, and there are many more stable spaces around it, just like a honeycomb.

The second possibility is that it is not just an illusory dream, but actually exists. It has a counterpart in reality. Someone used powerful mental power to create a huge real-life dream, just like the pig cage cave Aoki encountered in southern Yunnan.

But this desert is obviously much bigger than that cave.

Aoki thought of Kitano Matake. In that cave, Beiye left the symbol of the alliance, and later Dua also confirmed that Beiye was a member of the Awakened Alliance. Kitano should not be the only one in the alliance to master the method of creating this kind of real-life group dream. This desert may have been created by a certain master, or a group of masters.

Compared to the two speculations, Aoki prefers the latter one. Of course, it is also possible for two kinds of things to exist at the same time. This is a real dream space, but it is also caught between other spaces.

If so, then his current location is probably in a desert on the earth, and at the same time on the edge of some other mysterious universe.

It seems that to solve the mystery of this "Holy Land", we still need to find the corresponding place in reality.

But there are so many deserts on the earth, and the terrain of each desert is similar. Where does this correspond to, the Sahara? Taklimakan? Or Arabia?

It’s time to catch up on geography lessons when we go back, Aoki thought.

While observing the nearby terrain, he noted the distribution locations of some large sand hills and exposed rocks. He wondered if he could find them when he returned. It's a pity that you can't take pictures in the consciousness space, otherwise you can find an expert and find out.

Although he was sure that this was the holy land Cuan Yifang mentioned, Aoki didn't know what this space meant. After all, switching between different spaces might cause changes in time and space. Fortunately, this space seems to correspond to the three dimensions of reality. It is connected through the dream corridor, so it should not be time-staggered with my own real space.

But he didn't dare to stay for a long time. Who knew what would happen when he went back if he stayed here for a long time.

As soon as he thought, something like an hourglass of time appeared in front of him. When he injected spiritual power, the hourglass began to rotate rapidly, and soon formed a black hole, like a dark door.

This time, I am much more proficient than before. It is estimated that next time, I can directly make the corridor appear with a thought.

He entered the door, and the deep and long corridor appeared in front of him again.

Does the key that Old Lady Cuan refers to refer to this corridor? Or is the key hidden in the desert at the end of the corridor?

If it is the former, then it can be confirmed that the desert is the holy land of awakening. If it is the latter, then it means that the Holy Land is elsewhere.

When the parasitic consciousness invaded an ordinary person like Yao's mother, it should have been for this dream corridor, or the desert at the end of the corridor.

But how did they know that the "key" was in Yao's mother's brain?

The more Aoki thought about it, the more complicated it became, so he simply ignored it. When his thoughts moved again, he walked out of the dream corridor. This time, he did not return to the place where he met Cuan Yifang. Obviously that space had collapsed, but Yao's mother's dream was still there, so he returned to the place where the crow and the white cat were.

The crow and the white cat are no longer in a tense confrontation. The mental power of both parties has been withdrawn, probably because the place guarded by the white cat no longer exists.

The cat stood there meowing into the void, its sapphire-like eyes showing infinite sadness.

Crow comforted him: "Hey, don't be sad. It doesn't matter if your home is gone. You can stay with me for a while. You know, our place is nice. There is a bar downstairs. It's lively every day. You can sing." , drinking, chatting, picking up girls... uh... it's not about me, I'm not interested in picking up girls! Who among those women is as white as you..."

When the cat saw Qingmu coming out, it whined even louder, and there was even a little bit of resentment in its eyes.

Aoki used his mental power to communicate with the cat, and the cat lowered its head.

The crow stroked the fur on the cat's back with its wings and said to Qingmu: "Oh, you're back. I was just about to tell you that her name has been chosen, and it will be Ruxue. Yes, Ruxue, what do you think of this name? Like? Doesn’t it sound great! Oh my God, how talented I am! We can’t call her Xiaobai, that’s too vulgar. If you want to express Bai, you can use many methods, such as using flour, lime, etc., but such a metaphor It's not good enough, and I thought of snow, snow in winter, oh it's so beautiful, so appropriate! Ruxue, you think this name is good too, right?"

The cat didn't roll his eyes this time, apparently acquiescing to the name. But Aoki knew that the reason why she didn't object was because she probably had this name in the first place.

"You are so smart." Aoki praised, "How about we give you the job of 'naming' our studio in the future?"

Crow raised his head and felt proud, and then suddenly came to his senses and said, "Ahem...what, you'd better do business. You know a genius like me would never do it for five buckets." Mi Zheyao. My name is full of emotion, precisely because..."

He glanced at the white cat next to him and said, "It's precisely because I have love in my heart that I can come up with such a wonderful name. If you don't have love in your heart, you can't come up with a nice name. Ruxue - Ruxue ——, listen, when I call this name, every sound is full of love..."

At this time, the cat rolled his eyes again.

My career has not been going well recently, I am busy day and night but cannot make ends meet. In addition, my mother is in poor health and needs to be taken care of. I can only ensure that I keep updating, but I really have no spare time to update more. I'll come back tonight and see if I can add another chapter. It should be ready around eight or nine. There are too few updates, and I feel guilty for failing in your love. But don't worry, everyone, this book will never enter the palace. When I have a little free time, I will resume two updates. For the time being, this is the only guarantee I can make. I haven’t thanked all the friends who have tipped recently, but I would like to thank them all together. Thank you all.

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