Dream Guide

Chapter 306 Professor’s Conjecture

Except for Su Huilan, who had also received the news, everyone else was shocked.

"Has the cause of the crash been found?" Aoki asked.

Mei Yiqiu said: "A professional team is already investigating, and the current feedback is that the scientific research ship has been attacked by thermal weapons such as missiles or torpedoes. During the search in nearby waters, some objects that did not belong to the scientific research vessel were also found. The metal fragments found on the research ship were found to be submarines made by the former Soviet Union, so it was suspected that the Russian military was involved in this matter. Although Russia denied the matter, this has made other countries in the world, especially the United States, Central Europe, and those in the Southern Hemisphere Countries such as Australia and New Zealand are very nervous, and it is estimated that the situation in the Pacific region will not be eased in a short time."

"Are you saying that a Russian submarine attacked our scientific research ship?" Mei Ziqing opened her mouth in surprise.

"It's not certain yet. Because it involves the game between the military and various countries, the investigation has now entered a very delicate stage, and a lot of information has been blocked from the outside. Fortunately, the Space Management Committee has certain authority on this matter. We People involved in the investigation team sent me information saying that Russians were indeed involved in this incident, but they could not be sure whether a submarine attacked the research ship."

Mei Yiqiu patted his pipe as he spoke. It was obvious that he had become addicted to smoking. "Let's go out and talk. No smoking here. Damn it, how could I agree to this rule in the first place!"

Mei Ziqing covered her mouth and snickered.

Everyone left the top floor laboratory together and came to Mei Yiqiu's office. The professor couldn't wait to put in the tobacco leaves and smoked vigorously.

"Why did the Russians attack our scientific research ship?" Bian Ziyuan asked.

"It doesn't have to be the Russians. Submarines manufactured by the former Soviet Union have been sold to many countries, and they may not be in the hands of terrorists." Su Huilan said, "Moreover, our scientific research ships do not have the ability to die with the submarines, and something happened to the submarine. , indicating the existence of third-party forces."

Mei Yiqiu blew out the smoke, nodded and said, "Yes, this is exactly what worries governments around the world. However, I have some other conjectures..."


"It's still hard to tell."

The professor held his pipe in his mouth and faced the wall, seeming to be thinking about how to phrase it. The silhouette of him and the smoke was reflected on the wall.

"The sea area where the accident occurred is a huge ocean basin with a water depth of five thousand meters. It is difficult to carry out search and rescue in such a place. But fortunately, we know the location of the scientific research ship before the accident. Not only because it had a clear destination, but Because we received the signal from it before the accident happened."

"Signal? Hasn't it been missing for several months?"

"That's right, so the people who received the signal at the time thought they had made a mistake. And the message they sent was very strange. It was almost exactly the same as the last set of messages they sent four months ago - 'Arrived at destination. , prepare to drop anchor, request satellite angle calibration'. How to say... Well, it's like the telegraph operator is repeating a sentence. Originally, this sentence was to be repeated three times. They said it twice four months ago, and then stopped It took more than four months before I said it for the third time.”

Everyone was a little stunned when they heard Mei Yiqiu's words, and they thought this was very strange.

"Then what?"

"We then sent them a signal to confirm the request and located their location. But we didn't hear back from them, and it was as if they had disappeared again."

"This sounds a bit like a supernatural event!"

"No, it's not supernatural at all." The professor said, "The pyramid ruins on the seabed are a phenomenon that is beyond scientific explanation. The ghost islands that appear in the area also prove the magic there. And because of this set of inexplicable signals, Only then did we have the idea to search for the scientific research ship again. Otherwise, we may not know the crash of the scientific research ship now. If no one investigates, even if the Maori in the Southern Islands find fragments of the ship or submarine, they will Dispose of it as scrap.”

"Professor, you just said that you have other conjectures..." Aoki looked at Mei Yiqiu, waiting for him to continue.

The professor took a few more puffs of cigarette and said slowly: "In addition to the mysterious force of nature, could the previous disappearance of the scientific research ship also have human factors? I have always suspected that-someone does not want us to understand the truth of the seabed! "

"You mean..." Su Huilan frowned and said with some seriousness, "Someone can control the mysterious space power there and cause our scientific research ship to lose contact?"

Mei Yiqiu nodded.

"It is not that easy for a ship equipped with all the most advanced and cutting-edge equipment to suddenly disappear from the Pacific Ocean while being continuously tracked and positioned by navigation satellites. But if we master some things that we have never known Once you master the techniques, such as different-dimensional space conversion or multi-dimensional overlap, etc., you can understand it.”

"But what's the evidence?"

"There is no evidence, I am just reasoning. Of course, even the reasoning is not complete in the logical chain." Mei Yiqiu denied himself, but did not stop his reasoning, "First of all, something did happen to the scientific research ship, and this time it was very serious. It's obviously man-made. Think about it, who would kill a scientific research vessel?"

Everyone was silent and couldn't think of anything after thinking for a long time.

"The scientific research project will not threaten any government or plutocrats, and there is nothing valuable on the scientific research ship. Although the equipment is very valuable, it is only for scientific research, and if it is sold, it will be just a pile of scrap metal. What's more, , there are no pirates at all in that sea area, and the nearest land is the Southern Islands, with less than 10,000 residents on the islands. Somali pirates will not waste gas money and drive ships to such distant seas to rob."

"So there is only one reason that can be explained, that is, someone does not want the scientific research ship to approach there. There must be some secret there."

Mei Ziqing asked: "But, since he can use the power of nature to make the ship disappear, why does he use weapons to destroy it now?"

Mei Yiqiu said: "Perhaps there is some limit to the natural power, such as time has expired, or something else has caused this power to disappear, or our scientific research ship has escaped from this constraint. If it is the last one, It means that the people on the scientific research ship are likely to have mastered the secrets of the seabed, so it is inevitable that they will be killed. And this possibility is very high, after all, there are seven top scientists on the ship."

"Who doesn't want us to know the secrets there?" Mei Ziqing said puzzledly, "This is preventing human progress!"

Mei Yiqiu said: "If it weren't for the ancient Egyptians who built the pyramids, I'm afraid there would only be the new parasites. Judging from this incident, they not only mastered some space principles that we don't know, but also have The human world has enough resources, otherwise even if we can kill scientific research ships and submarines silently, they will definitely be found out."

"Are you saying that they may have infiltrated or even controlled the top leaders of some countries?"

"Not a possibility, but a certainty!"

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