Dream Guide

Chapter 316 Prison Break 4

Zhao Pengcheng hid in the dark car, feeling the bumps of the car and counting the numbers in his heart. Whenever the car stopped, his heart stopped beating. He knew there was a gate and the car was being inspected.

He vaguely heard the driver roll down the window, show the pass and signed registration form to the guard, and chat with the guard cheerfully.

According to normal procedures, the guards had the right to inspect the vehicles, but in this bitterly cold night, it was obvious that no one was willing to do so. What's more, the driver is already familiar with the road, the procedures are complete, and there is no trouble.

The first two gates passed smoothly, but the vehicle stopped at the last gate for a little long. The driver and the guard were chattering something. Zhao Pengcheng couldn't hear clearly, but he heard two dogs barking.

Then the back door of the carriage opened with a bang, and a ray of light from a flashlight shot in from the gap between the stacked cartons, leaving mottled light on the inner wall of the carriage next to Zhao Pengcheng.

The barking of dogs became louder, accompanied by the sound of eating and salivating. Judging from the sound, there were at least two dogs lying at the entrance of the carriage.

Zhao Pengcheng held his breath to prevent himself from making any sound, but he could not block the smell on his body.

He heard the driver's voice: "These are the goods every day, and the procedures are all complete. Is there anything to check? What's wrong today?"

Another voice said: "You think I am willing? This dog is barking desperately. When it barks, we have to investigate."

The driver complained: "This is a real dog. It's so cold. Why is it barking? I don't have any bones in the car." Suddenly, he yelled "Oh," "Could it be because of this..."

Zhao Pengcheng heard the thumping of footsteps and the driver's voice, distant and close, "I still have half a roasted chicken in the car. Could the dog smell the roasted chicken?"

Another voice said: "Why do you have roast chicken in your car?"

"Hey, that's what you guys are doing. Dinner is pickled vegetables and steamed buns every day. I have to move and unload the goods. How can I bear it? This dog's nose is really good. It can smell it even when I put it in the car."

"It didn't bark when you came."

"The plastic bag containing the chicken had not been opened at that time, so maybe the smell wasn't strong." The driver laughed, "Tell me, it's such a trivial matter, I'm really sorry, it's causing you trouble too! Come on, come on. Come...I still have a few packs of good cigarettes here, you can use them to smoke..."

The car started up again, and there was a creaking sound from behind as the heavy iron door closed.

Zhao Pengcheng let out a long breath, and the tight muscles all over his body relaxed. Only then did he realize that the clothes on his body were soaked. In the freezing night, the sweat quickly became cold and stuck to his skin. He couldn't help but think of the laboratory that could get infinitely close to absolute zero.

The driver in the cab hummed a relaxing song:

On a dark desert highway,

cool wind in my hair,

Warm smell of colitas,

rising up through the air.

I was running for the door,

I had to find the passage back to the place I was before,

Relax, said the night-man,

We are programmed to receive.

Zhao Pengcheng stretched his somewhat stiff arms and legs and kicked a big bag placed in the corner. He guessed that the bag might be for him, so he fumbled to open it. There were several pieces of clothing inside, as well as a hard machine-like thing. I didn’t know what it was in the darkness.

In the compartment of the bag, he found a mobile phone. He opened the phone and shined a bright light on it, only to find that there was a small handheld cutting machine in the bag. This cutting machine comes with a lithium battery and is powered by DC. It is compact and convenient. The disadvantage is that it has very little power, but it is still very easy to cut through the shackles on his feet.

He took out the cutting machine and pressed the switch, and the metal cutting blade on the roulette wheel started spinning.

This was his first time operating this kind of machinery, and he had to cut the iron ring on his leg in the dark, so he was inevitably nervous. However, when the cutting blade and the iron shackles rubbed against each other, sparks sparkled, and the high-pitched and harsh cutting sound resounded in the carriage, an inexplicable and indescribable excitement arose in his heart.

The shackles were opened.

Zhao Pengcheng's eyes were a little painful from the sparks, and he couldn't open them for a while. After adjusting to the darkness for a while, he began to change his clothes. Then he stuffed his phone into his pocket.

The truck stopped. Box after box of goods were moved out of the car, revealing an opening for one person to enter and exit.

Zhao Pengcheng climbed out of the car and saw the driver's honest face.

The light from the car lights shines into the darkness ahead, illuminating a few secluded grasses. Only the sky in the far distance was already glowing with white light.

The driver smiled at him and said: "Across the path ahead is the old ferry. I can only take you here."

Zhao Pengcheng also smiled, said "thank you", and ran into the side road without looking back. The shadows of tall and low trees soon covered his figure.

A crow flew over the treetops, croaked twice as if it had completed its mission, and then flew towards the still bright lights of the city.

The truck drove away, the night was quiet, and everything returned to calm.

Zhao Pengcheng crossed the path and walked forward for about half a mile when he saw a commercial vehicle parked at a three-way intersection ahead. He walked to the commercial vehicle and tapped the window glass three times with his hand. The glass rolled down, and a strange middle-aged man sat in the cab and looked at him and asked, "Huang Liang?"

"I am Huang Liang." Zhao Pengcheng replied.

The middle-aged man got out of the car and opened the door for him: "Get in the car, Comrade Huang Liang."

Zhao Pengcheng got into the car, sat in the back seat, took a long breath, and slowly closed his eyes. He knew that he was finally free, but he might never be able to use the name "Zhao Pengcheng" again.

The middle-aged man sat back in the driver's seat, handed over a leather bag and said, "I'll take you to the airport. Your ticket and documents are here."

Zhao Pengcheng took the bag and opened it to look at it. There was his ID card and passport inside, and the name on them was Huang Liang. The ticket was to Amsterdam, and there were some RMB and US dollars.

The middle-aged driver added: "I haven't had time to apply for a mobile phone card yet, but don't worry, it's still early for boarding. When we get to the airport, I will buy you a mobile phone first and then apply for a card. I won't delay your trip."

"No need." Zhao Pengcheng said and took out the mobile phone stuffed in his pocket.

Sliding the screen, he saw a folder named "Ghost" lying in the corner of the screen on the second page.

In the basement of the experimental building, Aoki connected his mobile phone to one of the servers with a data cable. Soon, there was a "Ghost" folder on his mobile phone.

Aoki unplugged his phone, sighed softly, and said to himself: "This is convenient, but will you know everything I do with my phone in the future?"

Awakening and training ghosts, this may be a Pandora's box, no one knows what the result will be after opening it. Although he knew that outside of this ghost, there was a bigger and more terrifying ghost that was everywhere like God and was looking at the world all the time.

One day, we must meet. he thinks.

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