Dream Guide

Chapter 354 Mummy and Sea Chart

From the cab to the cargo hold, there is at least a distance of forty meters and a drop height of about three meters. There were more than thirty pirates boarding the ship, and that person could control thirty people to dream in such a large range. This ability was indeed beyond Petru's imagination.

Petru knew that he was unable to resist. The only chance now is to jump over the side of the ship to escape before boarding the main deck.

After making this decision, he did not hesitate at all and immediately changed his dream, recalling the shape of the ship in his memory and perfectly combining it with his current dream. He found that he had just come down from the living deck and came to the side of the ship next to the main deck. He walked forward and reached the main deck.

While merging the scenes, he also changed his behavior in the dream. He no longer followed Lavier's call and stepped onto the lawn. Instead, he jumped to the side and rushed towards the white and inhospitable field in the dream. The place you know is actually the vast sea outside the ship's side.

Almost at the same time, he felt a surge of spiritual power like a giant wave sweeping over him, grabbing his consciousness like the giant hand of a god.

The strong mental oppression made him feel as if he was suffocating to death, and then he saw the man holding the coffee in his dream.

Then, the dream changed, and he saw himself jumping off a cliff. The man stared at him in suspense, with a trace of anger in his eyes and an evil smile on his lips.

Petru's body was falling faster and faster.

Everyone has had this kind of dream, and most people wake up before landing. If not, then the brain will think that you fell to death, and the consciousness will simulate in the brain the feeling of a free fall hitting the ground, including the state of brain death. So, you are really dead. After dawn, your body will be found on your bed, and the doctor will declare you brain dead.

Of course Petru knew the consequences of such a dream, so he wanted to collapse the dream immediately, but he couldn't. The guy was still staring at him from the cliff, and the powerful mental interference made it impossible for him to control himself from the dream.

Are you about to fall to death?

No! This is just a dream. I just jumped off the boat. There is the sea below. I won’t fall to death, I won’t fall to death!

Although he repeatedly hinted at himself, the acceleration of falling and the fear of death continued to intensify. He could no longer see the person on the cliff, only the bottomless valley below him and the rapidly retreating wind around him.

At the last moment, he bit his tongue hard. He didn't know if dreams and reality could be synchronized. Anyway, this was the only action he could do under the interference of strong consciousness.

Finally, with a loud bang, his body hit the water, and in his dream, he fell to the ground. He felt like he was turning into a puddle of plasticine.

After the loud noise, there was deathly silence, the surroundings fell into darkness, and his body lost consciousness. His consciousness was slowly fading away. There was only a little pain on the tip of his tongue, like the safety rope tied around his waist during bungee jumping, holding him tightly.


He shouted out the name that haunted him, and then choked awake from the seawater inhaled into his lungs. He opened his eyes, surrounded by sea water, and some things, whether seaweed or garbage, were floating in front of him. There was a huge black cloud overhead, which was the shadow of the ship.

Petru knew he was finally out of his nightmare. Although he urgently needed a breath of fresh air at this time, he didn't dare to show his head. Relying on his good water skills, which he had developed over many years as a pirate, he sneaked for a long distance in the opposite direction to the ship, and did not surface until he was far away from the ship.

Most of what he had on him was still there, including weapons and ammunition. Fortunately, he is already the leader of a party and does not carry much weight on his body. If he had to carry dozens of kilograms with him like he did when he was a mercenary, he would definitely not be able to float at this time. In addition, the waterproof function of the maritime walkie-talkie is very good. He tried to get through to his companions who were dozens of miles away, and asked him to pick him up by boat. He also told his men to bring an L115A3 - this kind of sniper made by the British. The gun has a range of over a mile.

Petru still clearly remembers the moment the priest died. The bullet hit his left eye and knocked out half of his face. He believed that since the priest couldn't defend against ultra-long-range sniper rifles, no matter how strong that guy was at sea, he couldn't defend himself against bullets fired from 1.5 miles away.

However, he still underestimated his opponent.

When Petru lay on the speedboat and locked the opponent with the scope, the guy was standing on the side of the living deck and looking at the scenery. But he seemed to sense something and glanced in the direction of Petru, his eyes as sharp as an eagle. Petru felt bad and shot decisively.

The bullet shot past at a speed of 900 meters per second, and it took about two and a half seconds to hit the target. The guy almost threw away the coffee cup in his hand at the moment Petru fired, and jumped into the cabin. Go in. Petru fired two shots in succession, but failed to hit. In just a blink of an eye, he hid in an invisible corner of the cabin.

Petru was not depressed, he was prepared for the worst from the start. When the sniper rifle could not kill the opponent, he could no longer care about the life and death of the hypnotized brothers on the ship. Like all heroes should have the courage, he decisively gave the order to let the submarine that was lying in ambush and quietly stalking the submarine open fire. , blowing up the entire freighter with torpedoes.

To be on the safe side, he also fired a rocket into the cab of the freighter.

The freighter turned into a fireball on the sea and was quickly swallowed by the sea water. No one would believe that there was once a spiritual master on this ship who could control dozens of people to dream at the same time. Even Petru himself felt sad and unreal when he recalled it.

Only God knows what happened, but God doesn’t care about all this. No matter how awesome you are, those who deserve to go to heaven will go to heaven, and those who deserve to go to hell will go to hell.

Petru was no longer interested in knowing what was on the ship, so much so that such a master was needed to personally escort it, and he was the only one there. Obviously, there was some ulterior secret.

However, he must find his pirate brothers at sea, pray to the sea god to bless one of them to survive, and at least retrieve a few bodies. Most of these people have families. In the impoverished and chaotic seaside towns of Somalia, they have cooked meals, warmed their beds, and are waiting for their men, fathers, and sons to return. They have no choice but to become pirates. If it weren't for the years of war and poverty, who wouldn't want to stay at home and watch TV with his wife, children, and children?

Unfortunately, Poseidon did not return any of his brothers, and not even the bodies were found. However, the pirates recovered something strange from the debris of the ship floating on the sea.

It was a rectangular iron box, a bit like a shrunk container, but the outer shell was of very good quality and was not damaged at all in the explosion of the freighter. After opening the iron box, there was actually a thick crystal coffin inside. There was a mummy lying in the coffin, and there was a small box on the mummy's chest.

The pirates didn't have any sense of protecting cultural relics. They just thought it would be unlucky to bring back a corpse that had been dead for hundreds or thousands of years, so they sank the mummy to the bottom of the sea, leaving only the He picked up the wooden box and gave it to Petru.

Petru saw a strange symbol on the wooden box - a triangle with two vertices connected together, with a small vertical line in the middle.

Inside the box were several old nautical charts, showing the locations of some islands.

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