Dream Guide

Chapter 504 The Earth is Square

Mrs. Larry is like a poet standing on the big stage of Covent Opera House, with a melodious and high-pitched voice, which is particularly beautiful. Her singing seemed to have infected the savages not far away, making them excited too.

"Your Majesty, the descendants of Vir, I make this oath..."

When the barbarian language and Mrs. Larry's language were mixed together and passed into Aoki's ears, although they were still different languages, the meanings expressed were highly overlapped, and the barbaric language sounded more harmonious and smooth. And in line with the rhythm of the poem.

"I will raise my spear, and I will smash the mountains to pieces whoever stands in your way! I will draw the bowstring fully, and I will shoot down for days whoever destroys my holy land!..."

The sound here is getting louder and louder, and the sound waves pass through the empty valley and reach the woodland on the opposite side. The savages over there were also affected, with noticeable changes in rhythm and tone.

First, the same loud voice came from the direction where Situ was, matching the rhythm here, like the echo of the sound coming from here, but the language on both sides was slightly different, just like a Cantonese and a Bashu person using dialect. Recite the same poem.

Then the savages from the other side joined in.

"...I use my hands to turn them into fighting; I use my blood to turn them into springs of sweetness. I will be with the Holy Land from generation to generation until the day God returns..."

The people of the three tribes spoke different languages, but kept the same rhythm and sang the same poems. Their sound waves became louder and louder. The three sound waves collided in the valley in the middle, merged and resonated, turning into a more powerful sound wave rolling in all directions.

Even Petru, who had always been disdainful, unconsciously sang along:

"Your Majesty, the descendants of Vir, I make this oath..."

Aoki felt a spiritual energy stirring in the air as people sang. The starry sky also became blurred in a trance, and the dark wooden staff in his hand, which had always been quiet, began to buzz.

"This is the energy of unified will!"

Situ came over at some point and sat down by the campfire. He picked up the fish that was about to be scorched, peeled off the charred outside, took out a small piece of salt, rubbed it twice on the fish, and then tore off a piece of the fish. He put it in his mouth and tasted it, nodded with satisfaction, and handed the salt to Aoki.

Aoki also followed his example and put some salt on the fish. It tasted much better than before.

"If you weren't there, wouldn't there be any problems?" Aoki asked.

"Don't doubt their faith. Even though they are barbaric, they are more pious than any religious believer on earth." Situ said with a smile.

"What did you just say, unify the will?"

"Pious people have simpler thoughts. When they chant the oath, they have no other distracting thoughts in their minds. This is the power of faith, and it can also be said to be the source of the power of religion."

"Are you saying that religious beliefs gain their power through the...spirit...of the believer?"

Situ took out the fish bone from the fish, put the fish meat into his mouth, and chewed it carefully. His movements are graceful, and even eating wild fish makes him look elegant.

"You can imagine what will happen when people all over the world have the same thought in their hearts at the same moment, and there are no other distracting thoughts?"

"Then it depends on what the idea is."

"For example, the earth is round."

"The earth is inherently round."

"Okay, let's say the earth is flat."

Qingmu saw the sly smile on Situ's lips and didn't understand what it meant. He was originally a lazy person and was extremely reluctant to follow other people's ideas, but he still thought about it.

"The earth will become square!" He was startled by the idea that came to him, but then he realized that this was something that had a high probability of happening. "Everyone had the same idea at the same time, without any other distracting thoughts and If there is external interference, then people will fall into a dream-like hallucination, or a dream, where they will create a square earth."

Situ nodded and said, "Not only that, in order to make the existence of the square Earth reasonable, they will create a cosmic environment and physical laws that are suitable for the square Earth, and then use experiments and calculations to prove that the earth is square."

Of course Aoki knew that this was a ridiculous thing, but after thinking about it carefully, he found that it was logically true, and he couldn't help but have a headache.

"What are you implying? Do you want to say that our world is just an illusion created by people? Or that we are all living in a dream?"

Situ shook his head and said: "I'm not sure. I just want to say that if everyone thinks that the earth is square, the earth can be square. Just like the people of these tribes in front of you, ask them whether the world is square. It’s still round.”

Aoki didn't disturb the savage's pious singing, but he could guess it without asking: "Like the ancients, they think the world is flat, or just called square."

Situ said: "But in fact, we don't know whether the world is square or round. Maybe it is correct to say flat, because a Klein bottle is flat. No matter how the earth undulates, for an ant For three-dimensional creatures, it is flat. No matter how complex the high-dimensional world is, for three-dimensional creatures, it is relatively flat."

"You mean time?" Aoki seemed to understand something, "For us, time is flat, but from a high-dimensional perspective, time also has ups and downs."

Situ laughed and said, "Are you influenced by Professor Mei?"

Aoki was stunned for a moment, not understanding why Situ said this, but he had to admit that these concepts of physics were indeed more influenced by the professor.

He didn't want to talk anymore, mainly because he didn't like guessing riddles, and talking was like playing charades, which was very tiring. After talking like this for a while, he will feel sleepy and has no cigarette to smoke. It would be nice if he could smoke while dreaming, but he can't even dream. He can't go into Mrs. Larry's dream and say, "I borrowed it from you." Smoking on land.

Aoki asked bluntly: "How will we fight tomorrow? The guy opposite looks very strong."

"I came here to discuss this matter with you." Situ said, handing over the scepter, "Look at my scepter, how much can you use it?"

Aoki didn't expect Situ to be so forthcoming. Mrs. Larry had lent him his scepter before, and he gave it to her without saying a word. However, since Mrs. Larry is not an awakened person, it makes sense, but Aoki is now one of the leaders of the three parties who also possess the scepter, and he knows best what the scepter means.

Naturally, Aoki would not take advantage of him, so when he took the scepter, he also handed over his own ebony staff.

He was holding Situ's silver scepter, and it felt completely different from his ebony staff. The ebony staff felt softer, like wood, while this tentacle was cold, like stone or metal. Although the surface of the silver rod is patinated, there are many stone textures and dark spots inside, which is a bit like some kind of ore with a high metal content.

Aoki tried it and found that this scepter was not as easy to use as his ebony staff, and the mental power it could mobilize was much smaller. However, the consciousness that originally penetrated the savage's mind like tentacles disappeared. He guessed that it could only be used by people in his own tribe, so he tried to use the scepter to sense the consciousness of the people in the tribe over there, but he didn't know whether it was because they were too far away or because of the method he used, but he never succeeded.

He returned the scepter to Situ: "Forget it, this thing of yours doesn't work. You should be the general tomorrow."

Situ also returned the ebony staff to Qingmu, and did not say how much he could use it. He just smiled and said: "Then let's be two generals. Tomorrow morning, our two tribes will join together, and the natives on the opposite side will They are stronger than us and need to be dealt with carefully.”

He said and stood up, "You should rest early and don't worry about these savages. They have no distracting thoughts when they sing, which means that most of their bodies and brains are in a state of rest."

Situ left, and Qingmu listened to his words and fell asleep next to the fire, holding the scepter in his hand.

He thought there would be a big battle the next day, but when the stars fell and the red sun rose, and he and Situ joined forces, the savages on the opposite side retreated.

The lingering sound of singing all night still lingers in the valley and forest.

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