Dream Guide

Chapter 508 Massage

About half an hour later, Mei Yiqiu returned to the living room and motioned Huang Liang to follow him in.

Huang Liang brought the toolbox and followed Mei Yiqiu into the room. He found that the carpet inside had been removed, revealing a square entrance leading to the underground. This reminded him of No. 1307 Sea Cucumber Street in Amsterdam.

However, most villas in Canada have basements, which are warm in winter and cool in summer. Many people like to live in basements, so Huang Liang doesn't think there is anything wrong with it. He thought there must be a well-decorated bedroom below, but when he walked down, he discovered that there was actually a large laboratory below.

The laboratory was divided into two rooms, front and back. Although it was filled with various equipment, it was very clean and the temperature and humidity were adjusted to a suitable level, making him mistakenly think that he had entered the special care ward of the hospital.

Huang Liang heard someone talking inside, including a woman's voice. He thought it was Dickinson's family, but after entering, he discovered that it was a young Oriental woman.

Not only is this woman beautiful, she also has an indescribable temperament. Just by turning her head slightly, her long flowing hair and smart eyes can make people's hearts flutter.

Huang Liang was stunned for a moment and looked at Mei Yiqiu. Mei Yiqiu introduced: "Oh, this Ms. Situ, we have some projects in the field of life sciences that we are collaborating on."

"Dr. Huang, my name is Situ Yuli." The woman generously stretched out her hand to shake his hand and said in standard Chinese, "I heard that you are proficient in neurosurgery and meridian physiotherapy. I am glad to meet you."

Huang Liang was a little dumbfounded. He looked at Mei Yiqiu and said, "Professor, I'm just an ordinary doctor."

Professor Mei said: "Oh, don't be so modest. My body will not deceive me. I have the most say in what you have done to me and what your level is."

Situ Yuli said: "Yes, how can the person recommended by the professor be ordinary!"

Dickinson smiled and said: "I hope your level is terrible, so that I can announce to the public that China Mei also made a mistake and invited a charlatan to treat his old friend! Ah, it is very satisfying to think about it. , there must be many people who will appreciate my dedication!”

When Huang Liang was told this, he felt even more unsure. He had to doubt Professor Mei's motives. He only helped him with a cup of cupping, a few simple massages, and a few needles on his shoulders and back to relax him. Why did he sound like he had become a famous doctor!

Mei Yiqiu said to Dickinson: "You have always been very dedicated. Everyone knows this, so there is no need to say it so loudly!"

Dickinson laughed: "Okay, let's get started."

He had already changed into his pajamas and lay down on the small bed in the room. The bed looked a lot like an operating bed, but Huang Liang didn't know what he was going to do.

All three looked at him, confusing him.

"Professor, you haven't explained what you want me to do yet. What's wrong with Mr. Dickinson's health?" he asked.

Mei Yiqiu smiled mysteriously and said: "I think you can use Chinese medicine to diagnose Charlie. Doesn't Chinese medicine pay attention to seeing, hearing, asking, and feeling?"

Huang Liang said angrily: "I said I'm just an ordinary doctor, and I know a little bit about traditional Chinese medicine and physical therapy. Well, even if I have to use traditional Chinese medicine to diagnose diseases, you have to give me a direction!"

Mei Yiqiu said: "I will tell you some things after a while. How much I will tell you depends on the process of your treatment. You just heard that Charlie's logical thinking ability is declining, but there is no problem with his memory. You can start from this direction." Now that you’ve got it, let’s take your pulse first.”

Huang Liang felt as if Mei Yiqiu blinked when she spoke to him. He was not sure if it was his imagination. He was not good at feeling the pulse, but since the professor said so, he sat down, held Dickinson's wrist, and pretended to feel the pulse.

In fact, he could hypnotize Dickinson at this time and then understand his body through dreams. People's subconscious knows their physical condition better than their conscious mind, and physical problems will be magnified in dreams. As a doctor, he can naturally analyze the condition through various clues.

But Huang Liang is very cautious. He doesn't want to expose his identity and strength. Maybe others are waiting for him to do this!

After taking his pulse for a while, Huang Liang said: "There is nothing wrong with the pulse. If it is neurasthenia, it is probably caused by fatigue and tension. I don't know many things, so I will give you a massage to relax."

In fact, what he meant was to give me a massage and complete the task quickly. He originally came to Vancouver just to meet Wolfe, but he didn't expect to get such a job.

Dickinson turned over, lying on the bed and said, "Then I'll enjoy it."

No one else objected, and Huang Liang began to massage Dickinson. He first helped him relax the large muscles around his shoulders and back, and then began to push little by little, pushing up along the spinal joints one by one, pushing to the top and then along the vertical spine on both sides. The muscle is pushed downward. Of course, according to Chinese medicine, this is called Tui Du Na point.

When he was relaxing the large muscle groups, he felt something was wrong with Dickinson's back. When Tutu pushed to the cervical spine, he felt a hard lump on Dickinson's Dazhui point. He pressed it with his hand, and it didn't feel like the vertebrae were out of place, as if there was a foreign body inside.

"Does Mr. Dickinson have cervical spondylosis?" he asked.

Mei Yiqiu said: "It looks like the trap is about to be exposed."

Situ Yuli smiled and said, "No matter how sophisticated the surgery is, it can't cover up such a large chip."

"Chip?" Huang Liang's hand just touched the hard lump in Dickinson's neck, and he was suddenly startled.

Mei Yiqiu did not explain the chip, but said to Situ Yuli: "Changing the chip material to a soft one, and even integrating it perfectly with human fat, is expected and achievable. The key is its working principle. We still haven’t figured it out. The person who designed it is really an epoch-making genius. I really doubt it is a black technology from aliens!”

"Yes, the design of this chip is still a mystery even in Laboratory No. 19." Situ Yuli said, "None of us knew who its designer was or how the first-generation product was made. I didn't If you are not a core member of the project, you will know even less about the technical details.”

"Are you sure that everyone else is dead except you?" Mei Yiqiu asked again.

"I'm sure." Situ Yuli said, "At least everyone I know who knew about the chip project is dead. So, when Aoki handed me this chip, I was very surprised."

"Yes, I was equally surprised when you brought the chip back to Wuzhong." Mei Yiqiu said, "It's a pity that Qingmu didn't come back, otherwise there might be new clues."

"Professor, there are two chips in total, and both were found by Aoki. Don't you find it strange?"

"What? Oh... no, no no, Aoki has no problem, I believe him. Maybe, there is God's will in the dark!"

"I don't doubt him, on the contrary, I am willing to believe him. My husband also believes in him, although they seem to have never met."

Situ Yuli looked up at the lamp on the ceiling and remembered the lazy and honest-looking guy with a little messy hair and his old windbreaker fluttering in the sea breeze before saying goodbye at sea.

She said to him: "I'll leave it to you to know the truth..."

He nodded and only said one word "ok", which sounded like a mountain of promise in her heart, allowing her to return to Wuzhong with peace of mind.

"I always feel that Mr. Aoki has found my husband."

The night lamp was like a star, and she seemed to see Qingmu and Situ walking hand in hand in the sky full of stars, facing the gale wind of the Milky Way, fighting with each other...

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