Dream Guide

Chapter 513 Ultimate Goal

"Maybe you are the one chosen by God to help mankind out of trouble!"

After taking a few puffs of cigarette, Mei Yiqiu returned to the state of the old professor with white hair standing on end, energetic and a little cynical.

Huang Liang frowned and emphasized: "Professor, I don't like to joke, I'm just an ordinary doctor. And since you know the secret between me and Mr. Aoki, you should also know my origin. To be honest , I’m not even sure whether I’m a ‘human’ or not, so how can I help humanity?”

"No, no, you have misunderstood a concept." The professor said, "You have exactly the same physiological structure as us, and you also have the same life experience as everyone. You were born in your mother's womb and came here crying. World, you grew up eating breast milk and food, you have people you care about and people who care about you, you have love and emotions, everything about you is no different from us, why do you suspect that you are not human?"

"I..." Huang Liang was speechless for a moment, not knowing how to answer. Indeed, why should he suspect that he is not human? Why?

Mei Yiqiu continued: "Of course, something special happened to your consciousness. You may have had a shadow, or you thought you were that shadow, and then it drove away the original you and occupied your current body. But In fact, you yourself are not sure whether you have changed from that shadow, right? There is no deviation in your memory. Except for some emotional fluctuations, nothing has changed on you. But emotional fluctuations are normal, as A doctor, you should know. So, why don't you regard it as a dream? It's just a shadow that wants to kill you in the dream. Whether you kill the shadow or the shadow kills you, then It's just a dream. You've woken up from the dream, so why don't you think of yourself as a human being? Is this a mental illness? "

Huang Liang became more and more speechless. This was also something he had suspected. If it weren't for the existence of an organization, or if Howard hadn't been in contact with him, for a while, he really felt that he was suffering from schizophrenia.

"I know there is an organization behind you, and it is very large. But that doesn't prove anything!" Mei Yiqiu added, "There have been many cults in human history, and their scale is much larger than the organization you belong to! Even if There are pyramid schemes that are more powerful than you. Why are you not sure that you are bewitched by them? You are a doctor, don’t you know about psychological suggestions? "

Huang Liang felt that he had to speak. Regardless of his thoughts or actions, he is a very independent person. It is impossible for him to deny his knowledge of the past few years just because of a few words from a professor. However, in the process, he discovered one thing. The white-haired old professor's mental power was very strong, and there was no trace of it when used. It was precisely because of the influence of his mental power that his sophistical remarks sounded very interesting. reason.

But he still couldn't see through the professor's true background. On the one hand, he didn't dare to test it. Caution was still his most important principle in dealing with things at this stage. On the other hand, he also knew that there were indeed some people, although they had not gone through special tests. Awakening training, but very powerful mentally, such as the late Mr. Lester. It is said that in order to invade his brain, the organization sent leaders-level figures, but in the end they died together with Lester.

"Professor, I think it's more like you're trying to trick me," he said.

Mei Yiqiu laughed and said: "I don't expect to trick you into my team with just a few words, and I don't have any organization. How did you make an agreement with Qingmu? This agreement will continue to be valid. I won't Asking you for more.”

"Then what do you mean by telling me so much?"

"Oh, I just want to tell you, don't get hung up on whether you are a human being or whether you are the same as us. This view of 'Those who are not my race must have different minds' is outdated. In the past, human beings were divided into many Races all think that their own race is the best and others are inferior. Today, we have already discovered that human beings originated from the same place, and human races are slowly reintegrating. Even if you come from another planet, How do you know we don't have the same origin? Today we fight you to death, but if you look at it a thousand years from now, it will all be a joke!

who I am? Where do I come from? Why am I alive? Philosophically speaking, we all have the same confusion. But no philosopher has ever asked - 'Am I a human being? ’, ‘What’s the difference between me and others? ’…How stupid is such a question! So stop worrying about which organization you belong to, just remember that we all have the same ultimate goal. "

"final goal?"

Huang Liang somewhat agreed with Mei Yiqiu's words. Indeed, it is so narrow-minded to define oneself as belonging to a certain race! What's more, human beings at least have a common home that they all agree on, and they all know how they are born and die, but he knows nothing and is still obsessed with life and death between races. This is simply stupid!

He doesn't want to occupy the earth, he just wants to know who he is and why he is here? Only in this way can he judge what he will do next and understand the meaning of everything he does.

"The ultimate goal is the ultimate question in philosophy!" said the professor.

"Okay, I agree with that." Huang Liang's hand that had been in his trouser pocket relaxed, and his fingers released the scalpel. Fortunately, the knife was covered and would not cut his trousers.

"If I can understand the ultimate meaning of life, even if I choose a wrong path, I will be willing to bear the consequences of my choice. But one thing I must explain is that this does not mean that I am willing to join your party. , to fight against my current organization or help you do things I don’t want to do.”

"Of course!" Mei Yiqiu said, "I don't want you to join us. We actually don't have any organization. I'm just a scientist. I've tested a little more and know a little more than others, and I'm facing the challenges of fate. It’s time to be more sober. But being sober is not necessarily a comfortable thing. We are just like Mr. Lu Xun said about people who will be suffocated to death when locked in an iron room. Being sober means enduring the irreparable pain of death.”

Mei Yiqiu held his pipe in his mouth and looked a little serious, "The world we are facing now is a bit complicated, and it can no longer be simply divided into enemies and friends. First of all, Qingmu is missing, and Professor Su and Mr. Situ are also missing. No matter what happens, What, this is a very heavy loss for us. I have to re-evaluate the strength of all parties and admit that we are the weakest party.

You are hiding in the dark. You may not be many in number, but you control a great deal of wealth and power in this world. If you initiate a rebellion, it will be enough to destabilize the world. But thankfully neither the Dream Club nor Ronald Cohen have done so yet.

In the past, I thought you were just a ghost race living in the universe by parasitism. You came to the earth unconsciously, and the earth was just unlucky enough to be bumped into by you. But from all the signs that have happened recently, I think you have a purpose. "

"What purpose?" This is also a question Huang Liang is concerned about.

"If you don't even know, how could I possibly know! But that's what's really scary!"

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