Dream Guide

Chapter 519 Sanchi and Mantis


"Yes, people here call the sun above their heads Chewa." Mrs. Larry said, "The pronunciation of the two tribes is slightly different, Chewa, Nicheawa, pretty much the same."

"So what? Do we have to shout 'Oh, look, Cheva is out' when we see the sun in the future!" Boris's voice was full of comedy.

As a philosophy professor, Su Huilan was very interested in this and asked: "Madam, is this related to the myth of the Itsa people?"

Mrs. Larry said: "Yes, usually the names of celestial bodies are related to myths. For example, the etymology of the sun 'SUN', in Norse mythology, is 'Sunna', the daughter of the giant Mundelfari, who drives the sun car every day. He alternately runs in the sky with his brother Mani who drives the moon chariot. This is exactly the opposite of the yin and yang relationship between the sun, moon and yang in Eastern legends.

In the legend of the Itesa people, Chewa is their sun god and the name of the sun. No matter which planet's land or island they migrate to in Lalamali, they always light up the stars above their heads in this world. It's called Cheva. "

"What's the name of the moon at night?" Alice asked curiously, "Well, if there is a moon."

"Of course there is a moon, haven't we been enveloped by the giant moon?" Mrs. Larry smiled, "Their moon is called Ischeva, and Ischeva and Ischeva are both brother and sister, and they are lovers."

"Oh, another chaotic family! Couldn't the little sun seen during the day be the deformed child they gave birth to?" Boris said unabashedly.

"He is not deformed at all. When he grows up, he will probably scorch this land! Boris, just wait to be roasted into a skewer!" Petru laughed.

"If I get scorched, can you escape?"

"I can dive into the water, I'm a pirate!"

"Hahaha, that's so funny! Do you want to compete with a Navy soldier who spent the best years of his life on a submarine holding his breath in the water?"

Petru probably felt that he had little chance of winning, so he stopped talking.

However, when they interrupted us, everyone laughed and the atmosphere became much more relaxed.

Mrs. Larry said: "The myth originated from the early activities of human beings. At that time, the population was not large, and incestuous unions were a common phenomenon. In matrilineal societies, humans did not know who their fathers were at all."

"Is that why Greek mythology and Norse mythology are so confusing? The history of mythology is simply a negative textbook for teaching bad children!"

"This is normal. Myth is actually a process for humans to sort out ethics and morals. When human civilization matures, especially with the emergence of religion and ethics, this situation will no longer occur."

"Are Nacheva and Ischeva the highest gods they worship?"

"No, they don't worship the sun, but the stars." Mrs. Larry said.

"Starry sky?"

Aoki thought of the devout look of the savages when they knelt before the stars last night, and Mrs. Larry's singing resounded in his mind, and the passionate words and sounds still echoed in his heart.

By the time he finished singing it once, he had completely memorized the words. For a moment, he felt that the word was already in his memory, but it was just awakened at this moment. However, it didn't remind him of anything, it just made his headache worse.

"Yes, the starry sky." Mrs. Larry said, "They believe that the world was born from the clouds in the starry sky. They call the starry sky Unab, which is the highest god they worship."

Su Huilan said: "This statement is very scientific! Stars and planets were originally born from nebulae. It is not wrong to say that nebulae created the world. I even doubt whether they were once a highly developed civilization!"

Mrs. Larry said: "There are similar statements in the Mayan civilization, which relies on their advanced astronomical calendar. However, the Mayans did not have as obvious a starry sky worship as the Itsa people, and they did not have gods representing the starry sky or nebulae."

"Is there really any connection between Itsa and the Maya?"

"It's hard to say. We can only be sure after deciphering the text on the altar."

"Can you tell me more about the Itsa people's mythology?" Su Huilan said.

Mrs. Larry said: "Actually, it's nothing, except that the worship of the starry sky is very special, and it is very similar to our mythology. It is nothing more than God creating the world, managing the world, leaving justice, driving away evil, etc. But there are a few points worth mentioning. It may be interesting to note that in the mythology of the Itsa people, in addition to several gods whose names are similar to those of the gods in the Itesumna pantheon of the Mayan civilization, there is also a god whose The name has the same name as the god in Greek mythology, and judging from the pronunciation, I can’t hear any difference.”

"Who?" Several people asked in unison. Greek mythology was the most familiar to everyone.

"Gaia," Mrs. Larry said.

"Gaia? That is the god of the earth in Greek mythology. This can echo the starry sky!" Su Huilan said.

Mrs. Larry shook her head and said: "No, in the mythology of the Itesan people, Gaia is not the god of the earth, but the evil god hidden in the dark clouds of the starry sky. He is the person who controls the starry sky at the same time as Unab. One symbolizes light and justice, the other symbolizes darkness and evil.”

"Haha, luckily we don't have any Greeks here!" Petru said gloatingly.

Mrs. Larry continued: "Unab created the world, and the world was born from the nebula, and it was filled with light everywhere. Cheva and Ischeva are Unab's children, and they play in the sky every day. Cheva is masculine While being independent, he likes to use his own power and light to influence the world, while Ischeva is a little girl who likes to nestle in his mother's arms. This is their sun and moon, and their day and night.

In addition to Cheva and Ischeva, Unab also has five sons, who together established the order of the world, made the world a better place, and became the patron saints of mankind. "

She said and looked at Aoki in the fog, "Do you know what those savages called you when you took over the scepter yesterday?"


"Sanchi." Mrs. Larry said, "They call you 'Sanchi.' Sanchi is also the son of Unab. The totem I saw on the altar floor is what Sanchi looks like. He represents the tree of life."

Aoki's heart jumped inexplicably, and then he had that strange feeling like something was about to crawl out of his head.

Mrs. Larry said: "Originally, I would not associate you or Mr. Stone with their myths, but I saw the process when you took over the scepter. The illusion that suddenly appeared on you at that moment, I didn't know what happened. What, anyway, you are exactly the same as the tree in the altar. The key is, there is also a bird on the tree that is the same as your head.

So I went out of my way to understand their myths and asked them what they thought of Mr. Stone. Among the five sons of Unab, there was also one named Mantiste, perhaps Mantistu, which in their mythology symbolizes mountains and strength. I transliterated him as Mantis Stone, and I hope the association between the names will not offend you, Mr. Stone! "

Situ smiled calmly and said, "It's just a myth and legend."

But Qingmu felt that it might be more appropriate to call him Manti Situ.

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