Dream Guide

Chapter 521 Overthrowing God

While Huang Liang was massaging Dickinson's back, he was still thinking about what Professor Mei said, "He is somewhat similar to HGOST."

Where exactly does it look like?

One is a consciousness that naturally arises in the cold machine world, and the other is a living person, so there is nothing similar in physical appearance. As for personality, I'm afraid machines don't have any personality. Even if they do, they are absolutely rational and not as emotional and complex as humans.

Huang Liang didn't know that when he thought like this, he had completely equated himself with a human being, completely forgetting that he just occupied Zhao Pengcheng's body and was not sure whether he was a human being or not.

Dickinson lay there, moaning with pleasure, and occasionally making loud noises.

"Charlie, how do you feel now?" Mei Yiqiu asked.

Dickinson said, "Oh, I feel great. He did it professionally and I'm feeling great!"

Mei Yiqiu said: "Then enjoy it, it won't be so comfortable after a while."

Situ Yuli said: "Two professors, let me reiterate my point of view. Is it necessary to do this? If we continue... it may be really painful!"

"We must keep doing it!" Dickinson said angrily as he lay on the pillow. "I really want to get to know that great consciousness! You know, I have been studying this all my life. If someone walks in front of me, I can admit that I have the ability to do it." Not as good as a human being, but never like an idiot who knows nothing.”

Mei Yiqiu said: "Charlie, you need to stay calm. Our opponent may be much more powerful than we imagined! We must use the wisdom we used hundreds of years ago to fight against the Holy See. To overthrow God, we only need courage. It’s not enough!”

Huang Liang was puzzled and said, "Professor, God seems to have never been overthrown."

Mei Yiqiu laughed loudly and said, "Yes, but he no longer behaves like a human being."

Dickinson said: "Yes, we are just taking back the rights that humans deserve from God, and let the old guy sit on the altar. As long as humans have not solved all the mysteries of the universe, there will always be him. of a place.”

Huang Liang heard such remarks for the first time. Many scholars he knew, even absolute materialists, only expressed implicit dissatisfaction with religion, and no one would openly call God an old man. And this Mr. Dickinson seemed to be even more arrogant than Professor May.

"Professor, do you have faith?" he asked.

He also asked this question to comrades in the organization, including Howard. Before meeting Aoki, he had always been in a state of blind superstition. Like his comrades, he believed that his race was the best race in the universe, and that the leader's decision was the wisest and correct decision.

However, such a belief cannot withstand scrutiny. They have no idea who they are, where they come from, and they have never even seen their leader. Anyone with a little bit of wisdom can see that it is a lower-level ruling method than violence. However, Huang Liang found that no one in the entire organization seemed to notice this except him. And the members of their organization are some of the best and smartest people on earth!

It’s terrifying to think about this matter. Of course, as a parasite, there is no such emotion as fear. Huang Liang heard that some people in the organization had their consciousness contaminated and became less pure due to the influence of human emotions. The organization has always been merciless to such "rebellious" comrades. Therefore, Huang Liang remained cautious at all times and refused to reveal any emotional fluctuations. However, the more suppressed he was, the stronger his emotions became, the more seriously polluted his consciousness was, and the more complete his betrayal became.

That's why he unconsciously regards himself as a human being and compares their similarities and differences with a machine, but forgets that their fundamental similarities are the inexplicability of his own existence and the fear of the omnipotent existence that controls him. , and tried to find a way to liberate himself and move toward freedom amidst constant oppression.

"Of course I have faith!" Dickinson said. "If you don't have faith, how dare you install a chip into your neck? Faith can also be a very scientific thing, and it doesn't necessarily have to turn to theology. If you Chinese people believe in it, I think it's better than God is better. At least the word 'Tao' can express the origin of the universe better than God. It is there, right around us. It gave birth to everything and is everything itself. Unlike God, who is omnipotent but unable to Explain where he comes from."

Hearing a Western scientist praise the Tao culture originated from China, Huang Liang felt an inexplicable sense of pride. However, this made him even more confused. Could it be that Zhao Pengcheng's body and memory had such a profound impact on him, or that Zhao Pengcheng's The consciousness has not disappeared at all, but has become one with itself?

Mei Yiqiu smiled and said: "Oh, Charlie, have you forgotten that apart from you, the other three in this room are all Chinese. In our words, you are showing off your ax in front of Lu Ban!"

Dickinson laughed, but stopped talking about God and the Word.

"It's almost done, Doctor Huang, can we start acupuncture?" Mei Yiqiu said.

Huang Liang already knew their purpose and nodded: "The back muscles and spine have been relaxed, and we can start."

Mei Yiqiu and Situ Yuli opened several instruments together, while Huang Liang took out the stainless steel needles used for acupuncture from his tool box.

However, Mei Yiqiu took out another set of needles and said, "These are silver needles. Ancient people used silver needles. Of course, our purpose is different. We need to connect the wires and test the nerve electrical signals when you acupuncture. The effect of using silver needles is better than stainless steel.”

Huang Liang was surprised and said: "Do you want me to stick the needle into his nerve? That would be too dangerous!"

"That's why we use silver needles!" Mei Yiqiu explained, "Silver needles are relatively soft and are not easy to damage nerves. Of course, the requirements for doctors are higher. We also need to energize the needles to test the electroacupuncture treatment. The main purpose of the nerve and brain reactions is to activate the chip. Well...actually you don't need to worry about this, it's too complicated to say."

Huang Liang also knew that this was beyond the scope of his knowledge and said, "Just tell me where to stick it."

Mei Yiqiu said: "It cannot penetrate the spine. Just let the silver needle touch the nerve bundle where the spinal nerves come out of the spinal canal. They include 12 pairs of thoracic nerves, 5 pairs of lumbar nerves, 5 pairs of sacral nerves, and 1 pair of coccygeal nerves." Nerves, but we only connected 1 pair of the 8 pairs of cervical nerves, and the other 7 pairs could not be connected to the chip above the cervical spine, leaving 7 of the 31 interfaces on the chip empty. This may be the problem, so, I need You use a needle to prick these locations on the chip. I will give you the scan of the chip in a moment. I think with the stability of your hands and your understanding of the human muscles and nervous system, you can do this without any problem."

"Why not use more advanced equipment? Since you can connect 24 pairs of spinal nerves to the chip, it proves that you have such equipment and capabilities."

"No, no one has done such an experiment. Neural connection and inductance testing are completely different. One is a medical operation and the other is an interdisciplinary experiment. Moreover, there is no safer place than here and no more reliable person than you." Mei Yiqiu said with a pipe in his mouth.

me? Huang Liang suddenly felt very funny. Although the professor had told him the reason why he was looking for him, it still felt strange and unacceptable for him to regard him as the most reliable person. Even Aoki wouldn't say that.

But he still said politely: "Thank you."

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