Dream Guide

Chapter 526 No one is normal

The thick fog finally slowly dissipated.

People saw each other's faces first, and then the trees behind them. The sun appeared dimly in the sky again, but this time, there were two suns hanging on both sides of the sky at the same time——

One is the rising sun and the other is the setting sun.

In the middle sky, some stars can be vaguely seen, surrounded by a dim round thing, hanging in the sky like a ghost face. That should be the moon here.

People are no longer surprised by the unusual scene in Ramla. In this time and space, anything can happen. Everyone stood up carefully and came to the high ground on the hillside, looking towards the lake through the gaps in the bushes.

The shadow of a boat moored in the middle of the lake crashed into their eyes. It is so big that it stands like a mountain compared to the size of the lake that one can swim in.

"It's a warship!" Boris shouted softly.

"It seems to be an American-made frigate. It looks familiar." Ivan added.

People thought that this warship was probably the one that destroyed the scientific research ship. If it were discovered, it would only take one cannonball to hit them, and they would all be dead.

Petru had a telescope on him. He picked it up and carefully lay down in the grass to look at it, just like a sniper who was afraid that the reflection of the lens would be discovered by the opponent.

"Wait, I think I've seen it before." Petru looked at it for a while and said.

"Let me take a look," Ivan said, crawling to Petru's side.

Petru handed the binoculars to Ivan. Ivan took one look and said with certainty: "The Swordfish frigate of the Third Pacific Fleet! No wonder it looks so familiar. I studied all the ships of the US military when I was serving, and the appearance of each one is in my mind."

The name sounded familiar to Qingmu, and he suddenly remembered it, looked at Situ and said:

"When I met your wife in Lapa, she was with a naval officer who shook my hand and introduced himself as 'Captain of the frigate USS Swordfish, Joint Task Force Pacific 3rd Fleet - Navy Lieutenant Colonel William Halsey'."

Petru jumped up: "That's right! It's the warship we met. I remember what it looks like!"

Everyone looked at Situ.

Dark clouds appeared for the first time on Situ's always bright and handsome face. His brows furrowed, and there was a hint of melancholy and uneasiness in his eyes.

Qingmu knew that if this enigmatic man who knew everything and could do anything had any weaknesses, it would probably be the safety of Xia Xiaoxiao and Meimei.

However, now, people may not be worried about him, but they are doubting the relationship between his wife and the murderer who attacked the scientific research ship.

Anderson suddenly pulled out his pistol and pointed it at Situ: "I have suspected it was you for a long time!"

Ivan and Boris almost simultaneously drew their pistols and pointed them at Anderson: "Calm down, man!"

Petru turned the head of his submachine gun and pointed it at Boris: "Put the gun down!"

The atmosphere was tense.

Mrs. Larry shouted: "Everyone calm down! Anderson, don't be impulsive!"

"No, I'm not impulsive!" Anderson said, "I am the first officer of Discovery, and I must be responsible for Church and the dead people. I have suspected them from the beginning!

How could it be such a coincidence that the Discovery would rescue you in a large basin in the South Pacific? You must know that there are three people floating there, even three-headed Godzilla, which is just three sesame seeds in Lake George.

You said you used a submarine to blow up the connection between Ramla's ant nest and the earth, destroying even the submarine. How did you survive? I've also been a soldier, don't think I don't understand submarines!

Before you boarded the ship, Discovery had only encountered the forces of nature. As a scientific research ship, it is not new at all to encounter strange incidents, and it is not that it has not been encountered before. But once you get on the boat, it's different.

First, Pardick was injured and the electronic equipment failed, and then we encountered attacks - armed helicopters, missiles - only large warships have that capability. Everyone on the Discovery is dead. Except for Alice, my wife, and I, who took the first lifeboat, the only ones left alive are the three of you.

It's you three again!

Everyone, listen, are these three the biological children of God? No matter what, you can't die!

If Mr. Aoki hadn't said it, I would still be a little unsure. But what else do you have to say now? I know you are very powerful and can control my subconscious, but I believe Mr. Aoki is fair! You'd better explain! "

Anderson's voice was a bit loud, and Alice reminded: "Anderson, keep your voice down! Don't attract the people on the warship over there!"

Anderson said, "Oh, it's okay, they can't hear it," but his voice had softened, and he probably felt that it was unsafe to speak like this.

Situ did not attack Anderson, nor did he explain anything. He just looked into the distance in silence.

Aoki was willing to believe Situ from the bottom of his heart, but he needed an explanation from him.

In fact, he was a little strange at first. As far as he knew, Xia Xiaoxiao had been hiding from something incognito because of the incident in Laboratory 19. How could she board a warship of the US fleet so openly? It was just thinking of Situ who had great supernatural powers that he didn't take this seriously.

When Aoki said the name of the warship and the officer, his intuition told him that Situ knew this Halsey. But he seemed surprised that Xia Xiaoxiao would take the warship, and showed a little worry. Therefore, Situ probably not only knows Halsey, but also knows his identity, but Xia Xiaoxiao may not know.

Of course, another possibility is that Situ discovered a doubt, and this doubt involved Xia Xiaoxiao herself. But Aoki didn't dare to think deeply. He didn't want to drag Meimei and her mother into the center of the incident. From a man's instinct, he hoped that they would stay as far away from these troubles as possible, just like he hoped that his life would last forever. Don't get involved in these things.

He believed that Situ thought so too. The lifelong flower is the reverse scale of Qingmu and cannot be touched; Xia Xiaoxiao and Meimei are the reverse scale of Situ and cannot be touched.

Comparing his feelings, he understood Situ's mood and his silence at the moment.

Su Huilan suddenly said: "We met the Swordfish frigate on Lapa Island. They seemed to be assisting the United Nations rescue team in conducting maritime search and rescue. Why do you think it was the one that attacked the Discovery?"

"Then why is it here?" Anderson asked.

"We can get here on Petru's sailboat, why can't they? Maybe they also encountered heavy fog and were wrapped in Ramla?"

"This is such a coincidence, I don't believe it!" Anderson said stubbornly.

But Alice said hopefully: "Anderson, I think what Professor Su said makes sense. We should look on the bright side in everything, right? I've long said that it might be here to save us!"

"How to confirm? The risk is too great!"

"We can send two people over to find out their details."

"Who should I send?"

"No one should go. Getting on the ship is like throwing yourself into a trap!" Situ suddenly said, "We don't want to be exposed before they come ashore. Petru, use your binoculars to monitor the movement of the warship, and the others will hide on the spot. Aoki, we We have to arrange for people from the tribe to scout out the retreat route and a better place to stay, as mental power can’t deal with cannonballs!”

Although Situ had not cleared away the identity of the suspect at this moment, his words had an irresistible momentum, and no one raised any objection. Even Anderson reluctantly put away his gun.

When Aoki heard what Situ said about mental power being unable to handle cannonballs, he suddenly remembered the mental bullets used by Petru when he shot at Tabu on Tubuai Island. At that time, he couldn't figure it out. Bullets buried in tabli can produce spiritual power? At one point, it was thought that Tab's strong radiation affected the characteristics of the bullet. It was later confirmed that this was not radiation, at least not radiation from our common material particles.

If it is said that mental radiation affects bullets, does that mean that mental radiation can also affect cannonballs? And any substance that causes them to produce mental fluctuations? The spiritual force field of Ramlari's island is much stronger than that of Tabu in Tubuai!

Aoki felt that there was a big problem with Petru. Just like Su Huilan reminded him at the beginning, was it really just a coincidence that he got the Tab Hao Map? Why did he hide in Tubuai Island when he was so eager to hide?

In addition, Anderson's performance today is not normal!

Aoki suddenly found himself becoming suspicious. This is not normal!

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