Dream Guide

Chapter 529 Ghost Ship

As the saying goes, children's words are unbridled, and birds' words are even more unruly. In people's minds, what a bird says is often more reliable than what a person says. What's more, after so many days of getting along, people may not understand each other deeply, and they may love or hate each other, and they are always full of doubts. The coal boss has no shortcomings except gluttony. Instead, he is like a talkative and innocent child, causing trouble. Come lots of jokes and fun.

If the coal boss said it was an empty ship, then it was an empty ship. A bird would not use this to deceive others. As for what the skeleton is, no one can be sure until they see it with their own eyes, or even imagine it in their minds. There are so many strange things in Ramla that people no longer have the extra brain power to weave imaginations about the ship.

Only Aoki knew that Coal Boss must have seen the real skeleton. But he didn't bother to ask. Wouldn't he just go up and take a look? He looked at Situ, who also looked at him and said, "Then let's go up and have a look."

At this time, everyone agreed. Since it is an empty ship, of course it cannot be someone's accomplice, and such a large warship is really very friendly to them after a long separation from modern earth life, as if they are seeing a relative.

It doesn’t matter if there is no one. If there is no one, it means it is an ownerless thing. With this boat, it is equivalent to having a stable residence, sheltered from wind and rain, and the daily necessities on the boat are also at their disposal.

Alice seemed to see white navy uniforms hanging in the closets. The beds in the dormitory were covered with clean sheets, and the quilts were folded into squares and placed neatly on the bed. For women, after living in the wild for a long time, the biggest luxury is to take a shower, change into pajamas, and sleep in a clean and warm bed.

Petrus and Boris had guns, cannons and missiles on their minds. With just a few weapons on the frigate, this savage island can be bulldozed. The saliva from the corners of their mouths was drooling as they imagined the cannon roaring into flames and shells blooming on the island.

The crow was eating meat. When he looked up and saw the people, he said, "Oh, there is no food on the boat. Don't think about it!"

Boris said amusedly: "How can you even see a bird in the freezer? The meat there is probably enough for us to eat for several months!"

The crow looked away disdainfully and continued to eat its own dried meat: "If you don't believe me, go see it yourself!"

Anderson and Petrou went to find the lifeboat hidden by the lake, while Ivan and Boris prepared strong rattan ropes. The side of the warship was seven or eight meters high from the water, and it was impossible to get up without a rope.

There was just enough room for them in the lifeboat, but the savages couldn't get through. Qingmu and Situ asked the people of the two tribes to gather at the lake and stand by. If they were attacked by the Ulacans, they could quickly retreat to the lake on the rafts and canoes they had prepared before.

The closer you get to the warship, the more gigantic it becomes. I didn't think it was big when I saw it in the sea before, but when you put it in Beihai Park, it will become a giant.

The lifeboat moved to the side of the warship, and the hull turned into a three-story wall in front of everyone.

Ivan handed the rope in his hand to Petru: "You are good at this."

Petru grabbed it in his hand and pulled it. He looked at the stones and branches tied to the end of the rope and shook his head and said, "It's strong enough, but there has to be an iron hook, right? Pirates are not so primitive as to even have iron hooks." No."

Boris said: "The only iron you have is the gun you have."

Petru said: "Don't keep trying to get me to shoot. When we get on the boat, we will have as many guns as we want."

Boris said: "That's true. But let's agree first that the helicopter belongs to me. I saw it in the telescope, and it's parked on the deck!"

Petru said: "You fly a submarine, can you fly a plane?"

Boris snorted disdainfully: "It's a piece of cake!"

Ivan said: "Don't argue. The USS Swordfish frigate is equipped with two Apache gunships. I think the other one should be parked in the hangar. Now we have to find a way to get up. If the rope cannot be hung, , we can only try to find a way through the propeller and drainage hole to see if we can enter the dock room where the hovercraft and landing craft are parked."

Situ pointed to the crow above Qingmu and said, "You can ask our angels with wings to help."

"Gua—handsome people talk nice!" Crow said happily, then looked up again, "I can't guarantee that it can be hung in a safe place!"

Situ said: "If you are not afraid of throwing your master down, just hang up."

Crow turned to look at Qingmu and thought for a while, then shook his head vigorously: "Oh, no, no, no, he is already a piece of wood, and his brain has never been very bright. If he falls again, he will turn into wood slag!"

After saying that, he spread his wings, flew to Petru with a breath, grabbed the end of the rope in his hand with his claws, flapped his wings twice, and flew up.

"Fuck, this bird moves so fast!" Petru complained.

The crow quickly flew over the side of the ship, grabbed the vine rope and looped it around an erect antenna-like object, passed through the railing of the ship's side, and then flew back.

Just when it was about to fly back to the boat, the rope suddenly became stretched because it was not long enough. Its paws were still holding on to the rope, and the other end of the rope was in Petru's hand, and its body was He was suddenly grabbed by his body and suddenly stopped in mid-air.

It flapped its wings, but its body couldn't move forward at all. Then it fell with gravity, and was pulled by a rope like a swing in an arc. Finally, it hit the ship's board with a bang, and its neck hung down, shaking twice. , as if dead.

Qingmu knew clearly that the crow was pretending to be dead, but his heart still tugged slightly. He stood up from the boat, reached for the crow, held it in his hand, and said, "Isn't it dead?"

The crow slowly woke up and shook its head: "Dizzied... quack... dizzy..."

Aoki gently stroked the feathers on its body and dusted them off: "Be careful next time."

"Wow, I knew you were the only one who cared about me!" The crow finally came to life and jumped on top of him happily.

"There seems to be something wrong!" Ivan suddenly pointed at the hull and said.

Where people saw his finger, it was where the crow had hit, and there was a gray-white bird-shaped mark there.

"The hull of the warship is made of special steel with anti-rust paint on the surface. Even if it is corroded by sea water, it will only rust and not be so untouched."

Ivan reached out and touched the surface of the ship's hull. Immediately, a layer of white, gray-like substance stuck to his hand, and a gray-white mark was left on the ship.

Petru hit the boat twice with the butt of his submachine gun, making a dull thumping sound.

"It's okay, it's just that the paint on the surface has weathered, and the hull should still be strong." He said, "But this is really weird! I have seen abandoned tanks from World War II in the desert in this condition, and I have never seen a sea-going ship. It’s going to be like this. It seems like the Yankee stuff isn’t very reliable either!”

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